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In a Landmark Judgment the Supreme Court has held that a parent who is denied custody shall have the right to talk to the child every day.

Yashita Sahu vs. State of Rajasthan


Yashita Sahu vs. State of Rajasthan

In a landmark Judgment of the year 2020 the Supreme Court has observed that a parent who is denied custody of the child should have the right to talk to his/her child for 5-10 minutes every day.

The Court has observed that:

"It is too late in the day to urge that a writ of habeas corpus is not maintainable if the child is in the custody of another parent. The law in this regard has developed a lot over a period of time but now it is a settled position that the court can invoke its extraordinary writ jurisdiction for the best interest of the child."


The top court has further observed that:

"A child, especially a child of tender years requires the love, affection, company, protection of both parents. This is not only the requirement of the child but is his/her basic human right. Just because the parents are at war with each other, does not mean that the child should be denied the care, affection, love or protection of any one of the two parents. A child is not an inanimate object which can be tossed from one parent to the other. Every separation, every re-union may have a traumatic and psychosomatic impact on the child. Therefore, it is to be ensured that the court weighs each and every circumstance very carefully before deciding how and in what manner the custody of the child should be shared between both the parents."

"Even if the custody is given to one parent the other parent must have sufficient visitation rights to ensure that the child keeps in touch with the other parent and does not lose social, physical and psychological contact with any one of the two parents. It is only in extreme circumstances that one parent should be denied contact with the child. Reasons must be assigned if one parent is to be denied any visitation rights or contact with the child. Courts dealing with the custody matters must while deciding issues of custody clearly define the nature, manner and specifics of the visitation rights."


Yashita Sahu vs. State of Rajasthan

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