login page we have put number & password but do not register on this Get msg "Mobile number mistmatch!!" replace to "phone number does not exist" if we have enter phone number only & not fill pin Get Msg "Enter valid PIN" Replace to "Enter pin" If we have enter 0-9 digit phone number with pasword Get Msg "Enter Phone number" replace to "Enter 10 digit Phone number" If we have entered correct phone number with wrong password Get Msg "Pin mistmatch!!" replace to "wrong password" Forgot password If we have enter 0-9 digit phone number Get Msg "Enter Phone number" replace to "Enter 10 digit Phone number" If we have entered wrong phone number with 10 digit & dont have registered Get Msg "Enter Phone number" "Phone number not exist!" replace to "Phone number does not exist!" If we have entered correct phone number with 10 digit Get Msg "Enter Phone number" please remove this after that get correct page but "Enter your PIN" replace to OTP after that enter wrong pin get msg "OTP mistmatch!!" replace to "wrong OTP" on Set new pin if we put enter pin & confirm pin is diffrent Get Msg "Wrong pin!" replace to "pin did not match" Enter button is not working Register as a client on Submit if we put set pin & confirm pin is diffrent Get Msg "Pin mistmatch!!" replace to "pin did not match" Click on ask a query in chat box we have put hello message but one window pop up there are lots of message On email verification if we enter wrong otp get msg "Enter valid OTP" replace "Wrong OTP" Reset Pin enter New pin & Confirm Pin is diffrent Get Msg "Pin mistmatch!!" replace to "pin did not match" enter New pin & Confirm Pin is same Get Msg "Pin mistmatch!!" replace to "pin did not match" Profile picture is not upadted in header section