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Madhya Pradesh High Court upholds dissolution of Marriage holding that wife not being respectful towards husband and family amounts to cruelty.

Santosh Meena vs. Siddharth B.S. Meena


Santosh Meena vs. Siddharth B.S. Meena

The High Court of Madhya Pradesh dismissed an Appeal filed by the Wife against the decree of divorce granted by the family court in Bhopal. The family Court in Bhopal granted divorce on the petition of the husband on the grounds of cruelty, which was challenged by the wife in appeal.

The High Court observed that:

"The learned Family Court has discussed the entire evidence and has reached the finding that the husband has proved the cruelty. The evidence available on record and as discussed above would suggest in definite terms that the behaviour of the appellant-wife was not respectful towards the respondent or his family member. The same would be construed as a cruelty towards the husband. The evidence also goes to show that the reason assigned by the appellant to leave her matrimonial house is not satisfactory and also that without any just and reasonable cause, she is residing separately from the husband. Both the parties have been living separately since 13.08.2013 and no cohabitation took place between them since then. The wife is not very willing to stay with the husband. Under these circumstances, in our considered view, the learned Family Court rightly has granted decree of divorce on the ground of cruelty."


 Santosh Meena vs. Siddharth B.S. Meena

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