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Code of criminal procedure, 1973

1. Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the Code of Criminal 
Procedure, 1973.
(2) It extends to the whole of India 1
Provided that the provisions of this Code, other than those relating to Chapters VIII, X and XI 
thereof, shall not apply—
(a) to the State of Nagaland,
(b) to the tribal areas,
but the concerned State Government may, by notification, apply such provisions or any of them to the 
whole or part of the State of Nagaland or such tribal areas, as the case may be, with such supplemental, 
incidental or consequential modifications, as may be specified in the notification.
Explanation.—In this section, “tribal areas” means the territories which immediately before the 21st 
day of January, 1972, were included in the tribal areas of Assam, as referred to in paragraph 20 of the 
Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, other than those within the local limits of the municipality of Shillong.
(3) It shall come into force on the 1st day of April, 1974.


In the Code of Criminal Procedure (Haryana Amendment) Act, 2014,-In section 1, after figures 
“2014”, the words “as extended to the Union territory of Chandigarh” shall be inserted;
[Vide Notification No. GSR929(E) dated 16th December, 2019.]

2. Definitions.—In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) “bailable offence” means an offence which is shown as bailable in the First Schedule, or 
which is made bailable by any other law for the time being in force; and “non-bailable offence”
means any other offence;
(b) “charge” includes any head of charge when the charge contains more heads than one;
(c) “cognizable offence” means an offence for which, and “cognizable case” means a case in 
which, a police officer may, in accordance with the First Schedule or under any other law for the time 
being in force, arrest without warrant;
(d) “complaint” means any allegation made orally or in writing to a Magistrate, with a view to his 
taking action under this Code, that some person, whether known or unknown, has committed an 
offence, but does not include a police report.
Explanation.—A report made by a police officer in a case which discloses, after investigation, the 
commission of a non-cognizable offence shall be deemed to be a complaint; and the police officer by 
whom such report is made shall be deemed to be the complainant;
(e) “High Court” means,—
(i) in relation to any State, the High Court for that State;
(ii) in relation to a Union territory to which the jurisdiction of the High Court for a State has 
been extended by law, that High Court;
(iii) in relation to any other Union territory, the highest Court of criminal appeal for that 
territory other than the Supreme Court of India;
(f) “India” means the territories to which this Code extends;
(g) “inquiry” means every inquiry, other than a trial, conducted under this Code by a Magistrate 
or Court;
(h) “investigation” includes all the proceedings under this Code for the collection of evidence 
conducted by a police officer or by any person (other than a Magistrate) who is authorised by a 
Magistrate in this behalf;
(i) “judicial proceeding” includes any proceeding in the course of which evidence is or may be 
legally taken on oath;
(j) “local jurisdiction”, in relation to a Court or Magistrate, means the local area within which the 
Court or Magistrate may exercise all or any of its or his powers under this Code 1
[and such local area 
may comprise the whole of the State, or any part of the State, as the State Government may, by 
notification, specify];
(k) “metropolitan area” means the area declared, or deemed to be declared, under section 8, to be 
a metropolitan area;
(l) “non-cognizable offence” means an offence for which, and “non-cognizable case” means a 
case in which, a police officer has no authority to arrest without warrant;
(m) “notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette;
(n) “offence” means any act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being in force 
and includes any act in respect of which a complaint may be made under section 20 of the Cattletrespass Act, 1871 (1 of 1871);
(o) “officer in charge of a police station” includes, when the officer in charge of the police station 
is absent from the station-house or unable from illness or other cause to perform his duties, the police 
officer present at the station-house who is next in rank to such officer and is above the rank of 
constable or, when the State Government so directs, any other police officer so present;
(p) “place” includes a house, building, tent, vehicle and vessel;
(q) “pleader”, when used with reference to any proceeding in any Court, means a person 
authorised by or under any law for the time being in force, to practise in such Court, and includes any 
other person appointed with the permission of the Court to act in such proceeding;
(r) “police report” means a report forwarded by a police officer to a Magistrate under 
sub-section (2) of section 173;
(s) “police station” means any post or place declared generally or specially by the State 
Government, to be a police station, and includes any local area specified by the State Government in 
this behalf;
(t) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Code;
(u) “Public Prosecutor” means any person appointed under section 24, and includes any person 
acting under the directions of a Public Prosecutor;
(v) “sub-division” means a sub-division of a district;
(w) “summons-case” means a case relating to an offence, and not being a warrant-case;
[(wa) “victim” means a person who has suffered any loss or injury caused by reason of the act or 
omission for which the accused person has been charged and the expression “victim” includes his or 
her guardian or legal heir;]
(x) “warrant-case” means a case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for 
life or imprisonment for a term exceeding two years;
(y) words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860) have the meanings respectively assigned to them in that Code.

In section 2, for the words “State of Haryana”, the words “Union territory of Chandigarh” shall be 
[Vide Notification No. GSR929(E) dated 16th December, 2019.]

3. Construction of references.—(1) In this Code,—
(a) any reference, without any qualifying words, to a Magistrate, shall be construed, unless the 
context otherwise requires,—
(i) in relation to an area outside a metropolitan area, as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate;
(ii) in relation to a metropolitan area, as a reference to a Metropolitan Magistrate;
(b) any reference to a Magistrate of the second class shall, in relation to an area outside a 
metropolitan area, be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the second class, and, in 
relation to a metropolitan area, as a reference to a Metropolitan Magistrate;
(c) any reference to a Magistrate of the first class shall,—
(i) in relation to a metropolitan area, be construed as a reference to a Metropolitan Magistrate 
exercising jurisdiction in that area;
(ii) in relation to any other area, be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the 
first class exercising jurisdiction in that area;
(d) any reference to the Chief Judicial Magistrate shall, in relation to a metropolitan area, be 
construed as a reference to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in that area.
(2) In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to the Court of a Judicial 
Magistrate shall, in relation to a metropolitan area, be construed as a reference to the Court of the 
Metropolitan Magistrate for that area.
(3) Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in any enactment passed before the 
commencement of this Code,—
(a) to a Magistrate of the first class, shall be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of 
the first class;
(b) to a Magistrate of the second class or of the third class, shall be construed as a reference to a 
Judicial Magistrate of the second class;
(c) to a Presidency Magistrate or Chief Presidency Magistrate, shall be construed as a reference, 
respectively, to a Metropolitan Magistrate or the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate;
(d) to any area which is included in a Metropolitan area, as a reference to such metropolitan area, 
and any reference to a Magistrate of the first class or of the second class in relation to such area, shall 
be construed as a reference to the Metropolitan Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in such area.
(4) Where, under any law, other than this Code, the function exercisable by a Magistrate relate to 
(a) which involve the appreciation or sifting of evidence or the formulation of any decision which 
exposes any person to any punishment or penalty or detention in custody pending investigation, 
inquiry or trial or would have the effect of sending him for trial before any Court, they shall, subject 
to the provisions of this Code, be exercisable by a Judicial Magistrate; or
(b) which are administrative or executive in nature, such as, the granting of a licence, the 
suspension or cancellation of a licence, sanctioning a prosecution or withdrawing from a prosecution, 
they shall, subject as aforesaid, be exercisable by an Executive Magistrate.
Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep
Insertion of New section 3A. —In the Code, as it applies to the Union territory of Andaman and 
Nicobar Islands, after section 3, the following section shall be inserted, namely:—
“3A. Special provision relating to Andaman and Nicobar Islands. —(1) Reference in this Code to—
(a) The Chief Judicial Magistrate shall be construed as references to the District Magistrate or, where 
the State Government so directs, also to the Additional District Magistrate;
(b) a Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class or of the second class or Judicial Magistrate of the first 
class or of the second class, shall be construed as references to such Executive Magistrate as the State 
Government may, be notification in the Official Gazette, specify.
(2) The State Government may, if it is of opinion that adequate number of persons are available for 
appointment as Judicial Magistrate, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare that the provisions of this 
section shall, on and from such day as may be specified in the notification, cease to be in force and different 
dates may be specified for different islands.
(3) On the cesser of operation of the provisions of this section, every inquiry or trial pending, immediately 
before such cesser, before the District Magistrate or Additional District Magistrate or any Executive 
Magistrate, as the case may be, shall stand transferred, and shall be dealt with, from the stage which was reached 
before, such cesser, by such Judicial Magistrate as the State Government may specify in this behalf.”.
[Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974), s. 3.]

4. Trial of offences under the Indian Penal Code and other laws.—(1) All offences under the 
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) shall be investigated, inquired into, tried, and otherwise dealt with 
according to the provisions hereinafter contained.
(2) All offences under any other law shall be investigated, inquired into, tried, and otherwise dealt 
with according to the same provisions, but subject to any enactment for the time being in force regulating 
the manner of place of investigating, inquiring into, trying or otherwise dealing with such offences.

5. Saving.—Nothing contained in this Code shall, in the absence of a specific provision to the 
contrary, affect any special or local law for the time being in force, or any special jurisdiction or power 
conferred, or any special form of procedure prescribed, by any other law for the time being in force.

6. Classes of Criminal Courts.—Besides the High Courts and the Courts constituted under any law, 
other than this Code, there shall be, in every State, the following classes of Criminal Courts, namely:—
(i) Courts of Session;
(ii) Judicial Magistrates of the first class and, in any metropolitan area, Metropolitan Magistrates;
(iii) Judicial Magistrates of the second class; and
(iv) Executive Magistrates.

7. Territorial divisions.—(1) Every State shall be a sessions division or shall consist of sessions 
divisions; and every sessions divisions shall, for the purposes of this Code, be a district or consist of 
Provided that every metropolitan area shall, for the said purposes, be a separate sessions division and 
(2) The State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, alter the limits or the number 
of such divisions and districts.
(3) The State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, divide any district into subdivisions and may alter the limits or the number of such sub-divisions.
(4) The sessions divisions, districts and sub-divisions existing in a State at the commencement of this 
Code, shall be deemed to have been formed under this section.

8. Metropolitan areas.—(1) The State Government may, by notification, declare that, as from such 
date as may be specified in the notification, any area in the State comprising a city or town whose 
population exceeds one million shall be a metropolitan area for the purposes of this Code.
(2) As from the commencement of this Code, each of the Presidency-towns of Bombay, Calcutta and 
Madras and the city of Ahmedabad shall be deemed to be declared under sub-section (1) to be a 
metropolitan area.
(3) The State Government may, by notification, extend, reduce or alter the limits of a metropolitan 
area but the reduction or alteration shall not be so made as to reduce the population of such area to less 
than one million.
(4) Where, after an area has been declared, or deemed to have been declared to be, a metropolitan 
area, the population of such area falls below one million, such area shall, on and from such date as the 
State Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf, cease to be a metropolitan area; but 
notwithstanding such cesser, any inquiry, trial or appeal pending immediately before such cesser before 
any Court or Magistrate in such area shall continue to be dealt with under this Code, as if such cesser had 
not taken place.
(5) Where the State Government reduces or alters, under sub-section (3), the limits of any 
metropolitan area, such reduction or alteration shall not affect any inquiry, trial or appeal pending
immediately before such reduction or alteration before any Court or Magistrate, and every such inquiry, 
trial or appeal shall continue to be dealt with under this Code as if such reduction or alteration had not 
taken place.
Explanation.—In this section, the expression “population” means the population as 
ascertained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published.

In its application to the National Capital Territory of Delhi, in section 8,—
(a) in sub-section (1), for the words “a city or town”, substitute “a city or town or part thereof”;
(b) for sub-section (3), substitute the following sub-section, namely:—
“(3) The State Government may, by notification divide a metropolitan area into two or more such 
areas or extend or reduce or alter the limits of a metropolitan area:
Provided that—
(a) the division of metropolitan area shall not be so made as to result in the population of any of the 
areas into which it has been divided being less than one million; and
(b) the reduction or alteration of metropolitan area shall not be so made as to reduce the population 
of such area to less than one million.”;
(c) after sub-section (4), insert the following sub-section, namely: —
“(4-A) Where any metropolitan area is divided under sub-section (3), the High Court may issue such 
directions as it deems fit with respect to the disposal of the proceedings pendings immediately before such 
division before any Magistrate or court having jurisdiction in respect of such area.”
[Vide Delhi Act 9 of 2011, s. 2.]

9. Court of Session.—(1) The State Government shall establish a Court of Session for every sessions 
(2) Every Court of Session shall be presided over by a Judge, to be appointed by the High Court.
(3) The High Court may also appoint Additional Sessions Judges and Assistant Session Judges to 
exercise jurisdiction in a Court of Session.
(4) The Sessions Judge of one sessions division may be appointed by the High Court to be also an 
Additional Sessions Judge of another division, and in such case he may sit for the disposal of cases at 
such place or places in the other division as the High Court may direct.
(5) Where the office of the Sessions Judge is vacant, the High Court may make arrangements for the 
disposal of any urgent application which is, or may be, made or pending before such Court of Session by 
an Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, or, if there be no Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, by a 
Chief Judicial Magistrate, in the sessions division; and every such Judge or Magistrate shall have 
jurisdiction to deal with any such application.
(6) The Court of Session shall ordinarily hold its sitting at such place or places as the High Court 
may, by notification, specify; but, if, in any particular case, the Court of Session is of opinion that it will 
tend to the general convenience of the parties and witnesses to hold its sittings at any other place in the 
sessions division, it may, with the consent of the prosecution and the accused, sit at that place for the 
disposal of the case or the examination of any witness or witnesses therein.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this Code, “appointment” does not include the first appointment, 
posting or promotion of a person by the Government to any Service, or post in connection with the affairs of 
the Union or of a State, where under any law, such appointment, posting or promotion is required to be 
made by Government.

West Bengal.—

To sub-section (3) of section 9 of the principal Act, the following provisos shall be added:—
Provided that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Code, an Additional Sessions 
Judge in a sub-division, other than the sub-division, by whatever name called, wherein the headquarters of 
the Sessions Judges are situated, exercising jurisdiction in a Court of Session, shall have all the powers of 
the Sessions Judge under this Code, in respect of the cases and proceedings in the Criminal Courts in that 
sub-division, for the purposes of sub-section (7) of session 116, sections 193 and 194, clause (a) of 
section 209 and sections 409, 439 and 449:
Provided further that the above powers shall not be in derogation of the powers otherwise exercisable 
by an Additional Sessions Judge or a Sessions Judge under this Code.”.
[Vide West Bengal Act, 24 of 1988, s. 3.]
Amendment of section 9.-In Section 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974)
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), to sub-section (3), the following provisions shall be added, 
 “Provided that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Code, an Additional 
Sessions Judge in a district or subdivision, other than the district or subdivision, by whatever name called, 
wherein the headquarters of the Sessions Judge are situated, exercising jurisdiction in a Court of Sessions 
shall have all the powers of the Sessions Judge under this Code, in respect of the cases and the 
proceedings in the Criminal Courts in that district or subdivision for the purposes of sub-section (7) of 
section 116, sections 193 and 194, clause (a) of section 209 and sections 409 and 449:
Provided further that the above powers shall be not be in derogation of the powers otherwise 
exercisable by an Additional Sessions Judge or a Sessions Judge under this Code.”
[Vide Orissa Act 6 of 2004, s. 2]

10. Subordination of Assistant Sessions Judges.—(1) All Assistant Sessions Judges shall be 
subordinate to the Sessions Judge in whose Court they exercise jurisdiction.
(2) The Sessions Judge may, from time to time, make rules consistent with this Code, as to the 
distribution of business among such Assistant Sessions Judges.
(3) The Sessions Judge may also make provision for the disposal of any urgent application, in the 
event of his absence or inability to act, by an Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, or, if there be no 
Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge, by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, and every such Judge or 
Magistrate shall be deemed to have jurisdiction to deal with any such application.

11. Courts of Judicial Magistrates.—(1) In every district (not being a metropolitan area) there shall 
be established as many Courts of Judicial Magistrates of the first class and of the second class, and at such 
places, as the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, by notification, specify:
[Provided that the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, establish, for any 
local area, one or more Special Courts of Judicial Magistrates of the first class or of the second class to try 
any particular case or particular class of cases, and where any such Special Court is established, no other 
Court of Magistrate in the local area shall have jurisdiction to try any case or class of cases for the trial of 
which such Special Court of Judicial Magistrate has been established.]
(2) The presiding officers of such Courts shall be appointed by the High Court.
(3) The High Court may, whenever it appears to it to be expedient or necessary, confer the powers of 
a Judicial Magistrate of the first class or of the second class on any member of the Judicial Service of the 
State, functioning as a Judge in a Civil Court.


Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep
In the Code, as it applies to the Union Territories to which this regulation extends, in sub-section (3) of 
section 11, for the words “any member of the judicial service of the state functioning as a judge in a civil 
court”, the words “any person discharging the functions of a civil court”, shall be substituted.
[Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974), s. 4.]

12. Chief Judicial Magistrate and Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, etc.—(1) In every 
district (not being a metropolitan area), the High Court shall appoint a Judicial Magistrate of the first class 
to be the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
(2) The High Court may appoint any Judicial Magistrate of the first class to be an Additional Chief 
Judicial Magistrate, and such Magistrate shall have all or any of the powers of a Chief Judicial Magistrate 
under this Code or under any other law for the time being in force as the High Court may direct.
(3) (a) The High Court may designate any Judicial Magistrate of the first class in any sub-division as 
the Sub-divisional Judicial Magistrate and relieve him of the responsibilities specified in this section as 
occasion requires.
(b) Subject to the general control of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, every Sub-divisional Judicial 
Magistrate shall also have and exercise, such powers of supervision and control over the work of the 
Judicial Magistrates (other than Additional Chief Judicial Magistrates) in the sub-division as the High 
Court may, by general or special order, specify in this behalf.

13. Special Judicial Magistrates.—(1) The High Court may, if requested by the Central or State 
Government so to do, confer upon any person who holds or has held any post under the Government, all 
or any of the powers conferred or conferrable by or under this Code on a Judicial Magistrate 1
[of the first 
class or of the second class, in respect to particular cases or to particular classes of cases, in any local 
area, not being a metropolitan area:]
Provided that no such power shall be conferred on a person unless he possesses such qualification or 
experience in relation to legal affairs as the High Court may, by rules, specify.
(2) Such Magistrates shall be called Special Judicial Magistrates and shall be appointed for such term, 
not exceeding one year at a time, as the High Court may, by general or special order, direct.
[(3) The High Court may empower a Special Judicial Magistrate to exercise the powers of a 
Metropolitan Magistrate in relation to any metropolitan area outside his local jurisdiction.]


For section 13 of the Code, the following shall be substituted, namely:—
“13. (1) The State Government may appoint as may persons as it thinks fit to be sub divisional 
Magistrates in any district in the State of Assam. 
(2) The State Government, or subject to the control of the State Government, the District Magistrate 
may place one or more Sub divisional Magistrates in charge of a subdivision”.
[Vide Assam Act 13 of 1964, s. 2.]

Himachal Pradesh
Amendment of Section 13.— in Sub-section (1) of section 13 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 
1973 (2 of 1974) in its application to the State of Himachal Pradesh for the words “in any district” the 
words “in any local area” shall be substituted.
[Vide Himachal Pradesh Act 40 of 1976, s. 2.]

14. Local jurisdiction of Judicial Magistrates.—(1) Subject to the control of the High Court, the 
Chief Judicial Magistrate may, from time to time, define the local limits of the areas within which the 
Magistrates appointed under section 11 or under section 13 may exercise all or any of the powers with 
which they may respectively be invested under this Code:
[Provided that the Court of Special Judicial Magistrate may hold its sitting at any place within the 
local area for which it is established.]
(2) Except as otherwise provided by such definition, the jurisdiction and powers of every such 
Magistrate shall extend throughout the district.
[(3) Where the local jurisdiction of a Magistrate, appointed under section 11 or section 13 or 
section 18, extends to an area beyond the district, or the metropolitan area, as the case may be, in which 
he ordinarily holds Court, any reference in this Code to the Court of Session, Chief Judicial Magistrate or 
the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate shall, in relation to such Magistrate, throughout the area within his
local jurisdiction, be construed, unless the context otherwise requires, as a reference to the Court of 
Session, Chief Judicial Magistrate, or Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, as the case may be, exercising 
jurisdiction in relation to the said district or metropolitan area.]

15. Subordination of Judicial Magistrates.—(1) Every Chief Judicial Magistrate shall be 
subordinate to the Sessions Judge; and every other Judicial Magistrate shall, subject to the general control 
of the Sessions Judge, be subordinate to the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
(2) The Chief Judicial Magistrate may, from time to time, make rules or give special orders, consistent 
with this Code, as to the distribution of business among the Judicial Magistrates subordinate to him

16. Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates.—(1) In every metropolitan area, there shall be established 
as many Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates, and at such places, as the State Government may, after 
consultation with the High Court, by notification, specify.
(2) The presiding officers of such Courts shall be appointed by the High Court. 
(3) The jurisdiction and powers of every Metropolitan Magistrate shall extend throughout the 
metropolitan area

17. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate and Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.—(1) The High 
Court shall, in relation to every metropolitan area within its local jurisdiction, appoint a Metropolitan 
Magistrate to be the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate for such metropolitan area.
(2) The High Court may appoint any Metropolitan Magistrate to be an Additional Chief Metropolitan 
Magistrate, and such Magistrate shall have all or any of the powers of a Chief Metropolitan Magistrate 
under this Code or under any other law for the time being in force as the High Court may direct.

18. Special Metropolitan Magistrates.—(1) The High Court may, if requested by the Central or State 
Government so to do, confer upon any person who holds or has held any post under the Government, all 
or any of the powers conferred or conferrable by or under this Code on a Metropolitan Magistrate, in 
respect to particular cases or to particular classes of cases 3
*** , in any metropolitan area within its local 
Provided that no such power shall be conferred on a person unless he possesses such qualification or 
experience in relation to legal affairs as the High Court may, by rules, specify.
(2) Such Magistrates shall be called Special Metropolitan Magistrates and shall be appointed for such 
term, not exceeding one year at a time, as the High Court may, by general or special order, direct.
[(3) The High Court or the State Government, as the case may be, may empower any Special Metropolitan 
Magistrate to exercise, in any local area outside the metropolitan area, the powers of a Judicial Magistrate of the first 

19. Subordination of Metropolitan Magistrates.—(1) The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate and every 
Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate shall be subordinate to the Sessions Judge; and every other 
Metropolitan Magistrate shall, subject to the general control of the Sessions Judge, be subordinate to the 
Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.
(2) The High Court may, for the purposes of this Code, define the extent of the subordination, if any, 
of the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrates to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.
(3) The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate may, from time to time, make rules or give special orders, 
consistent with this Code, as to the distribution of business among the Metropolitan Magistrates and as to 
the allocation of business to an Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate

20. Executive Magistrates.—(1) In every district and in every metropolitan area, the State 
Government may appoint as many persons as it thinks fit to be Executive Magistrates and shall appoint 
one of them to be the District Magistrate.
(2) The State Government may appoint any Executive Magistrate to be an Additional District 
Magistrate, and such Magistrate shall have 1
[such] of the powers of a District Magistrate under this Code 
or under any other law for the time being in force 2
[as may be directed by the State Government].
(3) Whenever, in consequence of the office of a District Magistrate becoming vacant, any officer 
succeeds temporarily to the executive administration of the district, such officer shall, pending the orders 
of the State Government, exercise all the powers and perform all the duties respectively conferred and 
imposed by this Code on the District Magistrate.
(4) The State Government may place an Executive Magistrate in charge of a sub-division and may 
relieve him of the charge as occasion requires; and the Magistrate so placed in charge of a sub-division 
shall be called the Sub-divisional Magistrate. 
[(4A) The State Government may, by general or special order and subject to such control and 
directions as it may deem fit to impose, delegate its powers under sub-section (4) to the District 
(5) Nothing in this section shall preclude the State Government from conferring, under any law for 
the time being in force, on a Commissioner of Police, all or any of the powers of an Executive Magistrate 
in relation to a metropolitan area

21. Special Executive Magistrates.—The State Government may appoint, for such term as it may 
think fit, Executive Magistrates, to be known as Special Executive Magistrates, for particular areas or for 
the performance of particular functions and confer on such Special Executive Magistrates such of the 
powers as are conferrable under this Code on Executive Magistrates, as it may deem fit

22. Local Jurisdiction of Executive Magistrates.—(1) Subject to the control of the State 
Government, the District Magistrate may, from time to time, define the local limits of the areas within
which the Executive Magistrates may exercise all or any of the powers with which they may be invested 
under this Code.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by such definition, the jurisdiction and powers of every such 
Magistrate shall extend throughout the district.

23. Subordination of Executive Magistrates.—(1) All Executive Magistrates, other than the 
Additional District Magistrate, shall be subordinate to the District Magistrate, and every Executive 
Magistrate (other than the Sub-divisional Magistrate) exercising powers in a sub-division shall also be 
subordinate to the Sub-divisional Magistrate, subject, however, to the general control of the District 
(2) The District Magistrate may, from time to time, make rules or give special orders, consistent with
this Code, as to the distribution of business among the Executive Magistrates subordinate to him and as to 
the allocation of business to an Additional District Magistrate.

24. Public Prosecutors.—(1) For every High Court, the Central Government or the State 
Government shall, after consultation with the High Court, appoint a Public Prosecutor and may also 
appoint one or more Additional Public Prosecutors, for conducting in such Court, any prosecution, appeal 
or other proceeding on behalf of the Central Government or State Government, as the case may be.
(2) The Central Government may appoint one or more Public Prosecutors for the purpose of 
conducting any case or class of cases in any district or local area.
(3) For every district, the State Government shall appoint a Public Prosecutor and may also appoint 
one or more Additional Public Prosecutors for the district:
Provided that the Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor appointed for one district may be 
appointed also to be a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public Prosecutor, as the case may be, for another 
(4) The District Magistrate shall, in consultation with the Sessions Judge, prepare a panel of names of 
persons, who are, in his opinion fit to be appointed as Public Prosecutors or Additional Public Prosecutors 
for the district.
(5) No person shall be appointed by the State Government as the Public Prosecutor or Additional 
Public Prosecutor for the district unless his name appears in the panel of names prepared by the District 
Magistrate under sub-section (4).
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5), where in a State there exists a regular 
Cadre of Prosecuting Officers, the State Government shall appoint a Public Prosecutor or an Additional 
Public Prosecutor only from among the persons constituting such Cadre:
Provided that where, in the opinion of the State Government, no suitable person is available in such 
Cadre for such appointment that Government may appoint a person as Public Prosecutor or Additional 
Public Prosecutor, as the case may be, from the panel of names prepared by the District Magistrate under 
sub-section (4).
[Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section,—
(a) “regular Cadre of Prosecuting Officers” means a Cadre of Prosecuting Officers which 
includes therein the post of a Public Prosecutor, by whatever name called, and which provides for 
promotion of Assistant Public Prosecutors, by whatever name called, to that post;
(b) “Prosecuting Officer” means a person, by whatever name called, appointed to perform the 
functions of a Public Prosecutor, an Additional Public Prosecutor or an Assistant Public Prosecutor 
under this Code.]
(7) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public 
Prosecutor under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) or sub-section (6), only if he has 
been in practice as an advocate for not less than seven years.
(8) The Central Government or the State Government may appoint, for the purposes of any case or 
class of cases, a person who has been in practice as an advocate for not less than ten years as a Special 
Public Prosecutor:
[Provided that the Court may permit the victim to engage an advocate of his choice to assist the 
prosecution under this sub-section.]
(9) For the purposes of sub-section (7) and sub-section (8), the period during which a person has been 
in practice as a pleader, or has rendered (whether before or after the commencement of this Code) service 
as a Public Prosecutor or as an Additional Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor or other 
Prosecuting Officer, by whatever name called, shall be deemed to be the period during which such person 
has been in practice as an advocate.
Amendment of section 24.- In section 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 
1974) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act) in sub-section (1),—
(i) the words and punctuation mark “or the State Government shall”, shall be omitted; and
(ii) for the words “appoint a Public Prosecutor” the words “or the State Government shall appoint a 
Public Prosecutor” shall be substituted.
[Vide Karnataka Act 20 of 1982, s. 2.]
Amendment of section 24.- In Section 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, (2 of 1974) in its 
application to the State of Maharashtra:—
(a) in sub-section (6), the proviso shall be deleted;
(b) after sub-section (6), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:—
“(6-A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (6), the State Government may, subject to 
the provisions of sub-sections (4) and (5), appoint a person who has been in practice as an advocate for 
not less than seven years, as the Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the district.”.
[Vide Maharashtra Act 33 of 2014, s. 2.]
Madhya Pradesh 
Amendment of Section 24.—In Section 24 of the principal Act.—
(i) in sub-section (6), for the words, “brackets and figure “Notwithstanding anything contained in 
sub-section (5)”, the words, brackets, letter and figures “Notwithstanding anything contained in 
sub-section (5), but subject to the provisions of sub-section (6-A)” shall be substituted and shall be 
deemed to have been substituted with effect from 18th December, 1978;
(ii) after sub-section (6), the following sub-section shall be inserted and shall be deemed to have been 
inserted with effect from 18th December, 1978, namely:—
“(6-A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (6), the State Government may appoint a 
person who has been in practice as an advocate for not less than seven years as the Public Prosecutor 
or Additional Public Prosecutor for the district and it shall not be necessary to appoint the Public 
Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the district from among the person constituting the 
Cadre of Prosecuting Officers in the State of Madhya Pradesh and the provisions of sub-sections (4) 
and (5) shall apply to the appointment of a Public Prosecutor Additional Public Prosecutor under this 
(iii) in sub-section (7), after the words, bracket and figure “sub-section (6)”, the words, brackets, 
figure and letter “or sub-section (6-A)” shall be inserted and shall be deemed to have been inserted with 
effect from 18th December, 1978; and
(iv) in sub-section (9), for the words, brackets and figure, “sub-section (7)”, the words, brackets, 
figures and letter “sub-section (6-A) and sub-section (7)” shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have 
been substituted with effect from 18th December, 1978.
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 21 of 1995, s. 3.]
West Bengal
In Sub-section (6) of section 24 of the principal Act, for the words “shall appoint a Public Prosecutor 
or an Additional Public Prosecutor only”, the words “may also appoint a Public Prosecutor or an 
Additional Public Prosecutor” shall be substituted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 26 of 1990, s. 3.]
West Bengal 
In sub-section (6) of section 24 of the principal Act, the proviso shall be omitted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 25 of 1992, s. 3.]
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).—
Section 24.— After sub-section (6), insert the following sub-section, namely:—
“(6A).–Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) and sub-section (6), the
Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir may appoint a person who has been in
practice as an Advocate for not less than seven years as Public Prosecutor or Additional Public
Prosecutor for High Court and for the District Courts and it shall not be necessary to appoint Public 
Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the High Court in consultation with High Court and 
Public Prosecutor or Additional Public Prosecutor for the District Court from amongst the person 
constituting the cadre of Prosecution for the State of Jammu and Kashmir.”
[vide the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, vide 
notification No. S.O. 1123(E) dated (18-3-2020).]

25. Assistant Public prosecutors.—(1) The State Government shall appoint in every district one or 
more Assistant Public Prosecutors for conducting prosecutions in the Courts of Magistrates.
[(1A) The Central Government may appoint one or more Assistant Public Prosecutors for the 
purpose of conducting any case or class of cases in the Courts of Magistrates.]
(2) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (3), no police officer shall be eligible to be appointed as 
an Assistant Public Prosecutor.
(3) Where no Assistant Public Prosecutor is available for the purposes of any particular case, the 
District Magistrate may appoint any other person to be the Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of that 
Provided that a police officer shall not be so appointed—
(a) if he has taken any part in the investigation into the offence with respect to which the accused is 
being prosecuted; or
(b) if he is below the rank of Inspector.
Amendment of section 25.—In section 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974)
(hereinafter referred to as the said Code), to sub-section (2), the following proviso shall be inserted, 
“Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be construed, to prohibit the State Government from 
exercising its control over Assistant Public Prosecutors through police officers.”
[Vide Orissa Act 6 of 1995, s. 2]
[25A. Directorate of Prosecution.—(1) The State Government may establish a Directorate of 
Prosecution consisting of a Director of Prosecution and as many Deputy Directors of Prosecution as it 
thinks fit.
(2) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Director of Prosecution or a Deputy Director of 
Prosecution, only if he has been in practice as an advocate for not less than ten years and such 
appointment shall be made with the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court.
(3) The Head of the Directorate of Prosecution shall be the Director of Prosecution, who shall 
function under the administrative control of the Head of the Home Department in the State.
(4) Every Deputy Director of Prosecution shall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution.
(5) Every Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor and Special Public Prosecutor appointed 
by the State Government under sub-section (1), or as the case may be, sub-section (8), of section 24 to 
conduct cases in the High Court shall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution.
(6) Every Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor and Special Public Prosecutor appointed 
by the State Government under sub-section (3), or as the case may be, sub-section (8), of section 24 to 
conduct cases in District Courts and every Assistant Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (1) of 
section 25 shall be subordinate to the Deputy Director of Prosecution.
(7) The powers and functions of the Director of Prosecution and the Deputy Directors of Prosecution 
and the areas for which each of the Deputy Directors of Prosecution have been appointed shall be such as 
the State Government may, by notification, specify.
(8) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Advocate General for the State while 
performing the functions of a Public Prosecutor.]
In section 25A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act No. 2 of 1974), —
(a) for sub-section (2), the following shall be substituted, namely:—“(2) The post of Director of 
prosecution and Government litigations, or a Deputy Director of Prosecution and other cadres shall be filled in 
accordance with the Cadre and Recruitment Rules framed under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 
(Karnataka Act 14 of 1990).”
(b) for sub-section (5), the following shall be substituted, namely:—“(5) Every Public Prosecutor, 
Additional Public Prosecutor appointed by the State Government from the cadre of Prosecutors recruited 
under the recruitment rules framed by the Government under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 
hall be subordinate to the Director of Prosecution and Government litigations and every Public Prosecutor, 
Additional Prosecutor and Special Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (8) of section 24 shall be 
subordinate to the Advocate General.”
(c) in sub-section (6), for the words “Deputy Director of Prosecution, the words “Director of Prosecution”
shall be substituted.
[Vide Karnataka Act 39 of 2012, s. 2]
Madhya Pradesh
Substitution of Section 25A.—For section 25A of the principal Act, the following section shall be 
substituted, namely: —
“25A. Directorate of Prosecution.—(1) The State Government may establish a Directorate of 
Prosecution consisting of a Director of Prosecution and as many Additional Directors of Prosecution, 
Joint Directors of Prosecution, Deputy Directors of Prosecution and Assistant Directors of Prosecution 
and such other posts as it thinks fit.
(2) The post of Director of Prosecution, Additional Directors of Prosecution, Joint Directors of 
Prosecution, Deputy Directors of Prosecution and Assistant Directors of Prosecution and other post shall 
be filled in accordance with the Madhya Pradesh Public Prosecution (Gazetted) Service Recruitment 
Rules, 1991, as amended from time to time.
(3) The head of the Directorate of Prosecution shall be the Director of Prosecution, who shall function 
under the administrative control of the head of the Home Department in the State.
(4) Every Additional Director of Prosecution, Joint Director of Prosecution, Deputy Director of 
Prosecution and Assistant Director of Prosecution and other posts specified in sub-section (2) shall be 
subordinate to the Director of Prosecution.
(5) Every Public Prosecutor and Additional Public Prosecutor appointed under the Madhya Pradesh 
Public Prosecution (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules, 1991, shall be subordinate to the Director of 
Prosecution and every Public Prosecutor and Additional Public Prosecutor appointed under 
sub-section (1) of Section 24 and every Special Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (8) of 
Section 24 to conduct cases in the High Court shall be subordinate to the Advocate General.
(6) Every Public Prosecutor and Additional Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (3) of 
Section 24 and every Special Public Prosecutor appointed under sub-section (8) of Section 24 to conduct 
cases in District Courts shall be subordinate to the District Magistrate.
(7) The powers and functions of the Director of Prosecution shall be such as the State Government 
may, by notification, specify.”.
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 18 of 2014, s. 3.]

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).—
Section 25A.-(i) for sub-sections (1) and (2), substitute–
(1) The Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir shall establish a Directorate of 
Prosecution consisting of a Director General of Prosecution and such other officers, as may be 
provided in rules to be framed by the said Government; and
(2) The Post of Director General of Prosecution and all other officers, constituting the prosecution 
cadre, shall be filled in accordance with the rules to be framed by the said Government.
(ii) in sub-section (3), substitute “Director of Prosecution” with “Director General of 
(iii) for sub-section (4), substitute “(4) subject to the control of the Director General of 
Prosecution, the Deputy Director shall be subordinate to and under the Control of a Joint Director.”
(iv) substitute sub-section (5),–
“Every Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor and Special Public Prosecutor
appointed by the Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir under subsection
(1), or the case may be under sub-section (8) of section 24 to conduct cases in the High Court 
shall be subordinate to the Advocate General.”;
(v) for sub-section (7), substitute–
“(7) The powers and functions of the Director General of Prosecution and other officers of the 
prosecution cadre shall be such as may be provided by the rules”.
[vide the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, vide 
notification No. S.O. 1123(E) dated (18-3-2020).]

26. Courts by which offences are triable.—Subject to the other provisions of this Code,—
(a) any offence under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) may be tried by
(i) the High Court, or
(ii) the Court of Session, or
(iii) any other Court by which such offence is shown in the First Schedule to be triable:
[Provided that any 2
[offence under section 376, 3
[section 376A, section 376AB, section 376B, 
section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, 376DB] or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 
1860)] shall be tried as far as practicable by a Court presided over by a woman.] 
(b) any offence under any other law shall, when any Court is mentioned in this behalf in such 
law, be tried by such Court and when no Court is so mentioned, may be tried by—
(i) the High Court, or
(ii) any other Court by which such offence is shown in the First Schedule to be triable.

27. Jurisdiction in the case of juveniles.—Any offence not punishable with death or imprisonment 
for life, committed by any person who at the date when he appears or is brought before the Court is under 
the age of sixteen years, may be tried by the Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate, or by any Court 
specially empowered under the Children Act, 1960 (60 of 1960), or any other law for the time being in 
force providing for the treatment, training and rehabilitation of youthful offenders.

28. Sentences which High Courts and Sessions Judges may pass.—(1) A High Court may pass any 
sentence authorised by law.
(2) A Sessions Judge or Additional Sessions Judge may pass any sentence authorised by law; but any
sentence of death passed by any such Judge shall be subject to confirmation by the High Court.
(3) An Assistant Sessions Judge may pass any sentence authorised by law except a sentence of death 
or of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment for a term exceeding ten years.

29. Sentences which Magistrates may pass.—(1) The Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate may pass 
any sentence authorised by law except a sentence of death or of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment 
for a term exceeding seven years.
(2) The Court of a Magistrate of the first class may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not 
exceeding three years, or of fine not exceeding 1
[ten thousand rupees], or of both.
(3) The Court of Magistrate of the second class may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not 
exceeding one year, or of fine not exceeding 2
[five thousand rupees], or of both.
(4) The Court of a Chief Metropolitan Magistrate shall have the powers of the Court of a Chief 
Judicial Magistrate and that of a Metropolitan Magistrate, the powers of the Court of a Magistrate of the 
first class.

30. Sentence of imprisonment in default of fine.—(1) The Court of a Magistrate may award such 
term of imprisonment in default of payment of fine as is authorised by law:
Provided that the term—
(a) is not in excess of the powers of the Magistrate under section 29;
(b) shall not, where imprisonment has been awarded as part of the substantive sentence, exceed 
one-fourth of the term of imprisonment which the Magistrate is competent to inflict as punishment for 
the offence otherwise than as imprisonment in default of payment of the fine.
(2) The imprisonment awarded under this section may be in addition to a substantive sentence of 
imprisonment for the maximum term awardable by the Magistrate under section 29.

31. Sentence in cases of conviction of several offences at one trial.—(1) When a person is convicted at 
one trial of two or more offences, the Court may, subject to the provisions of section 71 of the Indian Penal 
Code (45 of 1860), sentence him for such offences, to the several punishments prescribed therefor which such 
Court is competent to inflict; such punishments when consisting of imprisonment to commence the one after 
the expiration of the other in such order as the Court may direct, unless the Court directs that such punishments 
shall run concurrently. 
(2) In the case of consecutive sentences, it shall not be necessary for the Court by reason only of the 
aggregate punishment for the several offences being in excess of the punishment which it is competent to 
inflict on conviction of a single offence, to send the offender for trial before a higher Court:
Provided that—
(a) in no case shall such person be sentenced to imprisonment for a longer period than fourteen 
(b) the aggregate punishment shall not exceed twice the amount of punishment which the Court 
is competent to inflict for a single offence.
(3) For the purpose of appeal by a convicted person, the aggregate of the consecutive sentences 
passed against him under this section shall be deemed to be a single sentence. 

32. Mode of conferring powers.—(1) In conferring powers under this Code, the High Court or the 
State Government, as the case may be, may, by order, empower persons specially by name or in virtue of 
their offices or classes of officials generally be their official titles. 
(2) Every such order shall take effect from the date on which it is communicated to the person so 

33. Powers of officers appointed.—Whenever any person holding an office in the service of 
Government who has been invested by the High Court or the State Government with any powers under 
this Code throughout any local area is appointed to an equal or higher office of the same nature, within a 
like local area under the same State Government, he shall, unless the High Court or the State Government, 
as the case may be, otherwise directs, or has otherwise directed, exercise the same powers in the local 
area in which he is so appointed. 

34. Withdrawal of powers.—(1) The High Court or the State Government, as the case may be, may 
withdraw all or any of the powers conferred by it under this Code on any person or by any officer
subordinate to it.
(2) Any powers conferred by the Chief Judicial Magistrate or by the District Magistrate may be 
withdrawn by the respective Magistrate by whom such powers were conferred.

35. Powers of Judges and Magistrates exercisable by their successors-in-office.—(1) Subject to 
the other provisions of this Code, the powers and duties of a Judge or Magistrate may be exercised or 
performed by his successor-in-office.
(2) When there is any doubt as to who is the successor-in-office of any Additional or Assistant 
Sessions Judge, the Sessions Judge shall determine by order in writing the Judge who shall, for the 
purposes of this Code or of any proceedings or order thereunder, be deemed to be the successor-in-office 
of such Additional or Assistant Sessions Judge. 
(3) When there is any doubt as to who is the successor-in-office of any Magistrate, the Chief Judicial 
Magistrate, or the District Magistrate, as the case may be, shall determine by order in writing the 
Magistrate who shall, for the purpose of this Code or of any proceedings or order thereunder, be deemed 
to be the successor-in-office of such Magistrate.

36. Powers of superior officers of police.—Police officers superior in rank to an officer in charge of 
a police station may exercise the same powers, throughout the local area to which they are appointed, as 
may be exercised by such officer within the limits of his station.

37. Public when to assist Magistrates and police.—Every person is bound to assist a Magistrate or 
police officer reasonably demanding his aid—
(a) in the taking or preventing the escape of any other person whom such Magistrate or police 
officer is authorised to arrest; or
(b) in the prevention or suppression of a breach of the peace; or
(c) in the prevention of any injury attempted to be committed to any railway, canal, telegraph or 
public property.

