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The Calcutta High Court observes that a maintenance of merely Rs.4000/- for a family of three is just not reasonable.

Smt. Meghna Nandi vs. Sri Asit Nandi & Anr.


Smt. Meghna Nandi vs. Sri Asit Nandi & Anr.

The Calcutta High Court observes that a maintenance of merely Rs.4000/- for a family of three is just not reasonable.

The High Court of Calcutta in a Revision Petition preferred by the wife against an order rejecting the wife's petition under Section 127 Cr. PC praying for modification of the order under Section 125 Cr. PC granting interim maintenance of Rs.2000/- to the petitioner wife and Rs.1000/- each for the two minor daughters, totalling Rs.4,000/- per month, has observed that a maintenance of mere Rs.4000/- per month for the maintenance of a family of three was just not reasonable.

The High Court Observed that:

"Thus it was in no way logical to grant such a low amount as interim maintenance for 3 persons and leave the balance for the husband."


The Court further observed that:


"Of course at the time of final disposal of the case, all factors have to be taken into consideration by the learned Magistrate, but an amount of Rs.4000/- for three persons is just not reasonable. But the order under challenge in this revision is where the learned Magistrate rejected the prayer under section 127 Cr. PC on the ground of it being premature, as the Case under section 125 Cr. PC was still pending final disposal."

Smt. Meghna Nandi vs. Sri Asit Nandi & Anr.

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