Dominant Authority: Unveiling the Supreme Succession Certificate in India

Succession Certificate in India – Overview Learn about the importance and process of obtaining a succession certificate, a crucial legal document for inheriting and transferring assets. Explore the key aspects of succession certificates in this informative guide.

What is a Succession Certificate?

A succession certificate allows legitimate heirs to inherit and transfer the deceased person’s assets and possessions. A competent court issues it. It helps the legal heirs to settle the estate and distribute the assets following the rules of inheritance by serving as proof of their claim.

When there is no will left by the deceased, or the will is found invalid, the succession certificate is essential. This document certifies the heirs’ legitimacy and verifies their identification, facilitating the orderly and legal transfer of the decedent’s possessions.

Getting a succession certificate is an essential step in the administration of an estate and makes it easier to handle any legal issues that arise with inheritance.

Succession Certificate in India

How to Get a Succession Certificate in India?

To obtain a succession certificate in India, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Jurisdiction Determination: Determine the appropriate jurisdiction where the application for the succession certificate should be filed. This is usually the district court where the deceased person resided at their death.
  • Prepare Application: Draft an application for a succession certificate, including the necessary details such as the deceased’s name, date of death, and permanent address. Also, provide information about the family members and legal heirs.
  • Supporting Documents: Gather the required supporting documents, which typically include the death certificate of the deceased, proof of residence, identity proof of the applicants, relationship proof with the deceased (such as marriage certificate or birth certificate), and a list of assets and liabilities of the deceased.
  • Affidavit: Prepare an affidavit stating the details of the deceased, the relationship of the applicant with the deceased, and the fact that no other person has already obtained a Succession Certificate in India.
  • File the Application: Apply along with the supporting documents and affidavit to the district court having jurisdiction. Pay the prescribed court fees, which may vary from state to state.
  • Newspaper Publication: Publish a notice regarding the application in at least two newspapers—one in the local language and the other in English. The notice should mention the intention to obtain a succession certificate and allow interested parties to raise objections within a specified period.
  • Court Proceedings: Attend the court hearings as scheduled by the court. Present the case, provide necessary explanations, and respond to any objections raised during the proceedings.
  • Succession Certificate Issuance: 
  • If the court is satisfied with the application and finds no valid objections, it will issue the Succession Certificate in India. The certificate will specify the deceased person’s details, the heirs entitled to inherit, and the assets to be transferred.

It’s important to note that the process and requirements may vary slightly based on the specific laws and regulations of each Indian state. Consulting with a legal professional or seeking guidance from the court can provide more accurate and up-to-date information regarding the succession certificate application process.

Procedure for Obtaining Succession Certificate?

The procedure for obtaining a succession certificate involves several steps and legal formalities. To obtain a succession certificate, follow these key steps:

Filing a Petition 

For the legal heirs to claim ownership of the deceased person’s assets, they must file a petition in the authorized format. After careful verification, this petition should be submitted to the civil court under the relevant jurisdiction. A copy of the death certificate should be attached along with the petition.

The petition should clearly state the following details:

  1. Time, date, and place of the deceased person’s death.
  2. Details of other legal relatives or heirs who have a claim to the assets.
  3. Residence or details of properties owned by the deceased at the time of death, falling under the judge’s jurisdiction.
  4. Rights of the petitioner concerning the assets.
  5. Confirmation of the absence of any impediment that would prevent the grant of the Succession Certificate in India.
  6. Identification documents of the petitioner, such as Ration Cards or Passports.
  7. A comprehensive list of the debts or securities for which the certificate is applied.
  8. No objection certificates from other legal heirs indicating their consent to grant the succession certificate.

It is essential to ensure that this information is included clearly and accurately in the petition, as it serves as the foundation for the court’s decision regarding issuing the Succession Certificate in India. Seeking legal guidance and assistance is advisable to ensure the petition is prepared correctly and complies with applicable laws and procedures.

Payment of the Fees

The court imposes a particular proportion of the estate’s worth following The Court Fees Act of 1870. The petitioner must pay this amount in judicial stamps.

Notice Publication in a Newspaper

The court will now review the petition, which will be made public through a major newspaper. The court will also inform all of the additional heirs and respondents. The notification specifies a 45-day window for anybody to oppose the petition and provide the necessary supporting paperwork.

Making the Certificate Available

The court issues the succession certificate to the petitioner if no one objects or asserts ownership of the decedent’s property within 45 days of filing the claim since the claim’s veracity has been shown.

The court could grant a joint succession certificate with several petitioners; however, only one certificate will be given for a specific asset.