38. Aid to person, other than police officer, executing warrant.—When a warrant is directed to a 
person other than a police officer, any other person may aid in the execution of such warrant, if the person 
to whom the warrant is directed be near at hand and acting in the execution of the warrant.

39. Public to give information of certain offences.—(1) Every person, aware of the commission of, 
or of the intention of any other person to commit, any offence punishable under any of the following 
sections of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), namely:—
(i) sections 121 to 126, both inclusive, and section 130 (that is to say, offences against the State specified 
in Chapter VI of the said Code);
(ii) sections 143, 144, 145, 147 and 148 (that is to say, offences against the public tranquillity 
specified in Chapter VIII of the said Code);
(iii) sections 161 to 165A, both inclusive (that is to say, offences relating to illegal 
(iv) sections 272 to 278, both inclusive (that is to say, offences relating to adulteration of food 
and drugs, etc.);
(v) sections 302, 303 and 304 (that is to say, offences affecting life);
[(va) section 364A (that is to say, offence relating to kidnapping for ransom, etc.);]
(vi) section 382 (that is to say, offence of theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or 
restraint in order to the committing of the theft);
(vii) sections 392 to 399, both inclusive, and section 402 (that is to say, offences of robbery 
and dacoity);
(viii) section 409 (that is to say, offence relating to criminal breach of trust by public servant, 
(ix) sections 431 and 439, both inclusive (that is to say, offences of mischief against property);
(x) sections 449 and 450 (that is to say, offence of house trespass);
(xi) sections 456 to 460, both inclusive (that is to say, offences of lurking house trespass); and 
(xii) sections 489A to 489E, both inclusive (that is to say, offences relating to currency notes 
and bank notes),
shall, in the absence of any reasonable excuse, the burden of proving which excuse shall lie upon the 
person so aware, forthwith give information to the nearest Magistrate or police officer of such 
commission or intention.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the term “offence” includes any act committed at any place out 
of India which would constitute an offence if committed in India.

40. Duty of officers employed in connection with the affairs of a village to make certain 
—(1) Every officer employed in connection with the affairs of a village and every person residing 
in a village shall forthwith communicate to the nearest Magistrate or to the officer in charge of the nearest 
police station, whichever is nearer, any information which he may possess respecting—
(a) the permanent or temporary residence of any notorious receiver or vendor of stolen property 
in or near such village;
(b) the resort to any place within, or the passage through, such village of any person whom he 
knows, or reasonably suspects, to be a thug, robber, escaped convict or proclaimed offender;
(c) the commission of, or intention to commit, in or near such village any non-bailable offence or 
any offence punishable under section 143, section 144, section 145, section 147, or section 148 of the 
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860);
(d) the occurrence in or near such village of any sudden or unnatural death or of any death under 
suspicious circumstances or the discovery in or near such village of any corpse or part of a corpse, in 
circumstances which lead to a reasonable suspicion that such a death has occurred or the 
disappearance from such village of any person in circumstances which lead to a reasonable suspicion 
that a non-bailable offence has been committed in respect of such person;
(e) the commission of, or intention to commit, at any place out of India near such village any act 
which, if committed in India, would be an offence punishable under any of the following sections of 
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), namely, 231 to 238 (both inclusive), 302, 304, 382, 392 to 399 
(both inclusive), 402, 435, 436, 449, 450, 457 to 460 (both inclusive), 489A, 489B, 489C and 489D;
(f) any matter likely to affect the maintenance of order or the prevention of crime or the safety of 
person or property respecting which the District Magistrate, by general or special order made with the 
previous sanction of the State Government, has directed him to communicate information.
(2) In this section,—
(i) “village” includes village-lands;
(ii) the expression “proclaimed offender” includes any person proclaimed as an offender by any 
Court or authority in any territory in India to which this Code does not extend, in respect of any act 
which if committed in the territories to which this Code extends, would be an offence punishable 
under any of the following sections of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), namely, 302, 304, 382, 
392 to 399 (both inclusive), 402, 435, 436, 449, 450 and 457 to 460 (both inclusive);
(iii) the words “officer employed in connection with the affairs of the village” means a member
of the panchayat of the village and includes the headman and every officer or other person appointed 
to perform any function connected with the administration of the village.

41. When police may arrest without warrant.—(1) Any police officer may without an order from a 
Magistrate and without a warrant, arrest any person—
[(a) who commits, in the presence of a police officer, a cognizable offence;
(b) against whom a reasonable complaint has been made, or credible information has been 
received, or a reasonable suspicion exists that he has committed a cognizable offence punishable with 
imprisonment for a term which may be less than seven years or which may extend to seven years 
whether with or without fine, if the following conditions are satisfied, namely:—
(i) the police officer has reason to believe on the basis of such complaint, information, or 
suspicion that such person has committed the said offence;
(ii) the police officer is satisfied that such arrest is necessary—
(a) to prevent such person from committing any further offence; or
(b) for proper investigation of the offence; or
(c) to prevent such person from causing the evidence of the offence to disappear or 
tampering with such evidence in any manner; or
(d) to prevent such person from making any inducement, threat or promise to any person 
acquainted with the facts of the case so as to dissuade him from disclosing such facts to the 
Court or to the police officer; or
(e) as unless such person is arrested, his presence in the Court whenever required cannot 
be ensured,
and the police officer shall record while making such arrest, his reasons in writing:
[Provided that a police officer shall, in all cases where the arrest of a person is not required under 
the provisions of this sub-section, record the reasons in writing for not making the arrest.];
(ba) against whom credible information has been received that he has committed a cognizable 
offence punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to more than seven years whether 
with or without fine or with death sentence and the police officer has reason to believe on the basis of 
that information that such person has committed the said offence;]
(c) who has been proclaimed as an offender either under this Code or by order of the State 
Government; or
(d) in whose possession anything is found which may reasonably be suspected to be stolen 
property and who may reasonably be suspected of having committed an offence with reference to 
such thing; or
(e) who obstructs a police officer while in the execution of his duty, or who has escaped, or 
attempts to escape, from lawful custody; or
(f) who is reasonably suspected of being a deserter from any of the Armed Forces of the Union; or
(g) who has been concerned in, or against whom a reasonable complaint has been made, or 
credible information has been received, or a reasonable suspicion exists, of his having been 
concerned in, any act committed at any place out of India which, if committed in India, would 
have been punishable as an offence, and for which he is, under any law relating to extradition, or 
otherwise, liable to be apprehended or detained in custody in India; or
(h) who, being a released convict, commits a breach of any rule made under sub-section (5) of 
section 356; or
(i) for whose arrest any requisition, whether written or oral, has been received from another 
police officer, provided that the requisition specifies the person to be arrested and the offence or other 
cause for which the arrest is to be made and it appears therefrom that the person might lawfully be 
arrested without a warrant by the officer who issued the requisition.
[(2) Subject to the provisions of section 42, no person concerned in a non-cognizable offence or 
against whom a complaint has been made or credible information has been received or reasonable 
suspicion exists of his having so concerned, shall be arrested except under a warrant or order of a 

41A. Notice of appearance before police officer.—(1) 3
[The police officer shall], in all cases 
where the arrest of a person is not required under the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 41, issue a 
notice directing the person against whom a reasonable complaint has been made, or credible information 
has been received, or a reasonable suspicion exists that he has committed a cognizable offence, to appear 
before him or at such other place as may be specified in the notice.
(2) Where such a notice is issued to any person, it shall be the duty of that person to comply with the 
terms of the notice.
(3) Where such person complies and continues to comply with the notice, he shall not be arrested in 
respect of the offence referred to in the notice unless, for reasons to be recorded, the police officer is of 
the opinion that he ought to be arrested.
[(4) Where such person, at any time, fails to comply with the terms of the notice or is unwilling to 
identify himself, the police officer may, subject to such orders as may have been passed by a competent 
Court in this behalf, arrest him for the offence mentioned in the notice.

41B. Procedure of arrest and duties of officer making arrest.—Every police officer while making 
an arrest shall—
(a) bear an accurate, visible and clear identification of his name which will facilitate easy 
(b) prepare a memorandum of arrest which shall be—
(i) attested by at least one witness, who is a member of the family of the person arrested or a 
respectable member of the locality where the arrest is made;
(ii) countersigned by the person arrested; and
(c) inform the person arrested, unless the memorandum is attested by a member of his family, that 
he has a right to have a relative or a friend named by him to be informed of his arrest.

41C. Control room at districts.—(1) The State Government shall establish a police control room—
(a) in every district; and
(b) at State level.
(2) The State Government shall cause to be displayed on the notice board kept outside the control rooms at 
every district, the names and addresses of the persons arrested and the name and designation of the police 
officers who made the arrests.
(3) The control room at the Police Headquarters at the State level shall collect from time to time, details 
about the persons arrested, nature of the offence with which they are charged and maintain a database for the 
information of the general public.

41D. Right of arrested person to meet an advocate of his choice during interrogation.—When any 
person is arrested and interrogated by the police, he shall be entitled to meet an advocate of his choice during 
interrogation, though not throughout interrogation.

42. Arrest on refusal to give name and residence.—(1) When any person who, in the presence of a 
police officer, has committed or has been accused of committing a non-cognizable offence refuses, on demand
of such officer, to give his name and residence or gives a name or residence which such officer has reason to 
believe to be false, he may be arrested by such officer in order that his name or residence may be ascertained.
(2) When the true name and residence of such person have been ascertained, he shall be released on his 
executing a bond, with or without sureties, to appear before a Magistrate if so required:
Provided that, if such person is not resident in India, the bond shall be secured by a surety or sureties 
resident in India.
(3) Should the true name and residence of such person not be ascertained within twenty-four hours from 
the time of arrest or should he fail to execute the bond, or, if so required, to furnish sufficient sureties, he shall 
forthwith be forwarded to the nearest Magistrate having jurisdiction.

43. Arrest by private person and procedure on such arrest.—(1) Any private person may arrest or 
cause to be arrested any person who in his presence commits a non-bailable and cognizable offence, or any 
proclaimed offender, and, without unnecessary delay, shall make over or cause to be made over any person so 
arrested to a police officer, or, in the absence of a police officer, take such person or cause him to be taken in 
custody to the nearest police station.
(2) If there is reason to believe that such person comes under the provisions of section 41, a police officer 
shall re-arrest him.
(3) If there is reason to believe that he has committed a non-cognizable offence, and he refuses on the 
demand of a police officer to give his name and residence, or gives a name or residence which such officer has 
reason to believe to be false, he shall be dealt with under the provisions of section 42; but if there is no 
sufficient reason to believe that he has committed any offence, he shall be at once released.

44. Arrest by Magistrate.—(1) When any offence is committed in the presence of a Magistrate, whether 
Executive or Judicial, within his local jurisdiction, he may himself arrest or order any person to arrest the 
offender, and may thereupon, subject to the provisions herein contained as to bail, commit the offender to 
(2) Any Magistrate, whether Executive or Judicial, may at any time arrest or direct the arrest, in his 
presence, within his local jurisdiction, of any person for whose arrest he is competent at the time and in the 
circumstances to issue a warrant.

45. Protection of members of the Armed Forces from arrest.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained 
in sections 41 to 44 (both inclusive), no member of the Armed Forces of the Union shall be arrested for 
anything done or purported to be done by him in the discharge of his official duties except after obtaining the 
consent of the Central Government.
(2) The State Government may, by notification, direct that the provisions of sub-section (1) shall apply to 
such class or category of the members of the Force charged with the maintenance of public order as may be 
specified therein, wherever they may be serving, and thereupon the provisions of that sub-section shall apply as if 
for the expression “Central Government” occurring therein, the expression “State Government” were substituted.

46. Arrest how made.—(1) In making an arrest the police officer or other person making the same shall 
actually touch or confine the body of the person to be arrested, unless there be a submission to the custody by 
word or action:
[Provided that where a woman is to be arrested, unless the circumstances indicate to the contrary, her 
submission to custody on an oral intimation of arrest shall be presumed and, unless the circumstances 
otherwise require or unless the police officer is a female, the police officer shall not touch the person of the 
woman for making her arrest.]
(2) If such person forcibly resists the endeavour to arrest him, or attempts to evade the arrest, such police 
officer or other person may use all means necessary to effect the arrest.
(3) Nothing in this section gives a right to cause the death of a person who is not accused of an offence 
punishable with death or with imprisonment for life.
[(4) Save in exceptional circumstances, no woman shall be arrested after sunset and before sunrise, and 
where such exceptional circumstances exist, the woman police officer shall, by making a written report, obtain 
the prior permission of the Judicial Magistrate of the first class within whose local jurisdiction the offence is 
committed or the arrest is to be made.]

47. Search of place entered by person sought to be arrested.—(1) If any person acting under warrant of 
arrest, or any police officer having authority to arrest, has reason to believe that the person to be arrested has 
entered into, or is within, any place, any person residing in, or being in charge of, such place shall, on demand 
of such person acting as aforesaid or such police officer, allow him free ingress thereto, and afford all 
reasonable facilities for a search therein.
(2) If ingress to such place cannot be obtained under sub-section (1), it shall be lawful in any case for a 
person acting under a warrant and in any case in which a warrant may issue, but cannot be obtained without 
affording the person to be arrested an opportunity of escape, for a police officer to enter such place and search 
therein, and in order to effect an entrance into such place, to break open any outer or inner door or window of 
any house or place, whether that of the person to be arrested or of any other person, if after notification of his 
authority and purpose, and demand of admittance duly made, he cannot otherwise obtain admittance:
Provided that, if any such place is an apartment in the actual occupancy of a female (not being the persons 
to be arrested) who, according to custom, does not appear in public, such person or police officer shall, before 
entering such apartment, give notice to such female that she is at liberty to withdraw and shall afford her every 
reasonable facility for withdrawing, and may then break open the apartment and enter it.
(3) Any police officer or other person authorised to make an arrest may break open any outer or inner 
door or window of any house or place in order to liberate himself or any other person who, having lawfully 
entered for the purpose of making an arrest, is detained therein.

48. Pursuit of offenders into other jurisdictions.—A police officer may, for the purpose of arresting 
without warrant any person whom he is authorised to arrest, pursue such person into any place in India.

49. No unnecessary restraint.—The person arrested shall not be subjected to more restraint than is 
necessary to prevent his escape

50. Person arrested to be informed of grounds of arrest and of right to bail.—(1) Every police officer 
or other person arresting any person without warrant shall forthwith communicate to him full particulars of the 
offence for which he is arrested or other grounds for such arrest.
(2) Where a police officer arrests without warrant any person other than a person accused of a non-bailable 
offence, he shall inform the person arrested that he is entitled to be released on bail and that he may arrange for 
sureties on his behalf.

50A. Obligation of person making arrest to inform about the arrest, etc., to a nominated person.—(1) 
Every police officer or other person making any arrest under this Code shall forthwith give the information 
regarding such arrest and place where the arrested person is being held to any of his friends, relatives or such 
other persons as may be disclosed or nominated by the arrested person for the purpose of giving such 
(2) The police officer shall inform the arrested person of his rights under sub-section (1) as soon as he is 
brought to the police station.
(3) An entry of the fact as to who has been informed of the arrest of such person shall be made in a book to be 
kept in the police station in such form as may be prescribed in this behalf by the State Government.
(4) It shall be the duty of the Magistrate before whom such arrested person is produced, to satisfy himself that the 
requirements of sub-section (2) and sub-section (3) have been complied with in respect of such arrested person.

51. Search of arrested person.—(1) Whenever a person is arrested by a police officer under a warrant which 
does not provide for the taking of bail, or under a warrant which provides for the taking of bail but the person 
arrested cannot furnish bail, and
whenever a person is arrested without warrant, or by a private person under a warrant, and cannot legally be 
admitted to bail, or is unable to furnish bail,
the officer making the arrest or, when the arrest is made by a private person, the police officer to whom he 
makes over the person arrested, may search such person, and place in safe custody all articles, other than necessary 
wearing-apparel, found upon him and where any article is seized from the arrested person, a receipt showing the 
articles taken in possession by the police officer shall be given to such person.
(2) Whenever it is necessary to cause a female to be searched, the search shall be made by another female with 
strict regard to decency

52. Power to seize offensive weapons.—The officer or other person making any arrest under this Code may 
take from the person arrested any offensive weapons which he has about his person, and shall deliver all weapons so 
taken to the Court or officer before which or whom the officer or person making the arrest is required by this Code 
to produce the person arrested.

53. Examination of accused by medical practitioner at the request of police officer.—(1) When a person is 
arrested on a charge of committing an offence of such a nature and alleged to have been committed under such 
circumstances that there are reasonable grounds for believing that an examination of his person will afford evidence as to 
the commission of an offence, it shall be lawful for a registered medical practitioner, acting at the request of a police 
officer not below the rank of sub-inspector, and for any person acting in good faith in his aid and under his direction, to 
make such an examination of the person arrested as is reasonably necessary in order to ascertain the facts which may 
afford such evidence, and to use such force as is reasonably necessary for that purpose.
(2) Whenever the person of a female is to be examined under this section, the examination shall be made only 
by, or under the supervision of, a female registered medical practitioner.
[Explanation.—In this section and in sections 53A and 54,—
(a) “examination” shall include the examination of blood, blood stains, semen, swabs in case of sexual 
offences, sputum and sweat, hair samples and finger nail clippings by the use of modern and scientific 
techniques including DNA profiling and such other tests which the registered medical practitioner thinks 
necessary in a particular case;
(b) “registered medical practitioner” means a medical practitioner who possesses any medical qualification 
as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) and whose name has 
been entered in a State Medical Register.]

53A. Examination of person accused of rape by medical practitioner.—(1) When a person is arrested on a 
charge of committing an offence of rape or an attempt to commit rape and there are reasonable grounds for believing 
that an examination of his person will afford evidence as to the commission of such offence, it shall be lawful for a 
registered medical practitioner employed in a hospital run by the Government or by a local authority and in the absence 
of such a practitioner within the radius of sixteen kilometres from the place where the offence has been committed, by 
any other registered medical practitioner, acting at the request of a police officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector, 
and for any person acting in good faith in his aid and under his direction, to make such an examination of the arrested 
person and to use such force as is reasonably necessary for that purpose.
(2) The registered medical practitioner conducting such examination shall, without delay, examine such person 
and prepare a report of his examination giving the following particulars, namely:—
(i) the name and address of the accused and of the person by whom he was brought,
(ii) the age of the accused,
(iii) marks of injury, if any, on the person of the accused,
(iv) the description of material taken from the person of the accused for DNA profiling, and
(v) other material particulars in reasonable detail.
(3) The report shall state precisely the reasons for each conclusion arrived at.
(4) The exact time of commencement and completion of the examination shall also be noted in the report.
(5) The registered medical practitioner shall, without delay, forward the report to the investigating officer, who 
shall forward it to the Magistrate referred to in section 173 as part of the documents referred to in clause (a) of 
sub-section (5) of that section.]

54. Examination of arrested person by medical officer.—(1) When any person is arrested, he shall be 
examined by a medical officer in the service of Central or State Government, and in case the medical officer is not 
available, by a registered medical practitioner soon after the arrest is made:
Provided that where the arrested person is a female, the examination of the body shall be made only by or under 
the supervision of a female medical officer, and in case the female medical officer is not available, by a female 
registered medical practitioner.
(2) The medical officer or a registered medical practitioner so examining the arrested person shall prepare the 
record of such examination, mentioning therein any injuries or marks of violence upon the person arrested, and the 
approximate time when such injuries or marks may have been inflicted.
(3) Where an examination is made under sub-section (1), a copy of the report of such examination shall be 
furnished by the medical officer or registered medical practitioner, as the case may be, to the arrested person or the 
person nominated by such arrested person.

54A. Identification of person arrested.—Where a person is arrested on a charge of committing an offence 
and his identification by any other person or persons is considered necessary for the purpose of investigation of such 
offence, the Court, having jurisdiction may, on the request of the officer in charge of a police station, direct the 
person so arrested to subject himself to identification by any person or persons in such manner as the Court may 
deem fit:]
[Provided that, if the person identifying the person arrested is mentally or physically disabled, such process of 
identification shall take place under the supervision of a Judicial Magistrate who shall take appropriate steps to 
ensure that such person identifies the person arrested using methods that person is comfortable with:
Provided further that if the person identifying the person arrested is mentally or physically disabled, the 
identification process shall be videographed.

55. Procedure when police officer deputes subordinate to arrest without warrant.—(1) When any officer in 
charge of a police station or any police officer making an investigation under Chapter XII requires any officer 
subordinate to him to arrest without a warrant (otherwise than in his presence) any person who may lawfully be 
arrested without a warrant, he shall deliver to the officer required to make the arrest an order in writing, specifying 
the person to be arrested and the offence or other cause for which the arrest is to be made and the officer so 
required shall, before making the arrest, notify to the person to be arrested the substance of the order and, if so 
required by such person, shall show him the order.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall affect the power of a police officer to arrest a person under section 41.

55A. Health and safety of arrested person.—It shall be the duty of the person having the custody 
of an accused to take reasonable care of the health and safety of the accused.

56. Person arrested to be taken before Magistrate or officer in charge of police station.—A 
police officer making an arrest without warrant shall, without unnecessary delay and subject to the 
provisions herein contained as to bail, take or send the person arrested before a Magistrate having 
jurisdiction in the case, or before the officer in charge of a police station.

57. Person arrested not to be detained more than twenty-four hours.—No police officer shall 
detain in custody a person arrested without warrant for a longer period than under all the circumstances of 
the case is reasonable, and such period shall not, in the absence of a special order of a Magistrate under 
section 167, exceed twenty-four hours exclusive of the time necessary for the journey from the place of 
arrest to the Magistrate’s Court.

58. Police to report apprehensions.—Officers in charge of police stations shall report to the District 
Magistrate, or, if he so directs, to the Sub-divisional Magistrate, the cases of all persons arrested without 
warrant, within the limits of their respective stations, whether such persons have been admitted to bail or 

59. Discharge of person apprehended.—No person who has been arrested by a police officer shall 
be discharged except on his own bond, or on bail, or under the special order of a Magistrate.

60. Power, on escape, to pursue and retake.—(1) If a person in lawful custody escapes or is 
rescued, the person from whose custody he escaped or was rescued may immediately pursue and arrest 
him in any place in India.
(2) The provisions of section 47 shall apply to arrests under sub-section (1) although the person 
making any such arrest is not acting under a warrant and is not a police officer having authority to arrest.

60A. Arrest to be made strictly according to the Code.—No arrest shall be made except in 
accordance with the provisions of this Code or any other law for the time being in force providing for 

61. Form of summons.—Every summons issued by a Court under this Code shall be in writing, in 
duplicate, signed by the presiding officer of such Court or by such other officer as the High Court may, 
from time to time, by rule direct, and shall bear the seal of the Court.

62. Summons how served.—(1) Every summons shall be served by a police officer, or subject to 
such rules as the State Government may make in this behalf, by an officer of the Court issuing it or other 
public servant.
(2) The summons shall, if practicable, be served personally on the person summoned, by delivering or 
tendering to him one of the duplicates of the summons.
(3) Every person on whom a summons is so served shall, if so required by the serving officer, sign a 
receipt therefor on the back of the other duplicate.

63. Service of summons on corporate bodies and societies.—Service of a summons on a 
corporation may be effected by serving it on the secretary, local manager or other principal officer of the 
corporation, or by letter sent by registered post, addressed to the chief officer of the corporation in India, 
in which case the service shall be deemed to have been effected when the letter would arrive in ordinary course 
of post.
Explanation.—In this section, “corporation” means an incorporated company or other body corporate and 
includes a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860)

64. Service when persons summoned cannot be found.—Where the person summoned cannot, by the exercise
of due diligence, be found, the summons may be served by leaving one of the duplicates for him with some adult 
male member of his family residing with him, and the person with whom the summons is so left shall, if so required 
by the serving officer, sign a receipt therefor on the back of the other duplicate.
Explanation.—A servant is not a member of the family within the meaning of this section.

65. Procedure when service cannot be effected as before provided.—If service cannot by the exercise of due 
diligence be effected as provided in section 62, section 63 or section 64, the serving officer shall affix one of the
duplicates of the summons to some conspicuous part of the house or homestead in which the person summoned 
ordinarily resides; and thereupon the Court, after making such inquiries as it thinks fit, may either declare that the 
summons has been duly served or order fresh service in such manner as it considers proper.

66. Service on Government servant.—(1) Where the person summoned is in the active service of the 
Government, the Court issuing the summons shall ordinarily send it in duplicate to the head of the office in which 
such person is employed; and such head shall thereupon cause the summons to be served in the manner provided by 
section 62, and shall return it to the Court under his signature with the endorsement required by that section.
(2) Such signature shall be evidence of due service.

67. Service of summons outside local limits.—When a Court desires that a summons issued by it shall be 
served at any place outside its local jurisdiction, it shall ordinarily send such summons in duplicate to a Magistrate 
within whose local jurisdiction the person summoned resides, or is, to be there served. 

68. Proof of service in such cases and when serving officer not present.—(1) When a summons issued by a 
Court is served outside its local jurisdiction, and in any case where the officer who has served a summons is not 
present at the hearing of the case, an affidavit, purporting to be made before a Magistrate, that such summons has 
been served, and a duplicate of the summons purporting to be endorsed (in the manner provided by section 62 or 
section 64) by the person to whom it was delivered or tendered or with whom it was left, shall be admissible in 
evidence, and the statements made therein shall be deemed to be correct unless and until the contrary is proved.
(2) The affidavit mentioned in this section may be attached to the duplicate of the summons and returned to the 

69. Service of summons on witness by post.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding 
sections of this Chapter, a Court issuing a summons to a witness may, in addition to and simultaneously with the 
issue of such summons, direct a copy of the summons to be served by registered post addressed to the witness at the 
place where he ordinarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain.
(2) When an acknowledgement purporting to be signed by the witness or an endorsement purporting to be made 
by a postal employee that the witness refused to take delivery of the summons has been received, the Court issuing 
the summons may declare that the summons has been duly served.


Andaman and Nicobar Islands U.T.
In section 69 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1974 in is application to the Union Territories of the 
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshdeep,—
(a) in sub-section (1), after the words “to be served by registered post” the words “or of the substance 
thereof to be served by wireless message” shall be inserted.
(b)in sub-section (2), for the words “that the witness refused to take delivery of the summons” the words “or a 
wireless messenger that the witness refused to take delivery of the summons or the message, as the ease may 
be” shall be substituted.
[VideAndaman and Nicobar Islands U.T. Act 6 of 1977, s. 2.]

70. Form of warrant of arrest and duration.—(1) Every warrant of arrest issued by a Court under this Code 
shall be in writing, signed by the presiding officer of such Court and shall bear the seal of the Court.
(2) Every such warrant shall remain in force until it is cancelled by the Court which issued it, or until it is 

71. Power to direct security to be taken.—(1) Any Court issuing a warrant for the arrest of any person may
in its discretion direct by endorsement on the warrant that, if such person executes a bond with sufficient sureties 
for his attendance before the Court at a specified time and thereafter until otherwise directed by the Court, the 
officer to whom the warrant is directed shall take such security and shall release such person from custody.
(2) The endorsement shall state—
(a) the number of sureties;
(b) the amount in which they and the person for whose arrest the warrant is issued, are to be respectively 
(c) the time at which he is to attend before the Court.
(3) Whenever security is taken under this section, the officer to whom the warrant is directed shall forward the 
bond to the Court.

72. Warrants to whom directed.—(1) A warrant of arrest shall ordinarily be directed to one or more police 
officers; but the Court issuing such a warrant may, if its immediate execution is necessary and no police officer is 
immediately available, direct it to any other person or persons, and such person or persons shall execute the same.
(2) When a warrant is directed to more officers or persons than one, it may be executed by all, or by any one or 
more of them.

73. Warrant may be directed to any person.—(1) The Chief Judicial Magistrate or a Magistrate of the first 
class may direct a warrant to any person within his local jurisdiction for the arrest of any escaped convict, 
proclaimed offender or of any person who is accused of a non-bailable offence and is evading arrest.
(2) Such person shall acknowledge in writing the receipt of the warrant, and shall execute it if the person for 
whose arrest it was issued, is in, or enters on, any land or other property under his charge.
(3) When the person against whom such warrant is issued is arrested, he shall be made over with the warrant to 
the nearest police officer, who shall cause him to be taken before a Magistrate having jurisdiction in the case, unless 
security is taken under section 71.

74. Warrant directed to police officer.—A warrant directed to any police officer may also be executed by any 
other police officer whose name is endorsed upon the warrant by the officer to whom it is directed or endorsed.

75. Notification of substance of warrant.—The police officer or other person executing a warrant of arrest 
shall notify the substance thereof to the person to be arrested, and, if so required, shall show him the warrant.

76. Person arrested to be brought before Court without delay.—The police officer or other person executing 
a warrant of arrest shall (subject to the provisions of section 71 as to security) without unnecessary delay bring the 
person arrested before the Court before which he is required by law to produce such person:
Provided that such delay shall not, in any case, exceed twenty-four hours exclusive of the time necessary for the 
journey from the place of arrest to the Magistrate’s Court.

77. Where warrant may be executed.—A warrant of arrest may be executed at any place in India.

78. Warrant forwarded for execution outside jurisdiction.—(1) When a warrant is to be executed outside the 
local jurisdiction of the Court issuing it, such Court may, instead of directing the warrant to a police officer within 
its jurisdiction, forward it by post or otherwise to any Executive Magistrate or District Superintendent of Police or 
Commissioner of Police within the local limits of whose jurisdiction it is to be executed; and the Executive 
Magistrate or District Superintendent or Commissioner shall endorse his name thereon, and if practicable, cause it to 
be executed in the manner hereinbefore provided.
(2) The Court issuing a warrant under sub-section (1) shall forward, along with the warrant, the substance of 
the information against the person to be arrested together with such documents, if any, as may be sufficient to enable 
the Court acting under section 81 to decide whether bail should or should not be granted to the person.

79. Warrant directed to police officer for execution outside jurisdiction.—(1) When a warrant directed to a 
police officer is to be executed beyond the local jurisdiction of the Court issuing the same, he shall ordinarily take it 
for endorsement either to an Executive Magistrate or to a police officer not below the rank of an officer in charge of 
a police station, within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the warrant is to be executed.
(2) Such Magistrate or police officer shall endorse his name thereon and such endorsement shall be sufficient 
authority to the police officer to whom the warrant is directed to execute the same, and the local police shall, if so 
required, assist such officer in executing such warrant.
(3) Whenever there is reason to believe that the delay occasioned by obtaining the endorsement of the 
Magistrate or police officer within whose local jurisdiction the warrant is to be executed will prevent such 
execution, the police officer to whom it is directed may execute the same without such endorsement in any place 
beyond the local jurisdiction of the Court which issued it.

80. Procedure on arrest of person against whom warrant issued.—When a warrant of arrest is executed 
outside the district in which it was issued, the person arrested shall, unless the Court which issued the warrant is 
within thirty kilometres of the place of arrest or is nearer than the Executive Magistrate or District Superintendent 
of Police or Commissioner of Police within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the arrest was made, or unless 
security is taken under section 71, be taken before such Magistrate or District Superintendent or Commissioner.

81. Procedure by Magistrate before whom such person arrested is brought.—(1) The Executive Magistrate 
or District Superintendent of Police or Commissioner of Police shall, if the person arrested appears to be the person 
intended by the Court which issued the warrant, direct his removal in custody to such Court:
Provided that, if the offence is bailable, and such person is ready and willing to give bail to the satisfaction of 
such Magistrate, District Superintendent or Commissioner, or a direction has been endorsed under section 71 on the 
warrant and such person is ready and willing to give the security required by such direction, the Magistrate, District 
Superintendent or Commissioner shall take such bail or security, as the case may be, and forward the bond, to the 
Court which issued the warrant:
Provided further that if the offence is a non-bailable one, it shall be lawful for the Chief Judicial Magistrate 
(subject to the provisions of section 437), or the Sessions Judge, of the district in which the arrest is made on 
consideration of the information and the documents referred to in sub-section (2) of section 78, to release such 
person on bail.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent a police officer from taking security under section 71.

82. Proclamation for person absconding.—(1) If any Court has reason to believe (whether after taking 
evidence or not) that any person against whom a warrant has been issued by it has absconded or is concealing 
himself so that such warrant cannot be executed, such Court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to 
appear at a specified place and at a specified time not less than thirty days from the date of publishing such 
(2) The proclamation shall be published as follows:—
(i) (a) it shall be publicly read in some conspicuous place of the town or village in which such person 
ordinarily resides;
(b) it shall be affixed to some conspicuous part of the house or homestead in which such person ordinarily 
resides or to some conspicuous place of such town or village;
(c) a copy thereof shall be affixed to some conspicuous part of the Court-house;
(ii) the Court may also, if it thinks fit, direct a copy of the proclamation to be published in a daily 
newspaper circulating in the place in which such person ordinarily resides.
(3) A statement in writing by the Court issuing the proclamation to the effect that the proclamation was duly 
published on a specified day, in the manner specified in clause (i) of sub-section (2), shall be conclusive evidence 
that the requirements of this section have been complied with, and that the proclamation was published on such day.
[(4) Where a proclamation published under sub-section (1) is in respect of a person accused of an offence 
punishable under section 302, 304, 364, 367, 382, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 402, 436, 449, 459 or 
460 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), and such person fails to appear at the specified place and time required 
by the proclamation, the Court may, after making such inquiry as it thinks fit, pronounce him a proclaimed offender 
and make a declaration to that effect.
(5) The provisions of sub-sections (2) and (3) shall apply to a declaration made by the Court under 
sub-section (4) as they apply to the proclamation published under sub-section (1).]

83. Attachment of property of person absconding.—(1) The Court issuing a proclamation under 
section 82 may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, at any time after the issue of the proclamation, order 
the attachment of any property, movable or immovable, or both, belonging to the proclaimed person:
Provided that where at the time of the issue of the proclamation the Court is satisfied, by affidavit or 
otherwise, that the person in relation to whom the proclamation is to be issued,—
(a) is about to dispose of the whole or any part of his property, or
(b) is about to remove the whole or any part of his property from the local jurisdiction of the 
it may order the attachment simultaneously with the issue of the proclamation.
(2) Such order shall authorise the attachment of any property belonging to such person within the 
district in which it is made; and it shall authorise the attachment of any property belonging to such person 
without such district when endorsed by the District Magistrate within whose district such property is 
(3) If the property ordered to be attached is a debt or other movable property, the attachment under 
this section shall be made—
(a) by seizure; or
(b) by the appointment of a receiver; or
(c) by an order in writing prohibiting the delivery of such property to the proclaimed person or to 
any one on his behalf; or
(d) by all or any two of such methods, as the Court thinks fit.
(4) If the property ordered to be attached is immovable, the attachment under this section shall, in the 
case of land paying revenue to the State Government, be made through the Collector of the district in 
which the land is situate, and in all other cases—
(a) by taking possession; or
(b) by the appointment of a receiver; or
(c) by an order in writing prohibiting the payment of rent on delivery of property to the 
proclaimed person or to any one on his behalf; or
(d) by all or any two of such methods, as the Court thinks fit.
(5) If the property ordered to be attached consists of live-stock or is of a perishable nature, the Court 
may, if it thinks it expedient, order immediate sale thereof, and in such case the proceeds of the sale shall 
abide the order of the Court.
(6) The powers, duties and liabilities of a receiver appointed under this section shall be the same as 
those of a receiver appointed under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908).

84. Claims and objections to attachment.—(1) If any claim is preferred to, or objection made to the 
attachment of, any property attached under section 83, within six months from the date of such 
attachment, by any person other than the proclaimed person, on the ground that the claimant or objector 
has an interest in such property, and that such interest is not liable to attachment under section 83, the 
claim or objection shall be inquired into, and may be allowed or disallowed in whole or in part:
Provided that any claim preferred or objection made within the period allowed by this sub-section 
may, in the event of the death of the claimant or objector, be continued by his legal representative.
(2) Claims or objections under sub-section (1) may be preferred or made in the Court by which the 
order of attachment is issued, or, if the claim or objection is in respect of property attached under an order 
endorsed under sub-section (2) of section 83, in the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate of the district 
in which the attachment is made.
(3) Every such claim or objection shall be inquired into by the Court in which it is preferred or made:
Provided that, if it is preferred or made in the Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate, he may make it 
over for disposal to any Magistrate subordinate to him.
(4) Any person whose claim or objection has been disallowed in whole or in part by an order under 
sub-section (1) may, within a period of one year from the date of such order, institute a suit to establish 
the right which he claims in respect of the property in dispute; but subject to the result of such suit, if any, 
the order shall be conclusive.

85. Release, sale and restoration of attached property.—(1) If the proclaimed person appears 
within the time specified in the proclamation, the Court shall make an order releasing the property from 
the attachment.
(2) If the proclaimed person does not appear within the time specified in the proclamation, the 
property under the attachment shall be at the disposal of the State Government; but it shall not be sold 
until the expiration of six months from the date of the attachment and until any claim preferred or 
objection made under section 84 has been disposed of under that section, unless it is subject to speedy and 
natural decay, or the Court considers that the sale would be for the benefit of the owner; in either of which 
cases the Court may cause it to be sold whenever it thinks fit.
(3) If, within two years from the date of the attachment, any person whose property is or has been at 
the disposal of the State Government, under sub-section (2), appears voluntarily or is apprehended and 
brought before the Court by whose order the property was attached, or the Court to which such Court is 
subordinate, and proves to the satisfaction of such Court that he did not abscond or conceal himself for 
the purpose of avoiding execution of the warrant, and that he had not such notice of the proclamation as to 
enable him to attend within the time specified therein, such property, or, if the same has been sold, the 
net proceeds of the sale, or, if part only thereof has been sold, the net proceeds of the sale and the residue 
of the property, shall, after satisfying therefrom all costs incurred in consequence of the attachment, be 
delivered to him.

86. Appeal from order rejecting application for restoration of attached property.—Any person 
referred to in sub-section (3) of section 85, who is aggrieved by any refusal to deliver property or the 
proceeds of the sale thereof may appeal to the Court to which appeals ordinarily lie from the sentences of 
the first-mentioned Court.

87. Issue of warrant in lieu of, or in addition to, summons.—A Court may, in any case in which it 
is empowered by this Code to issue a summons for the appearance of any person, issue, after recording its 
reasons in writing, a warrant for his arrest—
(a) if, either before the issue of such summons, or after the issue of the same but before the time 
fixed for his appearance, the Court sees reason to believe that he has absconded or will not obey the 
summons; or
(b) if at such time he fails to appear and the summons is proved to have been duly served in time 
to admit of his appearing in accordance therewith and no reasonable excuse is offered for such failure.

88. Power to take bond for appearance.—When any person for whose appearance or arrest the 
officer presiding in any Court is empowered to issue a summons or warrant, is present in such Court, such 
officer may require such person to execute a bond, with or without sureties, for his appearance in such 
Court, or any other Court to which the case may be transferred for trial.

89. Arrest on breach of bond for appearance.—When any person who is bound by any bond taken 
under this Code to appear before a Court, does not appear, the officer presiding in such Court may issue a 
warrant directing that such person be arrested and produced before him.

90. Provisions of this Chapter generally applicable to summonses and warrants of arrest.—The 
provisions contained in this Chapter relating to a summons and warrant, and their issue, service and 
execution, shall, so far as may be, apply to every summons and every warrant of arrest issued under this 

91. Summons to produce document or other thing.—(1) Whenever any Court or any officer in 
charge of a police station considers that the production of any document or other thing is necessary or 
desirable for the purposes of any investigation, inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code by or 
before such Court or officer, such Court may issue a summons, or such officer a written order, to the 
person in whose possession or power such document or thing is believed to be, requiring him to attend 
and produce it, or to produce it, at the time and place stated in the summons or order.
(2) Any person required under this section merely to produce a document or other thing shall be 
deemed to have complied with the requisition if he causes such document or thing to be produced instead 
of attending personally to produce the same.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed—
(a) to affect sections 123 and 124 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872), or the Bankers’ 
Books Evidence Act, 1891 (13 of 1891), or
(b) to apply to a letter, postcard, telegram or other document or any parcel or thing in the custody 
of the postal or telegraph authority.

92. Procedure as to letters and telegrams.—(1) If any document, parcel or thing in the custody of a 
postal or telegraph authority is, in the opinion of the District Magistrate, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Court 
of Session or High Court wanted for the purpose of any investigation, inquiry, trial or other proceeding 
under this Code, such Magistrate or Court may require the postal or telegraph authority, as the case may 
be, to deliver the document, parcel or thing to such person as the Magistrate or Court directs.
(2) If any such document, parcel or thing is, in the opinion of any other Magistrate, whether 
Executive or Judicial, or of any Commissioner of Police or District Superintendent of Police, wanted for 
any such purpose, he may require the postal or telegraph authority, as the case may be, to cause search to 
be made for and to detain such document, parcel or thing pending the order of a District Magistrate, Chief 
Judicial Magistrate or Court under sub-section (1).

93. When search-warrant may be issued.—(1) (a) Where any Court has reason to believe that a 
person to whom a summons order under section 91 or a requisition under sub-section (1) of section 92 has 
been, or might be, addressed, will not or would not produce the document or thing as required by such 
summons or requisition, or
(b) where such document or thing is not known to the Court to be in the possession of any person, or
(c) where the Court considers that the purposes of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this 
Code will be served by a general search or inspection, it may issue a search-warrant; and the person to 
whom such warrant is directed, may search or inspect in accordance therewith and the provisions 
hereinafter contained.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, specify in the warrant the particular place or part thereof to which 
only the search or inspection shall extend; and the person charged with the execution of such warrant 
shall then search or inspect only the place or part so specified.
(3) Nothing contained in this section shall authorise any Magistrate other than a District Magistrate or 
Chief Judicial Magistrate to grant a warrant to search for a document, parcel or other thing in the custody 
of the postal or telegraph authority.

94. Search of place suspected to contain stolen property, forged documents, etc.—(1) If a District 
Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class, upon information and after such 
inquiry as he thinks necessary, has reason to believe that any place is used for the deposit or sale of stolen 
property, or for the deposit, sale or production of any objectionable article to which this section applies, or 
that any such objectionable article is deposited in any place, he may by warrant authorise any police 
officer above the rank of a constable—
(a) to enter, with such assistance as may be required, such place,
(b) to search the same in the manner specified in the warrant,
(c) to take possession of any property or article therein found which he reasonably suspects to be 
stolen property or objectionable article to which this section applies,
(d) to convey such property or article before a Magistrate, or to guard the same on the spot until 
the offender is taken before a Magistrate, or otherwise to dispose of it in some place of safety,
(e) to take into custody and carry before a Magistrate every person found in such place who 
appears to have been privy to the deposit, sale or production of any such property or article knowing 
or having reasonable cause to suspect it to be stolen property or, as the case may be, objectionable 
article to which this section applies.
(2) The objectionable articles to which this section applies are—
(a) counterfeit coin;
(b) pieces of metal made in contravention of the Metal Tokens Act, 1889 (1 of 1889), or brought 
into India in contravention of any notification for the time being in force under section 11 of the 
Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962);
(c) counterfeit currency note; counterfeit stamps;
(d) forged documents;
(e) false seals;
(f) obscene objects referred to in section 292 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860);
(g) instruments or materials used for the production of any of the articles mentioned in clauses (a)
to (f).

