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Delhi High Court restrains Amar Biscuit Pvt. Ltd. from manufacturing and selling butter cookies under the name ‘Good Time’ on finding identical packaging to Britannia's 'Good Day' or 'Good Day Butter Cookies'.

Britannia Industries Limited v Amar Biscuits Private Limited & Ors


Britannia Industries Limited v Amar Biscuits Private Limited & Ors

The Delhi High Court recently restrained a company from manufacturing and selling butter cookies under the name ‘Good Time’ on finding that it had almost identical packaging to Britannia’s ‘Good Day' or 'Good Day Butter Cookies’ 
The Court has stressed that any attempt to imitate Britannia's name, mark or packaging would have to be stopped immediately since consumers are likely to get confused between the two sets of products vis a viz Good Day and Good Time cookies.
The Court further observed that “Accordingly, till the next date of hearing, the Defendants and all other acting for or on their behalf shall stand restrained from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale butter cookie biscuits or any other products in the infringing packaging under the name ‘GOOD TIME/GOOD TIME BUTTER COOKIES’ or any other mark which is identical or deceptively similar to the Plaintiff’s mark ‘GOOD DAY/GOOD DAY BUTTER COOKIES’. 


Britannia Industries Limited v Amar Biscuits Private Limited & Ors

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