The Indemnity Bond Is Signed

In rare circumstances, the court may require the petitioner to sign an indemnity bond to ensure that no losses result from the misuse of the succession certificate that has been obtained. The petitioner may be required to provide the court security before signing this bond.

Succession Certificate Cost?

The cost of obtaining a succession certificate varies depending on jurisdiction and asset value. The court fees for applying typically range from a few hundred to a few thousand currency units. Additional expenses may include legal consultation fees, publication of notices in newspapers, and documentation costs.

Consult with a lawyer to understand the total expenses of the Succession Certificate in India process. The cost may vary based on court fees, legal fees, and any additional expenses incurred during the proceedings.

Succession Certificate format

Succession Certificate in India

What is the difference Between Legal Heir Certificate And Succession Certificate?


  • A legal Heir Certificate establishes the applicant’s relationship with the deceased for claiming the benefits of government schemes, pensions, or insurance policies.
  • Succession Certificate: It is issued to establish the entitlement of the legal heirs to inherit and transfer the assets and properties of the deceased.

Application Process:

  • Legal Heir Certificate: The application is made to the local revenue authority or municipality, providing details such as proof of relationship, death certificate, and other supporting documents.
  •    Succession Certificate: The application is made to the competent civil court where the deceased’s assets are located or where the majority of the assets lie. It involves filing a petition, publishing a notice, and attending court hearings.


  • Legal Heir Certificate: It is issued by the revenue authority or municipality within their respective jurisdiction.
  • Succession Certificate: It is issued by the civil court having jurisdiction over the deceased’s assets.

Scope of Usage:

  • Legal Heir Certificate: It is primarily used to avail government benefits, claim insurance proceeds, or access the deceased’s bank accounts.
  • Succession Certificate: It is used for transferring and distributing the deceased’s immovable and movable properties, including bank accounts, investments, and land holdings.


  • Legal Heir Certificate: It remains valid indefinitely unless there are changes in the legal heir status.
  • Succession Certificate: It is valid for a specific period, typically six months, and can be renewed if necessary.

Proof of Ownership:

  • Legal Heir Certificate: It does not establish ownership of the deceased’s assets but confirms the applicant’s relationship with the deceased.
  • Succession Certificate: It proves the entitlement of the legal heirs to inherit and possess the deceased’s assets.

Documentation Requirements:

  • Legal Heir Certificate: It requires proof of relationship, death certificate, identification documents, and other supporting documents as required by the issuing authority.
  • Succession Certificate: It requires a detailed application, death certificate, proof of relationship, publication of the notice, affidavit, and other relevant documents as required by the court.

Legal Implications:

  • Legal Heir Certificate: It has no significant legal impact and is mainly used for administrative purposes.
  •  Succession Certificate: It has a solid legal standing and enables the legal heirs to deal with the deceased’s assets, settle debts, and transfer ownership.

It is important to note that the requirements and processes for obtaining these certificates may vary based on local laws and regulations. Seeking professional legal advice is recommended to navigate the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining either a legal heir or Succession Certificate in India.

How much does it cost to get a succession certificate in India?

The cost of obtaining a succession certificate in India can vary depending on the jurisdiction, value of assets, and legal fees involved. Court fees for filing the application range from a few hundred to a few thousand rupees, with additional legal consultations and documentation expenses.

Is there any alternative to a succession certificate?

Yes, alternatives to a succession certificate may be available in some cases. For example, the executor can apply for probate if the deceased had a valid will. In certain situations, a legal heir certificate or a letter of administration may also be alternatives to a Succession Certificate in India.

What are the fees for a succession certificate in Uttar Pradesh?

The fees for obtaining a succession certificate in Uttar Pradesh can vary based on the assets’ value. Generally, the court fees for filing a succession certificate application range from a few hundred to a few thousand rupees. It is advisable to consult the relevant court or a legal professional for accurate and up-to-date information on the fees in Uttar Pradesh.


In conclusion, a succession certificate and a legal heir certificate serve different purposes and are obtained through distinct processes.

While a legal heir certificate establishes the applicant’s relationship with the deceased for accessing benefits and entitlements, a succession certificate confirms the entitlement of the legal heirs to inherit and transfer the deceased’s assets.

Understanding the differences between these certificates is crucial for efficiently navigating the legal and administrative procedures associated with inheritance and asset distribution.

Consulting with legal professionals can provide valuable guidance in determining the appropriate certificate to pursue and ensuring compliance with the specific requirements of obtaining a Succession Certificate in India.

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