95. Power to declare certain publications forfeited and to issue search-warrants for the 
—(1) Where—
(a) any newspaper, or book, or
(b) any document,
wherever printed, appears to the State Government to contain any matter the publication of which is
punishable under section 124A or section 153A or section 153B or section 292 or section 293 or section 
295A of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), the State Government may, by notification, stating the 
grounds of its opinion, declare every copy of the issue of the newspaper containing such matter, 
and every copy of such book or other document to be forfeited to Government, and thereupon any 
police officer may seize the same wherever found in India and any Magistrate may by warrant authorise 
any police officer not below the rank of sub-inspector to enter upon and search for the same in any 
premises where any copy of such issue, or any such book or other document may be or may be reasonably 
suspected to be.
(2) In this section and in section 96,—
(a) “newspaper” and “book” have the same meaning as in the Press and Registration of Books 
Act, 1867 (25 of 1867);
(b) “document” includes any painting, drawing or photograph, or other visible representation.
(3) No order passed or action taken under this section shall be called in question in any Court 
otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of section 96.

96. Application to High Court to set aside declaration of forfeiture.—(1) Any person having any 
interest in any newspaper, book or other document, in respect of which a declaration of forfeiture has 
been made under section 95, may, within two months from the date of publication in the Official Gazette 
of such declaration, apply to the High Court to set aside such declaration on the ground that the issue of 
the newspaper, or the book or other document, in respect of which the declaration was made, did not 
contain any such matter as is referred to in sub-section (1) of section 95.
(2) Every such application shall, where the High Court consists of three or more Judges, be heard and 
determined by a Special Bench of the High Court composed of three Judges and where the High Court 
consists of less than three Judges, such Special Bench shall be composed of all the Judges of that High 
(3) On the hearing of any such application with reference to any newspaper, any copy of such 
newspaper may be given in evidence in aid of the proof of the nature or tendency of the words, signs or 
visible representations contained in such newspaper, in respect of which the declaration of forfeiture was 
(4) The High Court shall, if it is not satisfied that the issue of the newspaper, or the book or other 
document, in respect of which the application has been made, contained any such matter as is referred to 
in sub-section (1) of section 95, set aside the declaration of forfeiture.
(5) Where there is a difference of opinion among the Judges forming the Special Bench, the decision 
shall be in accordance with the opinion of the majority of those Judges.

97. Search for persons wrongfully confined.—If any District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate 
or Magistrate of the first class has reason to believe that any person is confined under such circumstances 
that the confinement amounts to an offence, he may issue a search-warrant, and the person to whom such 
warrant is directed may search for the person so confined; and such search shall be made in accordance 
therewith, and the person, if found, shall be immediately taken before a Magistrate, who shall make such 
order as in the circumstances of the case seems proper.

98. Power to compel restoration of abducted females.—Upon complaint made on oath of the 
abduction or unlawful detention of a woman, or a female child under the age of eighteen years for any 
unlawful purpose, a District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class may 
make an order for the immediate restoration of such woman to her liberty, or of such female child to her 
husband, parent, guardian or other person having the lawful charge of such child, and may compel 
compliance with such order, using such force as may be necessary

C.—General provisions relating to searches

99. Direction, etc., of search-warrants.—The provisions of sections 38, 70, 72, 74, 77, 78 and 79 
shall, so far as may be, apply to all search-warrants issued under section 93, section 94, section 95 or section 97.

100. Persons in charge of closed place to allow search.—(1) Whenever any place liable to search or 
inspection under this Chapter is closed, any person residing in, or being in charge of, such place, shall, on 
demand of the officer or other person executing the warrant, and on production of the warrant, allow him 
free ingress thereto, and afford all reasonable facilities for a search therein.
(2) If ingress into such place cannot be so obtained, the officer or other person executing the warrant 
may proceed in the manner provided by sub-section (2) of section 47. 
(3) Where any person in or about such place is reasonably suspected of concealing about his person 
any article for which search should be made, such person may be searched and if such person is a 
woman, the search shall be made by another woman with strict regard to decency. 
(4) Before making a search under this Chapter, the officer or other person about to make it shall call 
upon two or more independent and respectable inhabitants of the locality in which the place to be 
searched is situate or of any other locality if no such inhabitant of the said locality is available or is 
willing to be a witness to the search, to attend and witness the search and may issue an order in writing to 
them or any of them so to do.
(5) The search shall be made in their presence, and a list of all things seized in the course of such 
search and of the places in which they are respectively found shall be prepared by such officer or other 
person and signed by such witnesses; but no person witnessing a search under this section shall be 
required to attend the Court as a witness of the search unless specially summoned by it.
(6) The occupant of the place searched, or some person in his behalf, shall, in every instance, be 
permitted to attend during the search, and a copy of the list prepared under this section, signed by the said 
witnesses, shall be delivered to such occupant or person.
(7) When any person is searched under sub-section (3), a list of all things taken possession of shall be 
prepared, and a copy thereof shall be delivered to such person.
(8) Any person who, without reasonable cause, refuses or neglects to attend and witness a search 
under this section, when called upon to do so by an order in writing delivered or tendered to him, shall be 
deemed to have committed an offence under section 187 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).

101. Disposal of things found in search beyond jurisdiction.—When, in the execution of a 
search-warrant at any place beyond the local jurisdiction of the Court which issued the same, any of the 
things for which search is made, are found, such things, together with the list of the same prepared under 
the provisions hereinafter contained, shall be immediately taken before the Court issuing the warrant, 
unless such place is nearer to the Magistrate having jurisdiction therein than to such Court, in which case 
the list and things shall be immediately taken before such Magistrate; and, unless there be good cause to 
the contrary, such Magistrate shall make an order authorising them to be taken to such Court.

102. Power of police officer to seize certain property.—
(1) Any police officer may seize any 
property which may be alleged or suspected to have been stolen, or which may be found under 
circumstances which create suspicion of the commission of any offence.
(2) Such police officer, if subordinate to the officer in charge of a police station, shall forthwith report 
the seizure to that officer.
[(3) Every police officer acting under sub-section (1) shall forthwith report the seizure to the 
Magistrate having jurisdiction and where the property seized is such that it cannot be conveniently 
transported to the Court, 2
[or where there is difficulty in securing proper accommodation for the custody 
of such property, or where the continued retention of the property in police custody may not be 
considered necessary for the purpose of investigation,] he may give custody thereof to any person on his 
executing a bond undertaking to produce the property before the Court as and when required and to give 
effect to the further orders of the Court as to the disposal of the same:]
[Provided that where the property seized under sub-section (1) is subject to speedy and natural decay 
and if the person entitled to the possession of such property is unknown or absent and the value of such 
property is less than five hundred rupees, it may forthwith be sold by auction under the orders of the 
Superintendent of Police and the provisions of sections 457 and 458 shall, as nearly as may be 
practicable, apply to the net proceeds of such sale.]

103. Magistrate may direct search in his presence.—Any Magistrate may direct a search to be 
made in his presence of any place for the search of which he is competent to issue a search-warrant.

104. Power to impound document, etc., produced.—Any Court may, if it thinks fit, impound any 
document or thing produced before it under this Code.

105. Reciprocal arrangements regarding processes.—(1) Where a Court in the territories to which 
this Code extends (hereafter in this section referred to as the said territories) desires that—
(a) a summons to an accused person, or
(b) a warrant for the arrest of an accused person, or
(c) a summons to any person requiring him to attend and produce a document or other thing, or to 
produce it, or
(d) a search-warrant,
[issued by it shall be served or executed at any place,—
(i) within the local jurisdiction of a Court in any State or area in India outside the said territories, 
it may send such summons or warrant in duplicate by post or otherwise, to the presiding officer of 
that Court to be served or executed; and where any summons referred to in clause (a) or clause (c) has 
been so served, the provisions of section 68 shall apply in relation to such summons as if the 
presiding officer of the Court to whom it is sent were a Magistrate in the said territories;
(ii) in any country or place outside India in respect of which arrangements have been made by the 
Central Government with the Government of such country or place for service or execution of 
summons or warrant in relation to criminal matters (hereafter in this section referred to as the 
contracting State), it may send such summons or warrant in duplicate in such form, directed to such 
Court, Judge or Magistrate, and send to such authority for transmission, as the Central Government 
may, by notification, specify in this behalf.]
(2) Where a Court in the said territories has received for service or execution—
(a) a summons to an accused person, or
(b) a warrant for the arrest of an accused person, or
(c) a summons to any person requiring him to attend and produce a document or other thing, or to 
produce it, or
(d) a search-warrant,
[issued by—
(I) a Court in any State or area in India outside the said territories;
(II) a Court, Judge or Magistrate in a contracting State,
it shall cause the same to be served or executed] as if it were a summons or warrant received by it from 
another Court in the said territories for service or execution within its local jurisdiction; and where—
(i) a warrant of arrest has been executed, the person arrested shall, so far as possible, be dealt with in 
accordance with the procedure prescribed by sections 80 and 81,
(ii) a search-warrant has been executed, the things found in the search shall, so far as possible, be dealt 
with in accordance with the procedure prescribed by section 101:
[Provided that in a case where a summons or search-warrant received from a contracting State has been 
executed, the documents or things produced or things found in the search shall be forwarded to the Court issuing the 
summons or search-warrant through such authority as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this 

105A. Definitions.—In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) “contracting State” means any country or place outside India in respect of which arrangements have 
been made by the Central Government with the Government of such country through a treaty or otherwise;
(b) “identifying” includes establishment of a proof that the property was derived from, or used in, the 
commission of an offence;
(c) “proceeds of crime” means any property derived or obtained directly or indirectly, by any person as a 
result of criminal activity (including crime involving currency transfers) or the value of any such property;
(d) “property” means property and assets of every description whether corporeal or incorporeal, movable or 
immovable, tangible or intangible and deeds and instruments evidencing title to, or interest in, such property or 
assets derived or used in the commission of an offence and includes property obtained through proceeds of 
(e) “tracing” means determining the nature, source, disposition, movement, title or ownership of property.

105B. Assistance in securing transfer of persons.—(1) Where a Court in India, in relation to a criminal 
matter, desires that a warrant for arrest of any person to attend or produce a document or other thing issued by it 
shall be executed in any place in a contracting State, it shall send such warrant in duplicate in such form to such 
Court, Judge or Magistrate through such authority, as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this 
behalf and that Court, Judge or Magistrate, as the case may be, shall cause the same to be executed.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code, if, in the course of an investigation or any inquiry into an 
offence, an application is made by the investigating officer or any officer superior in rank to the investigating officer 
that the attendance of a person who is in any place in a contracting State is required in connection with such 
investigation or inquiry and the Court is satisfied that such attendance is so required, it shall issue a summons or 
warrant, in duplicate, against the said person to such Court, Judge or Magistrate, in such form as the Central 
Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf, to cause the same to be served or executed.
(3) Where a Court in India, in relation to a criminal matter, has received a warrant for arrest of any person
requiring him to attend or attend and produce a document or other thing in that Court or before any other 
investigating agency, issued by a Court, Judge or Magistrate in a contracting State, the same shall be executed as if it 
is the warrant received by it from another Court in India for execution within its local limits.
(4) Where a person transferred to a contracting State pursuant to sub-section (3) is a prisoner in India, the Court 
in India or the Central Government may impose such conditions as that Court or Government deems fit.
(5) Where the person transferred to India pursuant to sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) is a prisoner in a 
contracting State, the Court in India shall ensure that the conditions subject to which the prisoner is transferred to 
India are complied with and such prisoner shall be kept in such custody subject to such conditions as the Central 
Government may direct in writing.

105C. Assistance in relation to orders of attachment or forfeiture of property.—(1) Where a 
Court in India has reasonable grounds to believe that any property obtained by any person is derived or 
obtained, directly or indirectly, by such person from the commission of an offence, it may make an order 
of attachment or forfeiture of such property, as it may deem fit under the provisions of sections 105D to 
105J (both inclusive).
(2) Where the Court has made an order for attachment or forfeiture of any property under sub-section 
(1), and such property is suspected to be in a contracting State, the Court may issue a letter of request to a 
Court or an authority in the contracting State for execution of such order.
(3) Where a letter of request is received by the Central Government from a Court or an authority in a 
contracting State requesting attachment or forfeiture of the property in India, derived or obtained, directly 
or indirectly, by any person from the commission of an offence committed in that contracting State, the 
Central Government may forward such letter of request to the Court, as it thinks fit, for execution in 
accordance with the provisions of sections 105D to 105J (both inclusive) or, as the case may be, any other 
law for the time being in force.

105D. Identifying unlawfully acquired property.—(1) The Court shall, under sub-section (1), or on 
receipt of a letter of request under sub-section (3) of section 105C, direct any police officer not below the 
rank of Sub-Inspector of Police to take all steps necessary for tracing and identifying such property.
(2) The steps referred to in sub-section (1) may include any inquiry, investigation or survey in respect 
of any person, place, property, assets, documents, books of account in any bank or public financial 
institutions or any other relevant matters.
(3) Any inquiry, investigation or survey referred to in sub-section (2) shall be carried out by an officer 
mentioned in sub-section (1) in accordance with such directions issued by the said Court in this behalf.

105E. Seizure or attachment of property.—(1) Where any officer conducting an inquiry or 
investigation under section 105D has a reason to believe that any property in relation to which such 
inquiry or investigation is being conducted is likely to be concealed transferred or dealt with in any 
manner which will result in disposal of such property, he may make an order for seizing such property 
and where it is not practicable to seize such property, he may make an order of attachment directing that 
such property shall not be transferred or otherwise dealt with, except with the prior permission of the 
officer making such order, and a copy of such order shall be served on the person concerned.
(2) Any order made under sub-section (1) shall have no effect unless the said order is confirmed by an 
order of the said Court, within a period of thirty days of its being made.

105F. Management of properties seized or forfeited under this Chapter.—(1) The Court may 
appoint the District Magistrate of the area where the property is situated, or any other officer that may be 
nominated by the District Magistrate, to perform the functions of an Administrator of such property.
(2) The Administrator appointed under sub-section (1) shall receive and manage the property in 
relation to which the order has been made under sub-section (1) of section 105E or under section 105H in 
such manner and subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Central Government.
(3) The Administrator shall also take such measures, as the Central Government may direct, to 
dispose of the property which is forfeited to the Central Government.

105G. Notice of forfeiture of property.—(1) If as a result of the inquiry, investigation or survey 
under section 105D, the Court has reason to believe that all or any of such properties are proceeds of 
crime, it may serve a notice upon such person (hereinafter referred to as the person affected) calling upon 
him within a period of thirty days specified in the notice to indicate the source of income, earnings or 
assets, out of which or by means of which he has acquired such property, the evidence on which he relies 
and other relevant information and particulars, and to show cause why all or any of such properties, as the 
case may be, should not be declared to be proceeds of crime and forfeited to the Central Government.
(2) Where a notice under sub-section (1) to any person specifies any property as being held on behalf 
of such person by any other person, a copy of the notice shall also be served upon such other person.

105H. Forfeiture of property in certain cases.—(1) The Court may, after considering the 
explanation, if any, to the show-cause notice issued under section 105G and the material available 
before it and after giving to the person affected (and in a case where the person affected holds any 
property specified in the notice through any other person, to such other person also) a reasonable 
opportunity of being heard, by order, record a finding whether all or any of the properties in question 
are proceeds of crime:
Provided that if the person affected (and in a case where the person affected holds any property 
specified in the notice through any other person such other person also) does not appear before the 
Court or represent his case before it within a period of thirty days specified in the show-cause notice, 
the Court may proceed to record a finding under this sub-section ex parte on the basis of evidence 
available before it.
(2) Where the Court is satisfied that some of the properties referred to in the show-cause notice 
are proceeds of crime but it is not possible to identify specifically such properties, then, it shall be 
lawful for the Court to specify the properties which, to the best of its judgment, are proceeds of crime 
and record a finding accordingly under sub-section (1).
(3) Where the Court records a finding under this section to the effect that any property is 
proceeds of crime, such property shall stand forfeited to the Central Government free from all 
(4) Where any shares in a company stand forfeited to the Central Government under this section,
then, the company shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) 
or the articles of association of the company, forthwith register the Central Government as the 
transferee of such shares.

105-I. Fine in lieu of forfeiture.—(1) Where the Court makes a declaration that any property 
stands forfeited to the Central Government under section 105H and it is a case where the source of 
only a part of such property has not been proved to the satisfaction of the Court, it shall make an 
order giving an option to the person affected to pay, in lieu of forfeiture, a fine equal to the market 
value of such part.
(2) Before making an order imposing a fine under sub-section (1), the person affected shall be 
given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(3) Where the person affected pays the fine due under sub-section (1), within such time as may 
be allowed in that behalf, the Court may, by order, revoke the declaration of forfeiture under section 
105H and thereupon such property shall stand released.

105J. Certain transfers to be null and void.—Where after the making of an order under subsection
(1) of section 105E or the issue of a notice under section 105G, any property referred to in the 
said order or notice is transferred by any mode whatsoever such transfers shall, for the purposes of 
the proceedings under this Chapter, be ignored and if such property is subsequently forfeited to the 
Central Government under section 105H, then, the transfer of such property shall be deemed to be 
null and void.

105K. Procedure in respect of letter of request.—Every letter of request, summons or warrant, 
received by the Central Government from, and every letter of request, summons or warrant, to be 
transmitted to a contracting State under this Chapter shall be transmitted to a contracting State or, as 
the case may be, sent to the concerned Court in India in such form and in such manner as the Central 
Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf.

105L. Application of this Chapter.—The Central Government may, by notification in the 
Official Gazette, direct that the application of this Chapter in relation to a contracting State with 
which reciprocal arrangements have been made, shall be subject to such conditions, exceptions or 
qualifications as are specified in the said notification.

106. Security for keeping the peace on conviction.—(1) When a Court of Session or Court of a Magistrate of 
the first class convicts a person of any of the offences specified in sub-section (2) or of abetting any such offence 
and is of opinion that it is necessary to take security from such person for keeping the peace, the Court may, at the 
time of passing sentence on such person, order him to execute a bond, with or without sureties, for keeping the peace 
for such period, not exceeding three years, as it thinks fit.
(2) The offences referred to in sub-section (1) are—
(a) any offence punishable under Chapter VIII of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), other than an offence 
punishable under section 153A or section 153B or section 154 thereof;
(b) any offence which consists of, or includes, assault or using criminal force or committing mischief;
(c) any offence of criminal intimidation;
(d) any other offence which caused, or was intended or known to be likely to cause, a breach of the peace.
(3) If the conviction is set aside on appeal or otherwise, the bond so executed shall become void.
(4) An order under this section may also be made by an Appellate Court or by a Court when exercising its 
powers of revision.

107. Security for keeping the peace in other cases.—(1) When an Executive Magistrate receives information 
that any person is likely to commit a breach of the peace or disturb the public tranquillity or to do any wrongful act 
that may probably occasion a breach of the peace or disturb the public tranquillity and is of opinion that there is 
sufficient ground for proceeding, he may, in the manner hereinafter provided, require such person to show cause 
why he should not be ordered to execute a bond 1
[with or without sureties,] for keeping the peace for such period, 
not exceeding one year, as the Magistrate thinks fit.
(2) Proceedings under this section may be taken before any Executive Magistrate when either the place where 
the breach of the peace or disturbance is apprehended is within his local jurisdiction or there is within such 
jurisdiction a person who is likely to commit a breach of the peace or disturb the public tranquillity or to do any 
wrongful act as aforesaid beyond such jurisdiction.

108. Security for good behaviour from persons disseminating seditious matters.—(1) When 1
[an Executive 
Magistrate] receives information that there is within his local jurisdiction any person who, within or without such 
(i) either orally or in writing or in any other manner, intentionally disseminates or attempts to disseminate 
or abets the dissemination of,—
(a) any matter the publication of which is punishable under section 124A or section 153A or section 
153B or section 295A of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or
(b) any matter concerning a Judge acting or purporting to act in the discharge of his official duties 
which amounts to criminal intimidation or defamation under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860),
(ii) makes, produces, publishes or keeps for sale, imports, exports, conveys, sells, lets to hire, 
distributes, publicly exhibits or in any other manner puts into circulation any obscene matter such as is referred 
to in section 292 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860),
and the Magistrate is of opinion that there is sufficient ground for proceeding, the Magistrate may, in the manner 
hereinafter provided, require such person to show cause why he should not be ordered to execute a bond, with or 
without sureties, for his good behaviour for such period, not exceeding one year, as the Magistrate thinks fit.
(2) No proceedings shall be taken under this section against the editor, proprietor, printer or publisher of any 
publication registered under, and edited, printed and published in conformity with, the rules laid down in the Press 
and Registration of Books Act, 1867 (25 of 1867), with reference to any matter contained in such publication except 
by the order or under the authority of the State Government or some officer empowered by the State Government in 
this behalf

109. Security for good behaviour from suspected persons.—When 2
[an Executive Magistrate] receives 
information that there is within his local jurisdiction a person taking precautions to conceal his presence and that 
there is reason to believe that he is doing so with a view to committing a cognizable offence, the Magistrate may, in 
the manner hereinafter provided, require such person to show cause why he should not be ordered to execute a bond, 
with or without sureties, for his good behaviour for such period, not exceeding one year, as the Magistrate thinks fit

110. Security for good behaviour from habitual offenders.—When 2
[an Executive Magistrate] receives 
information that there is within his local jurisdiction a person who—
(a) is by habit a robber, house-breaker, thief, or forger, or
(b) is by habit a receiver of stolen property knowing the same to have been stolen, or
(c) habitually protects or harbours thieves, or aids in the concealment or disposal of stolen property, or
(d) habitually commits, or attempts to commit, or abets the commission of, the offence of kidnapping, 
abduction, extortion, cheating or mischief, or any offence punishable under Chapter XII of the Indian Penal 
Code (45 of 1860), or under section 489A, section 489B, section 489C or section 489D of that Code, or
(e) habitually commits, or attempts to commit, or abets the commission of, offences, involving a breach of 
the peace, or
(f) habitually commits, or attempts to commit, or abets the commission of—
(i) any offence under one or more of the following Acts, namely:—
(a) the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940);
[(b) the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (46 of 1973);]
(c) the Employees’ Provident Fund 2
[and Family Pension Fund] Act, 1952 (19 of 1952);
(d) the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954);
(e) the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955);
(f) the Untouchability (Offences) Act, 1955 (22 of 1955);
(g) the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962); 3
[(h) the Foreigners Act, 1946 (31 of 1946); or]
(ii) any offence punishable under any other law providing for the prevention of hoarding or 
profiteering or of adulteration of food or drugs or of corruption, or 
(g) is so desperate and dangerous to render his being at large without security hazardous to the community,
such Magistrate may, in the manner hereinafter provided, require such person to show cause why he should not be 
ordered to execute a bond, with sureties, for his good behaviour for such period, not exceeding three years, as the 
Magistrate thinks fit.

111. Order to be made.—When a Magistrate acting under section 107, section 108, section 109 or section 110, 
deems it necessary to require any person to show cause under such section, he shall make an order in writing, setting 
forth the substance of the information received, the amount of the bond to be executed, the term for which it is to be 
in force, and the number, character and class of sureties (if any) required.

112. Procedure in respect of person present in Court.—If the person in respect of whom such order is made 
is present in Court, it shall be read over to him, or, if he so desires, the substance thereof shall be explained to him.

113. Summons or warrant in case of person not so present.—If such person is not present in Court, the 
Magistrate shall issue a summons requiring him to appear, or, when such person is in custody, a warrant directing 
the officer in whose custody he is to bring him before the Court:
Provided that whenever it appears to such Magistrate, upon the report of a police officer or upon other 
information (the substance of which report or information shall be recorded by the Magistrate), that there is reason 
to fear the commission of a breach of the peace, and that such breach of the peace cannot be prevented otherwise 
than by the immediate arrest of such person, the Magistrate may at any time issue a warrant for his arrest

114. Copy of order to accompany summons or warrant.—Every summons or warrant issued under section 
113 shall be accompanied by a copy of the order made under section 111, and such copy shall be delivered by the 
officer serving or executing such summons or warrant to the person served with, or arrested under, the same.

115. Power to dispense with personal attendance.—The Magistrate may, if he sees sufficient cause, dispense 
with the personal attendance of any person called upon to show cause why he should not be ordered to execute a 
bond for keeping the peace or for good behaviour and may permit him to appear by a pleader.

116. Inquiry as to truth of information.—(1) When an order under section 111 has been read or explained 
under section 112 to a person present in Court, or when any person appears or is brought before a Magistrate in 
compliance with, or in execution of, a summons or warrant, issued under section 113, the Magistrate shall proceed 
to inquire into the truth of the information upon which action has been taken, and to take such further evidence as 
may appear necessary
(2) Such inquiry shall be made, as nearly as may be practicable, in the manner hereinafter prescribed for 
conducting trial and recording evidence in summons-cases.
(3) After the commencement, and before the completion, of the inquiry under sub-section (1), the Magistrate, 
if he considers that immediate measures are necessary for the prevention of a breach of the peace or disturbance 
of the public tranquillity or the commission of any offence or for the public safety, may, for reasons to be 
recorded in writing, direct the person in respect of whom the order under section 111 has been made to execute a 
bond, with or without sureties, for keeping the peace or maintaining good behaviour until the conclusion of the 
inquiry, and may detain him in custody until such bond is executed or, in default of execution, until the inquiry is 
Provided that—
(a) no person against whom proceedings are not being taken under section 108, section 109, or section 110 
shall be directed to execute a bond for maintaining good behaviour;
(b) the conditions of such bond, whether as to the amount thereof or as to the provision of sureties or the 
number thereof or the pecuniary extent of their liability, shall not be more onerous than those specified in the 
order under section 111.
(4) For the purposes of this section the fact that a person is an habitual offender or is so desperate and dangerous 
as to render his being at large without security hazardous to the community may be proved by evidence of general 
repute or otherwise.
(5) Where two or more persons have been associated together in the matter under inquiry, they may be dealt 
within the same or separate inquiries as the Magistrate shall think just.
(6) The inquiry under this section shall be completed within a period of six months from the date of its 
commencement, and if such inquiry is not so completed, the proceedings under this Chapter shall, on the expiry of 
the said period, stand terminated unless, for special reasons to be recorded in writing, the Magistrate otherwise 
Provided that where any person has been kept in detention pending such inquiry, the proceeding against that 
person, unless terminated earlier, shall stand terminated on the expiry of a period of six months of such detention.
(7) Where any direction is made under sub-section (6) permitting the continuance of proceedings the Sessions 
Judge may, on an application made to him by the aggrieved party, vacate such direction if he is satisfied that it was 
not based on any special reason or was perverse.

117. Order to give security.—If, upon such inquiry, it is proved that it is necessary for keeping the peace or 
maintaining good behaviour, as the case may be, that the person in respect of whom the inquiry is made should 
execute a bond, with or without sureties, the Magistrate shall make an order accordingly:
Provided that—
(a) no person shall be ordered to give security of a nature different from, or of an amount larger than, or for 
a period longer than, that specified in the order made under section 111;
(b) the amount of every bond shall be fixed with due regard to the circumstances of the case and shall not 
be excessive;
(c) when the person in respect of whom the inquiry is made is a minor, the bond shall be executed only by 
his sureties.

118. Discharge of person informed against.—If, on an inquiry under section 116, it is not proved that it is 
necessary for keeping the peace or maintaining good behaviour, as the case may be, that the person in respect of 
whom the inquiry is made, should execute a bond, the Magistrate shall make an entry on the record to that effect, 
and if such person is in custody only for the purposes of the inquiry, shall release him, or, if such person is not in 
custody, shall discharge him

119. Commencement of period for which security is required.—(1) If any person, in respect of whom an 
order requiring security is made under section 106 or section 117, is at the time such order is made, sentenced to, or 
undergoing a sentence of, imprisonment, the period for which such security is required shall commence on the 
expiration of such sentence.
(2) In other cases such period shall commence on the date of such order unless the Magistrate, for sufficient 
reason, fixes a later date.

120. Contents of bond.—The bond to be executed by any such person shall bind him to keep the peace or to be 
of good behaviour, as the case may be, and in the latter case the commission or attempt to commit, or the abetment 
of, any offence punishable with imprisonment, wherever it may be committed, is a breach of the bond.

121. Power to reject sureties.—(1) A Magistrate may refuse to accept any surety offered, or may reject any 
surety previously accepted by him or his predecessor under this Chapter on the ground that such surety is an unfit 
person for the purposes of the bond:
Provided that, before so refusing to accept or rejecting any such surety, he shall either himself hold an inquiry 
on oath into the fitness of the surety, or cause such inquiry to be held and a report to be made thereon by a 
Magistrate subordinate to him.
(2) Such Magistrate shall, before holding the inquiry, give reasonable notice to the surety and to the person by 
whom the surety was offered and shall, in making the inquiry, record the substance of the evidence adduced before 
(3) If the Magistrate is satisfied, after considering the evidence so adduced either before him or before a 
Magistrate deputed under sub-section (1), and the report of such Magistrate (if any), that the surety is an unfit person 
for the purposes of the bond, he shall make an order refusing to accept or rejecting, as the case may be, such surety 
and recording his reasons for so doing:
Provided that, before making an order rejecting any surety who has previously been accepted, the Magistrate 
shall issue his summons or warrant, as he thinks fit, and cause the person for whom the surety is bound to appear or 
to be brought before him.

122. Imprisonment in default of security.—(1) (a) If any person ordered to give security under section 106 or 
section 117 does not give such security on or before the date on which the period for which such security is to be 
given commences, he shall, except in the case next hereinafter mentioned, be committed to prison, or, if he is 
already in prison, be detained in prison until such period expires or until within such period he gives the security to 
the Court or Magistrate who made the order requiring it.
(b) If any person after having executed a 1
[bond, with or without sureties] without sureties for keeping the peace 
in pursuance of an order of a Magistrate under section 117, is proved, to the satisfaction of such Magistrate or his 
successor-in-office, to have committed breach of the bond, such Magistrate or successor-in-office may, after 
recording the grounds of such proof, order that the person be arrested and detained in prison until the expiry of the 
period of the bond and such order shall be without prejudice to any other punishment or forfeiture to which the said 
person may be liable in accordance with law.
(2) When such person has been ordered by a Magistrate to give security for a period exceeding one year, such 
Magistrate shall, if such person does not give such security as aforesaid, issue a warrant directing him to be detained 
in prison pending the orders of the Sessions Judge and the proceedings shall be laid, as soon as conveniently may be, 
before such Court.
(3) Such Court, after examining such proceedings and requiring from the Magistrate any further information or 
evidence which it thinks necessary, and after giving the concerned person a reasonable opportunity of being heard, 
may pass such order on the case as it thinks fit:
Provided that the period (if any) for which any person is imprisoned for failure to give security shall not exceed
three years.
(4) If security has been required in the course of the same proceeding from two or more persons in respect 
of any one of whom the proceedings are referred to the Sessions Judge under sub-section (2) such reference shall 
also include the case of any other of such persons who has been order to give security, and the provisions of 
sub-sections (2) and (3) shall, in that event, apply to the case of such other person also, except that the period (if 
any) for which he may be imprisoned, shall not exceed the period for which he was ordered to give security.
(5) A Sessions Judge may in his discretion transfer any proceedings laid before him under sub-section (2) or 
sub-section (4) to an Additional Sessions Judge or Assistant Sessions Judge and upon such transfer, such Additional 
Sessions Judge or Assistant Sessions Judge may exercise the powers of a Sessions Judge under this section in 
respect of such proceedings.
(6) If the security is tendered to the officer in charge of the jail, he shall forthwith refer the matter to the Court 
or Magistrate who made the order, and shall await the orders of such Court or Magistrate.
(7) Imprisonment for failure to give security for keeping the peace shall be simple.
(8) Imprisonment for failure to give security for good behaviour shall, where the proceedings have been taken 
under section 108, be simple, and, where the proceedings have been taken under section 109 or section 110, be 
rigorous or simple as the Court or Magistrate in each case directs.

123. Power to release persons imprisoned for failing to give security.—(1) Whenever 1
[the District 
Magistrate in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 117, or the Chief Judicial 
Magistrate in any other case] is of opinion that any person imprisoned for failing to give security under this Chapter 
may be released without hazard to the community or to any other person, he may order such person to be 
(2) Whenever any person has been imprisoned for failing to give security under this Chapter, the High Court or 
Court of Session, or, where the order was made by any other Court, 2
[District Magistrate, in the case of an order 
passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 117, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other case], may make 
an order reducing the amount of the security or the number of sureties or the time for which security has been 
(3) An order under sub-section (1) may direct the discharge of such person either without conditions or upon 
any conditions which such person accepts:
Provided that any condition imposed shall cease to be operative when the period for which such person was 
ordered to give security has expired.
(4) The State Government may prescribe the conditions upon which a conditional discharge may be made.
(5) If any condition upon which any person has been discharged is, in the opinion of 2
[District Magistrate, in the 
case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 117, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other 
case] by whom the order of discharge was made or of his successor, not fulfilled, he may cancel the same.
(6) When a conditional order of discharge has been cancelled under sub-section (5), such person may be 
arrested by any police officer without warrant, and shall thereupon be produced before the 3
[District Magistrate, in 
the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 117, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any 
other case].
(7) Unless such person gives security in accordance with the terms of the original order for the unexpired 
portion of the term for which he was in the first instance committed or ordered to be detained (such portion being 
deemed to be a period equal to the period between the date of the breach of the conditions of discharge and the date 
on which, except for such conditional discharge, he would have been entitled to release), 1
[District Magistrate, in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 117, or the Chief Judicial Magistrate in any other 
case] may remand such person to prison to undergo such unexpired portion.
(8) A person remanded to prison under sub-section (7) shall, subject to the provisions of section 122, be 
released at any time on giving security in accordance with the terms of the original order for the unexpired portion 
aforesaid to the Court or Magistrate by whom such order was made, or to its or his successor.
(9) The High Court or Court of Session may at any time, for sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, cancel 
any bond for keeping the peace or for good behaviour executed under this Chapter by any order made by it, and 
[District Magistrate, in the case of an order passed by an Executive Magistrate under section 117, or the Chief 
Judicial Magistrate in any other case] may make such cancellation where such bond was executed under his order or 
under the order of any other Court in his district.
(10) Any surety for the peaceable conduct or good behaviour of another person ordered to execute a bond under 
this Chapter may at any time apply to the Court making such order to cancel the bond and on such application being 
made, the Court shall issue a summons or warrant, as it thinks fit, requiring the person for whom such surety is bond 
appear or to be brought before it.

124. Security for unexpired period of bond.—(1) When a person for whose appearance a summons or warrant 
has been issued under the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 121 or under sub-section (10) of section 123, appears 
or is brought before the Magistrate or Court, the Magistrate or Court shall cancel the bond executed by such person 
and shall order such person to give, for the unexpired portion of the term of such bond, fresh security of the same 
description as the original security.
(2) Every such order shall, for the purposes of sections 120 to 123 (both inclusive) be deemed to be an order 
made under section 106 or section 117, as the case may be.

125. Order for maintenance of wives, children and parents.—(1) If any person having sufficient means 
neglects or refuses to maintain—
(a) his wife, unable to maintain herself, or
(b) his legitimate or illegitimate minor child, whether married or not, unable to maintain itself, or
(c) his legitimate or illegitimate child (not being a married daughter) who has attained majority, where such 
child is, by reason of any physical or mental abnormality or injury unable to maintain itself, or
(d) his father or mother, unable to maintain himself or herself,
a Magistrate of the first class may, upon proof of such neglect or refusal, order such person to make a monthly 
allowance for the maintenance of his wife or such child, father or mother, at such monthly rate 1
*** as such 
Magistrate thinks fit and to pay the same to such person as the Magistrate may from time to time direct:
Provided that the Magistrate may order the father of a minor female child referred to in clause (b) to make such 
allowance, until she attains her majority, if the Magistrate is satisfied that the husband of such minor female child, if 
married, is not possessed of sufficient means:
[Provided further that the Magistrate may, during the pendency of the proceeding regarding monthly allowance 
for the maintenance under this sub-section, order such person to make a monthly allowance for the interim 
maintenance of his wife or such child, father or mother, and the expenses of such proceeding which the Magistrate 
considers reasonable, and to pay the same to such person as the Magistrate may from time to time direct:
Provided also that an application for the monthly allowance for the interim maintenance and expenses of 
proceeding under the second proviso shall, as far as possible, be disposed of within sixty days from the date of the 
service of notice of the application to such person.]
Explanation.—For the purposes of this Chapter,—
(a) “minor” means a person who, under the provisions of the Indian Majority Act, 1875 (9 of 1875) is 
deemed not to have attained his majority;
(b) “wife” includes a woman who has been divorced by, or has obtained a divorce from, her husband and 
has not remarried.
[(2) Any such allowance for the maintenance or interim maintenance and expenses of proceeding shall be 
payable from the date of the order, or, if so ordered, from the date of the application for maintenance or interim 
maintenance and expenses of proceeding, as the case may be.]
(3) If any person so ordered fails without sufficient cause to comply with the order, any such Magistrate may, for 
every breach of the order, issue a warrant for levying the amount due in the manner provided for levying fines, and 
may sentence such person, for the whole or any part of each month’s 2
[allowance for the maintenance or the interim 
maintenance and expenses of proceeding, as the case may be,] remaining unpaid after the execution of the warrant, 
to imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month or until payment if sooner made:
Provided that no warrant shall be issued for the recovery of any amount due under this section unless application 
be made to the Court to levy such amount within a period of one year from the date on which it became due:
Provided further that if such person offers to maintain his wife on condition of her living with him, and she 
refuses to live with him, such Magistrate may consider any grounds of refusal stated by her, and may make an order 
under this section notwithstanding such offer, if he is satisfied that there is just ground for so doing.
Explanation.—If a husband has contracted marriage with another woman or keeps a mistress, it shall be 
considered to be just ground for his wife’s refusal to live with him.
(4) No wife shall be entitled to receive an 3
[allowance for the maintenance or the interim maintenance and 
expenses of proceeding, as the case may be,] from her husband under this section if she is living in adultery, or if, 
without any sufficient reason, she refuses to live with her husband, or if they are living separately by mutual 
(5) On proof that any wife in whose favour an order has been made under this section in living in adultery, or 
that without sufficient reason she refuses to live with her husband, or that they are living separately by mutual 

Madhya Pradesh
Amendment of Section 125.— In sub-section (1) of section 125 of the Principal Act, for the words “five 
hundred rupees” the words “three thousand rupees” shall be substituted
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act, 10 of 1998, s. 3.]
Madhya Pradesh
Amendment of Section 125.— In section 125 of the principal Act,—

(i) for the marginal heading, the following marginal heading shall be substituted, namely:—
“Order for maintenance of wives, children, parents and grand parents.”
(ii) In sub-section (1), —
(a) after clause (d), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: —
“(e) his grand father, grand mother unable to maintain himself or her self.”;
(b) In the existing para, for the words “a Magistrate of the first class may, upon proof of such neglect or 
refusal, order such person to make a monthly allowance for the maintenance of his wife or such child, father or 
mother at such monthly rate not exceeding three thousand rupees in the whole, as such Magistrate thinks fit, and 
to pay the same to such person as the Magistrate may from time to time direct”, the words “a Magistrate of the 
first class may upon proof of such neglect or refusal, order such person to make a monthly allowance for the 
maintenance of his wife or such child, father, mother, grand father, grand mother at such monthly rate, as such 
Magistrate thinks fit, and to pay the same to such person as the Magistrate may from time to time direct” shall be 
(c) After the existing first proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:—
“Provided further that the relatives in clause (e) shall only be entitled to monthly allowance for maintenance 
if their sons daughters are not alive and they are unable to maintain themselves.”
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 15 of 2004, s. 3.]
West Bengal
In Sub-section (1) of section 125 of the Principal Act, —
(1) for the words “five hundred rupees”, the words “one thousand and five hundred rupees” shall be 
(2) after the existing proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted:—
“Provided further that where in any proceeding under this section it appears to the Magistrate that 
the wife referred to in clause (a) or the minor child referred to in clause (b) or the child (not being a 
married daughter) referred to in clause (c) or the father or the mother referred to in clause (d) is in 
need of immediate relief for her or its or his support and the necessary expenses of the proceeding, the 
Magistrate may, on the application of the wife or the minor child or the child (not being a married 
daughter) or the father or the mother, as the case may be, order the person against whom the allowance 
for maintenance is claimed, to pay to the petitioner, pending the conclusion of the proceeding, the 
expenses of the proceeding, and monthly during the proceeding such allowance as, having regard to 
the income of such person, it may seem to the Magistrate co be reasonable.”.
[Vide West Bengal Act, 25 of 1992, s. 4.]
West Bengal
In sub-section (1) of section 125 of the principal Act, as amended by the Code of Criminal Procedure 
(West Bengal Amendment) Act, 1992, the words “not exceeding one thousand and five hundred rupees” 
the proviso shall be omitted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 33 of 2001, s. 3.]

126. Procedure.—(1) Proceedings under section 125 may be taken against any person in any district—
(a) where he is, or 
(b) where he or his wife resides, or
(c) where he last resided with his wife, or as the case may be, with the mother of the illegitimate child.
(2) All evidence in such proceedings shall be taken in the presence of the person against whom an order for 
payment of maintenance is proposed to be made, or, when his personal attendance is dispensed with, in the presence 
of his pleader, and shall be recorded in the manner prescribed for summons-cases: 
Provided that if the Magistrate is satisfied that the person against whom an order for payment of maintenance 
is proposed to be made is wilfully avoiding service, or wilfully neglecting to attend the Court, the Magistrate may 
proceed to hear and determine the case ex parte and any order so made may be set aside for good cause shown on an 
application made within three months from the date thereof subject to such terms including terms as to payment of 
costs to the opposite party as the Magistrate may think just and proper.
(3) The Court in dealing with applications under section 125 shall have power to make such order as to costs as 
may be just.126. Procedure.—

127. Alteration in allowance.—1
[(1) On proof of a change in the circumstances of any person, receiving, under 
section 125 a monthly allowance for the maintenance or interim maintenance, or ordered under the same section to 
pay a monthly allowance for the maintenance, or interim maintenance, to his wife, child, father or mother, as the 
case may be, the Magistrate may make such alteration, as he thinks fit, in the allowance for the maintenance or the 
interim maintenance, as the case may be.]
(2) Where it appears to the Magistrate that, in consequence of any decision of a competent Civil Court, any 
order made under section 125 should be cancelled or varied, he shall cancel the order or, as the case may be, vary 
the same accordingly.
(3) Where any order has been made under section 125 in favour of a woman who has been divorced by, or has 
obtained a divorce from, her husband, the Magistrate shall, if he is satisfied that—
(a) the woman has, after the date of such divorce, remarried, cancel such order as from the date of her 
(b) the woman has been divorced by her husband and that she has received, whether before or after the date 
of the said order, the whole of the sum which, under any customary or personal law applicable to the parties, 
was payable on such divorce, cancel such order,—
(i) in the case where such sum was paid before such order, from the date on which such order was 
(ii) in any other case, from the date of expiry of the period, if any, for which maintenance has been 
actually paid by the husband to the woman;
(c) the woman has obtained a divorce from her husband and that she had voluntarily surrendered her rights 
to 2
[maintenance or interim maintenance, as the case may be,] after her divorce, cancel the order from the date 
(4) At the time of making any decree for the recovery of any maintenance or dowry by any person, to whom a 
[monthly allowance for the maintenance and interim maintenance or any of them has been ordered] to be paid 
under section 125, the Civil Court shall take into account the sum which has been paid to, or recovered by, such 
person 1
[as monthly allowance for the maintenance and interim maintenance or any of them, as the case may be, in 
pursuance of] the said order. 


