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The Calcutta High Court directs that use of microphones and loudspeakers should be regulated by the orders passed by the Apex Court, the High Court and the National Green Tribunal.

Tarunmoy Modak v. The State of West Bengal & Ors.


Tarunmoy Modak v. The State of West Bengal & Ors.

The Calcutta High Court directs that use of microphones and loudspeakers should be regulated by the orders passed by the Apex Court, the High Court and the National Green Tribunal.
The Calcutta High Court while disposing of a Writ Petition by an ailing retired Bank Employee has reiterated that use of use of microphones, loudspeakers, all musical equipments and instruments, either for private use or for entertainment of the public, as well as at public meetings, should be regulated by the orders passed by the Hon’ble Apex Court, the High Court and the National Green Tribunal. 

The guidelines laid down must be followed. The restrictions must be imposed. The notification issued by the Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal, Department of Environment on December 29, 2009, should be complied with. The sound level must be within the permissible limit/range. Loudspeakers, microphones and loud music shall not be allowed between 10:00 p.m. to 6 a.m. A vigil shall be maintained in the locality to prevent noise pollution in general. 
Tarunmoy Modak v. The State of West Bengal & Ors.

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