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Mact :- The Delhi High Court rules that a driver holding a license for Light Motor Vehicle can not be presumed to have authority or competence to drive a Two Wheeler as well.

HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd versus Bindu Paswan & Anr


HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd versus Bindu Paswan & Anr

The Delhi High Court while setting aside the finding of the Tribunal that the appellant was liable to pay the compensation has held that the presumption of the Tribunal that a male who is competent to drive a Light Motor Vehicle (Commercial) could not be expected to be incompetent to drive a two wheeler, is wholly without any basis. The Court expressed apprehension as to how a person who can drive a four wheeler can be automatically presumed to be competent to drive a two wheeler as well. On the other hand, the skills required for driving a two wheeler are quite different from those required for driving a four wheeler.

The Court further held that the Tribunal has failed to appreciate that under the Motor Vehicles Act, a Light Motor Vehicle and a Two Wheeler have been placed in two distinct categories. Merely because Respondent no. 2 held a valid licence for a Light Motor Vehicle could not imply that he was authorised or competent to drive a two wheeler. 


HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co. Ltd versus Bindu Paswan & Anr

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