Madhya Pradesh
Amendment of section 127.—In sub-section (1) of section 127 of the principal Act, for the words 
“father or mother”, the words “father, mother, grand father, grand mother” shall be substituted. 
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 15 of 2004, s. 4.]
West Bengal 
In the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 127 of the principal Act, for the words “five hundred 
rupees”, the words “one thousand and five hundred rupees” shall be substituted. 
[Vide West Bengal Act 14 of 1995, s. 3.]
West Bengal 
In Sub-section (1) of section 127 of the principal Act, the proviso shall be omitted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 33 of 2001, s. 4.]

128. Enforcement of order of maintenance.—A copy of the order of 2
[maintenance or interim maintenance 
and expenses of proceedings, as the case may be,] shall be given without payment to the person in whose favour it is 
made, or to his guardian, if any, or to the person to 3
[whom the allowance for the maintenance or the allowance for 
the interim maintenance and expenses of proceeding, as the case may be,] is to be paid; and such order may be 
enforced by any Magistrate in any place where the person against whom it is made may be, on such Magistrate 
being satisfied as to the identity of the parties and the non-payment of the 4
[allowance, or as the case may be, 
expenses, due].

129. Dispersal of assembly by use of civil force.—(1) Any Executive Magistrate or officer in charge of a 
police station or, in the absence of such officer in charge, any police officer, not below the rank of a sub-inspector, 
may command any unlawful assembly, or any assembly of five or more persons likely to cause a disturbance of the 
public peace, to disperse; and it shall thereupon be the duty of the members of such assembly to disperse 
(2) If, upon being so commanded, any such assembly does not disperse, or if, without being so commanded, it 
conducts itself in such a manner as to show a determination not to disperse, any Executive Magistrate or police 
officer referred to in sub-section (1), may proceed to disperse such assembly by force, and may require the 
assistance of any male person, not being an officer or member of the armed forces and acting as such, for the 
purpose of dispersing such assembly, and, if necessary, arresting and confining the persons who form part of it, in 
order to disperse such assembly or that they may be punished according to law.

130. Use of armed forces to disperse assembly.—(1) If any such assembly cannot be otherwise dispersed, and 
if it is necessary for the public security that it should be dispersed, the Executive Magistrate of the highest rank who 
is present may cause it to be dispersed by the armed forces.
(2) Such Magistrate may require any officer in command of any group of persons belonging to the armed forces 
to disperse the assembly with the help of the armed forces under his command, and to arrest and confine such 
persons forming part of it as the Magistrate may direct, or as it may be necessary to arrest and confine in order to 
disperse the assembly or to have them punished according to law.
(3) Every such officer of the armed forces shall obey such requisition in such manner as he thinks fit, but in so 
doing he shall use as little force, and do as little injury to person and property, as may be consistent with dispersing 
the assembly and arresting and detaining such persons.

131. Power of certain armed force officers to disperse assembly.—When the public security is manifestly 
endangered by any such assembly and no Executive Magistrate can be communicated with, any commissioned or 
gazetted officer of the armed forces may disperse such assembly with the help of the armed forces under his 
command, and may arrest and confine any persons forming part of it, in order to disperse such assembly or that they 
may be punished according to law; but if, while he is acting under this section, it becomes practicable for him to 
communicate with an Executive Magistrate, he shall do so, and shall thenceforward obey the instructions of the 
Magistrate, as to whether he shall or shall not continue such action.

132. Protection against prosecution for acts done under preceding sections.—(1) No prosecution against 
any person for any act purporting to be done under section 129, section 130 or section 131 shall be instituted in any 
Criminal Court except—
(a) with the sanction of the Central Government where such person is an officer or member of the armed 
(b) with the sanction of the State Government in any other case.
(2) (a) No Executive Magistrate or police officer acting under any of the said sections in good faith;
(b) no person doing any act in good faith in compliance with a requisition under section 129 or section 130;
(c) no officer of the armed forces acting under section 131 in good faith;
(d) no member of the armed forces doing any act in obedience to any order which he was bound to obey,
shall be deemed to have thereby committed an offence.
(3) In this section and in the preceding sections of this Chapter,—
(a) the expression “armed forces” means the military, naval and air forces, operating as land forces and 
includes any other armed forces of the Union so operating;
(b) “officer”, in relation to the armed forces, means a person commissioned, gazetted or in pay as an officer 
of the armed forces and includes a junior commissioned officer, a warrant officer, a petty officer, a noncommissioned officer and a non-gazetted officer;
(c) “member”, in relation to the armed forces, means a person in the armed forces other than an officer.

133. Conditional order for removal of nuisance.—(1) Whenever a District Magistrate or a Sub-divisional 
Magistrate or any other Executive Magistrate specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government, on 
receiving the report of a police officer or other information and on taking such evidence (if any) as he thinks fit, 
(a) that any unlawful obstruction or nuisance should be removed from any public place or from any way, 
river or channel which is or may be lawfully used by the public; or
(b) that the conduct of any trade or occupation, or the keeping of any goods or merchandise, is injurious to 
the health or physical comfort of the community, and that in consequence such trade or occupation should be 
prohibited or regulated or such goods or merchandise should be removed or the keeping thereof regulated; or
(c) that the construction of any building, or, the disposal of any substance, as is likely to occasion 
configuration or explosion, should be prevented or stopped; or
(d) that any building, tent or structure, or any tree is in such a condition that it is likely to fall and thereby 
cause injury to persons living or carrying on business in the neighbourhood or passing by, and that in 
consequence the removal, repair or support of such building, tent or structure, or the removal or support of such 
tree, is necessary; or
(e) that any tank, well or excavation adjacent to any such way or public place should be fenced in such 
manner as to prevent danger arising to the public; or
(f) that any dangerous animal should be destroyed, confined or otherwise disposed of,
such Magistrate may make a conditional order requiring the person causing such obstruction or nuisance, or carrying 
on such trade or occupation, or keeping any such goods or merchandise, or owning, possessing or controlling such 
building, tent, structure, substance, tank, well or excavation, or owning or possessing such animal or tree, within a 
time to be fixed in the order—
(i) to remove such obstruction or nuisance; or
(ii) to desist from carrying on, or to remove or regulate in such manner as may be directed, such trade or 
occupation, or to remove such goods or merchandise, or to regulate the keeping thereof in such manner as may 
be directed; or
(iii) to prevent or stop the construction of such building, or to alter the disposal of such substance; or
(iv) to remove, repair or support such building, tent or structure, or to remove or support such trees; or
(v) to fence such tank, well or excavation; or
(vi) to destroy, confine or dispose of such dangerous animal in the manner provided in the said order,
or, if he objects so to do, to appear before himself or some other Executive Magistrate subordinate to him at a time 
and place to be fixed by the order, and show cause, in the manner hereinafter provided, why the order should not be 
made absolute.
(2) No order duly made by a Magistrate under this section shall be called in question in any Civil Court.
Explanation.—A “public place” includes also property belonging to the State, camping grounds and grounds 
left unoccupied for sanitary or recreative purposes.

134. Service or notification of order.—(1) The order shall, if practicable, be served on the person against 
whom it is made, in the manner herein provided for service of a summons.
(2) If such order cannot be so served, it shall be notified by proclamation, published in such manner as the State 
Government may, by rules, direct, and a copy thereof shall be struck up at such place or places as may be fittest for 
conveying the information to such person.

135. Person to whom order is addressed to obey or show cause.—The person against whom such order is 
made shall—
(a) perform, within the time and in the manner specified in the order, the act directed thereby; or
(b) appear in accordance with such order and show cause against the same.

136. Consequences of his failing to do so.—If such person does not perform such act or appear and show 
cause, he shall be liable to the penalty prescribed in that behalf in section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), 
and the order shall be made absolute.

137. Procedure where existence of public right is denied.—(1) Where an order is made under section 133 for 
the purpose of preventing obstruction, nuisance or danger to the public in the use of any way, river, channel or place, 
the Magistrate shall, on the appearance before him of the person against whom the order was made, question him as 
to whether he denies the existence of any public right in respect of the way, river, channel or place, and if he does 
so, the Magistrate shall, before proceeding under section 138, inquire into the matter. 
(2) If in such inquiry the Magistrate finds that there is any reliable evidence in support of such denial, he shall 
stay the proceedings until the matter of the existence of such right has been decided by a competent Court; and, if he 
finds that there is no such evidence, he shall proceed as laid down in section 138.
(3) A person who has, on being questioned by the Magistrate under sub-section (1), failed to deny the existence 
of a public right of the nature therein referred to, or who, having made such denial, has failed to adduce reliable 
evidence in support thereof, shall not in the subsequent proceedings be permitted to make any such denial.

138. Procedure where he appears to show cause.—(1) If the person against whom an order under section 133 
is made appears and shows cause against the order, the Magistrate shall take evidence in the matter as in a 
(2) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the order, either as originally made or subject to such modification as he 
considers necessary, is reasonable and proper, the order shall be made absolute without modification or, as the case 
may be, with such modification.
(3) If the Magistrate is not so satisfied, no further proceedings shall be taken in the case.

139. Power of Magistrate to direct local investigation and examination of an expert.—The Magistrate may, 
for the purposes of an inquiry under section 137 or section 138—
(a) direct a local investigation to be made by such person as he thinks fit; or
(b) summon and examine an expert.

140. Power of Magistrate to furnish written instructions, etc.—(1) Where the Magistrate directs a local 
investigation by any person under section 139, the Magistrate may—
(a) furnish such person with such written instructions as may seem necessary for his guidance;
(b) declare by whom the whole or any part of the necessary expenses of the local investigation shall be paid.
(2) The report of such person may be read as evidence in the case.
(3) Where the Magistrate summons and examines an expert under section 139, the Magistrate may direct by 
whom the costs of such summoning and examination shall be paid.

141. Procedure on order being made absolute and consequences of disobedience.—(1) When an order has 
been made absolute under section 136 or section 138, the Magistrate shall give notice of the same to the person
against whom the order was made, and shall further require him to perform the act directed by the order within a 
time to be fixed in the notice, and inform him that, in case of disobedience, he will be liable to the penalty provided 
by section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860). 
(2) If such act is not performed within the time fixed, the Magistrate may cause it to be performed, and may 
recover the costs of performing it, either by the sale of any building, goods or other property removed by his order, 
or by the distress and sale of any other movable property of such person within or without such Magistrate’s local 
jurisdiction, and if such other property is without such jurisdiction, the order shall authorise its attachment and sale 
when endorsed by the Magistrate within whose local jurisdiction the property to be attached is found.
(3) No suit shall lie in respect of anything done in good faith under this section.

142. Injunction pending inquiry.—(1) If a Magistrate making an order under section 133 considers that 
immediate measures should be taken to prevent imminent danger or injury of a serious kind to the public, he may 
issue such an injunction to the person against whom the order was made, as is required to obviate or prevent 
such danger or injury pending the determination of the matter. 
(2) In default of such person forthwith obeying such injunction, the Magistrate may himself use, or cause 
to be used, such means as he thinks fit to obviate such danger or to prevent such injury.
(3) No suit shall lie in respect of anything done in good faith by a Magistrate under this section.

143. Magistrate may prohibit repetition or continuance of public nuisance.—A District Magistrate or 
Sub-divisional Magistrate, or any other Executive Magistrate empowered by the State Government or the 
District Magistrate in this behalf, may order any person not to repeat or continue a public nuisance, as defined 
in the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or any special or local law.

C.—Urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended danger
144. Power to issue order in urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended danger .—(1) In cases where, in 
the opinion of a District Magistrate, a Sub-divisional Magistrate or any other Executive Magistrate specially 
empowered by the State Government in this behalf, there is sufficient ground for proceeding under this section 
and immediate prevention or speedy remedy is desirable, such Magistrate may, by a written order stating the 
material facts of the case and served in the manner provided by section 134, direct any person to abstain from a 
certain act or to take certain order with respect to certain property in his possession or under his management, 
if such Magistrate considers that such direction is likely to prevent, or tends to prevent, obstruction, annoyance 
or injury to any person lawfully employed, or danger to human life, health or safety or a disturbance of the 
public tranquillity, or a riot, or an affray. 
(2) An order under this section may, in cases of emergency or in cases where the circumstances do not 
admit of the serving in due time of a notice upon the person against whom the order is directed, be passed ex 
(3) An order under this section may be directed to a particular individual, or to persons residing in a 
particular place or area, or to the public generally when frequenting or visiting a particular place or area.
(4) No order under this section shall remain in force for more than two months from the making thereof:
Provided that, if the State Government considers it necessary so to do for preventing danger to human life, 
health or safety or for preventing a riot or any affray, it may, by notification, direct that an order made by a 
Magistrate under this section shall remain in force for such further period not exceeding six months from the 
date on which the order made by the Magistrate would have, but for such order, expired, as it may specify in 
the said notification.
(5) Any Magistrate may, either on his own motion or on the application of any person aggrieved, rescind
or alter any order made under this section, by himself or any Magistrate subordinate to him or by his 
(6) The State Government may, either on its own motion or on the application of any person aggrieved, 
rescind or alter any order made by it under the proviso to sub-section (4).
(7) Where an application under sub-section (5) or sub-section (6) is received, the Magistrate, or the State 
Government, as the case may be, shall afford to the applicant an early opportunity of appearing before him or 
it, either in person or by pleader and showing cause against the order; and if the Magistrate or the State 
Government, as the case may be, rejects the application wholly or in part, he or it shall record in writing the 
reasons for so doing.

144A. Power to prohibit carrying arms in procession or mass drill or mass training with 
(1) The District Magistrate may, whenever he considers it necessary so to do for the 
preservation of public peace or public safety or for the maintenance of public order, by public notice 
or by order, prohibit in any area within the local limits of his jurisdiction, the carrying of arms in any 
procession or the organising or holding of, or taking part in, any mass drill or mass training with 
arms in any public place.
(2) A public notice issued or an order made under this section may be directed to a particular 
person or to persons belonging to any community, party or organisation.
(3) No public notice issued or an order made under this section shall remain in force for more 
than three months from the date on which it is issued or made.
(4) The State Government may, if it considers necessary so to do for the preservation of public 
peace or public safety or for the maintenance of public order, by notification, direct that a public 
notice issued or order made by the District Magistrate under this section shall remain in force for 
such further period not exceeding six months from the date on which such public notice or order was 
issued or made by the District Magistrate would have, but for such direction, expired, as it may 
specify in the said notification.
(5) The State Government may, subject to such control and directions as it may deem fit to 
impose, by general or special order, delegate its powers under sub-section (4) to the District 
Explanation.—The word “arms” shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 153AA of the 
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).]

145. Procedure where dispute concerning land or water is likely to cause breach of peace.—
(1) Whenever an Executive Magistrate is satisfied from a report of a police officer or upon other 
information that a dispute likely to cause a breach of the peace exists concerning any land or water or 
the boundaries thereof, within his local jurisdiction, he shall make an order in writing, stating the 
grounds of his being so satisfied, and requiring the parties concerned in such dispute to attend his 
Court in person or by pleader, on a specified date and time, and to put in written statements of their 
respective claims as respects the fact of actual possession of the subject of dispute.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the expression “land or water” includes buildings, markets, 
fisheries, crops or other produce of land, and the rents or profits of any such property.
(3) A copy of the order shall be served in the manner provided by this Code for the service of a 
summons upon such person or persons as the Magistrate may direct, and at least one copy shall be 
published by being affixed to some conspicuous place at or near the subject of dispute.
(4) The Magistrate shall then, without reference to the merits or the claims of any of the parties 
to a right to possess the subject of dispute, persue the statements so put in, hear the parties, receive 
all such evidence as may be produced by them, take such further evidence, if any, as he thinks 
necessary, and, if possible, decide whether any and which of the parties was, at the date of the order 
made by him under sub-section (1), in possession of the subject of dispute:
Provided that if it appears to the Magistrate that any party has been forcibly and wrongfully 
dispossessed within two months next before the date on which the report of a police officer or other
information was received by the Magistrate, or after that date and before the date of his order under 
sub-section (1), he may treat the party so dispossessed as if that party had been in possession on the 
date of his order under sub-section (1).
(5) Nothing in this section shall preclude any party so required to attend, or any other person 
interested, from showing that no such dispute as aforesaid exists or has existed; and in such case the 
Magistrate shall cancel his said order, and all further proceedings thereon shall be stayed, but, subject 
to such cancellation, the order of the Magistrate under sub-section (1) shall be final.
(6) (a) If the Magistrate decides that one of the parties was, or should under the proviso to subsection (4) be treated as being, in such possession of the said subject, he shall issue an order 
declaring such party to be entitled to possession thereof until evicted therefrom in due course of law, 
and forbidding all disturbance of such possession until such eviction; and when he proceeds under 
the proviso to sub-section (4), may restore to possession the party forcibly and wrongfully 
(b) The order made under this sub-section shall be served and published in the manner laid down 
in sub-section (3).
(7) When any party to any such proceeding dies, the Magistrate may cause the legal 
representative of the deceased party to be made a party to the proceeding and shall thereupon 
continue the inquiry, and if any question arises as to who the legal representative of a deceased party 
for the purposes of such proceeding is, all persons claiming to be representatives of the deceased 
party shall be made parties thereto.
(8) If the Magistrate is of opinion that any crop or other produce of the property, the subject of dispute in a 
proceeding under this section pending before him, is subject to speedy and natural decay, he may make an 
order for the proper custody or sale of such property, and, upon the completion of the inquiry, shall make such 
order for the disposal of such property, or the sale-proceeds thereof, as he thinks fit.
(9) The Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, at any stage of the proceedings under this section, on the 
application of either party, issue a summons to any witness directing him to attend or to produce any 
document or thing.
(10) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to be in derogation of powers of the Magistrate to 
proceed under section 107.

146. Power to attach subject of dispute and to appoint receiver.—(1) If the Magistrate at any time 
after making the order under sub-section (1) of section 145 considers the case to be one of emergency, or 
if he decides that none of the parties was then in such possession as is referred to in section 145, or if he is 
unable to satisfy himself as to which of them was then in such possession of the subject of dispute, he 
may attach the subject of dispute until a competent Court has determined the rights of the parties thereto 
with regard to the person entitled to the possession thereof:
Provided that such Magistrate may withdraw the attachment at any time if he is satisfied that there is 
no longer any likelihood of breach of the peace with regard to the subject of dispute.
(2) When the Magistrate attaches the subject of dispute, he may, if no receiver in relation to such 
subject of dispute has been appointed by any Civil Court, make such arrangements as he considers proper 
for looking after the property or if he thinks fit, appoint a receiver thereof, who shall have, subject to the 
control of the Magistrate, all the powers of a receiver appointed under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 
(5 of 1908):
Provided that in the event of a receiver being subsequently appointed in relation to the subject of 
dispute by any Civil Court, the Magistrate—
(a) shall order the receiver appointed by him to hand over the possession of the subject of dispute 
to the receiver appointed by the Civil Court and shall thereafter discharge the receiver appointed by 
(b) may make such other incidental or consequential orders as may be just.

147. Dispute concerning right of use of land or water.—(1) Whenever an Executive Magistrate is 
satisfied from the report of a police officer or upon other information, that a dispute likely to cause a 
breach of the peace exists regarding any alleged right of user of any land or water within his local 
jurisdiction, whether such right be claimed as an easement or otherwise, he shall make an order in 
writing, stating the grounds of his being so satisfied and requiring the parties concerned in such 
dispute to attend his Court in person or by pleader on a specified date and time and to put in written 
statements of their respective claims.
Explanation.—The expression “land or water” has the meaning given to it in sub-section (2) of 
section 145.
(2) The Magistrate shall then persue the statements so put in, hear the parties, receive all such 
evidence as may be produced by them respectively, consider the effect of such evidence, take such further 
evidence, if any, as he thinks necessary and, if possible, decide whether such right exists; and the 
provisions of section 145 shall, so far as may be, apply in the case of such inquiry.
(3) If it appears to such Magistrate that such rights exist, he may make an order prohibiting any 
interference with the exercise of such right, including, in a proper case, an order for the removal of any 
obstruction in the exercise of any such right:
Provided that no such order shall be made where the right is exercisable at all times of the year, 
unless such right has been exercised within three months next before the receipt under sub-section (1) of 
the report of a police officer or other information leading to the institution of the inquiry, or where the 
right is exercisable only at particular seasons or on particular occasions, unless the right has been 
exercised during the last of such seasons or on the last of such occasions before such receipt.
(4) When in any proceedings commenced under sub-section (1) of section 145 the Magistrate finds 
that the dispute is as regards an alleged right of user of land or water, he may, after recording his reasons, 
continue with the proceedings as if they had been commenced under sub-section (1),
and when in any proceedings commenced under sub-section (1) the magistrate finds that the dispute 
should be dealt with under section 145, he may, after recording his reasons, continue with the proceedings 
as if they had been commenced under sub-section (1) of section 145.

148. Local inquiry.—(1) Whenever a local inquiry is necessary for the purposes of section 145, section 146 or 
section 147, a District Magistrate or Sub-divisional Magistrate may depute any Magistrate subordinate to him to 
make the inquiry, and may furnish him with such written instructions as may seem necessary for his guidance, and 
may declare by whom the whole or any part of the necessary expenses of the inquiry shall be paid.
(2) The report of the person so deputed may be read as evidence in the case.
(3) When any costs have been incurred by any party to a proceeding under section 145, section 146 or section 
147, the Magistrate passing a decision may direct by whom such costs shall be paid, whether by such party or by any 
other party to the proceeding, and whether in whole or in part or proportion and such costs may include any 
expenses incurred in respect of witnesses and of pleaders’ fees, which the Court may consider reasonable.

149. Police to prevent cognizable offences.—Every police officer may interpose for the purpose of preventing, 
and shall, to the best of his ability, prevent, the commission of any cognizable offence.

150. Information of design to commit cognizable offences.—Every police officer receiving information of a 
design to commit any cognizable offence shall communicate such information to the police officer to whom he is 
subordinate, and to any other officer whose duty it is to prevent or take cognizance of the commission of any such 

151. Arrest to prevent the commission of cognizable offences.—(1) A police officer knowing of a design to 
commit any cognizable offence may arrest, without orders from a Magistrate and without a warrant, the person so 
designing, if it appears to such officer that the commission of the offence cannot be otherwise prevented.
(2) No person arrested under sub-section (1) shall be detained in custody for a period exceeding twenty-four 
hours from the time of his arrest unless his further detention is required or authorised under any other provisions of 
this Code or of any other law for the time being in force.

152. Prevention of injury to public property.—A police officer may of his own authority interpose to prevent 
any injury attempted to be committed in his view to any public property, movable or immovable, or the removal or 
injury of any public landmark or buoy or other mark used for navigation.

153. Inspection of weights and measures.—(1) Any officer in charge of a police station may, without a 
warrant, enter any place within the limits of such station for the purpose of inspecting or searching for any weights 
or measures or instruments for weighing, used or kept therein, whenever he has reason to believe that there are in 
such place any weights, measures or instruments for weighing which are false.
(2) If he finds in such place any weights, measures or instruments for weighing which are false, he may seize
the same, and shall forthwith give information of such seizure to a Magistrate having jurisdiction.

154. Information in cognizable cases.—(1) Every information relating to the commission of a cognizable 
offence, if given orally to an officer in charge of a police station, shall be reduced to writing by him or under his 
direction, and be read over to the informant; and every such information, whether given in writing or reduced to 
writing as aforesaid, shall be signed by the person giving it, and the substance thereof shall be entered in a book to 
be kept by such officer in such form as the State Government may prescribe in this behalf:
[Provided that if the information is given by the woman against whom an offence under section 326A, 
section 326B, section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 376, 2
[section 376A, 
section 376AB, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB], section 376E or section 
509 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) is alleged to have been committed or attempted, then such information 
shall be recorded, by a woman police officer or any woman officer:
Provided further that—
(a) in the event that the person against whom an offence under section 354, section 354A, section 354B, 
section 354C, section 354D, section 376, 1
[section 376A, section 376AB, section 376B, section 376C, 
section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB], section 376E or section 509 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 
1860) is alleged to have been committed or attempted, is temporarily or permanently mentally or physically 
disabled, then such information shall be recorded by a police officer, at the residence of the person seeking to 
report such offence or at a convenient place of such person’s choice, in the presence of an interpreter or a 
special educator, as the case may be;
(b) the recording of such information shall be video graphed;
(c) the police officer shall get the statement of the person recorded by a Judicial Magistrate under clause (a) 
of sub-section (5A) of section 164 as soon as possible.]
(2) A copy of the information as recorded under sub-section (1)shall be given forthwith, free of cost, to the informant.
(3) Any person aggrieved by a refusal on the part of an officer in charge of a police station to record the 
information referred to in sub-section (1) may send the substance of such information, in writing and by post, to the 
Superintendent of Police concerned who, if satisfied that such information discloses the commission of a cognizable 
offence, shall either investigate the case himself or direct an investigation to be made by any police officer 
subordinate to him, in the manner provided by this Code, and such officer shall have all the powers of an officer in 
charge of the police station in relation to that offence.



In first proviso to sub-section (1) of section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (here-in-after referred to as 
the Code) for the words and figure “or section 509” the words, figures, letters and punctuations, “ section 509, 
section 509A or section 509B” shall be substituted.
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 25 of 2015, s. 7.

155. Information as to non-cognizable cases and investigation of such cases.—(1) When information is given to 
an officer in charge of a police station of the commission within the limits of such station of a non-cognizable offence, he 
shall enter or cause to be entered the substance of the information in a book to be kept by such officer in such form as the 
State Government may prescribe in this behalf, and refer the informant to the Magistrate.
(2) No police officer shall investigate a non-cognizable case without the order of a Magistrate having power to 
try such case or commit the case for trial.
(3) Any police officer receiving such order may exercise the same powers in respect of the investigation 
(except the power to arrest without warrant) as an officer in charge of a police station may exercise in a cognizable 
(4) Where a case relates to two or more offences of which at least one is cognizable, the case shall be deemed 
to be a cognizable case, notwithstanding that the other offences are non-cognizable.

156. Police officer’s power to investigate cognizable case.—(1) Any officer in charge of a police station may, 
without the order of a Magistrate, investigate any cognizable case which a Court having jurisdiction over the local area 
within the limits of such station would have power to inquire into or try under the provisions of Chapter XIII.
(2) No proceeding of a police officer in any such case shall at any stage be called in question on the ground 
that the case was one which such officer was not empowered under this section to investigate.
(3) Any Magistrate empowered under section 190 may order such an investigation as above-mentioned.



Amendment of section 156.—In section 156 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, (2 of 1974) in its 
application to the State of Maharashtra (Hereinafter referred to as “the said Code”), after sub-section (3), the 
following provisos shall be added, namely:—
“Provided that, no Magistrate shall order an investigation under this section against a person who is or was a public 
servant as defined under any other law for the time being in force, in respect of the act done by such public servant while 
acting or purporting to act in the discharge of his official duties, except with the previous sanction under section 197 of the 
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) or under any law for the time being in force:
Provided further that, the sanctioning authority shall take a decision within a period of ninety days from the 
date of the receipt of the proposal for sanction and in case the sanctioning authority fails to take the decision within 
the said stipulated period of ninety days, the sanction shall be deemed to have been accorded by the sanctioning 
[Vide Maharashtra Act 33 of 2016, s. 2.]

157. Procedure for investigation.—(1) If, from information received or otherwise, an officer in charge of a 
police station has reason to suspect the commission of an offence which he is empowered under section 156 to 
investigate, he shall forthwith send a report of the same to a Magistrate empowered to take cognizance of such 
offence upon a police report and shall proceed in person, or shall depute one of his subordinate officers not being 
below such rank as the State Government may, by general or special order, prescribe in this behalf, to proceed, to 
the spot, to investigate the facts and circumstances of the case, and, if necessary, to take measures for the discovery 
and arrest of the offender:
Provided that—
(a) when information as to the commission of any such offence is given against any person by name and 
the case is not of a serious nature, the officer in charge of a police station need not proceed in person or depute a 
subordinate officer to make an investigation on the spot;
(b) if it appears to the officer in charge of a police station that there is no sufficient ground for entering on 
an investigation, he shall not investigate the case.
[Provided further that in relation to an offence of rape, the recording of statement of the victim shall be 
conducted at the residence of the victim or in the place of her choice and as far as practicable by a woman police 
officer in the presence of her parents or guardian or near relatives or social worker of the locality.] 
(2) In each of the cases mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of the proviso to sub-section (1), the officer in charge 
of the police station shall state in his report his reasons for not fully complying with the requirements of that subsection,
and, in the case mentioned in clause (b) of the said proviso, the officer shall also forthwith notify to the 
informant, if any, in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government, the fact that he will not investigate 
the case or cause it to be investigated.

158. Report how submitted.—(1) Every report sent to a Magistrate under section 157 shall, if the State 
Government so directs, be submitted through such superior officer of police as the State Government, by general or 
special order, appoints in that behalf.
(2) Such superior officer may give such instructions to the officer in charge of the police station as he thinks fit, 
and shall, after recording such instructions on such report, transmit the same without delay to the Magistrate.

159. Power to hold investigation or preliminary inquiry.—Such Magistrate, on receiving such report, may direct 
an investigation, or, if he thinks fit, at once proceed, or depute any Magistrate subordinate to him to proceed, to hold a 
preliminary inquiry into, or otherwise to dispose of, the case in the manner provided in this Code.

160. Police officer’s power to require attendance of witnesses.—(1) Any police officer making an investigation 
under this Chapter may, by order in writing, require the attendance before himself of any person being within the limits 
of his own or any adjoining station who, from the information given or otherwise, appears to be acquainted with the 
facts and circumstances of the case; and such person shall attend as so required:
Provided that no male person 2
[under the age of fifteen years or above the age of sixty-five years or a woman or 
a mentally or physically disabled person] shall be required to attend at any place other than the place in which such 
male person or woman resides.
(2) The State Government may, by rules made in this behalf, provide for the payment by the police officer of the 
reasonable expenses of every person, attending under sub-section (1) at any place other than his residence.

161. Examination of witnesses by police.—(1) Any police officer making an investigation under this Chapter, 
or any police officer not below such rank as the State Government may, by general or special order, prescribe in this 
behalf, acting on the requisition of such officer, may examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted with the 
facts and circumstances of the case.
(2) Such person shall be bound to answer truly all questions relating to such case put to him by such officer, 
other than questions the answers to which would have a tendency to expose him to a criminal charge or to a penalty 
or forfeiture.
(3) The police officer may reduce into writing any statement made to him in the course of an examination under 
this section; and if he does so, he shall make a separate and true record of the statement of each such person whose 
statement he records.
[Provided that statement made under this sub-section may also be recorded by audio-video electronic means:]
[Provided further that the statement of a woman against whom an offence under section 354, section 354A, 
section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 376, 3
[section 376A, section 376AB, section 376B, section 376C, 
section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB], section 376E or section 509 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) is 
alleged to have been committed or attempted shall be recorded, by a woman police officer or any woman officer.]



The second proviso to sub-section (3) of section 161 of the Code, shall be substituted with the following proviso, 
namely: —
Provided further that statement of the woman against whom an offence under section 354, section 354A, section 
354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 354E, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 
376D, section 376E, section 509, section 509A or section 509B of the Indian Penal Code, is alleged to have been 
committed or attempted, shall be recorded, as far as possible, by woman police officer and shall also be recorded by 
audio-video means, as far as possible, and it shall be the duty of such police officer to take all such steps as are 
necessary to protect the identity of the woman.
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 25 of 2015, s. 8]

162. Statements to police not to be signed: Use of statements in evidence.—(1) No statement made by any 
person to a police officer in the course of an investigation under this Chapter, shall, if reduced to writing, be signed 
by the person making it; nor shall any such statement or any record thereof, whether in a police diary or otherwise, 
or any part of such statement or record, be used for any purpose, save as hereinafter provided, at any inquiry or trial 
in respect of any offence under investigation at the time when such statement was made:
Provided that when any witness is called for the prosecution in such inquiry or trial whose statement has been 
reduced into writing as aforesaid, any part of his statement, if duly proved, may be used by the accused, and with the 
permission of the Court, by the prosecution, to contradict such witness in the manner provided by section 145 of the 
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872); and when any part of such statement is so used, any part thereof may also be 
used in the re-examination of such witness, but for the purpose only of explaining any matter referred to in his crossexamination.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to any statement falling within the provisions of clause (1) of 
section 32 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872); or to affect the provisions of section 27 of that Act.
Explanation.—An omission to state a fact or circumstance in the statement referred to in sub-section (1) may 
amount to contradiction if the same appears to be significant and otherwise relevant having regard to the context in 
which such omission occurs and whether any omission amounts to a contradiction in the particular context shall be a 
question of fact.

163. No inducement to be offered.—(1) No police officer or other person in authority shall offer or make, or 
cause to be offered or made, any such inducement, threat or promise as is mentioned in section 24 of the Indian 
Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872).
(2) But no police officer or other person shall prevent, by any caution or otherwise, any person from making in 
the course of any investigation under this Chapter any statement which he may be disposed to make of his own free 
will: Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall affect the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 164.

164. Recording of confessions and statements.—(1) Any Metropolitan Magistrate or Judicial Magistrate may, 
whether or not he has jurisdiction in the case, record any confession or statement made to him in the course of an 
investigation under this Chapter or under any other law for the time being in force, or at any time afterwards before 
the commencement of the inquiry or trial:
[Provided that any confession or statement made under this sub-section may also be recorded by audio-video 
electronic means in the presence of the advocate of the person accused of an offence:
Provided further that no confession shall be recorded by a police officer on whom any power of a Magistrate 
has been conferred under any law for the time being in force.]
(2) The Magistrate shall, before recording any such confession, explain to the person making it that he is not 
bound to make a confession and that, if he does so, it may be used as evidence against him; and the Magistrate shall 
not record any such confession unless, upon questioning the person making it, he has reason to believe that it is 
being made voluntarily.
(3) If at any time before the confession is recorded, the person appearing before the Magistrate states that he is not 
willing to make the confession, the Magistrate shall not authorise the detention of such person in police custody.
(4) Any such confession shall be recorded in the manner provided in section 281 for recording the examination 
of an accused person and shall be signed by the person making the confession; and the Magistrate shall make a 
memorandum at the foot of such record to the following effect:—
“I have explained to (name) that he is not bound to make a confession and that, if he does so, any confession 
he may make may be used as evidence against him and I believe that this confession was voluntarily made. It 
was taken in my presence and hearing, and was read over to the person making it and admitted by him to be 
correct, and it contains a full and true account of the statement made by him.

 (Signed) A. B.


(5) Any statement (other than a confession) made under sub-section (1) shall be recorded in such manner 
hereinafter provided for the recording of evidence as is, in the opinion of the Magistrate, best fitted to the 
circumstances of the case; and the Magistrate shall have power to administer oath to the person whose statement is 
so recorded.
[(5A) (a) In cases punishable under section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, 
sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 376, 3
[section 376A, section 376AB, section 376B, section 376C, 
section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB,] section 376E or section 509 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), 
the Judicial Magistrate shall record the statement of the person against whom such offence has been committed in 
the manner prescribed in sub-section (5), as soon as the commission of the offence is brought to the notice of the 
Provided that if the person making the statement is temporarily or permanently mentally or physically disabled, 
the Magistrate shall take the assistance of an interpreter or a special educator in recording the statement:
Provided further that if the person making the statement is temporarily or permanently mentally or physically 
disabled, the statement made by the person, with the assistance of an interpreter or a special educator, shall be video 
(b) A statement recorded under clause (a) of a person, who is temporarily or permanently mentally or physically 
disabled, shall be considered a statement in lieu of examination-in-chief, as specified in section 137 of the Indian 
Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) such that the maker of the statement can be cross-examined on such statement, 
without the need for recording the same at the time of trial.]
(6) The Magistrate recording a confession or statement under this section shall forward it to the Magistrate by
whom the case is to be inquired into or tried.

In clause (a) of sub-section (5A) of Section 164 of the Code, for the words and figures “or section 
509” the punctuation, words and figures, “section 376F, section 509, section 509A or section 509B” shall 
be substituted.
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 25 of 2015, s. 9] 
Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep
After sub-section (1) of section 164, the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely: —“(1A) 
Where; in any island, there is no Judicial Magistrate for the time being, and the State Government is of 
opinion that it is necessary and expedient so to do, that Government may, after consulting the High Court, 
specially empower any Executive Magistrate (not being a police officer), to exercise the powers conferred 
by sub-section (1) on a Judicial Magistrate, and thereupon references in section 164 to a Judicial 
Magistrate shall be construed as references to the Executive Magistrate so empowered.”;
[Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974), s. 5.]

164A. Medical examination of the victim of rape.—(1) Where, during the stage when an offence of 
committing rape or attempt to commit rape is under investigation, it is proposed to get the person of the woman with 
whom rape is alleged or attempted to have been committed or attempted, examined by a medical expert, such 
examination shall be conducted by a registered medical practitioner employed in a hospital run by the Government 
or a local authority and in the absence of such a practitioner, by any other registered medical practitioner, with the 
consent of such woman or of a person competent to give such consent on her behalf and such woman shall be sent to 
such registered medical practitioner within twenty-four hours from the time of receiving the information relating to 
the commission of such offence.
(2) The registered medical practitioner, to whom such woman is sent, shall, without delay, examine her person 
and prepare a report of his examination giving the following particulars, namely:—
(i) the name and address of the woman and of the person by whom she was brought;
(ii) the age of the woman;
(iii) the description of material taken from the person of the woman for DNA profiling;
(iv) marks of injury, if any, on the person of the woman;
(v) general mental condition of the woman; and
(vi) other material particulars in reasonable detail.
(3) The report shall state precisely the reasons for each conclusion arrived at.
(4) The report shall specifically record that the consent of the woman or of the person competent to give such 
consent on her behalf to such examination had been obtained.
(5) The exact time of commencement and completion of the examination shall also be noted in the report.
(6) The registered medical practitioner shall, without delay forward the report to the investigating officer who
shall forward it to the Magistrate referred to in section 173 as part of the documents referred to in clause (a) of 
sub-section (5) of that section.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed as rendering lawful any examination without the consent of the 
woman or of any person competent to give such consent on her behalf.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this section, “examination” and “registered medical practitioner” shall have 
the same meanings as in section 53.

In Section 164A, except explanation clause, of the Code, for the words “registered medical practitioner”, where 
it occurs for the first time, the words “female registered medical practitioner” shall be substituted.
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 25 of 2015 s. 10.]

165. Search by police officer.—(1) Whenever an officer in charge of a police station or a police officer making 
an investigation has reasonable grounds for believing that anything necessary for the purposes of an investigation 
into any offence which he is authorised to investigate may be found in any place within the limits of the police 
station of which he is in charge, or to which he is attached, and that such thing cannot in his opinion be otherwise 
obtained without undue delay, such officer may, after recording in writing the grounds of his belief and specifying in 
such writing, so far as possible, the thing for which search is to be made, search, or cause search to be made, for 
such thing in any place within the limits of such station.
(2) A police officer proceeding under sub-section (1), shall, if practicable, conduct the search in person.
(3) If he is unable to conduct the search in person, and there is no other person competent to make the search 
present at the time, he may, after recording in writing his reasons for so doing, require any officer subordinate to him 
to make the search, and he shall deliver to such subordinate officer an order in writing, specifying the place to be 
searched, and so far as possible, the thing for which search is to be made; and such subordinate officer may 
thereupon search for such thing in such place.
(4) The provisions of this Code as to search-warrants and the general provisions as to searches contained in 
section 100 shall, so far as may be, apply to a search made under this section.
(5) Copies of any record made under sub-section (1) or sub-section (3) shall forthwith be sent to the nearest 
Magistrate empowered to take cognizance of the offence, and the owner or occupier of the place searched shall, on 
application, be furnished, free of cost, with a copy of the same by the Magistrate.

166. When officer in charge of police station may require another to issue search-warrant.—(1) An officer 
in charge of a police station or a police officer not being below the rank of sub-inspector making an investigation 
may require an officer in charge of another police station, whether in the same or a different district, to cause a 
search to be made in any place, in any case in which the former officer might cause such search to be made, within 
the limits of his own station.
(2) Such officer, on being so required, shall proceed according to the provisions of section 165, and shall 
forward the thing found, if any, to the officer at whose request the search was made.
(3) Whenever there is reason to believe that the delay occasioned by requiring an officer in charge of another 
police station to cause a search to be made under sub-section (1) might result in evidence of the commission of an 
offence being concealed or destroyed, it shall be lawful for an officer in charge of a police station or a police officer 
making any investigation under this Chapter to search, or cause to be searched, any place in the limits of another 
police station in accordance with the provisions of section 165, as if such place were within the limits of his own 
police station.
(4) Any officer conducting a search under sub-section (3) shall forthwith send notice of the search to the officer 
in charge of the police station within the limits of which such place is situate, and shall also send with such notice a 
copy of the list (if any) prepared under section 100, and shall also send to the nearest Magistrate empowered to take 
cognizance of the offence, copies of the records referred to in sub-sections (1) and (3) of section 165.
(5) The owner or occupier of the place searched shall, on application, be furnished free of cost with a copy of 
any record sent to the Magistrate under sub-section (4).

166A. Letter of request to competent authority for investigation in a country or place outside India.—
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code, if, in the course of an investigation into an offence, an 
application is made by the investigating officer or any officer superior in rank to the investigating officer that 
evidence may be available in a country or place outside India, any Criminal Court may issue a letter of request to a 
Court or an authority in that country or place competent to deal with such request to examine orally any person 
supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case and to record his statement made in the 
course of such examination and also to require such person or any other person to produce any document or thing 
which may be in his possession pertaining to the case and to forward all the evidence so taken or collected or the 
authenticated copies thereof or the thing so collected to the Court issuing such letter.
(2) The letter of request shall be transmitted in such manner as the Central Government may specify in this 
(3) Every statement recorded or document or thing received under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to be the 
evidence collected during the course of investigation under this Chapter.

