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The Allahabad High Court dismissed Writ Petition of a live-in couple already married to other partners while holding that providing support to such relationships will destroy the social fabric of our country.

Pooja Kumari and Another vs. State of U.P. and Others


 Pooja Kumari and Another vs. State of U.P. and Others

In a significant development the Allahabad High Court has dismissed a Writ Petition filed by a live-in couple seeking protection. Interestingly both the live-in partners were already married respectively.
Though no one appeared for the Petitioners, while for the Respondents counsel for the wife of Petitioner No. 2 appeared and submitted that the Petitioner No. 2 had already been married to his client Anita Kumari. Aadhar Card of Anita Kumari was produced in which name of Petitioner No. 2 was shown as the husband of Anita Kumari. Hence, it transpired that the aforesaid Anita Kumari was the wife of Petitioner No. 2.
The Court held thus:

As per the Hindu Marriage Act, if the spouse of a person is alive or before obtaining a decree of divorce a person cannot get married with another person. If such a relationship gets the support of the Court, it will create chaos in the society and will destroy the social fabric of our country.


 Pooja Kumari and Another vs. State of U.P. and Others 

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