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The Madhya Pradesh High Court while upholding a family court's order awarding Rs.10000 as maintenance to the wife observed that if a wife had a higher degree of education it cannot be a ground to disentitle her to maintenance.

MN vs. T


Madhya Pradesh High Court holds that a wife having a higher degree of education cannot be a basis to disentitle her to maintenance.

The Madhya Pradesh High Court while upholding a family court's order awarding Rs.10000 as maintenance to the wife observed that if a wife had a higher degree of education it cannot be a ground to disentitle her to maintenance.
The Court was dealing with a Criminal Revision plea filed by the Husband under Section 19(4) of the Family Court Act, 1984 against the Family Court's order directing him to pay his wife an amount of Rs.10000 per month as maintenance.
The Court observed that:
"At the outset, the Court opined that if a wife has a degree of higher education, it cannot be ascertained that she is able to maintain herself."

"The Court further noted that the petitioner himself had relinquished his wife without any reason and hence, it found the allegations regarding the fact that she is residing voluntarily with her parents to be baseless."


MN vs. T


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