166B. Letter of request from a country or place outside India to a Court or an authority for investigation 
in India.—
(1) Upon receipt of a letter of request from a Court or an authority in a country or place outside India 
competent to issue such letter in that country or place for the examination of any person or production of any 
document or thing in relation to an offence under investigation in that country or place, the Central Government 
may, if it thinks fit—
(i) forward the same to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or Chief Judicial Magistrate or such 
Metropolitan Magistrate or Judicial Magistrate as he may appoint in this behalf, who shall thereupon summon 
the person before him and record his statement or cause the document or thing to be produced; or
(ii) send the letter to any police officer for investigation, who shall thereupon investigate into the offence in 
the same manner,
as if the offence had been committed within India.
(2) All the evidence taken or collected under sub-section (1), or authenticated copies thereof or the thing so 
collected, shall be forwarded by the Magistrate or police officer, as the case may be, to the Central Government for 
transmission to the Court or the authority issuing the letter of request, in such manner as the Central Government 
may deem fit.]

167. Procedure when investigation cannot be completed in twenty-four hours.—(1) Whenever any person 
is arrested and detained in custody, and it appears that the investigation cannot be completed within the period of 
twenty-four hours fixed by section 57, and there are grounds for believing that the accusation or information is wellfounded, the officer in charge of the police station or the police officer making the investigation, if he is not below 
the rank of sub-inspector, shall forthwith transmit to the nearest Judicial Magistrate a copy of the entries in the diary 
hereinafter prescribed relating to the case, and shall at the same time forward the accused to such Magistrate.
(2) The Magistrate to whom an accused person is forwarded under this section may, whether he has or has not 
jurisdiction to try the case, from time to time, authorise the detention of the accused in such custody as such 
Magistrate thinks fit, for a term not exceeding fifteen days in the whole; and if he has no jurisdiction to try the case 
or commit it for trial, and considers further detention unnecessary, he may order the accused to be forwarded to a 
Magistrate having such jurisdiction: 
Provided that—
[(a) the Magistrate may authorise the detention of the accused person, otherwise than in custody of the 
police, beyond the period of fifteen days, if he is satisfied that adequate grounds exist for doing so, but no 
Magistrate shall authorise the detention of the accused person in custody under this paragraph for a total period 
(i) ninety days, where the investigation relates to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life 
or imprisonment for a term of not less than ten years;
(ii) sixty days, where the investigation relates to any other offence,
and, on the expiry of the said period of ninety days, or sixty days, as the case may be, the accused person shall be 
released on bail if he is prepared to and does furnish bail, and every person released on bail under this sub-section 
shall be deemed to be so released under the provisions of Chapter XXXIII for the purposes of that Chapter;]
[(b) no Magistrate shall authorise detention of the accused in custody of the police under this section 
unless the accused is produced before him in person for the first time and subsequently every time till the 
accused remains in the custody of the police, but the Magistrate may extend further detention in judicial custody 
on production of the accused either in person or through the medium of electronic video linkage;]
(c) no Magistrate of the second class, not specially empowered in this behalf by the High Court, shall 
authorise detention in the custody of the police.
[Explanation I.—For the avoidance of doubts, it is hereby declared that, notwithstanding the expiry of the 
period specified in paragraph (a), the accused shall be detained in custody so long as he does not furnish bail.]
[Explanation II.—If any question arises whether an accused person was produced before the Magistrate as 
required under clause (b), the production of the accused person may be proved by his signature on the order 
authorising detention or by the order certified by the Magistrate as to production of the accused person through the 
medium of electronic video linkage, as the case may be.]
[Provided further that in case of a woman under eighteen years of age, the detention shall be authorised to be in 
the custody of a remand home or recognised social institution.] 
[(2A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), the officer in charge of the 
police station or the police officer making the investigation, if he is not below the rank of a sub-inspector, may, 
where a Judicial Magistrate is not available, transmit to the nearest Executive Magistrate, on whom the powers of a 
Judicial Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate have been conferred, a copy of the entry in the diary hereinafter 
prescribed relating to the case, and shall, at the same time, forward the accused to such Executive Magistrate, and 
thereupon such Executive Magistrate, may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, authorise the detention of the 
accused person in such custody as he may think fit for a term not exceeding seven days in the aggregate; and, on the 
expiry of the period of detention so authorised, the accused person shall be released on bail except where an order 
for further detention of the accused person has been made by a Magistrate competent to make such order; and, 
where an order for such further detention is made, the period during which the accused person was detained in 
custody under the orders made by an Executive Magistrate under this sub-section, shall be taken into account in 
computing the period specified in paragraph (a) of the proviso to sub-section (2):
Provided that before the expiry of the period aforesaid, the Executive Magistrate shall transmit to the nearest 
Judicial Magistrate the records of the case together with a copy of the entries in the diary relating to the case which 
was transmitted to him by the officer in charge of the police station or the police officer making the investigation, as 
the case may be.]
(3) A Magistrate authorising under this section detention in the custody of the police shall record his reasons for 
so doing.
(4) Any Magistrate other than the Chief Judicial Magistrate making such order shall forward a copy of his 
order, with his reasons for making it, to the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
(5) If in any case triable by a Magistrate as a summons-case, the investigation is not concluded within a period 
of six months from the date on which the accused was arrested, the Magistrate shall make an order stopping further 
investigation into the offence unless the officer making the investigation satisfies the Magistrate that for special 
reasons and in the interests of justice the continuation of the investigation beyond the period of six months is 
(6) Where any order stopping further investigation into an offence has been made under sub-section (5), the 
Sessions Judge may, if he is satisfied, on an application made to him or otherwise, that further investigation into the 
offence ought to be made, vacate the order made under sub-section (5) and direct further investigation to be made 
into the offence subject to such directions with regard to bail and other matters as he may specify.
In the proviso to sub-Section (2) of section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in its application to the 
State of Gujarat, —
(i) for paragraph (a), the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely: —
(a) the Magistrate may authorise detention of the accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the police, 
beyond the period of fifteen days, if he is satisfied that adequate grounds exist for doing so, but no Magistrate 
shall authorise the detention of the accused person in custody under this section for a total period exceeding—
(i) one hundred and twenty days, where the investigation relates to an offence punishable with death, 
imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term of not less than ten years,
(ii) sixty days, where the investigation relates to any offence;
and, on the expiry of the said period of one hundred and twenty days, or sixty days, as the ease may be, the accused 
person shall be released on bail if he is prepared to and does furnish bail; and every person released on bail under this 
section shall be deemed to be so released under the provisions of Chapter XXXIII for the purposes of that Chapter;
(ii) in paragraph (b), for the words “no Magistrate shall” the words “no Magistrate shall, except for reason to 
be recorded in writing” shall be substituted;
(iii) the Explanation shall be numbered as Explanation II, and before Explanation II as so numbered, the 
following Explanation shall be inserted, namely: —
Explanation I. —For the avoidance of doubts, it is hereby declared that, notwithstanding the expiry of the period 
specified in paragraph (a), the accused person shall be detained in custody so long as he does not furnish bail.
Amendment to apply to pending investigation.—The provisions of section 167 of the Code of Criminal 
Procedure, 1973, as amended by this Act, shall apply to every investigation pending immediately before the 
commencement of this Act, if the period of detention of the accused person, otherwise than in the custody of the 
police, authorised under that section, had not, at such commencement, exceeded sixty days.]
[Vide Gujarat Act 21 of 1976, s. 2 & 3]
In Section 167, in sub-section (2) : —
(1) in the proviso, for paragraph (b), the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely: —
“(b) no Magistrate shall authorise further detention in any custody under this section unless—
(i) where the accused is in the custody of police, he is produced in person before the Magistrate, and
(ii) where the accused is otherwise than in the custody of the police, he is produced before the Magistrate 
either in person or through the medium of electronic video linkage, in accordance with the direction of the 
(2) in Explanation II, after the words “ whether an accused person was produced before the Magistrate”, the 
words “in person or, as the case may be, through the medium of electronic video linkage” shall be inserted.
[Vide Gujarat Act 31 of 2003, s. 2.]
(1) In clause (b) of Sub-Section (2) of Section 167 of the principal Act, for the word “any” the word “police”
shall be substituted.
(2) After clause (b) of sub-section (2) of Section 167 of the Principal Act, the following new sub-clause (bb) 
shall be added, namely:—
“(bb) No magistrate shall authorise detention of the accused person other than in the custody of the police under 
this section unless the accused is produced before him either in person of through the medium of electronic video 
linkage and represented by his pleader in the Court.”
(3) In explanation II, after words “was produced” the word “from police custody” shall be added.
(4) After explanation II, the following new explanation shall be added:-
“III. If any question arises whether an accused person was produced from otherwise than in the custody of the 
police in person or (as the case may be) through medium of electronic video linkage before the Magistrate as 
required under paragraph (bb), the production of the accused person may be proved by his or his pleader’s signature 
on the order authorising detention.”
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 13 of 2006, sec. 3]
Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep
In section 167,—
(i) in sub-section (1) after the words “nearest Judicial Magistrate” the words “or, if there is no 
Judicial Magistrate in an island, to an Executive Magistrate functioning in that island” shall be inserted; 
(ii) after sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:—
“(1A) Where a copy of the entries in diary is transmitted to an Executive Magistrate, reference in section 167 
to a Magistrate shall be construed as references to such Executive Magistrate;”
(iii) to sub-section (3), the following proviso shall be added, namely:—
“Provided that no Executive Magistrate other than the District Magistrate or Sub-divisional Magistrate, shall 
unless he is specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government, authorise detention in the custody 
of the police.”
(iv) to sub-section (4), the following proviso shall be added, namely:—
“Provided that, where such order is made by an Executive Magistrate, the Magistrate making the order 
shall forward a copy of the order, with his reasons for making it, to the Executive Magistrate to whom he is 
immediately subordinate.”
[Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974), s. 5.]
Amendment of section 167. — In Section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, (2 of 1974) in 
its application to the State of Maharashtra,—
(a) in sub-section (2) in the proviso, for paragraph (b), the following paragraph shall be substituted, 
(b) no Magistrate shall authorise detention in any custody, of the accused person under this section 
unless, the accused person is produced before him in person, and for any extension of custody 
otherwise than the extension in the police custody, the accused person may be produced either in 
person or through the medium of electronic video linkage.” ;
(b) in Explanation II, for the words “an accused person was produced”, the words “an accused person 
was produced in person or as the case may be, through the medium of electronic video linkage” shall be 
[Vide Maharashtra Act 8 of 2005, s. 2]
Madhya Pradesh 
Amendment of Section 167.—In sub-section (2) of section 167 of the principal Act,— (i) in the 
proviso, for paragraph (b), the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely: —
“(b) no magistrate shall authorise detention in any custody under this section unless the accused is 
produced before him in person for the first time and subsequently every time till such time the accused 
remains in the custody of police, but the Magistrate may extend further detention in judicial custody on 
production of accused either in person or through the medium of electronic video linkage;”;
(ii) for Explanation II, the following Explanation shall be substituted, namely:—
“Explanation II.—If any question arise whether an accused person was produced before the 
Magistrate as required under paragraph (b), the production of the accused person may be proved by his 
signature on the order authorising detention or by the order certified by the Magistrate as to production 
of the accused person through the medium of electronic video linkage, as the case may be.”.
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 2 of 2008, s. 3.]
West Bengal 
In section 167 of the principal Act,—
(a) In Section 167 of sub-section (5), the following sub-section shall be substituted:—
“(5) If, in respect of—
(i) any case triable by a Magistrate as a summons case, the investigation is not concluded within 
a period of six months, or
(ii) any case exclusively triable by a Court of Session or a case under Chapter XVIII of the 
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), the investigation is not concluded within a period of three years, or
(iii) any case other than those mentioned in clauses (i) and (ii), the investigation is not 
concluded within a period of two years, from the date on which the accused was arrested or made 
his appearance, the Magistrate shall make an order stopping further investigation into the offence 
and shall discharge the accused unless the officer making the investigation satisfies the Magistrate 
that for special reasons and in the interests of justice the continuation of the investigation beyond 
the periods mentioned in this sub-section is necessary.”;
(b) in sub-section (6), after the “words any order stopping further investigation into an offence has 
been made” the words “and the accused has been discharged” shall be inserted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 24 of 1988, s. 4.]
West Bengal
Amendment of section 167.- In the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 167 of the principal Act, for 
clause (b), the following clause shall be substituted:—
“(b) no Magistrate shall authorize detention under this section—
(i) in the police custody, unless the accused is produced before him in person every time till the 
accused is in police custody;
(ii) in the judicial custody, unless the accused is produced before him either in person or through 
the medium of electronic video linkage;”.
[Vide West Bengal Act 20 of 2004, s. 3.]
In Section 167 of the Code:—
(a) in sub-section (i) the reference to “Judicial Magistrate” shall be construed as reference also to 
executive Magistrate;
(b) in sub-section (2):—
(i) for the word “Magistrate” at the first two places where that word is preceded by the definite 
article, the words “Judicial Magistrate or the Executive Magistrate, as the case may be,” shall be 
(ii) for the word “Magistrate”, at the place where that word is preceded by the indefinite article 
“a”, the words and brackets “Magistrate (whether Judicial or Executive)” shall be substituted;
(iii) paragraph (c) of the proviso shall be omitted;
(c) Sub-section (2A) shall be omitted:—
(d) in sub-section (4), for the words “to the Chief Judicial Magistrate,” the words “where such 
Magistrate is a Judicial Magistrate, to the Chief Judicial Magistrate and where such Magistrate is an 
Executive Magistrate to the Session Judge” shall be substituted.
[Vide Assam Act 3 of 1984, s. 3(3) and the Schedule.] 
In its application to the State of Delhi, in section 167, in sub-section (2):—
(i) for clause (b), substitute the following clause, namely:—
“(b) no Magistrate shall authorise detention in any custody under this section unless the accused is 
produced before him either in person or through the medium of electronic video linkage:
Provided that if the accused is in police custody, no Magistrate shall authorise his detention in any 
custody unless the accused is produced before him in person;”
(ii) for the Explanation II thereunder, substitute the following Explanation, namely:—
“Explanation II.- If any question arises whether an accused person was produced in person or, as 
the case may be, through the medium of electronic video linkage before the magistrate as required 
under paragraph (b), the production of the accused person may be proved by his signature on the order 
authorising his detention or by video recording of the proceedings, as the case may be.”.
[Vide Delhi Act 4 of 2004, s. 2 (w.e.f. 16-8-2004).]
Amendment of section 167.—In the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 167 of the Code of 
Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974),-
(i) for paragraph (b), the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:—
“(b) no Magistrate shall authorize detention of the accused in custody of the police under this 
section unless the accused in produced before him in person for the first time and subsequently every 
time till the accused remains in the custody of the police, but the Magistrate may extend further 
detention in Judicial custody on production of the accused either in person or through the medium of 
electronic video linkage;”, and
(ii) for Explanation II, the following Explanation shall be substituted, namely:—
“Explanation II— If any question arises whether an accused person was produced before the 
Magistrate as required under paragraph (b), the production of the accused person may be proved by 
his signature on the order authorizing detention or by the order certified by the Magistrate as to 
production of the accused person through the medium of electronic video linkage, as the case may 
[Vide Orissa Act 16 of 2009, s. 2]
Amendment of section 167.— In section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in paragraph (a) 
of the proviso to sub-section (2),—
(i) For the words “under this paragraph” the words “under this section” shall be substituted; and
(ii) For the words “ninety days” wherever they occur, the words “ one hundred and twenty days” 
shall be substituted.
[Vide Orissa Act 11 of 1997, s. 2]

168. Report of investigation by subordinate police officer.—When any subordinate police officer has made 
any investigation under this Chapter, he shall report the result of such investigation to the officer in charge of the 
police station.

169. Release of accused when evidence deficient.—If, upon an investigation under this Chapter, it appears to 
the officer in charge of the police station that there is not sufficient evidence or reasonable ground of suspicion to 
justify the forwarding of the accused to a Magistrate, such officer shall, if such person is in custody, release him on 
his executing a bond, with or without sureties, as such officer may direct, to appear, if and when so required, before 
a Magistrate empowered to take cognizance of the offence on a police report, and to try the accused or commit him 
for trial.

170. Cases to be sent to Magistrate, when evidence is sufficient.—(1) If, upon an investigation under this 
Chapter, it appears to the officer in charge of the police station that there is sufficient evidence or reasonable ground 
as aforesaid, such officer shall forward the accused under custody to a Magistrate empowered to take cognizance 
of the offence upon a police report and to try the accused or commit him for trial, or, if the offence is bailable and 
the accused is able to give security, shall take security from him for his appearance before such Magistrate on a day 
fixed and for his attendance from day to day before such Magistrate until otherwise directed.
(2) When the officer in charge of a police station forwards an accused person to a Magistrate or takes security 
for his appearance before such Magistrate under this section, he shall send to such Magistrate any weapon or other 
article which it may be necessary to produce before him, and shall require the complainant (if any) and so many of 
the persons who appear to such officer to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case as he may think 
necessary, to execute a bond to appear before the Magistrate as thereby directed and prosecute or give evidence (as 
the case may be) in the matter of the charge against the accused.
(3) If the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate is mentioned in the bond, such Court shall be held to include 
any Court to which such Magistrate may refer the case for inquiry or trial, provided reasonable notice of such 
reference is given to such complainant or persons.
(4) The officer in whose presence the bond is executed shall deliver a copy thereof to one of the persons who 
executed it, and shall then send to the Magistrate the original with his report.

171. Complainant and witnesses not to be required to accompany police officer and not to be subjected to 
No complainant or witness on his way to any Court shall be required to accompany a police officer, or 
shall be subjected to unnecessary restraint or inconvenience, or required to give any security for his appearance 
other than his own bond:
Provided that, if any complainant or witness refuses to attend or to execute a bond as directed in section 170, the 
officer in charge of the police station may forward him in custody to the Magistrate, who may detain him in custody 
until he executes such bond, or until the hearing of the case is completed.

172. Diary of proceedings in investigation.—(1) Every police officer making an investigation under this 
Chapter shall day by day enter his proceedings in the investigation in a diary, setting forth the time at which the 
information reached him, the time at which he began and closed his investigation, the place or places visited by him, 
and a statement of the circumstances ascertained through his investigation.
[(1A) The statements of witnesses recorded during the course of investigation under section 161 shall be 
inserted in the case diary.
(1B) The diary referred to in sub-section (1) shall be a volume and duly paginated.]
(2) Any Criminal Court may send for the police diaries of a case under inquiry or trial in such Court, and may 
use such diaries, not as evidence in the case, but to aid it in such inquiry or trial.
(3) Neither the accused nor his agents shall be entitled to call for such diaries, nor shall he or they be entitled to 
see them merely because they are referred to by the Court; but, if they are used by the police officer who made them 
to refresh his memory, or if the Court uses them for the purpose of contradicting such police officer, the provisions 
of section 161 or section 145, as the case may be, of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872), shall apply

173. Report of police officer on completion of investigation.—(1) Every investigation under this Chapter 
shall be completed without unnecessary delay.
[(1A) The investigation in relation to 3
[an offence under sections 376, 376A, 376AB, 376B, 376C, 376D, 376DA, 
376DB or 376E] from the date on which the information was recorded by the officer in charge of the police station.]
(2) (i) As soon as it is completed, the officer in charge of the police station shall forward to a Magistrate 
empowered to take cognizance of the offence on a police report, a report in the form prescribed by the State 
Government, stating—
(a) the names of the parties;
(b) the nature of the information;
(c) the names of the persons who appear to be acquainted with the circumstances of the case;
(d) whether any offence appears to have been committed and, if so, by whom;
(e) whether the accused has been arrested;
(f) whether he has been released on his bond and, if so, whether with or without sureties;
(g) whether he has been forwarded in custody under section 170.
[(h) whether the report of medical examination of the woman has been attached where investigation relates 
to an offence under 2
[ sections 376, 376A, 376AB, 376B, 376C, 376D, 376DA, 376DB] or section 376E of the Indian 
Penal Code (45 of 1860)].]
(ii) The officer shall also communicate, in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government, the 
action taken by him, to the person, if any, by whom the information relating to the commission of the offence was 
first given.
(3) Where a superior officer of police has been appointed under section 158, the report shall, in any case in 
which the State Government by general or special order so directs, be submitted through that officer, and he may, 
pending the orders of the Magistrate, direct the officer in charge of the police station to make further investigation.
(4) Whenever it appears from a report forwarded under this section that the accused has been released on his 
bond, the Magistrate shall make such order for the discharge of such bond or otherwise as he thinks fit.
(5) When such report is in respect of a case to which section 170 applies, the police officer shall forward to the 
Magistrate along with the report—
(a) all documents or relevant extracts thereof on which the prosecution proposes to rely other than those 
already sent to the Magistrate during investigation;
(b) the statements recorded under section 161 of all the persons whom the prosecution proposes to examine 
as its witnesses.
(6) If the police officer is of opinion that any part of any such statement is not relevant to the subject-matter of 
the proceedings or that its disclosure to the accused is not essential in the interests of justice and is inexpedient in the 
public interest, he shall indicate that part of the statement and append a note requesting the Magistrate to exclude 
that part from the copies to be granted to the accused and stating his reasons for making such request.
(7) Where the police officer investigating the case finds it convenient so to do, he may furnish to the accused 
copies of all or any of the documents referred to in sub-section (5).
(8) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to preclude further investigation in respect of an offence after a 
report under sub-section (2) has been forwarded to the Magistrate and, where upon such investigation, the officer in 
charge of the police station obtains further evidence, oral or documentary, he shall forward to the Magistrate a 
further report or reports regarding such evidence in the form prescribed; and the provisions of sub-sections (2) to (6)
shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to such report or reports as they apply in relation to a report forwarded 
under sub-section (2).

174. Police to enquire and report on suicide, etc.—(1) When the officer in charge of a police station or some 
other police officer specially empowered by the State Government in that behalf receives information that a person 
has committed suicide, or has been killed by another or by an animal or by machinery or by an accident, or has died 
under circumstances raising a reasonable suspicion that some other person has committed an offence, he shall 
immediately give intimation thereof to the nearest Executive Magistrate empowered to hold inquests, and, unless 
otherwise directed by any rule prescribed by the State Government, or by any general or special order of the District
or Sub-divisional Magistrate, shall proceed to the place where the body of such deceased person is, and there, in the 
presence of two or more respectable inhabitants of the neighbourhood, shall make an investigation, and draw up a 
report of the apparent cause of death, describing such wounds, fractures, bruises, and other marks of injury as may 
be found on the body, and stating in what manner, or by what weapon or instrument (if any); such marks appear to 
have been inflicted.
(2) The report shall be signed by such police officer and other persons, or by so many of them as 
concur therein, and shall be forthwith forwarded to the District Magistrate or the Sub-divisional 
(i) the case involves suicide by a woman within seven years of her marriage; or
(ii) the case relates to the death of a woman within seven years of her marriage in any 
circumstances raising a reasonable suspicion that some other person committed an offence in relation 
to such woman; or
(iii) the case relates to the death of a woman within seven years of her marriage and any relative of 
the woman has made a request in this behalf; or
(iv) there is any doubt regarding the cause of death; or 
(v) the police officer for any other reason considers it expedient so to do,
he shall], subject to such rules as the State Government may prescribe in this behalf, forward the body, 
with a view to its being examined, to the nearest Civil Surgeon, or other qualified medical man appointed 
in this behalf by the State Government, if the state of the weather and the distance admit of its being so 
forwarded without risk of such putrefaction on the road as would render such examination useless.
(4) The following Magistrates are empowered to hold inquests, namely, any District Magistrate or 
Sub-divisional Magistrate and any other Executive Magistrate specially empowered in this behalf by the 
State Government or the District Magistrate.

175. Power to summon persons.—(1) A police officer proceeding under section 174 may, by order 
in writing, summon two or more persons as aforesaid for the purpose of the said investigation, and any 
other person who appears to be acquainted with the facts of the case and every person so summoned shall 
be bound to attend and to answer truly all questions other than questions the answers to which would have 
a tendency to expose him to a criminal charge or to a penalty or forfeiture.
(2) If the facts do not disclose a cognizable offence to which section 170 applies, such persons shall 
not be required by the police officer to attend a Magistrate’s Court.

176. Inquiry by Magistrate into cause of death.—(1)
*** when the case is of the nature referred 
to in clause (i) or clause (ii) of sub-section (3) of section 174], the nearest Magistrate empowered to hold 
inquests shall, and in any other case mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 174, any Magistrate so 
empowered may hold an inquiry into the cause of death either instead of, or in addition to, the 
investigation held by the police officer; and if he does so, he shall have all the powers in conducting it 
which he would have in holding an inquiry into an offence.
[(1A) Where,—
(a) any person dies or disappears, or
(b) rape is alleged to have been committed on any woman,
while such person or woman is in the custody of the police or in any other custody authorised by the 
Magistrate or the Court, under this Code in addition to the inquiry or investigation held by the police, an 
inquiry shall be held by the Judicial Magistrate or the Metropolitan Magistrate, as the case may be, within 
whose local jurisdiction the offence has been committed.]
(2) The Magistrate holding such an inquiry shall record the evidence taken by him in connection 
therewith in any manner hereinafter prescribed according to the circumstances of the case.
(3) Whenever such Magistrate considers it expedient to make an examination of the dead body of any 
person who has been already interred, in order to discover the cause of his death, the Magistrate may 
cause the body to be disinterred and examined.
(4) Where an inquiry is to be held under this section, the Magistrate shall, wherever practicable, 
inform the relatives of the deceased whose names and addresses are known, and shall allow them to 
remain present at the inquiry.
[(5) The Judicial Magistrate or the Metropolitan Magistrate or Executive Magistrate or police officer 
holding an inquiry or investigation, as the case may be, under sub-section (1A) shall, within twenty-four 
hours of the death of a person, forward the body with a view to its being examined to the nearest Civil 
Surgeon or other qualified medical person appointed in this behalf by the State Government, unless it is 
not possible to do so for reasons to be recorded in writing.]
Explanation.—In this section, the expression “relative” means parents, children, brothers, sisters and 

177. Ordinary place of inquiry and trial.—Every offence shall ordinarily be inquired into and tried 
by a Court within whose local jurisdiction it was committed.

178. Place of inquiry or trial.—(a) When it is uncertain in which of several local areas an offence 
was committed, or
(b) where an offence is committed partly in one local area and partly in another, or
(c) where an offence is a continuing one, and continues to be committed in more local areas than 
one, or
(d) where it consists of several acts done in different local areas,
it may be inquired into or tried by a Court having jurisdiction over any of such local areas.

179. Offence triable where act is done or consequence ensues.—When an act is an offence by 
reason of anything which has been done and of a consequence which has ensued, the offence may be inquired into 
or tried by a Court within whose local jurisdiction such thing has been done or such consequence has ensued.

180. Place of trial where act is an offence by reason of relation to other offence.—When an act is an offence 
by reason of its relation to any other act which is also an offence or which would be an offence if the doer were
capable of committing an offence, the first-mentioned offence may be inquired into or tried by a Court within whose 
local jurisdiction either act was done.

181. Place of trial in case of certain offences.—(1) Any offence of being a thug, or murder committed by a 
thug, of dacoity, of dacoity with murder, of belonging to a gang of dacoits, or of escaping from custody, may be 
inquired into or tried by a Court within whose local jurisdiction the offence was committed or the accused person is 
(2) Any offence of kidnapping or abduction of a person may be inquired into or tried by a Court within whose 
local jurisdiction the person was kidnapped or abducted or was conveyed or concealed or detained.
(3) Any offence of theft, extortion or robbery may be inquired into or tried by a Court within whose local 
jurisdiction the offence was committed or the stolen property which is the subject of the offence was possessed by 
any person committing it or by any person who received or retained such property knowing or having reason to 
believe it to be stolen property.
(4) Any offence of criminal misappropriation or of criminal breach of trust may be inquired into or tried by a 
Court within whose local jurisdiction the offence was committed or any part of the property which is the subject of 
the offence was received or retained, or was required to be returned or accounted for, by the accused person.
(5) Any offence which includes the possession of stolen property may be inquired into or tried by a Court 
within whose local jurisdiction the offence was committed or the stolen property was possessed by any person who 
received or retained it knowing or having reason to believe it to be stolen property.

182. Offences committed by letters, etc.—(1) Any offence which includes cheating may, if the deception is 
practised by means of letters or telecommunication messages, be inquired into or tried by any Court within whose 
local jurisdiction such letters or messages were sent or were received; and any offence of cheating and dishonestly 
inducing delivery of property may be inquired into or tried by a Court within whose local jurisdiction the property 
was delivered by the person deceived or was received by the accused person.
(2) Any offence punishable under section 494 or section 495 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) may be 
inquired into or tried by a Court within whose local jurisdiction the offence was committed or the offender last 
resided with his or her spouse by the first marriage 1
[, or the wife by the first marriage has taken up permanent 
residence after the commission of the offence].

183. Offence committed on journey or voyage.—When an offence is committed whilst the person by or 
against whom, or the thing in respect of which, the offence is committed is in the course of performing a journey or 
voyage, the offence may be inquired into or tried by a Court through or into whose local jurisdiction that person or 
thing passed in the course of that journey or voyage.

184. Place of trial for offences triable together.—Where—
(a) the offences committed by any person are such that he may be charged with, and tried at one trial for, 
each such offence by virtue of the provisions of section 219, section 220 or section 221, or
(b) the offence or offences committed by several persons are such that they may be charged with and tried 
together by virtue of the provisions of section 223,
the offences may be inquired into or tried by any Court competent to inquire into or try any of the offences.

185. Power to order cases to be tried in different sessions divisions.—Notwithstanding anything contained in 
the preceding provisions of this Chapter, the State Government may direct that any cases or class of cases committed 
for trial in any district may be tried in any sessions division:
Provided that such direction is not repugnant to any direction previously issued by the High Court or the 
Supreme Court under the Constitution, or under this Code or any other law for the time being in force.

186. High Court to decide, in case of doubt, district where inquiry or trial shall take place.—Where two or 
more Courts have taken cognizance of the same offence and a question arises as to which of them ought to inquire 
into or try that offence, the question shall be decided—
(a) if the Courts are subordinate to the same High Court, by that High Court;
(b) if the Courts are not subordinate to the same High Court, by the High Court within the local limits of 
whose appellate criminal jurisdiction the proceedings were first commenced,
and thereupon all other proceedings in respect of that offence shall be discontinued.

187. Power to issue summons or warrant for offence committed beyond local jurisdiction.—(1) When a 
Magistrate of the first class sees reason to believe that any person within his local jurisdiction has committed outside 
such jurisdiction (whether within or outside India) an offence which cannot, under the provisions of sections 177 to 
185 (both inclusive), or any other law for the time being in force, be inquired into or tried within such jurisdiction 
but is under some law for the time being in force triable in India, such Magistrate may inquire into the offence as if 
it had been committed within such local jurisdiction and compel such person in the manner hereinbefore provided to 
appear before him, and send such person to the Magistrate having jurisdiction to inquire into or try such offence, or, 
if such offence is not punishable with death or imprisonment for life and such person is ready and willing to give 
bail to the satisfaction of the Magistrate acting under this section, take a bond with or without sureties for his 
appearance before the Magistrate having such jurisdiction.
(2) When there are more Magistrates than one having such jurisdiction and the Magistrate acting under this 
section cannot satisfy himself as to the Magistrate to or before whom such person should be sent or bound to appear, 
the case shall be reported for the orders of the High Court. 

188. Offence committed outside India.—When an offence is committed outside India—
(a) by a citizen of India, whether on the high seas or elsewhere; or
(b) by a person, not being such citizen, on any ship or aircraft registered in India,
he may be dealt with in respect of such offence as if it had been committed at any place within India at which he 
may be found:
Provided that, notwithstanding anything in any of the preceding sections of this Chapter, no such offence shall 
be inquired into or tried in India except with the previous sanction of the Central Government.

189. Receipt of evidence relating to offences committed outside India.—When any offence alleged to have 
been committed in a territory outside India is being inquired into or tried under the provisions of section 188, the 
Central Government may, if it thinks fit, direct that copies of depositions made or exhibits produced before a 
Judicial officer in or for that territory or before a diplomatic or consular representative of India in or for that territory 
shall be received as evidence by the Court holding such inquiry or trial in any case in which such Court might issue 
a commission for taking evidence as to the matters to which such depositions or exhibits relate.

190. Cognizance of offences by Magistrates.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, any Magistrate of 
the first class, and any Magistrate of the second class specially empowered in this behalf under sub-section (2), may 
take cognizance of any offence—
(a) upon receiving a complaint of facts which constitute such offence;
(b) upon a police report of such facts;
(c) upon information received from any person other than a police officer, or upon his own knowledge, that 
such offence has been committed.

(2) The Chief Judicial Magistrate may empower any Magistrate of the second class to take cognizance under 
sub-section (1) of such offences as are within his competence to inquire into or try.
Amendment of section 190.- In section 190 of the said Code, in sub-section (1), after clause (c), following 
provisos shall be added, namely:—
“Provided that, no Magistrate shall take cognizance of any offence alleged to have been committed by any 
person who is or was a public servant as defined under any other law for the time being in force, while acting or 
purporting to act in the discharge of his official duties, except with the previous sanction under section 197 of the 
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) or under any law for the time being in force:
Provided further that, the sanctioning authority shall take a decision within a period of ninety days from the date 
of the receipt of the proposal for sanction and in case the sanctioning authority fails to take the decision within the 
said stipulated period of ninety days, the sanction shall be deemed to have been accorded by the sanctioning 
[Vide Maharashtra Act 33 of 2016, s. 3.]
In Section 190 of the Code, in sub-section (1), after the words “any Magistrate of the first class” the words 
“any Executive Magistrate” shall be inserted;
[Vide Assam Act 3 of 1984, s. 3(3) and the Schedule.]

191. Transfer on application of the accused.—When a Magistrate takes cognizance of an offence under 
clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 190, the accused shall, before any evidence is taken, be informed that he is 
entitled to have the case inquired into or tried by another Magistrate, and if the accused or any of the accused, if 
there be more than one, objects to further proceedings before the Magistrate taking cognizance, the case shall be 
transferred to such other Magistrate as may be specified by the Chief Judicial Magistrate in this behalf.


In Section 191 of the Code, the reference to “Chief Judicial Magistrate” Shall, in relation to an offence taken 
cognizance of by an Executive Magistrate, be construed as a reference to the District Magistrate. 
[Vide Assam Act 3 of 1984, s. 3(3) and the Schedule.]

192. Making over of cases to Magistrates.—(1) Any Chief Judicial Magistrate may, after taking cognizance of 
an offence, make over the case for inquiry or trial to any competent Magistrate subordinate to him.
(2) Any Magistrate of the first class empowered in this behalf by the Chief Judicial Magistrate may, after taking 
cognizance of an offence, make over the case for inquiry or trial to such other competent Magistrate as the Chief 
Judicial Magistrate may, by general or special order, specify, and thereupon such Magistrate may hold the inquiry or 
In Section 192 of the Code:—
(i) in sub-section (1), after the word “Any” the words “District Magistrate” shall be inserted;
(ii) sub-section (2) shall be substituted as follows:—
(2) Any Sub-divisional Magistrate or Magistrate of the first class empowered in this behalf by District
Magistrate or Chief Judicial Magistrate, as the case may be, may, after taking cognizance of an offence, make 
over the case for enquiry or trial to such other competent Magistrate as the District Magistrate or Chief Judicial 
Magistrate may, by general or special order, specify, and thereupon such Magistrate may hold the enquiry or 
[Vide Assam Act 3 of 1984, s. 3(3) and the Schedule.]

193. Cognizance of offences by Courts of Session.—Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Code or 
by any other law for the time being in force, no Court of Session shall take cognizance of any offence as a Court of 
original jurisdiction unless the case has been committed to it by a Magistrate under this Code.

195. Prosecution for contempt of lawful authority of public servants, for offences against public justice 
and for offences relating to documents given in evidence.
—(1) No Court shall take cognizance—
(a) (i) of any offence punishable under sections 172 to 188 (both inclusive) of the Indian Penal Code, 
(45 of 1860), or
(ii) of any abetment of, or attempt to commit, such offence, or
(iii) of any criminal conspiracy to commit such offence,
except on the complaint in writing of the public servant concerned or of some other public servant to whom he is 
administratively subordinate;
(b) (i) of any offence punishable under any of the following sections of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), 
namely, sections 193 to 196 (both inclusive), 199, 200, 205 to 211 (both inclusive) and 228, when such offence 
is alleged to have been committed in, or in relation to, any proceeding in any Court, or
(ii) of any offence described in section 463, or punishable under section 471, section 475 or section 476, of 
the said Code, when such offence is alleged to have been committed in respect of a document produced or given 
in evidence in a proceeding in any Court, or
(iii) of any criminal conspiracy to commit, or attempt to commit, or the abetment of, any offence specified 
in sub-clause (i) or sub-clause (ii),
[except on the complaint in writing of that Court or by such officer of the Court as that Court may authorise in 
writing in this behalf, or of some other Court to which that Court is subordinate.]
(2) Where a complaint has been made by a public servant under clause (a) of sub-section (1) any authority to 
which he is administratively subordinate may order the withdrawal of the complaint and send a copy of such order to 
the Court; and upon its receipt by the Court, no further proceedings shall be taken on the complaint:
Provided that no such withdrawal shall be ordered if the trial in the Court of first instance has been concluded.
(3) In clause (b) of sub-section (1), the term “Court” means a Civil, Revenue or Criminal Court, and includes a 
tribunal constituted by or under a Central, Provincial or State Act if declared by that Act to be a Court for the 
purposes of this section.
(4) For the purposes of clause (b) of sub-section (1), a Court shall be deemed to be subordinate to the Court to 
which appeals ordinarily lie from the appealable decrees or sentences of such former Court, or in the case of a Civil 
Court from whose decrees no appeal ordinarily lies, to the Principal Court having ordinary original civil jurisdiction 
within whose local jurisdiction such Civil Court is situate:
Provided that—
(a) where appeals lie to more than one Court, the Appellate Court of inferior jurisdiction shall be the Court 
to which such Court shall be deemed to be subordinate;
(b) where appeals lie to a Civil and also to a Revenue Court, such Court shall be deemed to be subordinate 
to the Civil or Revenue Court according to the nature of the case or proceeding in connection with which the 
offence is alleged to have been committed.

195A. Procedure for witnesses in case of threatening, etc.—A witness or any other person may file a 
complaint in relation to an offence under section 195A of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).] 

196. Prosecution for offences against the State and for criminal conspiracy to commit such offence.—(1)
No Court shall take cognizance of—
(a) any offence punishable under Chapter VI or under section 153A, 2
[section 295A or sub-section (1) of 
section 505] of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or
(b) a criminal conspiracy to commit such offence, or
(c) any such abetment, as is described in section 108A of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), 
except with the previous sanction of the Central Government or of the State Government.
[(1A) No Court shall take cognizance of—
(a) any offence punishable under section 153B or sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) of section 505 of the 
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or
(b) a criminal conspiracy to commit such offence,
except with the previous sanction of the Central Government or of the State Government or of the District 
(2) No Court shall take cognizance of the offence of any criminal conspiracy punishable under section 120B of 
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), other than a criminal conspiracy to commit 4
[an offence] punishable with death, 
imprisonment for life or rigorous imprisonment for a term of two years or upwards, unless the State Government or 
the District Magistrate has consented in writing to the initiation of the proceedings:
Provided that where the criminal conspiracy is one to which the provisions of section 195 apply, no such 
consent shall be necessary.
(3) The Central Government or the State Government may, before according sanction 5
[under sub-section (1)
or sub-section (1A) and the District Magistrate may, before according sanction under sub-section (1A)] and the 
State Government or the District Magistrate may, before giving consent under sub-section (2), order a preliminary 
investigation by a police officer not being below the rank of Inspector, in which case such police officer shall have 
the powers referred to in sub-section (3) of section 155.

197. Prosecution of Judges and public servants.—(1) When any person who is or was a Judge or Magistrate 
or a public servant not removable from his office save by or with the sanction of the Government is accused of any 
offence alleged to have been committed by him while acting or purporting to act in the discharge of his official duty, 
no Court shall take cognizance of such offence except with the previous sanction 6
[save as otherwise provided in the 
Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (1 of 2014)]—
(a) in the case of a person who is employed or, as the case may be, was at the time of commission of the 
alleged offence employed, in connection with the affairs of the Union, of the Central Government;
(b) in the case of a person who is employed or, as the case may be, was at the time of commission of the 
alleged offence employed, in connection with the affairs of a State, of the State Government:
[Provided that where the alleged offence was committed by a person referred to in clause (b) during the period 
while a Proclamation issued under clause (1) of article 356 of the Constitution was in force in a State, clause (b) will 
apply as if for the expression “State Government” occurring therein, the expression “Central Government” were 
[Explanation.—For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that no sanction shall be required in case of a 
public servant accused of any offence alleged to have been committed under section 166A, section 166B, 
section 354, section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 370, section 375, 3
[section 376A,
section 376AB, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB] or section 509 of the Indian Penal 
Code (45 of 1860).]
(2) No Court shall take cognizance of any offence alleged to have been committed by any member of the 
Armed Forces of the Union while acting or purporting to act in the discharge of his official duty, except with the 
previous sanction of the Central Government.
(3) The State Government may, by notification, direct that the provisions of sub-section (2) shall apply to such 
class or category of the members of the Forces charged with the maintenance of public order as may be specified 
therein, wherever they may be serving, and thereupon the provisions of that sub-section will apply as if for the 
expression “Central Government” occurring therein, the expression “State Government” were substituted.
[(3A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (3), no court shall take cognizance of any offence, 
alleged to have been committed by any member of the Forces charged with the maintenance of public order in a 
State while acting or purporting to act in the discharge of his official duty during the period while a Proclamation 
issued under clause (1) of article 356 of the Constitution was in force therein, except with the previous sanction of 
the Central Government.
(3B) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Code or any other law, it is hereby declared that any 
sanction accorded by the State Government or any cognizance taken by a court upon such sanction, during the period 
commencing on the 20th day of August, 1991 and ending with the date immediately preceding the date on which the 
Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1991 (43 of 1991), receives the assent of the President, with respect to an 
offence alleged to have been committed during the period while a Proclamation issued under clause (1) of article 356 of 
the Constitution was in force in the State, shall be invalid and it shall be competent for the Central Government in such 
matter to accord sanction and for the court to take cognizance thereon.]
(4) The Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, may determine the person by whom, 
the manner in which, and the offence or offences for which, the prosecution of such Judge, Magistrate or public 
servant is to be conducted, and may specify the Court before which the trial is to be held.
Tripura. —
Insertion of a new Section 197(IA).—In the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in section 197 after 
sub-section (I) the following sub-section shall be inserted, only for application in the State of Tripura, 
“(IA) When as per provision of any relevant law for the time being in force a public servant referred 
to in Sub-Section (1) (b) is directly appointed, transferred or posted by the State Government in any local 
or other authorities including a Government Company, Corporation or Public Sector Undertaking, he 
shall be deemed to be employed in connection with the affairs of the State and no Court shall take 
cognizance of any offence as referred to in Sub-Section (I) without previous sanction of the State 
[Vide Tripura Act 6 of 2003, s. 2 

In Section 197 of the Code. —
(a) in sub-section (1), for the words “in the discharge of” the words “in or in connection with
the discharge of” shall be substituted;
(b) in sub-section (2), for the words “in the discharge of” the words “in or in connection with 
the discharge of” shall be substituted;
(c) after sub-section (4), the fallowing subsections shall be inserted, namely: —
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code,—
(a) where a complaint is made to a Court against a public servant belonging to any class or 
category specified under sub-section (3) alleging that he has committed an offence, the Court shall 
postpone the issue of process against the accused and make a reference to the State Government; or
(b) where an accused, either by himself or through a pleader, claims before a Court that he 
belongs to any class or category specified under sub-section (3) and that the offence alleged to have 
been committed by him arose out of any action taken by him while acting or purporting to act in or 
in connection with the discharge of his official duty, the Court shall forthwith stay further 
proceedings and make a reference to the State Government.
(6) (i) Where a reference is received from a Court under sub-section (5), the State Government 
shall issue a certificate to the Court that the accused person was or was not acting or purporting to act 
in, or in connection with the discharge of his official duty.
(ii) If the State Government certifies that the accused was acting or purporting to act in or in 
connection with the discharge of his official duty, the Court shall dismiss the complaint or 
discharge the accused:
Provided that the complainant may, within sixty days from the date of the issue of such 
certificate prefer an appeal to the High Court against the Certificate:
Provided further that the High Court may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the said period
of sixty days if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from preferring 
the appeal within the said period.
(iii) If the State Government certifies that the accused was not acting or purporting to act in or in 
connection with, the discharge of his official duty, the Court may proceed further with the 
complaint in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
(7) The provisions of sub-sections (5) and (6) shall apply to all proceedings pending on the date of 
commencement of this Act in respect of which a Court had taken cognizance of an offence in 
accordance with the provisions of this Code.
[Vide Assam Act 3 of 1984, s. 4.]

