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Maternity Leave is a Fundamental Human Right which should not be denied- Violates Article 29 and 39D of Constitution of India- Himachal Pradesh High Court

State of Himachal Pradesh Vs Sita Devi


Maternity Leave is a Fundamental Human Right



CWP No. 647 of 2020

Decided on: 12.06.2023


State of H.P. & Ors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              …Petitioners


Sita Devi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            …Respondent


Hon’ble Mr. Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan, Judge.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Virender Singh, Judge.

Whether approved for reporting? 1 Yes

For the Petitioner :    Mr. I. N. Mehta, Mr. Y. W. Chauhan, Sr. Addl.

A.Gs., with Mr. Ramakant Sharma, Ms.

Sharmila Patial, Addl. A.Gs. and Mr. Rajat

Chauhan, Law Officer.

For the Respondents : Nemo.

Tarlok Singh Chauhan, Judge  (Oral)

Right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution of whatever India includes the right to mother and to become a mother is the most natural phenomena in the life of a woman. Therefore, is needed to facilitate the birth of her child to  a woman, who is in service, the employer  has to be  considerate and sympathetic towards her, must realise the physical difficulties, which a working woman faced in performing duties at the work place while carrying a baby in the womb  or  while rearing up the child after birth (See: Municipal Corporation of

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