198. Prosecution for offences against marriage.—(1) No Court shall take cognizance of an offence 
punishable under Chapter XX of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) except upon a complaint made by some person 
aggrieved by the offence:
Provided that—
(a) where such person is under the age of eighteen years, or is an idiot or a lunatic, or is from sickness or 
infirmity unable to make a complaint, or is a woman who, according to the local customs and manners, ought not 
to be compelled to appear in public, some other person may, with the leave of the Court, make a complaint on his 
or her behalf;
(b) where such person is the husband and he is serving in any of the Armed Forces of the Union under 
conditions which are certified by his Commanding Officer as precluding him from obtaining leave of absence to
enable him to make a complaint in person, some other person authorised by the husband in accordance with the 
provisions of sub-section (4) may make a complaint on his behalf
(c) where the person aggrieved by an offence punishable under 1
[section 494 or section 495] of the Indian 
Penal Code (45 of 1860) is the wife, complaint may be made on her behalf by her father, mother, brother, sister, 
son or daughter or by her father’s or mother’s brother or sister 2
[, or, with the leave of the Court, by any other 
person related to her by blood, marriage or adoption]. 
(2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), no person other than the husband of the woman shall be deemed to be 
aggrieved by any offence punishable under section 497 or section 498 of the said Code:
Provided that in the absence of the husband, some person who had care of the woman on his behalf at the time 
when such offence was committed may, with the leave of the Court, make a complaint on his behalf.
(3) When in any case falling under clause (a) of the proviso to sub-section (1), the complaint is sought to be 
made on behalf of a person under the age of eighteen years or of a lunatic by a person who has not been appointed or 
declared by a competent authority to be the guardian of the person of the minor or lunatic, and the Court is satisfied 
that there is a guardian so appointed or declared, the Court shall, before granting the application for leave, cause 
notice to be given to such guardian and give him a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(4) The authorisation referred to in clause (b) of the proviso to sub-section (1), shall be in writing, shall be 
signed or otherwise attested by the husband, shall contain a statement to the effect that he has been informed of the 
allegations upon which the complaint is to be founded, shall be countersigned by his Commanding Officer, and shall 
be accompanied by a certificate signed by that Officer to the effect that leave of absence for the purpose of making a 
complaint in person cannot for the time being be granted to the husband.
(5) Any document purporting to be such an authorisation and complying with the provisions of sub-section (4), 
and any document purporting to be a certificate required by that sub-section shall, unless the contrary is proved, be 
presumed to be genuine and shall be received in evidence.
(6) No Court shall take cognizance of an offence under section 376 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 
1860), where such offence consists of sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife being 
under 3
[eighteen years of age], if more than one year has elapsed from the date of the commission of the 
(7) The provisions of this section apply to the abetment of, or attempt to commit, an offence as they 
apply to the offence.

198A. Prosecution of offences under section 498A of the Indian Penal Code.—No Court shall 
take cognizance of an offence punishable under section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) 
except upon a police report of facts which constitute such offence or upon a complaint made by the 
person aggrieved by the offence or by her father, mother, brother, sister or by her father’s or mother’s 
brother or sister or, with the leave of the Court, by any other person related to her by blood, marriage or 

198B. Cognizance of offence.—No Court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable under
section 376B of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) where the persons are in a marital relationship, 
except upon prima facie satisfaction of the facts which constitute the offence upon a complaint having 
been filed or made by the wife against the husband.

199. Prosecution for defamation.—(1) No Court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable 
under Chapter XXI of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) except upon a complaint made by some person 
aggrieved by the offence:
Provided that where such person is under the age of eighteen years, or is an idiot or a lunatic, or is 
from sickness or infirmity unable to make a complaint, or is a woman who, according to the local customs
and manners, ought not to be compelled to appear in public, some other person may, with the leave of the 
Court, make a complaint on his or her behalf.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code, when any offence falling under Chapter XXI of 
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) is alleged to have been committed against a person who, at the time of 
such commission, is the President of India, the Vice-President of India, the Governor of a State, the 
Administrator of a Union territory or a Minister of the Union or of a State or of a Union territory, or any 
other public servant employed in connection with the affairs of the Union or of a State in respect of his 
conduct in the discharge of his public functions a Court of Session may take cognizance of such offence, 
without the case being committed to it, upon a complaint in writing made by the Public Prosecutor.
(3) Every complaint referred to in sub-section (2) shall set forth the facts which constitute the offence 
alleged, the nature of such offence and such other particulars as are reasonably sufficient to give notice to 
the accused of the offence alleged to have been committed by him.
(4) No complaint under sub-section (2) shall be made by the Public Prosecutor except with the 
previous sanction—
(a) of the State Government, in the case of a person who is or has been the Governor of that State 
or a Minister of that Government;
(b) of the State Government, in the case of any other public servant employed in connection with 
the affairs of the State;
(c) of the Central Government, in any other case.
(5) No Court of Session shall take cognizance of an offence under sub-section (2) unless the 
complaint is made within six months from the date on which the offence is alleged to have been 
(6) Nothing in this section shall affect the right of the person against whom the offence is alleged to 
have been committed, to make a complaint in respect of that offence before a Magistrate having 
jurisdiction or the power of such Magistrate to take cognizance of the offence upon such complaint.

200. Examination of complainant.—A Magistrate taking cognizance of an offence on complaint 
shall examine upon oath the complainant and the witnesses present, if any, and the substance of such 
examination shall be reduced to writing and shall be signed by the complainant and the witnesses, and 
also by the Magistrate:
Provided that, when the complaint is made in writing, the Magistrate need not examine the 
complainant and the witnesses—
(a) if a public servant acting or purporting to act in the discharge of his official duties or a Court 
has made the complaint; or
(b) if the Magistrate makes over the case for inquiry or trial to another Magistrate under 
section 192:
Provided further that if the Magistrate makes over the case to another Magistrate under section 192 
after examining the complainant and the witnesses, the latter Magistrate need not re-examine them.

201. Procedure by Magistrate not competent to take cognizance of the case.—If the complaint is
made to a Magistrate who is not competent to take cognizance of the offence, he shall,—
(a) if the complaint is in writing, return it for presentation to the proper Court with an 
endorsement to that effect;
(b) if the complaint is not in writing, direct the complainant to the proper Court.

202. Postponement of issue of process.—(1) Any Magistrate, on receipt of a complaint of an offence 
of which he is authorised to take cognizance or which has been made over to him under section 192, may, 
if he thinks fit,
[and shall, in a case where the accused is residing at a place beyond the area in which he 
exercises his jurisdiction,] postpone the issue of process against the accused, and either inquire into the 
case himself or direct an investigation to be made by a police officer or by such other person as he thinks 
fit, for the purpose of deciding whether or not there is sufficient ground for proceeding:
Provided that no such direction for investigation shall be made,— 
(a) where it appears to the Magistrate that the offence complained of is triable exclusively by the 
Court of Session; or
(b) where the complaint has not been made by a Court, unless the complainant and the witnesses 
present (if any) have been examined on oath under section 200.
(2) In an inquiry under sub-section (1), the Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, take evidence of witnesses 
on oath:
Provided that if it appears to the Magistrate that the offence complained of is triable exclusively by 
the Court of Session, he shall call upon the complainant to produce all his witnesses and examine them on 
(3) If an investigation under sub-section (1) is made by a person not being a police officer, he shall 
have for that investigation all the powers conferred by this Code on an officer in charge of a police station 
except the power to arrest without warrant.

203. Dismissal of complaint.—If, after considering the statements on oath (if any) of the 
complainant and of the witnesses and the result of the inquiry or investigation (if any) under section 202, 
the Magistrate is of opinion that there is no sufficient ground for proceeding, he shall dismiss the 
complaint, and in every such case he shall briefly record his reasons for so doing.

204. Issue of process.—(1) If in the opinion of a Magistrate taking cognizance of an offence there is 
sufficient ground for proceeding, and the case appears to be—
(a) a summons-case, he shall issue his summons for the attendance of the accused, or
(b) a warrant-case, he may issue a warrant, or, if he thinks fit, a summons, for causing the accused 
to be brought or to appear at a certain time before such Magistrate or (if he has no jurisdiction 
himself) some other Magistrate having jurisdiction.
(2) No summons or warrant shall be issued against the accused under sub-section (1) until a list of the 
prosecution witnesses has been filed.
(3) In a proceeding instituted upon a complaint made in writing, every summons or warrant issued 
under sub-section (1) shall be accompanied by a copy of such complaint.
(4) When by any law for the time being in force any process-fees or other fees are payable, no process 
shall be issued until the fees are paid and, if such fees are not paid within a reasonable time, the 
Magistrate may dismiss the complaint.
(5) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the provisions of section 87.

205. Magistrate may dispense with personal attendance of accused.—(1) Whenever a Magistrate 
issues a summons, he may, if he sees reason so to do, dispense with the personal attendance of the 
accused and permit him to appear by his pleader.
(2) But the Magistrate inquiring into or trying the case may, in his discretion, at any stage of the 
proceedings, direct the personal attendance of the accused, and, if necessary, enforce such attendance in 
the manner hereinbefore provided.

206. Special summons in cases of petty offence.—(1) If, in the opinion of a Magistrate taking 
cognizance of a petty offence, the case may be summarily disposed of under section 260 1
[or section 261], 
the Magistrate shall, except where he is, for reasons to be recorded in writing of a contrary opinion, issue 
summons to the accused requiring him either to appear in person or by pleader before the Magistrate on a 
specified date, or if he desires to plead guilty to the charge without appearing before the Magistrate, to 
transmit before the specified date, by post or by messenger to the Magistrate, the said plea in writing and 
the amount of fine specified in the summons or if he desires to appear by pleader and to plead guilty to 
the charge through such pleader, to authorise, in writing, the pleader to plead guilty to the charge on his 
behalf and to pay the fine through such pleader:
Provided that the amount of the fine specified in such summons shall not exceed 2
[one thousand
(2) For the purposes of this section, “petty offence” means any offence punishable only with fine 
not exceeding one thousand rupees, but does not include any offence so punishable under the Motor 
Vehicles Act, 1939 (4 of 1939)3
, or under any other law which provides for convicting the accused 
person in his absence on a plea of guilty.
[(3) The State Government may, by notification, specially empower any Magistrate to exercise 
the powers conferred by sub-section (1) in relation to any offence which is compoundable under 
section 320 or any offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or 
with fine, or with both where the Magistrate is of opinion that, having regard to the facts and 
circumstances of the case, the imposition of fine only would meet the ends of justice.]

207. Supply to the accused of copy of police report and other documents.—In any case where 
the proceeding has been instituted on a police report, the Magistrate shall without delay furnish to the 
accused, free of cost, a copy of each of the following:—
(i) the police report;
(ii) the first information report recorded under section 154;
(iii) the statements recorded under sub-section (3) of section 161 of all persons whom the 
prosecution proposes to examine as its witnesses, excluding therefrom any part in regard to 
which a request for such exclusion has been made by the police officer under sub-section (6) of 
section 173;
(iv) the confessions and statements, if any, recorded under section 164;
(v) any other document or relevant extract thereof forwarded to the Magistrate with the police 
report under sub-section (5) of section 173:
Provided that the Magistrate may, after perusing any such part of a statement as is referred to in 
clause (iii) and considering the reasons given by the police officer for the request, direct that a copy 
of that part of the statement or of such portion thereof as the Magistrate thinks proper, shall be 
furnished to the accused:
Provided further that if the Magistrate is satisfied that any document referred to in clause (v) is 
voluminous, he shall, instead of furnishing the accused with a copy thereof, direct that he will only 
be allowed to inspect it either personally or through pleader in Court.

208. Supply of copies of statements and documents to accused in other cases triable by 
Court of Session.
—Where, in a case instituted otherwise than on a police report, it appears to the 
Magistrate issuing process under section 204 that the offence is triable exclusively by the Court of 
Session, the Magistrate shall without delay furnish to the accused, free of cost, a copy of each of the 
(i) the statements recorded under section 200 or section 202, of all persons examined by the 
(ii) the statements and confessions, if any, recorded under section 161 or section 164;
(iii) any documents produced before the Magistrate on which the prosecution proposes to 
Provided that if the Magistrate is satisfied that any such document is voluminous, he shall, instead 
of furnishing the accused with a copy thereof, direct that he will only be allowed to inspect it either 
personally or through pleader in Court.

209. Commitment of case to Court of Session when offence is triable exclusively by it.—When in 
a case instituted on a police report or otherwise, the accused appears or is brought before the Magistrate 
and it appears to the Magistrate that the offence is triable exclusively by the Court of Session, he shall— 1
[(a) commit, after complying with the provisions of section 207 or section 208, as the case may 
be, the case to the Court of Session, and subject to the provisions of this Code relating to bail, remand 
the accused to custody until such commitment has been made;]
(b) subject to the provisions of this Code relating to bail, remand the accused to custody during, 
and until the conclusion of, the trial;
(c) send to that Court the record of the case and the documents and articles, if any, which are to 
be produced in evidence;
(d) notify the Public Prosecutor of the commitment of the case to the Court of Session.


In section 209 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in its application to the State of Gujarat, for 
clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:—
“(a) Commit the case, after complying with the provisions of section 207 or section 208, as the case 
may be, to the Court of Session and, subject to the provisions of this Code relating to bail, remand the accused 
to custody until such commitment has been made”.
[Vide Gujarat Act 30 of 1976, s. 2]

210. Procedure to be followed when there is a complaint case and police investigation in respect 
of the same offence.—
(1) When in a case instituted otherwise than on a police report (hereinafter 
referred to as a complaint case), it is made to appear to the Magistrate, during the course of the inquiry or 
trial held by him, that an investigation by the police is in progress in relation to the offence which is the 
subject-matter of the inquiry or trial held by him, the Magistrate shall stay the proceedings of such inquiry 
or trial and call for a report on the matter from the police officer conducting the investigation.
(2) If a report is made by the investigating police officer under section 173 and on such report 
cognizance of any offence is taken by the Magistrate against any person who is an accused in the 
complaint case, the Magistrate shall inquire into or try together the complaint case and the case arising out 
of the police report as if both the cases were instituted on a police report.
(3) If the police report does not relate to any accused in the complaint case or if the Magistrate does 
not take cognizance of any offence on the police report, he shall proceed with the inquiry or trial, which 
was stayed by him, in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

211. Contents of charge.—(1) Every charge under this Code shall state the offence with which the 
accused is charged.
(2) If the law which creates the offence gives it any specific name, the offence may be described in 
the charge by that name only.
(3) If the law which creates the offence does not give it any specific name, so much of the definition 
of the offence must be stated as to give the accused notice of the matter with which he is charged.
(4) The law and section of the law against which the offence is said to have been committed shall be 
mentioned in the charge.
(5) The fact that the charge is made is equivalent to a statement that every legal condition required by 
law to constitute the offence charged was fulfilled in the particular case.
(6) The charge shall be written in the language of the Court.
(7) If the accused, having been previously convicted of any offence, is liable, by reason of such 
previous conviction, to enhanced punishment, or to punishment of a different kind, for a subsequent 
offence, and it is intended to prove such previous conviction for the purpose of affecting the punishment 
which the Court may think fit to award for the subsequent offence, the fact, date and place of the previous 
conviction shall be stated in the charge; and if such statement has been omitted, the Court may add it at 
any time before sentence is passed.
(a) A is charged with the murder of B. This is equivalent to a statement that A's act fell within the definition of murder 
given in sections 299 and 300 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860); that it did not fall within any of the general exceptions 
of the said Code; and that it did not fall within any of the five exceptions to section 300, or that, if it did fall within 
Exception 1, one or other of the three provisos to that exception applied to it.
(b) A is charged under section 326 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to B 
by means of an instrument for shooting. This is equivalent to a statement that the case was not provided for by section 335 
of the said Code, and that the general exceptions did not apply to it.
(c) A is accused of murder, cheating, theft, extortion, adultery or criminal intimidation, or using a false property-mark. 
The charge may state that A committed murder, or cheating, or theft, or extortion, or adultery, or criminal intimidation, or 
that he used a false property-mark, without reference to the definitions, of those crimes contained in the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860); but the sections under which the offence is punishable must, in each instance be referred to in the charge.
(d) A is charged under section 184 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) with intentionally obstructing a sale of 
property offered for sale by the lawful authority of a public servant. The charge should be in those words.

212. Particulars as to time, place and person.—(1) The charge shall contain such particulars as to 
the time and place of the alleged offence, and the person (if any) against whom, or the thing (if any) in 
respect of which, it was committed, as are reasonably sufficient to give the accused notice of the matter 
with which he is charged.
(2) When the accused is charged with criminal breach of trust or dishonest misappropriation of money 
or other movable property, it shall be sufficient to specify the gross sum or, as the case may be, describe 
the movable property in respect of which the offence is alleged to have been committed, and the dates 
between which the offence is alleged to have been committed, without specifying particular items or exact 
dates, and the charge so framed shall be deemed to be a charge of one offence within the meaning of 
section 219:
Provided that the time included between the first and last of such dates shall not exceed one year.

213. When manner of committing offence must be stated.—When the nature of the case is such 
that the particulars mentioned in sections 211 and 212 do not give the accused sufficient notice of the 
matter with which he is charged, the charge shall also contain such particulars of the manner in which the 
alleged offence was committed as will be sufficient for that purpose.
(a) A is accused of the theft of a certain article at a certain time and place. The charge need not set out the manner in 
which the theft was effected.
(b) A is accused of cheating B at a given time and place. The charge must set out the manner in which A cheated B.
(c) A is accused of giving false evidence at a given time and place. The charge must set out that portion of the 
evidence given by A which is alleged to be false.
(d) A is accused of obstructing B, a public servant, in the discharge of his public functions at a given time and place. 
The charge must set out the manner in which A obstructed B in the discharge of his functions.
(e) A is accused of the murder of B at a given time and place. The charge need not state the manner in which A 
murdered B.
(f) A is accused of disobeying a direction of the law with intent to save B from punishment. The charge must set out the 
disobedience charged and the law infringed.

214. Words in charge taken in sense of law under which offence is punishable.—In every charge 
words used in describing an offence shall be deemed to have been used in the sense attached to them 
respectively by the law under which such offence is punishable.

215. Effect of errors.— No error in stating either the offence or the particulars required to be stated 
in the charge, and no omission to state the offence or those particulars, shall be regarded at any stage of 
the case as material, unless the accused was in fact misled by such error or omission, and it has 
occasioned a failure of justice.
(a) A is charged under section 242 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), with “having been in possession of 
counterfeit coin, having known at the time when he became possessed thereof that such coin was counterfeit,” the word 
“fraudulently” being omitted in the charge. Unless it appears that A was in fact misled by this omission, the error shall not 
be regarded as material.
(b) A is charged with cheating B, and the manner in which he cheated B is not set out in the charge or is set out 
incorrectly. A defends himself, calls witnesses and gives his own account of the transaction. The Court may infer from this 
that the omission to set out the manner of the cheating is not material.
(c) A is charged with cheating B, and the manner in which he cheated B is not set out in the charge. There were many 
transactions between A and B, and A had no means of knowing to which of them the charge referred, and offered no 
defence. The Court may infer from such facts that the omission to set out the manner of the cheating was, in the case, a 
material error.
(d) A is charged with the murder of Khoda Baksh on the 21st January, 1882. In fact, the murdered person's name was 
Haidar Baksh, and the date of the murder was the 20th January, 1882. A was never charged with any murder but one, and 
had heard the inquiry before the Magistrate, which referred exclusively to the case of Haidar Baksh. The Court may infer 
from these facts that A was not misled, and that the error in the charge was immaterial.
(e) A was charged with murdering Haidar Baksh on the 20th January, 1882, and Khoda Baksh (who tried to arrest him 
for that murder) on the 21st January, 1882. When charged for the murder of Haidar Baksh, he was tried for the murder of 
Khoda Baksh. The witnesses present in his defence were witnesses in the case of Haidar Baksh. The Court may infer from 
this that A was misled, and that the error was material.

216. Court may alter charge.—(1) Any Court may alter or add to any charge at any time before 
judgment is pronounced.
(2) Every such alteration or addition shall be read and explained to the accused.
(3) If the alteration or addition to a charge is such that proceeding immediately with the trial is not 
likely, in the opinion of the Court, to prejudice the accused in his defence or the prosecutor in the conduct 
of the case, the Court may, in its discretion, after such alteration or addition has been made, proceed with 
the trial as if the altered or added charge had been the original charge.
(4) If the alteration or addition is such that proceeding immediately with the trial is likely, in the 
opinion of the Court, to prejudice the accused or the prosecutor as aforesaid, the Court may either direct a 
new trial or adjourn the trial for such period as may be necessary.
(5) If the offence stated in the altered or added charge is one for the prosecution of which previous 
sanction is necessary, the case shall not be proceeded with until such sanction is obtained, unless sanction 
has been already obtained for a prosecution on the same facts as those on which the altered or added 
charge is founded.

217. Recall of witnesses when charge altered.—Whenever a charge is altered or added to by the 
Court after the commencement of the trial, the prosecutor and the accused shall be allowed—
(a) to recall or re-summon, and examine with reference to such alteration or addition, any witness 
who may have been examined, unless the Court, for reasons to be recorded in writing, considers that 
the prosecutor or the accused, as the case may be, desires to recall or re-examine such witness for the 
purpose of vexation or delay or for defeating the ends of justice;
(b) also to call any further witness whom the Court may think to be material.

218. Separate charges for distinct offences.—(1) For every distinct offence of which any person is 
accused there shall be a separate charge, and every such charge shall be tried separately:
Provided that where the accused person, by an application in writing, so desires and the Magistrate is 
of opinion that such person is not likely to be prejudiced thereby, the Magistrate may try together all or
any number of the charges framed against such person.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall affect the operation of the provisions of sections 219, 220, 221 
and 223.

A is accused of a theft on one occasion, and of causing grievous hurt on another occasion. A must be separately charged and 
separately tried for the theft and causing grievous hurt.

219. Three offences of same kind within year may be charged together.—(1) When a person is 
accused of more offences than one of the same kind committed within the space of twelve months from 
the first to the last of such offences, whether in respect of the same person or not, he may be charged with, 
and tried at one trial for, any number of them not exceeding three.
(2) Offences are of the same kind when they are punishable with the same amount of punishment 
under the same section of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) or of any special or local law:
Provided that, for the purposes of this section, an offence punishable under section 379 of the Indian 
Penal Code (45 of 1860) shall be deemed to be an offence of the same kind as an offence punishable 
under section 380 of the said Code, and that an offence punishable under any section of the said Code, or 
of any special or local law, shall be deemed to be an offence of the same kind as an attempt to commit 
such offence, when such an attempt is an offence.

220. Trial for more than one offence.—(1) If, in one series of acts so connected together as to form 
the same transaction, more offences than one are committed by the same person, he may be charged with, 
and tried at one trial for, every such offence.
(2) When a person charged with one or more offences of criminal breach of trust or dishonest 
misappropriation of property as provided in sub-section (2) of section 212 or in sub-section (1) of section 
219, is accused of committing, for the purpose of facilitating or concealing the commission of that offence 
or those offences, one or more offences of falsification of accounts, he may be charged with, and tried at 
one trial for, every such offence.
(3) If the acts alleged constitute an offence falling within two or more separate definitions of any law 
in force for the time being by which offences are defined or punished, the person accused of them may be 
charged with, and tried at one trial for, each of such offences.
(4) If several acts, of which one or more than one would by itself or themselves constitute an offence, 
constitute when combined a different offence, the person accused of them may be charged with, and tried 
at one trial for the offence constituted by such acts when combined, and for any offence constituted by 
any one, or more, of such acts.
(5) Nothing contained in this section shall affect section 71 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
Illustrations to sub-section (1)
(a) A rescues B, a person in lawful custody, and in so doing causes grievous hurt to C, a constable in whose custody B 
was. A may be charged with, and convicted of, offences under sections 225 and 333 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
(b) A commits house-breaking by day with intent to commit adultery, and commits, in the house so entered, adultery 
with B's wife. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under sections 454 and 497 of the Indian Penal 
Code (45 of 1860).
(c) A entices B, the wife of C, away from C, with intent to commit adultery with B, and then commits adultery with 
her. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under sections 498 and 497 of the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860).
(d) A has in his possession several seals, knowing them to be counterfeit and intending to use them for the purpose of 
committing several forgeries punishable under section 466 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860). A may be separately
charged with, and convicted of, the possession of each seal under section 473 of the Indian Penal Code.
(e) With intent to cause injury to B, A institutes a criminal proceeding against him, knowing that there is no just or 
lawful ground for such proceeding, and also falsely accuses B of having committed an offence, knowing that there is no just 
or lawful ground for such charge. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, two offences under section 211 of the 
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
(f) A, with intent to cause injury to B, falsely accuses him of having committed an offence, knowing that there is no just 
or lawful ground for such charge. On the trial, A gives false evidence against B, intending thereby to cause B to be 
convicted of a capital offence. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under sections 211 and 194 of 
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
(g) A, with six others, commits the offences of rioting, grievous hurt and assaulting a public servant endeavouring in 
the discharge of his duty as such to suppress the riot. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under 
sections 147, 325 and 152 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
(h) A threatens B, C and D at the same time with injury to their persons with intent to cause alarm to them. A may be 
separately charged with, and convicted of, each of the three offences under section 506 of the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860).
The separate charges referred to in illustrations (a) to (h), respectively, may be tried at the same time.
Illustrations to sub-section (3)
(i) A wrongfully strikes B with a cane. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under sections 
352 and 323 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
(j) Several stolen sacks of corn are made over to A and B, who knew they are stolen property, for the purpose of 
concealing them. A and B thereupon voluntarily assist each other to conceal the sacks at the bottom of a grain-pit. A and B 
may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under sections 411 and 414 of the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860).
(k) A exposes her child with the knowledge that she is thereby likely to cause its death. The child dies in consequence of 
such exposure. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences under sections 317 and 304 of the Indian Penal 
Code (45 of 1860).
(l) A dishonestly uses a forged document as genuine evidence, in order to convict B, a public servant, of an offence 
under section 167 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860). A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, offences 
under sections 471 (read with section 466) and 196 of that Code.
Illustration to sub-section (4)
(m) A commits robbery on B, and in doing so voluntarily causes hurt to him. A may be separately charged with, and 
convicted of, offences under sections 323, 392 and 394 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).

221. Where it is doubtful what offence has been committed.—(1) If a single act or series of acts is 
of such a nature that it is doubtful which of several offences the facts which can be proved will constitute, 
the accused may be charged with having committed all or any of such offences, and any number of such 
charges may be tried at once; or he may be charged in the alternative with having committed some one of 
the said offences.
(2) If in such a case the accused is charged with one offence, and it appears in evidence that he 
committed a different offence for which he might have been charged under the provisions of sub-section 
(1), he may be convicted of the offence which he is shown to have committed, although he was not 
charged with it.
(a) A is accused of an act which may amount to theft, or receiving stolen property, or criminal breach of trust or cheating. He 
may be charged with theft, receiving stolen property, criminal breach of trust and cheating, or he may be charged with having
committed theft, or receiving stolen property, or criminal breach of trust or cheating.
(b) In the case mentioned, A is only charged with theft. It appears that he committed the offence of criminal breach of trust, or 
that of receiving stolen goods. He may be convicted of criminal breach of trust or of receiving stolen goods (as the case may be), 
though he was not charged with such offence.
(c) A states on oath before the Magistrate that he saw B hit C with a club. Before the Sessions Court A states on oath that B 
never hit C. A may be charged in the alternative and convicted of intentionally giving false evidence, although it cannot be proved 
which of these contradictory statements was false.

222. When offence proved included in offence charged.—(1) When a person is charged with an 
offence consisting of several particulars, a combination of some only of which constitutes a complete 
minor offence, and such combination is proved, but the remaining particulars are not proved, he may be 
convicted of the minor offence, though he was not charged with it.
(2) When a person is charged with an offence and facts are proved which reduce it to a minor offence, 
he may be convicted of the minor offence, although he is not charged with it.
(3) When a person is charged with an offence, he may be convicted of an attempt to commit such 
offence although the attempt is not separately charged.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorise a conviction of any minor offence where the 
conditions requisite for the initiation of proceedings in respect of that minor offence have not been 
(a) A is charged, under section 407 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), with criminal breach of trust in respect of 
property entrusted to him as a carrier. It appears, that he did commit criminal breach of trust under section 406 of that Code 
in respect of the property, but that it was not entrusted to him as a carrier. He may be convicted of criminal breach of trust 
under the said section 406.
(b) A is charged, under section 325 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), with causing grievous hurt. He proves that 
he acted on grave and sudden provocation. He may be convicted under section 335 of that Code.

223. What persons may be charged jointly.—The following persons may be charged and tried 
together, namely:—
(a) persons accused of the same offence committed in the course of the same transaction;
(b) persons accused of an offence and persons accused of abetment of, or attempt to commit, such 
(c) persons accused of more than one offence of the same kind, within the meaning of section 219 
committed by them jointly within the period of twelve months;
(d) persons accused of different offences committed in the course of the same transaction;
(e) persons accused of an offence which includes theft, extortion, cheating, or criminal 
misappropriation, and persons accused of receiving or retaining, or assisting in the disposal or 
concealment of, property possession of which is alleged to have been transferred by any such offence 
committed by the first-named persons, or of abetment of or attempting to commit any such lastnamed offence
(f) persons accused of offences under sections 411 and 414 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) 
or either of those sections in respect of stolen property the possession of which has been transferred 
by one offence;
(g) persons accused of any offence under Chapter XII of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) 
relating to counterfeit coin and persons accused of any other offence under the said Chapter relating 
to the same coin, or of abetment of or attempting to commit any such offence; and the provisions 
contained in the former part of this Chapter shall, so far as may be, apply to all such charges:
Provided that where a number of persons are charged with separate offences and such persons do not 
fall within any of the categories specified in this section, the 1
[Magistrate or Court of Session] may, if 
such persons by an application in writing, so desire, and 2
[if he or it is satisfied] that such persons would 
not be prejudicially affected thereby, and it is expedient so to do, try all such persons together

224. Withdrawal of remaining charges on conviction on one of several charges.—When a charge 
containing more heads than one is framed against the same person, and when a conviction has been had 
on one or more of them, the complainant, or the officer conducting the prosecution, may, with the consent 
of the Court, withdraw the remaining charge or charges, or the Court of its own accord may stay the 
inquiry into, or trial of, such charge or charges and such withdrawal shall have the effect of an acquittal 
on such charge or charges, unless the conviction be set aside, in which case the said Court (subject to the 
order of the Court setting aside the conviction) may proceed with the inquiry into, or trial of, the charge or
charges so withdrawn.

225. Trial to be conducted by Public Prosecutor.—In every trial before a Court of Session, the 
prosecution shall be conducted by a Public Prosecutor.

226. Opening case for prosecution.—When the accused appears or is brought before the Court in 
pursuance of a commitment of the case under section 209, the prosecutor shall open his case by 
describing the charge brought against the accused and stating by what evidence he proposes to prove the 
guilt of the accused.

227. Discharge.—If, upon consideration of the record of the case and the documents submitted 
therewith, and after hearing the submissions of the accused and the prosecution in this behalf, the Judge 
considers that there is not sufficient ground for proceeding against the accused, he shall discharge the 
accused and record his reasons for so doing.

228. Framing of charge.—(1) If, after such consideration and hearing as aforesaid, the Judge is of 
opinion that there is ground for presuming that the accused has committed an offence which—
(a) is not exclusively triable by the Court of Session, he may, frame a charge against the accused 
and, by order, transfer the case for trial to the Chief Judicial Magistrate, 3
[or any other Judicial 
Magistrate of the first class and direct the accused to appear before the Chief Judicial Magistrate, or, 
as the case may be, the Judicial Magistrate of the first class, on such date as he deems fit, and 
thereupon such Magistrate] shall try the offence in accordance with the procedure for the trial of 
warrant-cases instituted on a police report;
(b) is exclusively triable by the Court, he shall frame in writing a charge against the accused.
(2) Where the Judge frames any charge under clause (b) of sub-section (1), the charge shall be read 
and explained to the accused and the accused shall be asked whether he pleads guilty of the offence 
charged or claims to be tried.
In sub-section (2) of section 228 of the Principal Act, after the word “to the accused” the following shall be 
added, namely: —
“present in person of through the medium of electronic video linkage and being represented by his pleader in the 
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 13 of 2006, s. 4.]
Amendment of section 228.- In section 228 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 
of 1974), in sub-section (1), in clause (a), for the words “to the Chief Judicial Magistrate and thereupon 
the Chief Judicial Magistrate” the words “to the Chief Judicial Magistrate or to any Judicial Magistrate 
competent to try the case and thereupon the Chief Judicial Magistrate or such other Judicial magistrate to 
whom the case may have been transferred” shall be substituted.
[Vide Karnataka Act 22 of 1994, s. 2.]
West Bengal
In section 228 of the said Code, in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 228, for the words “to the 
Chief Judicial Magistrate, and thereupon the Chief Judicial Magistrate” the words “to the Chief Judicial 
Magistrate or to any Judicial Magistrate competent to try the case, and thereupon the Chief Judicial 
Magistrate or such other Judicial Magistrate to whom the case may have been transferred” shall be 
[Vide West Bengal Act 63 of 1978, s. 3.]

229. Conviction on plea of guilty.—If the accused pleads guilty, the Judge shall record the plea and may, in his 
discretion, convict him thereon.

230. Date for prosecution evidence.—If the accused refuses to plead, or does not plead, or claims to be tried or 
is not convicted under section 229, the Judge shall fix a date for the examination of witnesses, and may, on the 
application of the prosecution, issue any process for compelling the attendance of any witness or the production of 
any document or other thing.

231. Evidence for prosecution.—(1) On the date so fixed, the Judge shall proceed to take all such evidence as 
may be produced in support of the prosecution.
(2) The Judge may, in his discretion, permit the cross-examination of any witness to be deferred until any other 
witness or witnesses have been examined or recall any witness for further cross-examination.

232. Acquittal.—If, after taking the evidence for the prosecution, examining the accused and hearing the 
prosecution and the defence on the point, the Judge considers that there is no evidence that the accused committed 
the offence, the Judge shall record an order of acquittal.

233. Entering upon defence.—(1) Where the accused is not acquitted under section 232, he shall be called 
upon to enter on his defence and adduce any evidence he may have in support thereof.
(2) If the accused puts in any written statement, the Judge shall file it with the record.
(3) If the accused applies for the issue of any process for compelling the attendance of any witness or the 
production of any document or thing, the Judge shall issue such process unless he considers, for reasons to be 
recorded, that such application should be refused on the ground that it is made for the purpose of vexation or delay 
or for defeating the ends of justice.

234. Arguments.—When the examination of the witnesses (if any) for the defence is complete, the prosecutor 
shall sum up his case and the accused or his pleader shall be entitled to reply:
Provided that where any point of law is raised by the accused or his pleader, the prosecution may, with the 
permission of the Judge, make his submissions with regard to such point of law.

235. Judgment of acquittal or conviction.—(1) After hearing arguments and points of law (if any), the Judge 
shall give a judgment in the case.
(2) If the accused is convicted, the Judge shall, unless he proceeds in accordance with the provisions of 
section 360, hear the accused on the questions of sentence, and then pass sentence on him according to law.

236. Previous conviction.—In a case where a previous conviction is charged under the provisions of 
sub-section (7) of section 211, and the accused does not admit that he has been previously convicted as alleged in 
the charge, the Judge may, after he has convicted the said accused under section 229 or section 235, take evidence in 
respect of the alleged previous conviction, and shall record a finding thereon:
Provided that no such charge shall be read out by the Judge nor shall the accused be asked to plead thereto nor 
shall the previous conviction be referred to by the prosecution or in any evidence adduced by it, unless and until the 
accused has been convicted under section 229 or section 235.

237. Procedure in cases instituted under section 199(2).—(1) A Court of Session taking cognizance of an 
offence under sub-section (2) of section 199 shall try the case in accordance with the procedure for the trial of 
warrant-cases instituted otherwise than on a police report before a Court of Magistrate:
Provided that the person against whom the offence is alleged to have been committed shall, unless the Court of
Session, for reasons to be recorded, otherwise directs, be examined as a witness for the prosecution.
(2) Every trial under this section shall be held in camera if either party thereto so desires or if the Court thinks 
fit so to do.
(3) If, in any such case, the Court discharges or acquits all or any of the accused and is of opinion that there was 
no reasonable cause for making the accusation against them or any of them, it may, by its order of discharge or 
acquittal, direct the person against whom the offence was alleged to have been committed (other than the President, 
Vice-President or the Governor of a State or the Administrator of a Union territory) to show cause why he should 
not pay compensation to such accused or to each or any of such accused, when there are more than one.
(4) The Court shall record and consider any cause which may be shown by the person so directed, and if it is 
satisfied that there was no reasonable cause for making the accusation, it may, for reasons to be recorded, make an 
order that compensation to such amount not exceeding one thousand rupees, as it may determine, be paid by such 
person to the accused or to each or any of them.
(5) Compensation awarded under sub-section (4) shall be recovered as if it were a fine imposed by a Magistrate.
(6) No person who has been directed to pay compensation under sub-section (4) shall, by reason of such order, 
be exempted from any civil or criminal liability in respect of the complaint made under this section:
Provided that any amount paid to an accused person under this section shall be taken into account in awarding 
compensation to such person in any subsequent civil suit relating to the same matter.
(7) The person who has been ordered under sub-section (4) to pay compensation may appeal from the order, in 
so far as it relates to the payment of compensation, to the High Court.
(8) When an order for payment of compensation to an accused person is made, the compensation shall not be 
paid to him before the period allowed for the presentation of the appeal has elapsed, or, if an appeal is presented, 
before the appeal has been decided.

A.—Cases instituted on a police report
238. Compliance with section 207.
—When, in any warrant-case instituted on a police report, the accused 
appears or is brought before a Magistrate at the commencement of the trial, the Magistrate shall satisfy himself that 
he has complied with the provisions of section 207.

239. When accused shall be discharged.—If, upon considering the police report and the documents sent with 
it under section 173 and making such examination, if any, of the accused as the Magistrate thinks necessary and 
after giving the prosecution and the accused an opportunity of being heard, the Magistrate considers the charge 
against the accused to be groundless, he shall discharge the accused, and record his reasons for so doing.

240. Framing of charge.—(1) If, upon such consideration, examination, if any, and hearing, the Magistrate is 
of opinion that there is ground for presuming that the accused has committed an offence triable under this Chapter, 
which such Magistrate is competent to try and which, in his opinion, could be adequately punished by him, he shall 
frame in writing a charge against the accused.
(2) The charge shall then be read and explained to the accused, and he shall be asked whether he pleads guilty 
of the offence charged or claims to be tried.



In sub-section (2) of section 240 of the Principal Act, after the word “to the accused” the following 
shall be added:—
“present either in person or through the medium of electronic video linkage in the presence of his 
pleader in the Court.”
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 13 of 2006, s. 5.]

241. Conviction on plea of guilty.—If the accused pleads guilty, the Magistrate shall record the plea and may, 
in his discretion, convict him thereon.

242. Evidence for prosecution.—(1) If the accused refuses to plead or does not plead, or claims to be tried or 
the Magistrate does not convict the accused under section 241, the Magistrate shall fix a date for the examination of 
[Provided that the Magistrate shall supply in advance to the accused, the statement of witnesses recorded 
during investigation by the police.] 
(2) The Magistrate may, on the application of the prosecution, issue a summons to any of its witnesses 
directing him to attend or to produce any document or other thing.
(3) On the date so fixed, the Magistrate shall proceed to take all such evidence as may be produced in support of 
the prosecution:
Provided that the Magistrate may permit the cross-examination of any witness to be deferred until any other 
witness or witnesses have been examined or recall any witness for further cross-examination

243. Evidence for defence.—(1) The accused shall then be called upon to enter upon his defence and produce 
his evidence; and if the accused puts in any written statement, the Magistrate shall file it with the record.
(2) If the accused, after he has entered upon his defence, applies to the Magistrate to issue any process for 
compelling the attendance of any witness for the purpose of examination or cross-examination, or the production of 
any document or other thing, the Magistrate shall issue such process unless he considers that such application should 
be refused on the ground that it is made for the purpose of vexation or delay or for defeating the ends of justice and 
such ground shall be recorded by him in writing:
Provided that, when the accused has cross-examined or had the opportunity of cross-examining any witness
before entering on his defence, the attendance of such witness shall not be compelled under this section, unless the 
Magistrate is satisfied that it is necessary for the ends of justice.
(3) The Magistrate may, before summoning any witness on an application under sub-section (2), require that the 
reasonable expenses incurred by the witness in attending for the purposes of the trial be deposited in Court.

244. Evidence for prosecution.—(1) When, in any warrant-case instituted otherwise than on a police report, 
the accused appears or is brought before a Magistrate, the Magistrate shall proceed to hear the prosecution and take 
all such evidence as may be produced in support of the prosecution.
(2) The Magistrate may, on the application of the prosecution, issue a summons to any of its witnesses directing 
him to attend or to produce any document or other thing

245. When accused shall be discharged.—(1) If, upon taking all the evidence referred to in section 244, the 
Magistrate considers, for reasons to be recorded, that no case against the accused has been made out which, if 
unrebutted, would warrant his conviction, the Magistrate shall discharge him.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent a Magistrate from discharging the accused at any 
previous stage of the case if, for reasons to be recorded by such Magistrate, he considers the charge to be groundless.


West Bengal 

In section 245 of the principal Act, after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be inserted: —
“(3) If all the evidence referred to in section 244 are not produced in support of the prosecution 
within four years from the date of appearance of the accused, the Magistrate shall discharge the accused 
unless the prosecution satisfies the Magistrate that upon the evidence already produced and for special 
reasons there is ground for presuming that it shall not be in the interest of justice to discharge the 
[Vide West Bengal Act 24 of 1988, s. 5.]

246. Procedure where accused is not discharged.—(1) If, when such evidence has been taken, or at any 
previous stage of the case, the Magistrate is of opinion that there is ground for presuming that the accused has 
committed an offence triable under this Chapter, which such Magistrate is competent to try and which, in his 
opinion, could be adequately punished by him, he shall frame in writing a charge against the accused.
(2) The charge shall then be read and explained to the accused, and he shall be asked whether he pleads guilty 
or has any defence to make.
(3) If the accused pleads guilty, the Magistrate shall record the plea, and may, in his discretion, convict him 
(4) If the accused refuses to plead, or does not plead or claims to be tried or if the accused is not convicted 
under sub-section (3), he shall be required to state, at the commencement of the next hearing of the case, or, if the 
Magistrate for reasons to be recorded in writing so thinks fit, forthwith, whether he wishes to cross-examine any, 
and, if so, which, of the witnesses for the prosecution whose evidence has been taken.
(5) If he says he does so wish, the witnesses named by him shall be recalled and, after cross-examination and 
re-examination (if any), they shall be discharged.
(6) The evidence of any remaining witnesses for the prosecution shall next be taken, and after 
cross-examination and re-examination (if any), they shall also be discharged.

247. Evidence for defence.—The accused shall then be called upon to enter upon his defence and produce his 
evidence; and the provisions of section 243 shall apply to the case.

C.—Conclusion of trial
248. Acquittal or conviction.—
(1) If, in any case under this Chapter in which a charge has been framed, the 
Magistrate finds the accused not guilty, he shall record an order of acquittal.
(2) Where, in any case under this Chapter, the Magistrate finds the accused guilty, but does not proceed in 
accordance with the provisions of section 325 or section 360, he shall, after hearing the accused on the question of 
sentence, pass sentence upon him according to law.
(3) Where, in any case under this Chapter, a previous conviction is charged under the provisions of 
sub-section (7) of section 211 and the accused does not admit that he has been previously convicted as alleged in the 
charge, the Magistrate may, after he has convicted the said accused, take evidence in respect of the alleged previous 
conviction, and shall record a finding thereon:
Provided that no such charge shall be read out by the Magistrate nor shall the accused be asked to plead thereto 
nor shall the previous conviction be referred to by the prosecution or in any evidence adduced by it, unless and until 
the accused has been convicted under sub-section (2).

249. Absence of complainant.—When the proceedings have been instituted upon complaint, and on any day 
fixed for the hearing of the case, the complainant is absent, and the offence may be lawfully compounded or is not a 
cognizable offence, the Magistrate may, in his discretion, notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, at any 
time before the charge has been framed, discharge the accused.

250. Compensation for accusation without reasonable cause.—(1) If, in any case instituted upon complaint 
or upon information given to a police officer or to a Magistrate, one or more persons is or are accused before a 
Magistrate of any offence triable by a Magistrate, and the Magistrate by whom the case is heard discharges or 
acquits all or any of the accused, and is of opinion that there was no reasonable ground for making the accusation 
against them or any of them, the Magistrate may, by his order of discharge or acquittal, if the person upon whose 
complaint or information the accusation was made is present, call upon him forthwith to show cause why he should 
not pay compensation to such accused or to each or any of such accused when there are more than one; or, if such 
person is not present, direct the issue of a summons to him to appear and show cause as aforesaid.
(2) The Magistrate shall record and consider any cause which such complainant or informant may show, and if 
he is satisfied that there was no reasonable ground for making the accusation, may, for reasons to be recorded, make 
an order that compensation to such amount, not exceeding the amount of fine he is empowered to impose, as he may 
determine, be paid by such complainant or informant to the accused or to each or any of them.
(3) The Magistrate may, by the order directing payment of the compensation under sub-section (2), further order 
that, in default of payment, the person ordered to pay such compensation shall undergo simple imprisonment for a 
period not exceeding thirty days.
(4) When any person is imprisoned under sub-section (3), the provisions of sections 68 and 69 of the Indian 
Penal Code (45 of 1860) shall, so far as may be, apply.
(5) No person who has been directed to pay compensation under this section shall, by reason of such order, be 
exempted from any civil or criminal liability in respect of the complaint made or information given by him:
Provided that any amount paid to an accused person under this section shall be taken into account in awarding 
compensation to such person in any subsequent civil suit relating to the same matter.
(6) A complainant or informant who has been ordered under sub-section (2) by a Magistrate of the second class 
to pay compensation exceeding one hundred rupees, may appeal from the order, as if such complainant or informant 
had been convicted on a trial held by such Magistrate.
(7) When an order for payment of compensation to an accused person is made in a case which is subject to 
appeal under sub-section (6), the compensation shall not be paid to him before the period allowed for the 
presentation of the appeal has elapsed, or, if an appeal is presented, before the appeal has been decided; and where 
such order is made in a case which is not so subject to appeal the compensation shall not be paid before the 
expiration of one month from the date of the order.
(8) The provisions of this section apply to summons-cases as well as to warrant-cases.

251. Substance of accusation to be stated.—When in a summons-case the accused appears or is brought 
before the Magistrate, the particulars of the offence of which he is accused shall be stated to him, and he shall be 
asked whether he pleads guilty or has any defence to make, but it shall not be necessary to frame a formal charge.


In Section 251 of the Principal Act, after the word “bought before the Magistrate” the following shall be 
added :—
“Or appears through the medium of electronic video linkage in the presence of his pleader in the Court”.
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 13 of 2006, s. 6]

252. Conviction on plea of guilty.—If the accused pleads guilty, the Magistrate shall record the plea as nearly 
as possible in the words used by the accused and may, in his discretion, convict him thereon.

253. Conviction on plea of guilty in absence of accused in petty cases.—(1) Where a summons has been 
issued under section 206 and the accused desires to plead guilty to the charge without appearing before the 
Magistrate, he shall transmit to the Magistrate, by post or by messenger, a letter containing his plea and also the 
amount of fine specified in the summons.
(2) The Magistrate may, in his discretion, convict the accused in his absence, on his plea of guilty and sentence 
him to pay the fine specified in the summons, and the amount transmitted by the accused shall be adjusted towards 
that fine, or where a pleader authorised by the accused in this behalf pleads guilty on behalf of the accused, the 
Magistrate shall record the plea as nearly as possible in the words used by the pleader and may, in his discretion, 
convict the accused on such plea and sentence him as aforesaid.

254. Procedure when not convicted.—(1) If the Magistrate does not convict the accused under section 252 or 
section 253, the Magistrate shall proceed to hear the prosecution and take all such evidence as may be produced in 
support of the prosecution, and also to hear the accused and take all such evidence as he produces in his defence.
(2) The Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, on the application of the prosecution or the accused, issue a summons 
to any witness directing him to attend or to produce any document or other thing.
(3) The Magistrate may, before summoning any witness on such application, require that the reasonable 
expenses of the witness incurred in attending for the purposes of the trial be deposited in Court.

255. Acquittal or conviction.—(1) If the Magistrate, upon taking the evidence referred to in section 254 and 
such further evidence, if any, as he may, of his own motion, cause to be produced, finds the accused not guilty, he 
shall record an order of acquittal.
(2) Where the Magistrate does not proceed in accordance with the provisions of section 325 or section 360, he 
shall, if he finds the accused guilty, pass sentence upon him according to law.
(3) A Magistrate may, under section 252 or section 255, convict the accused of any offence triable under this 
Chapter, which from the facts admitted or proved he appears to have committed, whatever may be the nature of the 
complaint or summons, if the Magistrate is satisfied that the accused would not be prejudiced thereby.

256. Non-appearance or death of complainant.—(1) If the summons has been issued on complaint, and on 
the day appointed for the appearance of the accused, or any day subsequent thereto to which the hearing may be 
adjourned, the complainant does not appear, the Magistrate shall, notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, 
acquit the accused, unless for some reason he thinks it proper to adjourn the hearing of the case to some other day:
Provided that where the complainant is represented by a pleader or by the officer conducting the prosecution or 
where the Magistrate is of opinion that the personal attendance of the complainant is not necessary, the Magistrate
may, dispense with his attendance and proceed with the case.
(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall, so far as may be, apply also to cases where the non-appearance of 
the complainant is due to his death.

257. Withdrawal of complaint.—If a complainant, at any time before a final order is passed in any case under 
this Chapter, satisfies the Magistrate that there are sufficient grounds for permitting him to withdraw his complaint 
against the accused, or if there be more than one accused, against all or any of them, the Magistrate may permit him 
to withdraw the same, and shall thereupon acquit the accused against whom the complaint is so withdrawn.

258. Power to stop proceedings in certain cases.—In any summons-case instituted otherwise than upon 
complaint, a Magistrate of the first class or, with the previous sanction of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, any other 
Judicial Magistrate, may, for reasons to be recorded by him, stop the proceedings at any stage without pronouncing 
any judgment and where such stoppage of proceedings is made after the evidence of the principal witnesses has been 
recorded, pronounce a judgment of acquittal, and in any other case, release the accused, and such release shall have 
the effect of discharge.

259. Power of Court to convert summons-cases into warrant-cases.—When in the course of the trial of a 
summons-case relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding six months, it appears to 
the Magistrate that in the interests of justice, the offence should be tried in accordance with the procedure for the 
trial of warrant-cases, such Magistrate may proceed to re-hear the case in the manner provided by this Code for the 
trial of warrant-cases and may re-call any witness who may have been examined.

260. Power to try summarily.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code—
(a) any Chief Judicial Magistrate;
(b) any Metropolitan Magistrate;
(c) any Magistrate of the first class specially empowered in this behalf by the High Court,
may, if he thinks fit, try in a summary way all or any of the following offences:—
(i) offences not punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term exceeding two 
(ii) theft, under section 379, section 380 or section 381 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), where the 
value of the property stolen does not exceed 1
[two thousand rupees];
(iii) receiving or retaining stolen property, under section 411 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), where
the value of the property does not exceed 1
[two thousand rupees];
(iv) assisting in the concealment or disposal of stolen property, under section 414 of the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860), where the value of such property does not exceed 1
[two thousand rupees];
(v) offences under sections 454 and 456 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860);
(vi) insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace, under section 504, and 1
[criminal intimidation
punishable with imprisionment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both], under 
section 506 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860);
(vii) abetment of any of the foregoing offences;
(viii) an attempt to commit any of the foregoing offences, when such attempt is an offence;
(ix) any offence constituted by an act in respect of which a complaint may be made under section 20 of the 
Cattle-trespass Act, 1871 (1 of 1871).
(2) When, in the course of a summary trial it appears to the Magistrate that the nature of the case is such that it 
is undesirable to try it summarily, the Magistrate shall recall any witnesses who may have been examined and 
proceed to re-hear the case in the manner provided by this Code.

261. Summary trial by Magistrate of the second class.—The High Court may confer on any Magistrate 
invested with the powers of a Magistrate of the second class power to try summarily any offence which is 
punishable only with fine or with imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months with or without fine, and any 
abetment of or attempt to commit any such offence.

262. Procedure for summary trials.—(1) In trials under this Chapter, the procedure specified in this Code for 
the trial of summons-case shall be followed except as hereinafter mentioned.
(2) No sentence of imprisonment for a term exceeding three months shall be passed in the case of any 
conviction under this Chapter.

263. Record in summary trials.—In every case tried summarily, the Magistrate shall enter, in such form as the 
State Government may direct, the following particulars, namely:—
(a) the serial number of the case;
(b) the date of the commission of the offence;
(c) the date of the report or complaint;
(d) the name of the complainant (if any);
(e) the name, parentage and residence of the accused;
(f) the offence complained of and the offence (if any) proved, and in cases coming under clause (ii), clause 
(iii) or clause (iv) of sub-section (1) of section 260, the value of the property in respect of which the offence has 
been committed;
(g) the plea of the accused and his examination (if any);
(h) the finding;
(i) the sentence or other final order;
(j) the date on which proceedings terminated.

264. Judgment in cases tried summarily.—In every case tried summarily in which the accused does not plead 
guilty, the Magistrate shall record the substance of the evidence and a judgment containing a brief statement of the 
reasons for the finding.

265. Language of record and judgment.—(1) Every such record and judgment shall be written in the 
language of the Court.
(2) The High Court may authorise any Magistrate empowered to try offences summarily to prepare the aforesaid 
record or judgment or both by means of an officer appointed in this behalf by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, and the 
record or judgment so prepared shall be signed by such Magistrate.

265A. Application of the Chapter.—(1) This Chapter shall apply in respect of an accused against whom—
(a) the report has been forwarded by the officer in charge of the police station under section 173 alleging 
therein that an offence appears to have been committed by him other than an offence for which the punishment 
of death or of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment for a term exceeding seven years has been provided 
under the law for the time being in force; or
(b) a Magistrate has taken cognizance of an offence on complaint, other than an offence for which the 
punishment of death or of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment for a term exceeding seven years, has been 
provided under the law for the time being in force, and after examining complainant and witnesses under 
section 200, issued the process under section 204,
but does not apply where such offence affects the socio-economic condition of the country or has been committed 
against a woman, or a child below the age of fourteen years.
(2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the Central Government shall, by notification, determine the offences 
under the law for the time being in force which shall be the offences affecting the socio-economic condition of the 

265B. Application for plea bargaining.—(1) A person accused of an offence may file an application for plea 
bargaining in the Court in which such offence is pending for trial.
(2) The application under sub-section (1) shall contain a brief description of the case relating to which the 
application is filed including the offence to which the case relates and shall be accompanied by an affidavit sworn by 
the accused stating therein that he has voluntarily preferred, after understanding the nature and extent of punishment 
provided under the law for the offence, the plea bargaining in his case and that he has not previously been convicted 
by a Court in a case in which he had been charged with the same offence.
(3) After receiving the application under sub-section (1), the Court shall issue notice to the Public Prosecutor or 
the complainant of the case, as the case may be, and to the accused to appear on the date fixed for the case.
(4) When the Public Prosecutor or the complainant of the case, as the case may be, and the accused appear on 
the date fixed under sub-section (3), the Court shall examine the accused in camera, where the other party in the 
case shall not be present, to satisfy itself that the accused has filed the application voluntarily and where—
(a) the Court is satisfied that the application has been filed by the accused voluntarily, it shall provide time 
to the Public Prosecutor or the complainant of the case, as the case may be, and the accused to work out a 
mutually satisfactory disposition of the case which may include giving to the victim by the accused the 
compensation and other expenses during the case and thereafter fix the date for further hearing of the case;
(b) the Court finds that the application has been filed involuntarily by the accused or he has previously been 
convicted by a Court in a case in which he had been charged with the same offence, it shall proceed further in 
accordance with the provisions of this Code from the stage such application has been filed under 
sub-section (1).

265C. Guidelines for mutually satisfactory disposition.—In working out a mutually satisfactory disposition 
under clause (a) of sub-section (4) of section 265B, the Court shall follow the following procedure, namely:—
(a) in a case instituted on a police report, the Court shall issue notice to the Public Prosecutor, the police 
officer who has investigated the case, the accused and the victim of the case to participate in the meeting to 
work out a satisfactory disposition of the case:
Provided that throughout such process of working out a satisfactory disposition of the case, it shall be the 
duty of the Court to ensure that the entire process is completed voluntarily by the parties participating in the 
Provided further that the accused, if he so desires, participate in such meeting with his pleader, if any, 
engaged in the case;
(b) in a case instituted otherwise than on police report, the Court shall issue notice to the accused and the 
victim of the case to participate in a meeting to work out a satisfactory disposition of the case:
Provided that it shall be the duty of the Court to ensure, throughout such process of working out a 
satisfactory disposition of the case, that it is completed voluntarily by the parties participating in the meeting:
Provided further that if the victim of the case or the accused, as the case may be, so desires, he may 
participate in such meeting with his pleader engaged in the case.

265D. Report of the mutually satisfactory disposition to be submitted before the Court.—Where in a 
meeting under section 265C, a satisfactory disposition of the case has been worked out, the Court shall prepare 
a report of such disposition which shall be signed by the presiding officer of the Court and all other persons 
who participated in the meeting and if no such disposition has been worked out, the Court shall record such 
observation and proceed further in accordance with the provisions of this Code from the stage the application under 
sub-section (1) of section 265B has been filed in such case.

265E. Disposal of the case.—Where a satisfactory disposition of the case has been worked out under 
section 265D, the Court shall dispose of the case in the following manner, namely:—
(a) the Court shall award the compensation to the victim in accordance with the disposition under 
section 265D and hear the parties on the quantum of the punishment, releasing of the accused on probation of 
good conduct or after admonition under section 360 or for dealing with the accused under the provisions of the 
Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 (20 of 1958) or any other law for the time being in force and follow the 
procedure specified in the succeeding clauses for imposing the punishment on the accused;
(b) after hearing the parties under clause (a), if the Court is of the view that section 360 or the provisions of 
the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 (20 of 1958) or any other law for the time being in force are attracted in 
the case of the accused, it may release the accused on probation or provide the benefit of any such law, as the 
case may be;
(c) after hearing the parties under clause (b), if the Court finds that minimum punishment has been 
provided under the law for the offence committed by the accused, it may sentence the accused to half of such 
minimum punishment;
(d) in case after hearing the parties under clause (b), the Court finds that the offence committed by the 
accused is not covered under clause (b) or clause (c), then, it may sentence the accused to one-fourth of the
punishment provided or extendable, as the case may be, for such offence.

265F. Judgment of the Court.—The Court shall deliver its judgment in terms of section 265E in the open 
Court and the same shall be signed by the presiding officer of the Court.

265G. Finality of the judgment.—The judgment delivered by the Court under section 265G shall be final and 
no appeal (except the special leave petition under article 136 and writ petition under articles 226 and 227 of the 
Constitution) shall lie in any Court against such judgment.

265H. Power of the Court in plea bargaining.—A Court shall have, for the purposes of discharging its 
functions under this Chapter, all the powers vested in respect of bail, trial of offences and other matters relating to 
the disposal of a case in such Court under this Code.

265-I. Period of detention undergone by the accused to be set off against the sentence of imprisonment.—
The provisions of section 428 shall apply, for setting off the period of detention undergone by the accused against 
the sentence of imprisonment imposed under this Chapter, in the same manner as they apply in respect of the 
imprisonment under other provisions of this Code.

265J. Savings.—The provisions of this Chapter shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent 
therewith contained in any other provisions of this Code and nothing in such other provisions shall be construed to 
constrain the meaning of any provision of this Chapter.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this Chapter, the expression “Public Prosecutor” has the meaning assigned to 
it under clause (u) of section 2 and includes an Assistant Public Prosecutor appointed under section 25.

265K. Statements of accused not to be used.—Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time 
being in force, the statements or facts stated by an accused in an application for plea bargaining filed under 
section 265B shall not be used for any other purpose except for the purpose of this Chapter.

265L. Non-application of the Chapter.—Nothing in this Chapter shall apply to any juvenile or child as 
defined in clause (k) of section 2 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 (56 of 2000).]

266. Definitions.—In this Chapter,—
(a) “detained” includes detained under any law providing for preventive detention;
(b) “prison” includes,—
(i) any place which has been declared by the State Government, by general or special order, to be a
subsidiary jail;
(ii) any reformatory, Borstal institution or institution of a like nature

267. Power to require attendance of prisoners.—(1) Whenever, in the course of an inquiry, trial or 
proceeding under this Code, it appears to a Criminal Court,—
(a) that a person confined or detained in a prison should be brought before the Court for answering to a 
charge of an offence, or for the purpose of any proceedings against him, or
(b) that it is necessary for the ends of justice to examine such person as a witness,
the Court may make an order requiring the officer in charge of the prison to produce such person before the Court 
answering to the charge or for the purpose of such proceeding or, as the case may be, for giving evidence.
(2) Where an order under sub-section (1) is made by a Magistrate of the second class, it shall not be forwarded 
to, or acted upon by, the officer in charge of the prison unless it is countersigned by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, to 
whom such Magistrate is subordinate.
(3) Every order submitted for countersigning under sub-section (2) shall be accompanied by a statement of the 
facts which, in the opinion of the Magistrate, render the order necessary, and the Chief Judicial Magistrate to whom 
it is submitted may, after considering such statement, decline to countersign the order.

268. Power of State Government to exclude certain persons from operation of section 267.—(1) The State 
Government may, at any time, having regard to the matters specified in sub-section (2), by general or special order,
direct that any person or class of persons shall not be removed from the prison in which he or they may be confined 
or detained, and thereupon, so long as the order remains in force, no order made under section 267, whether before 
or after the order of the State Government, shall have effect in respect of such person or class of persons.
(2) Before making an order under sub-section (1), the State Government shall have regard to the following 
matters, namely:—
(a) the nature of the offence for which, or the grounds on which, the person or class of persons has been 
ordered to be confined or detained in prison;
(b) the likelihood of the disturbance of public order if the person or class of persons is allowed to be 
removed from the prison;
(c) the public interest, generally.

269. Officer in charge of prison to abstain from carrying out order in certain contingencies.—Where the 
person in respect of whom an order is made under section 267—
(a) is by reason of sickness or infirmity unfit to be removed from the prison; or
(b) is under committal for trial or under remand pending trial or pending a preliminary investigation; or
(c) is in custody for a period which would expire before the expiration of the time required for complying 
with the order and for taking him back to the prison in which he is confined or detained; or
(d) is a person to whom an order made by the State Government under section 268 applies,
the officer in charge of the prison shall abstain from carrying out the Court's order and shall send to the Court a
statement of reasons for so abstaining:
Provided that where the attendance of such person is required for giving evidence at a place not more than 
twenty-five kilometres distance from the prison, the officer in charge of the prison shall not so abstain for the reason 
mentioned in clause (b).

270. Prisoner to be brought to Court in custody.—Subject to the provisions of section 269, the officer in 
charge of the prison shall, upon delivery of an order made under sub-section (1) of section 267 and duly 
countersigned, where necessary, under sub-section (2) thereof, cause the person named in the order to be taken to 
the Court in which his attendance is required, so as to be present there at the time mentioned in the order, and shall 
cause him to be kept in custody in or near the Court until he has been examined or until the Court authorises him to 
be taken back to the prison in which he was confined or detained.

271. Power to issue commission for examination of witness in prison.—The provisions of this Chapter shall 
be without prejudice to the power of the Court to issue, under section 284, a commission for the examination, as a 
witness, of any person confined or detained in a prison; and the provisions of Part B of Chapter XXIII shall apply in 
relation to the examination on commission of any such person in the prison as they apply in relation to the 
examination on commission of any other person.

A.—Mode of taking and recording evidence
272. Language of Courts.
—The State Government may determine what shall be, for purposes of this Code, the 
language of each Court within the State other than the High Court.

273. Evidence to be taken in presence of accused.—Except as otherwise expressly provided, all evidence 
taken in the course of the trial or other proceeding shall be taken in the presence of the accused, or, when his 
personal attendance is dispensed with, in the presence of his pleader:
[Provided that where the evidence of a woman below the age of eighteen years who is alleged to have been 
subjected to rape or any other sexual offence, is to be recorded, the court may take appropriate measures to ensure 
that such woman is not confronted by the accused while at the same time ensuring the right of cross-examination of 
the accused.]
Explanation.—In this section, “accused” includes a person in relation to whom any proceeding under 
Chapter VIII has been commenced under this Code.


In the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”), in section 273, after the 
words “in the presence of his pleader”, the words “or, as the case may be, through the medium of Electronic Video 
Linkage when the court on its own motion or on an application so directs in the interests of justice” shall be added.
[Vide Gujarat Act 31 of 2017, sec. 2.]

274. Record in summons-cases and inquiries.—(1) In all summons-cases tried before a Magistrate, in all 
inquiries under sections 145 to 148 (both inclusive), and in all proceedings under section 446 otherwise than in the 
course of a trial, the Magistrate shall, as the examination of each witness proceeds, make a memorandum of the 
substance of the evidence in the language of the Court:
Provided that if the Magistrate is unable to make such memorandum himself, he shall, after recording the reason 
of his inability, cause such memorandum to be made in writing or from his dictation in open Court.
(2) Such memorandum shall be signed by the Magistrate and shall form part of the record.

275. Record in warrant-cases.—(1) In all warrant-cases tried before a Magistrate, the evidence of each witness 
shall, as his examination proceeds, be taken down in writing either by the Magistrate himself or by his dictation in 
open Court or, where he is unable to do so owing to a physical or other incapacity, under his direction and 
superintendence, by an officer of the Court appointed by him in this behalf:
[Provided that evidence of a witness under this sub-section may also be recorded by audio-video electronic 
means in the presence of the advocate of the person accused of the offence.] 
(2) Where the Magistrate causes the evidence to be taken down, he shall record a certificate that the evidence 
could not be taken down by himself for the reasons referred to in sub-section (1).
(3) Such evidence shall ordinarily be taken down in the form of a narrative; but the Magistrate may, in his 
discretion take down, or cause to be taken down, any part of such evidence in the form of question and answer.
(4) The evidence so taken down shall be signed by the Magistrate and shall form part of the record.

276. Record in trial before Court of Session.—(1) In all trials before a Court of Session, the evidence of each 
witness shall, as his examination proceeds, be taken down in writing either by the presiding Judge himself or by his 
dictation in open Court, or under his direction and superintendence, by an officer of the Court appointed by him in 
this behalf.
[(2) Such evidence shall ordinarily be taken down in the form of a narrative, but the presiding Judge may, in 
his discretion, take down, or cause to be taken down, any part of such evidence in the form of question and answer.]
(3) The evidence so taken down shall be signed by the presiding Judge and shall form part of the record.

277. Language of record of evidence.—In every case where evidence is taken down under section 275 or
(a) if the witness gives evidence in the language of the Court, it shall be taken down in that language;
(b) if he gives evidence in any other language, it may, if practicable, be taken down in that language, and 
if it is not practicable to do so, a true translation of the evidence in the language of the Court shall be 
prepared as the examination of the witness proceeds, signed by the Magistrate or presiding Judge, and shall 
form part of the record;
(c) where under clause (b) evidence is taken down in a language other than the language of the Court, a true 
translation thereof in the language of the Court shall be prepared as soon as practicable, signed by the 
Magistrate or presiding Judge, and shall form part of the record:
Provided that when under clause (b) evidence is taken down in English and a translation thereof in the language 
of the Court is not required by any of the parties, the Court may dispense with such translation.

278. Procedure in regard to such evidence when completed.—(1) As the evidence of each witness taken 
under section 275 or section 276 is completed, it shall be read over to him in the presence of the accused, if in 
attendance, or of his pleader, if he appears by pleader, and shall, if necessary, be corrected.
(2) If the witness denies the correctness of any part of the evidence when the same is read over to him, the 
Magistrate or presiding Judge may, instead of correcting the evidence, make a memorandum thereon of the 
objection made to it by the witness and shall add such remarks as he thinks necessary.
(3) If the record of the evidence is in a language different from that in which it has been given and the witness 
does not understand that language, the record shall be interpreted to him in the language in which it was given, or in 
a language which he understands.


In the principal Act, in section 278, after sub-section (3), the following sub-sections shall be added, namely: —
“(4) Nothing contained in sub-sections (1) to (3) shall apply when the evidence under section 273 is taken 
through the medium of Electronic Video Linkage.
(5) The evidence taken through the medium of Electronic Video Linkage in electronic from shall be the 
electronic record within the meaning of clause (t) of section 2 if the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 
[Vide Gujarat Act 31 of 2017, sec. 3.]

279. Interpretation of evidence to accused or his pleader.—(1) Whenever any evidence is given in a language 
not understood by the accused, and he is present in Court in person, it shall be interpreted to him in open Court in a 
language understood by him.
(2) If he appears by pleader and the evidence is given in a language other than the language of the Court, and 
not understood by the pleader, it shall be interpreted to such pleader in that language.
(3) When documents are put for the purpose of formal proof, it shall be in the discretion of the Court to 
interpret as much thereof as appears necessary.

280. Remarks respecting demeanour of witness.—When a presiding Judge or Magistrate has recorded the 
evidence of a witness, he shall also record such remarks (if any) as he thinks material respecting the demeanour of 
such witness whilst under examination.

281. Record of examination of accused.—(1) Whenever the accused is examined by a Metropolitan 
Magistrate, the Magistrate shall make a memorandum of the substance of the examination of the accused in the 
language of the Court and such memorandum shall be signed by the Magistrate and shall form part of the 
(2) Whenever the accused is examined by any Magistrate other than a Metropolitan Magistrate, or by a 
Court of Session, the whole of such examination, including every question put to him and every answer 
given by him, shall be recorded in full by the presiding Judge or Magistrate himself or where he is unable 
to do so owing to a physical or other incapacity, under his direction and superintendence by an officer of the 
Court appointed by him in this behalf.
(3) The record shall, if practicable, be in the language in which the accused is examined or, if that is not 
practicable, in the language of the Court.
(4) The record shall be shown or read to the accused, or, if he does not understand the language in which it 
is written, shall be interpreted to him in a language which he understands, and he shall be at liberty to explain 
or add to his answers.
(5) It shall thereafter be signed by the accused and by the Magistrate or presiding Judge, who shall certify 
under his own hand that the examination was taken in his presence and hearing and that the record contains a 
full and true account of the statement made by the accused.
(6) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to the examination of an accused person in the course 
of a summary trial.


In the principal Act, in section 281, in sub-section (6), after the words “the examination of an accused 
person”, the words “either through the medium of Electronic Video Linkage or” shall be inserted.
[Vide Gujarat Act 31 of 2017, sec. 4.]

282. Interpreter to be bound to interpret truthfully.—When the services of an interpreter are required 
by any Criminal Court for the interpretation of any evidence or statement, he shall be bound to state the true 
interpretation of such evidence or statement.

283. Record in High Court.—Every High Court may, by general rule, prescribe the manner in which the 
evidence of witnesses and the examination of the accused shall be taken down in cases coming before it, and 
such evidence and examination shall be taken down in accordance with such rule.

B.—Commissions for the examination of witnesses
284. When attendance of witness may be dispensed with and commission issued.
—(1) Whenever, in 
the course of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code, it appears to a Court or Magistrate that 
the examination of a witness is necessary for the ends of justice, and that the attendance of such witness 
cannot be procured without an amount of delay, expense or inconvenience which, under the circumstances of 
the case, would be unreasonable, the Court or Magistrate may dispense with such attendance and may issue a 
commission for the examination of the witness in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter:
Provided that where the examination of the President or the Vice-President of India or the Governor of a 
State or the Administrator of a Union territory as a witness is necessary for the ends of Justice, a commission 
shall be issued for the examination of such a witness.
(2) The Court may, when issuing a commission for the examination of a witness for the prosecution, 
direct that such amount as the Court considers reasonable to meet the expenses of the accused, including the 
pleader's fees, be paid by the prosecution.

285. Commission to whom to be issued.—(1) If the witness is within the territories to which this Code 
extends, the commission shall be directed to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the Chief Judicial 
Magistrate, as the case may be, within whose local jurisdiction the witness is to be found.
(2) If the witness is in India, but in a State or an area to which this Code does not extend, the commission shall 
be directed to such Court or officer as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf.
(3) If the witness is in a country or place outside India and arrangements have been made by the Central 
Government with the Government of such country or place for taking the evidence of witnesses in relation to 
criminal matters, the commission shall be issued in such form, directed to such Court or officer, and sent to such 
authority for transmission as the Central Government may, by notification, prescribed in this behalf.

286. Execution of commissions.—Upon receipt of the commission, the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, or 
Chief Judicial Magistrate or such Metropolitan or Judicial Magistrate as he may appoint in this behalf, shall summon 
the witness before him or proceed to the place where the witness is, and shall take down his evidence in the same 
manner, and may for this purpose exercise the same powers, as in trials or warrant-cases under this Code.

287. Parties may examine witnesses.—(1) The parties to any proceeding under this Code in which a 
commission is issued may respectively forward any interrogatories in writing which the Court or Magistrate 
directing the commission may think relevant to the issue, and it shall be lawful for the Magistrate, Court or officer to 
whom the commission, is directed, or to whom the duty of executing it is delegated, to examine the witness upon 
such interrogatories.
(2) Any such party may appear before such magistrate, Court or Officer by pleader, or if not in custody, in 
person, and may examine, cross-examine and re-examine (as the case may be) the said witness

288. Return of commission.—(1) After any commission issued under section 284 has been duly executed, it 
shall be returned, together with the deposition of the witness examined thereunder, to the Court or Magistrate issuing 
the commission; and the commission, the return thereto and the deposition shall be open at all reasonable times to 
inspection of the parties, and may, subject to all just exceptions, be read in evidence in the case by either party, and 
shall form part of the record.
(2) Any deposition so taken, if it satisfies the conditions prescribed by section 33 of the Indian Evidence Act, 
1872 (1 of 1872), may also be received in evidence at any subsequent stage of the case before another Court.

289. Adjournment of proceeding.—In every case in which a commission is issued under section 284, the 
inquiry, trial or other proceeding may be adjourned for a specified time reasonably sufficient for the execution and 
return of the commission.

290. Execution of foreign commissions.—(1) The provisions of section 286 and so much of section 287 and 
section 288 as relate to the execution of a commission and its return shall apply in respect of commissions issued by 
any of the Courts, Judges or Magistrates hereinafter mentioned as they apply to commissions issued under section 
(2) The Courts, Judges and Magistrates referred to in sub-section (1) are—
(a) any such Court, Judge or Magistrate exercising jurisdiction within an area in India to which this Code 
does not extend, as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf;
(b) any Court, Judge or Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in any such country or place outside India, as the 
Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf, and having authority, under the law in force in 
that country or place, to issue commissions for the examination of witnesses in relation to criminal matters.

291. Deposition of medical witness.—(1) The deposition of civil surgeon or other medical witness, taken and 
attested by a Magistrate in the presence of the accused, or taken on commission under this Chapter, may be given in
evidence in any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code, although the deponent is not called as a witness.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, and shall, on the application of the prosecution or the accused, summon and 
examine any such deponent as to the subject-matter of his deposition.


In the principal Act, in section 291, in sub-section (1), after the words “in the presence of accused”, the words 
“or, as the case may be through the medium of Electronic Video Linkage” shall be inserted.
 [Vide Gujarat Act 31 of 2017, sec. 5.]

291A. Identification report of Magistrate.—(1) Any document purporting to be a report of identification 
under the hand of an Executive Magistrate in respect of a person or property may be used as evidence in any inquiry, 
trial or other proceeding under this Code, although such Magistrate is not called as a witness:
Provided that where such report contains a statement of any suspect or witness to which the provisions of 
section 21, section 32, section 33, section 155 or section 157, as the case may be, of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 
(1 of 1872), apply, such statement shall not be used under this sub-section except in accordance with the provisions 
of those sections.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, and shall, on the application of the prosecution or of the accused, summon 
and examine such Magistrate as to the subject-matter of the said report.

292. Evidence of officers of the Mint.—(1) Any document purporting to be a report under the hand of any 
such 2
[officer of any Mint or of any Note Printing Press or of any Security Printing Press (including the officer of 
the Controller of Stamps and Stationery) or of any Forensic Department or Division of Forensic Science Laboratory 
or any Government Examiner of Questioned Documents or any State Examiner of Questioned Documents, as the 
case may be,] as the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf, upon any matter or thing duly 
submitted to him for examination and report in the course of any proceeding under this Code, may be used as 
evidence in any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code, although such officer is not called as a witness.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, summon and examine any such officer as to the subject-matter of his report:
Provided that no such officer shall be summoned to produce any records on which the report is based.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of sections 123 and 124 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872), no 
such officer shall, 2
[except with the permission of the General Manager or any officer in charge of any Mint or of any 
Note Printing Press or of any Security Printing Press or of any Forensic Department or any officer in charge of the 
Forensic Science Laboratory or of the Government Examiner of Questioned Documents Organisation or of the State 
Examiner of Questioned Documents Organisation, as the case may be,] be permitted—
(a) to give any evidence derived from any unpublished official records on which the report is based; or
(b) to disclose the nature or particulars of any test applied by him in the course of the examination of the 
matter or thing.

293. Reports of certain Government scientific experts.—(1) Any document purporting to be a report under 
the hand of a Government scientific expert to whom this section applies, upon any matter or thing duly submitted to 
him for examination or analysis and report in the course of any proceeding under this Code, may be used as 
evidence in any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, summon and examine any such expert as to the subject-matter of his report.
(3) Where any such expert is summoned by a Court, and he is unable to attend personally, he may, unless the 
Court has expressly directed him to appear personally, depute any responsible officer working with him to attend the 
Court, if such officer is conversant with the facts of the case and can satisfactorily depose in Court on his behalf.
(4) This section applies to the following Government scientific experts, namely:—
(a) any Chemical Examiner or Assistant Chemical Examiner to Government;
[(b) the Chief Controller of Explosives;]
(c) the Director of the Finger Print Bureau;
(d) the Director, Haffkeine Institute, Bombay;
(e) the Director 2
[, Deputy Director or Assistant Director] of a Central Forensic Science Laboratory or a 
State Forensic Science Laboratory;
(f) the Serologist to the Government;
[(g) any other Government scientific expert specified, by notification, by the Central Government for this 

294. No formal proof of certain documents.—(1) Where any document is filed before any Court by the 
prosecution or the accused, the particulars of every such document shall be included in a list and the prosecution or 
the accused, as the case may be, or the pleader for the prosecution or the accused, if any, shall be called upon to 
admit or deny the genuineness of each such document.
(2) The list of documents shall be in such form as be prescribed by the State Government.
(3) Where the genuineness of any document is not disputed, such document may be read in evidence in inquiry, 
trial or other proceeding under this Code without proof of the signature of the person to whom it purports to be 
Provided that the Court may, in its discretion, require such signature to be proved.

295. Affidavit in proof of conduct of public servants.—When any application is made to any Court in the 
course of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code, and allegations are made therein respecting any 
public servant, the applicant may give evidence of the facts alleged in the application by affidavit, and the Court 
may, if it thinks fit, order that evidence relating to such facts be so given.

296. Evidence of formal character on affidavit.—(1) The evidence of any person whose evidence is of a 
formal character may be given by affidavit and may, subject to all just exceptions, be read in evidence in any 
inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, and shall, on the application of the prosecution or the accused, summon and 
examine any such person as to the facts contained in his affidavit.

297. Authorities before whom affidavits may be sworn.—(1) Affidavits to be used before any Court under 
this Code may be sworn or affirmed before—
[(a) any Judge or Judicial or Executive Magistrate, or]
(b) any Commissioner of Oaths appointed by a High Court or Court of Session, or
(c) any notary appointed under the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952).
(2) Affidavits shall be confined to, and shall state separately, such facts as the deponent is able to prove from his 
own knowledge and such facts as he has reasonable ground to believe to be true, and in the latter case, the deponent 
shall clearly state the grounds of such belief.
(3) The Court may order any scandalous and irrelevant matter in the affidavit to be struck out or amended.

298. Previous conviction or acquittal how proved.—In any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code, 
a previous conviction or acquittal may be proved, in addition to any other mode provided by any law for the time 
being in force,—
(a) by an extract certified under the hand of the officer having the custody of the records of the Court in 
which such conviction or acquittal was held, to be a copy of the sentence or order, or
(b) in case of a conviction, either by a certificate signed by the officer in charge of the Jail in which the 
punishment or any part thereof was undergone, or by production of the warrant of commitment under which the 
punishment was suffered, 
together with, in each of such cases, evidence as to the identity of the accused person with the person so convicted or 

299. Record of evidence in absence of accused.—(1) If it is proved that an accused person has absconded, and 
that there is no immediate prospect of arresting him, the Court competent to try 1
[, or commit for trial,] such person 
for the offence complained of may, in his absence, examine the witnesses (if any) produced on behalf of the 
prosecution, and record their depositions and any such deposition may, on the arrest of such person, be given in 
evidence against him on the inquiry into, or trial for, the offence with which he is charged, if the deponent is dead or 
incapable of giving evidence or cannot be found or his presence cannot be procured without an amount of delay, 
expense or inconvenience which, under the circumstances of the case, would be unreasonable.
(2) If it appears that an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life has been committed by some 
person or persons unknown, the High Court or the Sessions Judge may direct that any Magistrate of the first class 
shall hold an inquiry and examine any witnesses who can give evidence concerning the offence and any depositions 
so taken may be given in evidence against any person who is subsequently accused of the offence, if the deponent is 
dead or incapable of giving evidence or beyond the limits of India.

300. Person once convicted or acquitted not to be tried for same offence.—(1) A person who has once been 
tried by a Court of competent jurisdiction for an offence and convicted or acquitted of such offence shall, while such 
conviction or acquittal remains in force, not be liable to be tried again for the same offence, nor on the same facts for 
any other offence for which a different charge from the one made against him might have been made under 
sub-section (1) of section 221, or for which he might have been convicted under sub-section (2) thereof.
(2) A person acquitted or convicted of any offence may be afterwards tried, with the consent of the State 
Government, for any distinct offence for which a separate charge might have been made against him at the former 
trial under sub-section (1) of section 220.
(3) A person convicted of any offence constituted by any act causing consequences which, together with such 
act, constituted a different offence from that of which he was convicted, may be afterwards tried for such last 
mentioned offence, if the consequences had not happened, or were not known to the Court to have happened, at the 
time when he was convicted.
(4) A person acquitted convicted of any offence constituted by any acts may, notwithstanding such acquittal or 
conviction, be subsequently charged with, and tried for, any other offence constituted by the same acts which he
may have committed if the Court by which he was first tried was not competent to try the offence with which he is 
subsequently charged.
(5) A person discharged under section 258 shall not be tried again for the same offence except with the consent 
of the Court by which he was discharged or of any other Court to which the first-mentioned Court is subordinate.
(6) Nothing in this section shall affect the provisions of section 26 of the General Clauses 
Act, 1897 (10 of 1897) or of section 188 of this Code.
Explanation.—The dismissal of a complaint, or the discharge of the accused, is not an acquittal for the purposes 
of this section.
(a) A is tried upon a charge of theft as a servant and aquitted. He cannot afterwards, while the acquittal remains in 
force, be charged with theft as a servant, or, upon the same facts, with theft simply, or with criminal breach of trust.
(b) A is tried for causing grievous hurt and convicted. The person injured afterwards dies. A may be tried again for 
culpable homicide.
(c) A is charged before the Court of Session and convicted of the culpable homicide of B. A may not afterwards be 
tried on the same facts for the murder of B.
(d) A is charged by a Magistrate of the first class with, and convicted by him of, voluntarily causing hurt to B. A may 
not afterwards be tried for voluntarily causing grievous hurt to B on the same facts, unless the case comes within 
sub-section (3) of this section.
(e) A is charged by a Magistrate of the second class with, and convicted by him of, theft of property from the person of 
B. A may subsequently be charged with, and tried for, robbery on the same facts. 
(f) A, B and C are charged by a Magistrate of the first class with, and convicted by him of, robbing D. A, B and C may 
afterwards be charged with, and tried for, dacoity on the same facts.

301. Appearance by Public Prosecutors.—(1) The Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge 
of a case may appear and plead without any written authority before any Court in which that case is under inquiry, 
trial or appeal.
(2) If in any such case any private person instructs a pleader to prosecute any person in any Court, the Public 
Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of the case shall conduct the prosecution, and the pleader so 
instructed shall act therein under the directions of the Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor, and may, 
with the permission of the Court, submit written arguments after the evidence is closed in the case.

West Bengal

For sub-section (1) of section 301 of the principal Act, the following sub-sections shall be 
“(1) (a) The Public Prosecutor in charge of a case may appear and plead without any written authority before 
any Court in which that case is under inquiry, trial or appeal.
(b) The Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of a case may appear and plead without any written authority 
before any Court in which that case is under inquiry or trial.”.
[Vide West Bengal Act 26 of 1990, s. 4.]

302. Permission to conduct prosecution.—(1) Any Magistrate inquiring into or trying a case may permit the 
prosecution to be conducted by any person other than a police officer below the rank of inspector; but no person, 
other than the Advocate-General or Government Advocate or a Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor,
shall be entitled to do so without such permission:
Provided that no police officer shall be permitted to conduct the prosecution if he has taken part in the 
investigation into the offence with respect to which the accused is being prosecuted.
(2) Any person conducting the prosecution may do so personally or by a pleader.

303. Right of person against whom proceedings are instituted to be defended.—Any person accused of an 
offence before a Criminal Court, or against whom proceedings are instituted under this Code, may of right be 
defended by a pleader of his choice.

304. Legal aid to accused at State expense in certain cases.—(1) Where, in a trial before the Court of Session, 
the accused is not represented by a pleader, and where it appears to the Court that the accused has not sufficient 
means to engage a pleader, the Court shall assign a pleader for his defence at the expense of the State.
(2) The High Court may, with the previous approval of the State Government, make rules providing for—
(a) the mode of selecting pleaders for defence under sub-section (1);
(b) the facilities to be allowed to such pleaders by the Courts;
(c) the fees payable to such pleaders by the Government, and generally, for carrying out the purposes of 
sub-section (1).
(3) The State Government may, by notification, direct that, as from such date as may be specified in the 
notification, the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall apply in relation to any class of trials before other Courts 
in the State as they apply in relation to trials before Courts of Session.

305. Procedure when corporation or registered society is an accused.—(1) In this section, “corporation”
means an incorporated company or other body corporate, and includes a society registered under the Societies 
Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860).
(2) Where a corporation is the accused person or one of the accused persons in an inquiry or trial, it may appoint 
a representative for the purpose of the inquiry or trial and such appointment need not be under the seal of the 
(3) Where a representative of a corporation appears, any requirement of this Code that anything shall be done in 
the presence of the accused or shall be read or stated or explained to the accused, shall be construed as a requirement 
that thing shall be done in the presence of the representative or read or stated or explained to the representative, and 
any requirement that the accused shall be examined shall be construed as a requirement that the representative shall 
be examined.
(4) Where a representative of a corporation does not appear, any such requirement as is referred to in 
sub-section (3) shall not apply.
(5) Where a statement in writing purporting to be signed by the managing director of the corporation or by any 
person (by whatever name called) having, or being one of the persons having the management of the affairs of the 
corporation to the effect that the person named in the statement has been appointed as the representative of the 
corporation for the purposes of this section, is filed, the Court shall, unless the contrary is proved, presume that such 
person has been so appointed.
(6) If a question arises as to whether any person, appearing as the representative of a corporation in an inquiry 
or trial before a Court is or is not such representative, the question shall be determined by the Court.

306. Tender of pardon to accomplice.—(1) With a view to obtaining the evidence of any person supposed to 
have been directly or indirectly concerned in or privy to an offence to which this section applies, the Chief Judicial
Magistrate or a Metropolitan Magistrate at any stage of the investigation or inquiry into, or the trial of, the offence, 
and the Magistrate of the first class inquiring into or trying the offence, at any stage of the inquiry or trial, may 
tender a pardon to such person on condition of his making a full and true disclosure of the whole of the 
circumstances within his knowledge relative to the offence and to every other person concerned, whether as 
principal or abettor, in the commission thereof.
(2) This section applies to—
(a) any offence triable exclusively by the Court of Session or by the Court of a Special Judge appointed 
under the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1952 (46 of 1952);
(b) any offence punishable with imprisonment which may extend to seven years or with a more severe 
(3) Every Magistrate who tenders a pardon under sub-section (1) shall record—
(a) his reasons for so doing;
(b) whether the tender was or was not accepted by the person to whom it was made,
and shall, on application made by the accused, furnish him with a copy of such record free of cost.
(4) Every person accepting a tender of pardon made under sub-section (1)—
(a) shall be examined as a witness in the Court of the Magistrate taking cognizance of the offence and in 
the subsequent trial, if any;
(b) shall, unless he is already on bail, be detained in custody until the termination of the trial.
(5) Where a person has accepted a tender of pardon made under sub-section (1) and has been examined under 
sub-section (4), the Magistrate taking cognizance of the offence shall, without making any further inquiry in the 
(a) commit it for trial—
(i) to the Court of Session if the offence is triable exclusively by that Court or if the Magistrate taking 
cognizance is the Chief Judicial Magistrate;
(ii) to a Court of Special Judge appointed under the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1952 (46 of 1952), 
if the offence is triable exclusively by that Court;
(b) in any other case, make over the case to the Chief Judicial Magistrate who shall try the case himself.

307. Power to direct tender of pardon.—At any time after commitment of a case but before judgment is 
passed, the Court to which the commitment is made may, with a view to obtaining at the trial the evidence of any 
person supposed to have been directly or indirectly concerned in, or privy to, any such offence, tender a pardon on 
the same condition to such person.

308. Trial of person not complying with conditions of pardon.—(1) Where, in regard to a person who has 
accepted a tender of pardon made under section 306 or section 307, the Public Prosecutor certifies that in his opinion 
such person has, either by wilfully concealing anything essential or by giving false evidence, not complied with the 
condition on which the tender was made, such person may be tried for the offence in respect of which the pardon 
was so tendered or for any other offence of which he appears to have been guilty in connection with the same 
matter, and also for the offence of giving false evidence:
Provided that such person shall not be tried jointly with any of the other accused:
Provided further that such person shall not be tried for the offence of giving false evidence except with the 
sanction of the High Court, and nothing contained in section 195 or section 340 shall apply to that offence.
(2) Any statement made by such person accepting the tender of pardon and recorded by a Magistrate under 
section 164 or by a Court under sub-section (4) of section 306 may be given in evidence against him at such trial.
(3) At such trial, the accused shall be entitled to plead that he has complied with the condition upon which such 
tender was made; in which case it shall be for the prosecution to prove that the condition has not been complied 
(4) At such trial, the Court shall—
(a) if it is a Court of Session, before the charge is read out and explained to the accused;
(b) if it is the Court of a Magistrate, before the evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution is taken,
ask the accused whether he pleads that he has complied with the conditions on which the tender of pardon was 
(5) If the accused does so plead, the Court shall record the plea and proceed with the trial and it shall, before 
passing judgment in the case, find whether or not the accused has complied with the conditions of the 
pardon, and, if it finds that he has so complied, it shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this Code, pass 
judgment of acquittal.

309. Power to postpone or adjourn proceedings.—1
[(1) In every inquiry or trial the proceedings shall be 
continued from day-to-day until all the witnesses in attendance have been examined, unless the Court finds the 
adjournment of the same beyond the following day to be necessary for reasons to be recorded:
Provided that when the inquiry or trial relates to an offence under section 376, 2
[section 376A, section 376AB, , 
section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA or section DB of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), the inquiry or 
trial shall] be completed within a period of two months from the date of filing of the charge sheet.]
(2) If the Court, after taking cognizance of an offence, or commencement of trial, finds it necessary or 
advisable to postpone the commencement of, or adjourn, any inquiry or trial, it may, from time to time, for reasons 
to be recorded, postpone or adjourn the same on such terms as it thinks fit, for such time as it considers reasonable, 
and may by a warrant remand the accused if in custody:
Provided that no Magistrate shall remand an accused person to custody under this section for a term exceeding 
fifteen days at a time:
Provided further that when witnesses are in attendance, no adjournment or postponement shall be granted, 
without examining them, except for special reasons to be recorded in writing:
[Provided also that no adjournment shall be granted for the purpose only of enabling the accused person to 
show cause against the sentence proposed to be imposed on him.]
[Provided also that—
(a) no adjournment shall be granted at the request of a party, except where the circumstances are beyond 
the control of that party;
(b) the fact that the pleader of a party is engaged in another Court, shall not be a ground for adjournment;
(c) where a witness is present in Court but a party or his pleader is not present or the party or his pleader 
though present in Court, is not ready to examine or cross-examine the witness, the Court may, if thinks fit, 
record the statement of the witness and pass such orders as it thinks fit dispensing with the examination-in-chief 
or cross-examination of the witness, as the case may be.]
Explanation 1.—If sufficient evidence has been obtained to raise a suspicion that the accused may have 
committed an offence, and it appears likely that further evidence may be obtained by a remand, this is a reasonable 
cause for a remand.
Explanation 2.—The terms on which an adjournment or postponement may be granted include, in appropriate 
cases, the payment of costs by the prosecution or the accused.


In proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 309 of the Code, for the words, figures and letters “section 376, section 
376A, section 376B, section 376C or section 376D”, the words, figures and letters “section 354, section 354A, 
section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 354E, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, 
section 376D, section 376E, section 376F, section 509, section 509A or section 509B” shall be substituted.
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 25 of 2015, s. 11.]
In section 309 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), in its application to the State of Maharashtra 
(hereinafter, in this Chapter, referred to as “the Code of Criminal Procedure”), after the existing proviso, the 
following proviso shall be added, namely:—
“Provided further that, when the enquiry or trial relates to an offence under section 332 or 353 (45 of 1860) of 
the Indian Penal Code, the inquiry or trial shall, as far as possible be completed within a period of six months from 
the date of filing of the charge sheet”.
[Vide Maharashtra Act, 40 of 2018, s. 4.]

310. Local inspection.—(1) Any Judge or Magistrate may, at any stage of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding, 
after due notice to the parties, visit and inspect any place in which an offence is alleged to have been committed, or 
any other place in which it is in his opinion necessary to view for the purpose of properly appreciating the evidence 
given at such inquiry or trial, and shall without unnecessary delay record a memorandum of any relevant facts 
observed at such inspection.
(2) Such memorandum shall form part of the record of the case and if the prosecutor, complainant or accused or 
any other party to the case, so desires, a copy of the memorandum shall be furnished to him free of cost.

311. Power to summon material witness, or examine person present.—Any Court may, at any stage of any 
inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code, summon any person as a witness, or examine any person in 
attendance, though not summoned as a witness, or recall and re-examine any person already examined; and the 
Court shall summon and examine or recall and re-examine any such person if his evidence appears to it to be 
essential to the just decision of the case.

311A. Power of Magistrate to order person to give specimen signatures or handwriting.—If a Magistrate 
of the first class is satisfied that, for the purposes of any investigation or proceeding under this Code, it is expedient 
to direct any person, including an accused person, to give specimen signatures or handwriting, he may make an 
order to that effect and in that case the person to whom the order relates shall be produced or shall attend at the time 
and place specified in such order and shall give his specimen signatures or handwriting:
Provided that no order shall be made under this section unless the person has at some time been arrested in 
connection with such investigation or proceeding.

312. Expenses of complainants and witnesses.—Subject to any rules made by the State Government, any 
Criminal Court may, if it thinks fit, order payment, on the part of the Government, of the reasonable expenses of any 
complainant or witness attending for the purposes of any inquiry, trial or other proceeding before such Court under 
this Code.

313. Power to examine the accused.—(1) In every inquiry or trial, for the purpose of enabling the accused 
personally to explain any circumstances appearing in the evidence against him, the Court—
(a) may at any stage, without previously warning the accused put such questions to him as the Court 
considers necessary;
(b) shall, after the witnesses for the prosecution have been examined and before he is called on for his 
defence, question him generally on the case:
Provided that in a summons-case, where the Court has dispensed with the personal attendance of the accused, it 
may also dispense with his examination under clause (b).
(2) No oath shall be administered to the accused when he is examined under sub-section (1).
(3) The accused shall not render himself liable to punishment by refusing to answer such questions, or by giving 
false answers to them.
(4) The answers given by the accused may be taken into consideration in such inquiry or trial, and put in 
evidence for or against him in any other inquiry into, or trial for, any other offence which such answers may tend to 
show he has committed.
[(5) The Court may take help of Prosecutor and Defence Counsel in preparing relevant questions which are to 
be put to the accused and the Court may permit filing of written statement by the accused as sufficient compliance of 
this section.]

314. Oral arguments and memorandum of arguments.—(1) Any party to a proceeding may, as soon as may 
be, after the close of his evidence, address concise oral arguments, and may, before he concludes the oral arguments, 
if any, submit a memorandum to the Court setting forth concisely and under distinct headings, the arguments in 
support of his case and every such memorandum shall form part of the record.
(2) A copy of every such memorandum shall be simultaneously furnished to the opposite party.
(3) No adjournment of the proceedings shall be granted for the purpose of filing the written arguments unless 
the Court, for reasons to be recorded in writing, considers it necessary to grant such adjournment.
(4) The Court may, if it is of opinion that the oral arguments are not concise or relevant, regulate such 

315. Accused person to be competent witness.—(1) Any person accused of an offence before a Criminal 
Court shall be a competent witness for the defence and may give evidence on oath in disproof of the charges made 
against him or any person charged together with him at the same trial:
Provided that—
(a) he shall not be called as a witness except on his own request in writing;
(b) his failure to give evidence shall not be made the subject of any comment by any of the parties or the 
Court or give rise to any presumption against himself or any person charged together with him that the same 
(2) Any person against whom proceedings are instituted in any Criminal Court under section 98, or section 107 
or section 108, or section 109, or section 110, or under Chapter IX or under Part B, Part C or Part D of Chapter X, 
may offer himself as a witness in such proceedings:
Provided that in proceedings under section 108, section 109, or section 110, the failure of such person to give 
evidence shall not be made the subject of any comment by any of the parties or the Court or give rise to any 
presumption against him or any other person proceeded against together with him at the same inquiry.

316. No influence to be used to induce disclosure.—Except as provided in sections 306 and 307, no influence, 
by means of any promise or threat or otherwise, shall be used to an accused person to induce him to disclose or 
withhold any matter within his knowledge.

317. Provision for inquiries and trial being held in the absence of accused in certain cases.—(1) At any 
stage of an inquiry or trial under this Code, if the Judge or Magistrate is satisfied, for reasons to be recorded, that the 
personal attendance of the accused before the Court is not necessary in the interests of justice, or that the accused 
persistently disturbs the proceedings in Court, the Judge or Magistrate may, if the accused is represented by a 
pleader, dispense with his attendance and proceed with such inquiry or trial in his absence, and may, at any 
subsequent stage of the proceedings, direct the personal attendance of such accused.
(2) If the accused in any such case is not represented by a pleader, or if the Judge or Magistrate considers his 
personal attendance necessary, he may, if he thinks fit and for reasons to be recorded by him, either adjourn such 
inquiry or trial, or order that the case of such accused be taken up or tried separately.
In the principal Act, to section 317, the following Explanation shall be added, namely: —
“Explanation: —For the purpose of this section “Personal attendance of the accused” shall include his 
attendance through the medium of Electronic Video Linkage as provided in section 273.”.
[Vide Gujarat Act 31 of 2017, s. 6.]

318. Procedure where accused does not understand proceedings.—If the accused, though not of unsound 
mind, cannot be made to understand the proceedings, the Court may proceed with the inquiry or trial; and, in the 
case of a Court other than a High Court, if such proceedings result in a conviction, the proceedings shall be 
forwarded to the High Court with a report of the circumstances of the case, and the High Court shall pass thereon 
such order as it thinks fit.

319. Power to proceed against other persons appearing to be guilty of offence.—(1) Where, in the course of 
any inquiry into, or trial of, an offence, it appears from the evidence that any person not being the accused has 
committed any offence for which such person could be tried together with the accused, the Court may proceed 
against such person for the offence which he appears to have committed.
(2) Where such person is not attending the Court, he may be arrested or summoned, as the circumstances of the 
case may require, for the purpose aforesaid.
(3) Any person attending the Court, although not under arrest or upon a summons, may be detained by such 
Court for the purpose of the inquiry into, or trial of, the offence which he appears to have committed.
(4) Where the Court proceeds against any person under sub-section (1), then—
(a) the proceedings in respect of such person shall be commenced afresh, and the witnesses re-heard;
(b) subject to the provisions of clause (a), the case may proceed as if such person had been an accused 
person when the Court took cognizance of the offence upon which the inquiry or trial was commenced.

320. Compounding of offences.—(1) The offences punishable under the sections of the Indian Penal 
Code (45 of 1860) specified in the first two columns of the Table next following may be compounded by the persons 
mentioned in the third column of that Table:—

Offence Section of the Indian Penal Code applicable Person by whom offence may be compounded
1 2 3
Uttering words, etc., with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person. 298 The person whose religious feelings are intended to be wounded.
Voluntarily causing hurt. 323 The person to whom the hurt is caused.
Voluntarily causing hurt on provocation. 334 Ditto.
Voluntarily causing grievous hurt on grave and sudden provocation. 335 The person to whom the hurt is caused.
Wrongfully restraining or confining any person. 341,342 The person restrained or confined
Wrongfully confining a person for three days or more 343 The person confined.
Wrongfully confining a person for ten days or more. 344 Ditto.
Wrongfully confining a person in secret. 346 The person confined.
Assault or use of criminal force. 352, 355,358 The person assaulted or to whom criminal force is used.
Theft. 379 The owner of the property stolen.
Dishonest misappropriation of property. 403 The owner of the property misappropriated.
Criminal breach of trust by a carrier, wharfinger, etc.  407 The owner of the property in respect of which the breach of trust has been committed.
Dishonestly receiving stolen property knowing it to be stolen. 411 The owner of the property stolen.
Assisting in the concealment or disposal of stolen property, knowing
it to be stolen.
414 Ditto.
Cheating. 417 The person cheated.
Cheating by personation. 419 Ditto.
Fraudulent removal or concealment of property, etc., to prevent distribution among creditors. 421 The creditors who are affected thereby.
Fraudulently preventing from being made available for his creditors a debt or demand due to the offender. 422 Ditto.
Fraudulent execution of deed of transfer containing false statement of consideration 423 The person affected thereby.
Fraudulent removal or concealment of property. 424 Ditto.
Mischief, when the only loss or damage caused is loss or damage to a private person. 426,427 The person to whom the loss or damage is caused.
Mischief by killing or maiming animal.  428 The owner of the animal.
Mischief by killing or maiming cattle, etc.  429 The owner of the cattle or animal.
Mischief by injury to works of irrigation by wrongfully diverting water when the only loss or damage
caused is loss or damage to private
430 The person to whom the loss or damage is caused.
Criminal trespass. 447 The person in possession of the property trespassed upon.
House-trespass 448 Ditto.
House-trespass to commit an offence (other than theft) punishable with imprisonment. 451 The person in possession of the house trespassed upon.
Using a false trade or property mark. 482 The person to whom loss or injury  is caused by such use.
Counterfeiting a trade or property mark used by another. 483 Ditto
Knowingly selling, or exposing or possessing for sale or for manufacturing purpose, goods marked with a counterfeit property mark. 486 Ditto.
Criminal breach of contract of service. 491 The person with whom the offender has contracted.
Adultery. 497 The husband of the woman.
Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent a married woman. 498 The husband of the woman and the woman
Defamation, except such cases as are specified against section 500 of
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860)
in column 1 of the Table under
sub-section (2).
500 The person defamed
Printing or engraving matter, knowing it to be defamatory. 501 Ditto.
Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory
matter, knowing it to contain such
502 Ditto.
Insult intended to provoke a breach of the peace. 504 The person insulted.
Criminal intimidation. 506 The person intimidated.
Inducing person to believe himself an object of divine displeasure. 508 The person induced.


(2) The offences punishable under the sections of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) specified in the first two columns of the Table next following may, with the permission of the Court before which any prosecution for such offence is pending, be compounded by the persons mentioned in the third column of that Table:— 


Offence Section of the Indian Penal Code applicable Person by whom offence may be compounded
1 2 3
Causing miscarriage. 312 The woman to whom miscarriage is caused .
Voluntarily causing grievous hurt. 325 The person to whom hurt is caused.
Causing hurt by doing an act so rashly and negligently as to endanger human life or the personal safety of others. 337 Ditto.
Causing grievous hurt by doing an act so rashly and negligently as to endanger human life or the personal safety of others. 338 Ditto.
Assault or criminal force in attemptting wrongfully to confine a person. 357 The person assaulted or to whom the force was used.
Theft, by clerk or servant of property in possession of master. 381 The owner of the property stolen.
Criminal breach of trust 406 The owner of property in respect of which breach of trust has been committed.
Criminal breach of trust by a clerk or servant 408 The owner of the property in respect of which the breach of trust has been committed.
Cheating a person whose interest the offender was bound, either by law or by legal contract, to protect. 418 The person cheated.
Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property or the making, alteration or destruction of a valuable security. 420 The person cheated.
Marrying again during the life-time of a husband or wife. 494 The husband or wife of the person so marrying.
Defamation against the President or the Vice-President or the Governor of a
State or the Administrator of a Union
territory or a Minister in respect of his
public functions when instituted upon
a complaint made by the Public
500 The person defamed.
Uttering words or sounds or making gestures or exhibiting any object intending to insult the modesty of a woman or intruding upon the privacy of a woman. 509 The woman whom it was intended to insult or whose privacy was intruded upon.


[(3) When an offence is compoundable under this section, the abetment of such offence or an attempt to 
commit such offence (when such attempt is itself an offence) or where the accused is liable under section 34 or 149 
of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) may be compounded in like manner.] 
(4) (a) When the person who would otherwise be competent to compound an offence under this section is under 
the age of eighteen years or is an idiot or a lunatic, any person competent to contract on his behalf may, with the 
permission of the Court, compound such offence.
(b) When the person who would otherwise be competent to compound an offence under this section is dead, the 
legal representative, as defined in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) of such person may, with the 
consent of the Court, compound such offence.
(5) When the accused has been committed for trial or when he has been convicted and an appeal is pending, no 
composition for the offence shall be allowed without the leave of the Court to which he is committed, or, as the case 
may be, before which the appeal is to be heard.
(6) A High Court or Court of Session acting in the exercise of its powers of revision under section 401 may 
allow any person to compound any offence which such person is competent to compound under this section.
(7) No offence shall be compounded if the accused is, by reason of a previous conviction, liable either to 
enhanced punishment or to a punishment of a different kind for such offence.
(8) The composition of an offence under this section shall have the effect of an acquittal of the accused with 
whom the offence has been compounded.
(9) No offence shall be compounded except as provided by this section. 
Madhya Pradesh
Amendment of Section 320.—In the table below sub-section (2) of Section 320 of the principal Act,-
(i) in column first, second and third, before section 324 and entries relating thereto, the following sections and 
entries relating thereto shall be inserted, namely:—

1 2 3
Rioting 147 The person against whom the force or violence is used at the time of committing an offence:
    Provided that the accused is not charged with other offence which is not compoundable.
Rioting armed with deadly weapon 148 The person against whom the force or violence is used at the time of committing an offence:
    Provided that the accused is not charged with other offence which is not compoundable.
Obscene acts or use of obscene words 294 The person against whom obscene acts were done or obscene words were used.”.

(ii) in column first, second and third, after section 500 and entries relating thereto, the following section and 
entries relating thereto shall be inserted, namely:—


1 2 3
Criminal intimidation if threat to be caused death or grievous hurt, etc. Part II of Section 506 The person against whom the offence of Criminal Intimidation was committed.”


[Vide Madhya Pradesh 17 of 1999, s. 3.]

321. Withdrawal from prosecution.—The Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of a 
case may, with the consent of the Court, at any time before the judgment is pronounced, withdraw from the 
prosecution of any person either generally or in respect of any one or more of the offences for which he is tried; and, 
upon such withdrawal,—
(a) if it is made before a charge has been framed, the accused shall be discharged in respect of such offence 
or offences;
(b) if it is made after a charge has been framed, or when under this Code no charge is required, he shall be 
acquitted in respect of such offence or offences:
Provided that where such offence—
(i) was against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the Union extends, or
(ii) was investigated by the Delhi Special Police Establishment under the Delhi Special Police 
Establishment Act, 1946 (25 of 1946), or
(iii) involved the misappropriation or destruction of, or damage to, any property belonging to the Central 
Government, or
(iv) was committed by a person in the service of the Central Government while acting or purporting to act 
in the discharge of his official duty,
and the Prosecutor in charge of the case has not been appointed by the Central Government, he shall not, unless he 
has been permitted by the Central Government to do so, move the Court for its consent to withdraw from the 
prosecution and the Court shall, before according consent, direct the Prosecutor to produce before it the permission 
granted by the Central Government to withdraw from the prosecution.

322. Procedure in cases which Magistrate cannot dispose of.—(1) If, in the course of any inquiry into an 
offence or a trial before a Magistrate in any district, the evidence appears to him to warrant a presumption—
(a) that he has no jurisdiction to try the case or commit it for trial, or
(b) that the case is one which should be tried or committed for trial by some other Magistrate in the district, 
(c) that the case should be tried by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, he shall stay the proceedings and submit 
the case, with a brief report explaining its nature, to the Chief Judicial Magistrate or to such other Magistrate, 
having jurisdiction, as the Chief Judicial Magistrate directs.
(2) The Magistrate to whom the case is submitted may, if so empowered, either try the case himself, or refer it 
to any Magistrate subordinate to him having jurisdiction, or commit the accused for trial.

323. Procedure when, after commencement of inquiry or trial, Magistrate finds case should be 
—If, in any inquiry into an offence or a trial before a Magistrate, it appears to him at any stage of the 
proceedings before signing the judgment that the case is one which ought to be tried by the Court of Session, he 
shall commit it to that Court under the provisions hereinbefore contained 1
[and thereupon the provisions of Chapter 
XVIII shall apply to the commitment so made

324. Trial of persons previously convicted of offences against coinage, stamp-law or property.— (1)
Where a person, having been convicted of an offence punishable under Chapter XII or Chapter XVII of the Indian 
Penal Code (45 of 1860), with imprisonment for a term of three years or upwards, is again accused of any offence 
punishable under either of those Chapters with imprisonment for a term of three years or upwards, and the 
Magistrate before whom the case is pending is satisfied that there is ground for presuming that such person has 
committed the offence, he shall be sent for trial to the Chief Judicial Magistrate or committed to the Court of 
Session, unless the Magistrate is competent to try the case and is of opinion that he can himself pass an adequate 
sentence if the accused is convicted.
(2) When any person is sent for trial to the Chief Judicial Magistrate or committed to the Court of Session 
under sub-section (1), any other person accused jointly with him in the same inquiry or trial shall be similarly sent or 
committed, unless the Magistrate discharges such other person under section 239 or section 245, as the case may be.

325. Procedure when Magistrate cannot pass sentence sufficiently severe.—(1) Whenever a Magistrate is of 
opinion, after hearing the evidence for the prosecution and the accused, that the accused is guilty, and that he ought 
to receive a punishment different in kind from, or more severe than, that which such Magistrate is empowered to 
inflict, or, being a Magistrate of the second class, is of opinion that the accused ought to be required to execute a 
bond under section 106, he may record the opinion and submit his proceedings, and forward the accused, to the 
Chief Judicial Magistrate to whom he is subordinate.
(2) When more accused than one are being tried together, and the Magistrate considers it necessary to proceed 
under sub-section (1), in regard to any of such accused, he shall forward all the accused, who are in his opinion 
guilty, to the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
(3) The Chief Judicial Magistrate to whom the proceedings are submitted may, if he thinks fit, examine the 
parties and recall and examine any witness who has already given evidence in the case and may call for and take any 
further evidence and shall pass such judgment, sentence or order in the case as he thinks fit, and is according to law.

326. Conviction or commitment on evidence partly recorded by one Magistrate and partly by 
—(1) Whenever any 1
[Judge or Magistrate], after having heard and recorded the whole or any part of the 
evidence in any enquiry or a trial, ceases to exercise jurisdiction therein and is succeeded by another 1
[Judge or 
Magistrate] who has and who exercises such jurisdiction, the 1
[Judge or Magistrate] so succeeding may act on the 
evidence so recorded by his predecessor, or partly recorded by his predecessor and partly recorded by himself:
Provided that if the succeeding 1
[Judge or Magistrate] is of opinion that further examination of any of the 
witnesses whose evidence has already been recorded is necessary in the interests of Justice, he may re-summon any 
such witness, and after such further examination, cross-examination and re-examination, if any, as he may permit, 
the witness shall be discharged.
(2) When a case is transferred under the provisions of this Code 2
[from one judge to another Judge or from one 
Magistrate to another Magistrate], the former shall be deemed to cease to exercise jurisdiction therein, and to be 
succeeded by the latter, within the meaning of sub-section (1).
(3) Nothing in this section applies to summary trials or to cases in which proceedings have been stayed under 
section 322 or in which proceedings have been submitted to a superior Magistrate under section 325.

327. Court to be open.—3
[(1)] The place in which any Criminal Court is held for the purpose of inquiring into
or trying any offence shall be deemed to be an open Court, to which the public generally may have access, so far as 
the same can conveniently contain them:
Provided that the presiding Judge or Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, order at any stage of any inquiry into, or 
trial of, any particular case, that the public generally, or any particular person, shall not have access to, or be or 
remain in, the room or building used by the Court.
[(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- section (1), the inquiry into and trial of rape or an offence 
under section 376, 5
[section 376A, section 376AB, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, 
section 376DB] section 376E of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860)] shall be conducted in camera :
Provided that the presiding Judge may, if he thinks fit, or on an application made by either of the parties, allow 
any particular person to have access to, or be or remain in, the room or building used by the Court:
[Provided further that in camera trial shall be conducted as far as practicable by a woman Judge or Magistrate.] 
(3) Where any proceedings are held under sub-section (2), it shall not be lawful for any person to print or 
publish any matter in relation to any such proceedings except with the previous permission of the Court:]
[Provided that the ban on printing or publication of trial proceedings in relation to an offence of rape may be 
lifted, subject to maintaining confidentiality of name and address of the parties.]


In sub-section (2) of the section 327 of the Code, for the words, figures and letters “or an offence under section 
376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, section 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code”, the words, 
figures, letters and punctuations “sexual harassment, outraging modesty of woman or an offence under section 354, 
section 354A, section 354B, section 354C, section 354D, section 354E, section 376, section 376A, section 376B, 
section 376C, section 376D, section 376E, section 376F, section 509, section 509A or section 509B of the Indian 
Penal Code” shall be substituted.
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 25 of 2015, s. 12.]

328. Procedure in case of accused being lunatic.—(1) When a Magistrate holding an inquiry has reason to 
believe that the person against whom the inquiry is being held is of unsound mind and consequently incapable of 
making his defence, the Magistrate shall inquire into the fact of such unsoundness of mind, and shall cause such 
person to be examined by the civil surgeon of the district or such other medical officer as the State Government may 
direct, and thereupon shall examine such surgeon or other officer as a witness, and shall reduce the examination to 
[(1A) If the civil surgeon finds the accused to be of unsound mind, he shall refer such person to a psychiatrist 
or clinical psychologist for care, treatment and prognosis of the condition and the psychiatrist or clinical 
psychologist, as the case may be, shall inform the Magistrate whether the accused is suffering from unsoundness of 
mind or mental retardation:
Provided that if the accused is aggrieved by the information given by the psychiatric or clinical psychologist, as 
the case may be, to the Magistrate, he may prefer an appeal before the Medical Board which shall consist of—
(a) head of psychiatry unit in the nearest government hospital; and
(b) a faculty member in psychiatry in the nearest medical college.]
(2) Pending such examination and inquiry, the Magistrate may deal with such person in accordance with the 
provisions of section 330.
[(3) If such Magistrate is informed that the person referred to in sub-section (1A) is a person of unsound mind, 
the Magistrate shall further determine whether the unsoundness of mind renders the accused incapable of entering 
defence and if the accused is found so incapable, the Magistrate shall record a finding to that effect, and shall 
examine the record of evidence produced by the prosecution and after hearing the advocate of the accused but 
without questioning the accused, if he finds that no prima facie case is made out against the accused, he shall, 
instead of postponing the enquiry, discharge the accused and deal with him in the manner provided under 
section 330:
Provided that if the Magistrate finds that a prima facie case is made out against the accused in respect of whom 
a finding of unsoundness of mind is arrived at, he shall postpone the proceeding for such period, as in the opinion of 
the psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, is required for the treatment of the accused, and order the accused to be 
dealt with as provided under section 330.
(4) If such Magistrate is informed that the person referred to in sub-section (1A) is a person with mental 
retardation, the Magistrate shall further determine whether the mental retardation renders the accused incapable of 
entering defence, and if the accused is found so incapable, the Magistrate shall order closure of the inquiry and deal 
with the accused in the manner provided under section 330.

329. Procedure in case of person of unsound mind tried before Court.—(1) If at the trial of any person 
before a Magistrate or Court of Session, it appears to the Magistrate or Court that such person is of unsound mind 
and consequently incapable of making his defence, the Magistrate or Court shall, in the first instance, try the fact of 
such unsoundness and incapacity, and if the Magistrate or Court, after considering such medical and other evidence 
as may be produced before him or it, is satisfied of the fact, he or it shall record a finding to that effect and shall 
postpone further proceedings in the case.
[(1A) If during trial, the Magistrate or Court of Sessions finds the accused to be of unsound mind, he or it shall 
refer such person to a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist for care and treatment, and the psychiatrist or clinical 
psychologist, as the case may be shall report to the Magistrate or Court whether the accused is suffering from 
unsoundness of mind:
Provided that if the accused is aggrieved by the information given by the psychiatric or clinical psychologist, as 
the case may be, to the Magistrate, he may prefer an appeal before the Medical Board which shall consist of—
(a) head of psychiatry unit in the nearest government hospital; and
(b) a faculty member in psychiatry in the nearest medical college.] 
[(2) If such Magistrate or Court is informed that the person referred to in sub-section (1A) is a person of 
unsound mind, the Magistrate or Court shall further determine whether unsoundness of mind renders the accused 
incapable of entering defence and if the accused is found so incapable, the Magistrate or Court shall record a finding 
to that effect and shall examine the record of evidence produced by the prosecution and after hearing the advocate of 
the accused but without questioning the accused, if the Magistrate or Court finds that no prima facie case is made 
out against the accused, he or it shall, instead of postponing the trial, discharge the accused and deal with him in the 
manner provided under section 330:
Provided that if the Magistrate or Court finds that a prima facie case is made out against the accused in respect 
of whom a finding of unsoundness of mind is arrived at, he shall postpone the trial for such period, as in the opinion 
of the psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, is required for the treatment of the accused.
(3) If the Magistrate or Court finds that a prima facie case is made out against the accused and he is incapable of 
entering defence by reason of mental retardation, he or it shall not hold the trial and order the accused to be dealt 
with in accordance with section 330.

330. Release of person of unsound mind pending investigation or trial.—(1) Whenever a person if found 
under section 328 or section 329 to be incapable of entering defence by reason of unsoundness of mind or mental 
retardation, the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be shall, whether the case is one in which bail may be taken or 
not, order release of such person on bail:
Provided that the accused is suffering from unsoundness of mind or mental retardation which does not mandate 
in-patient treatment and a friend or relative undertakes to obtain regular out-patient psychiatric treatment from the 
nearest medical facility and to prevent from doing injury to himself or to any other person.
(2) If the case is one in which, in the opinion of the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, bail cannot be 
granted or if an appropriate undertaking is not given, he or it shall order the accused to be kept in such a place where 
regular psychiatric treatment can be provided, and shall report the action taken to the State Government:
Provided that no order for the detention of the accused in a lunatic asylum shall be made otherwise than in 
accordance with such rules as the State Government may have made under the Mental Health Act, 1987 (14 of 
(3) Whenever a person is found under section 328 or section 329 to be incapable of entering defence by reason 
of unsoundness of mind or mental retardation, the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, shall keeping in view the 
nature of the act committed and the extent of unsoundness of mind or mental retardation, further determine if the 
release of the accused can be ordered:
Provided that—
(a) if on the basis of medical opinion or opinion of a specialist, the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, 
decide to order discharge of the accused, as provided under section 328 or section 329, such release may be 
ordered, if sufficient security is given that the accused shall be prevented from doing injury to himself or to any 
other person;
(b) if the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, is of opinion that discharge of the accused cannot be 
ordered, the transfer of the accused to a residential facility for persons of unsound mind or mental retardation 
may be ordered wherein the accused may be provided care and appropriate education and training.] 

331. Resumption of inquiry or trial.—(1) Whenever an inquiry or a trial is postponed under section 328 or 
section 329, the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, may at any time after the person concerned has ceased to 
be of unsound mind, resume the inquiry or trial and require the accused to appear or be brought before such 
Magistrate or Court.
(2) When the accused has been released under section 330, and the sureties for his appearance produce him to 
the officer whom the Magistrate or Court appoints in this behalf, the certificate of such officer that the accused is 
capable of making his defence shall be receivable in evidence.

332. Procedure on accused appearing before Magistrate or Court.—(1) If, when the accused appears or is 
again brought before the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, the Magistrate or Court considers him capable of 
making his defence, the inquiry or trial shall proceed.
(2) If the Magistrate or Court considers the accused to be still incapable of making his defence, the Magistrate 
or Court shall act according to the provisions of section 328 or section 329, as the case may be, and if the accused is 
found to be of unsound mind and consequently incapable making his defence, shall deal with such accused in 
accordance with the provisions of section 330.

333. When accused appears to have been of sound mind.—When the accused appears to be of sound mind at 
the time of inquiry or trial, and the Magistrate is satisfied from the evidence given before him that there is reason to 
believe that the accused committed an act, which, if he had been of sound mind, would have been an offence, and 
that he was, at the time when the act was committed, by reason of unsoundness of mind, incapable of knowing the 
nature of the act or that it was wrong or contrary to law, the Magistrate shall proceed with the case, and, if the 
accused ought to be tried by the Court of Session, commit him for trial before the Court of Session.

333. When accused appears to have been of sound mind.—When the accused appears to be of sound mind at 
the time of inquiry or trial, and the Magistrate is satisfied from the evidence given before him that there is reason to 
believe that the accused committed an act, which, if he had been of sound mind, would have been an offence, and 
that he was, at the time when the act was committed, by reason of unsoundness of mind, incapable of knowing the 
nature of the act or that it was wrong or contrary to law, the Magistrate shall proceed with the case, and, if the 
accused ought to be tried by the Court of Session, commit him for trial before the Court of Session.

334. Judgment of acquittal on ground of unsoundness of mind.—Whenever any person is acquitted upon the 
ground that, at the time at which he is alleged to have committed an offence, he was, by reason of unsoundness of 
mind, incapable of knowing the nature of the act alleged as constituting the offence, or that it was wrong or contrary 
to law, the finding shall state specifically whether he committed the act or not.

335. Person acquitted on such ground to be detained in safe custody.—(1) Whenever the finding states that 
the accused person committed the act alleged, the Magistrate or Court before whom or which the trial has been held, 
shall, if such act would, but for the incapacity found, have constituted an offence,—
(a) order such person to be detained in safe custody in such place and manner as the Magistrate or Court 
thinks fit; or
(b) order such person to be delivered to any relative or friend of such person.
(2) No order for the detention of the accused in a lunatic asylum shall be made under clause (a) of sub-section 
(1) otherwise than in accordance with such rules as the State Government may have made under the Indian Lunacy 
Act, 1912 (4 of 1912).
(3) No order for the delivery of the accused to a relative or friend shall be made under clause (b) of sub-section 
(1) except upon the application of such relative or friend and on his giving security to the satisfaction of the 
Magistrate or Court that the person delivered shall—
(a) be properly taken care of and prevented from doing injury to himself or to any other person;
(b) be produced for the inspection of such officer, and at such times and places, as the State Government 
may direct.
(4) The Magistrate or Court shall report to the State Government the action taken under sub-section (1).

336. Power of State Government to empower officer-in-charge to discharge.—The State Government may 
empower the officer in charge of the jail in which a person is confined under the provisions of section 330 or section 
335 to discharge all or any of the functions of the Inspector-General of Prisons under section 337 or section 338.

337. Procedure where lunatic prisoner is reported capable of making his defence.—If such person is 
detained under the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 330, and in the case of a person detained in a jail, the 
Inspector-General of Prisons, or, in the case of a person detained a lunatic asylum, the visitors of such asylum, or 
any two of them shall certify that, in his or their opinion, such person is capable of making his defence, he shall be 
taken before the Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, at such time as the Magistrate or Court appoints, and the 
Magistrate or Court shall deal with such person under the provisions of section 332; and the certificate of such 
Inspector-General or visitors as aforesaid shall be receivable as evidence.

338. Procedure where lunatic detained is declared fit to be released.—(1) If such person is detained under 
the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 330, or section 335, and such Inspector-General or visitors shall certify
that, in his or their judgment, he may be released without danger of his doing injury to himself or to any other 
person, the State Government may thereupon order him to be released, or to be detained in custody, or to be 
transferred to a public lunatic asylum if he has not been already sent to such an asylum; and, in case it orders him to 
be transferred to an asylum, may appoint a Commission, consisting of a Judicial and two medical officers.
(2) Such Commission shall make a formal inquiry into the state of mind of such person, take such evidence as is 
necessary, and shall report to the State Government, which may order his release or detention as it thinks fit.

339. Delivery of lunatic to care of relative or friend.—(1) Whenever any relative or friend of any person 
detained under the provisions of section 330 or section 335 desires that he shall be delivered to his care and custody, 
the State Government may, upon the application of such relative or friend and on his giving security to the 
satisfaction of such State Government, that the person delivered shall—
(a) be properly taken care of and prevented from doing injury to himself or to any other person;
(b) be produced for the inspection of such officer, and at such times and places, as the State Government
may direct;
(c) in the case of a person detained under sub-section (2) of section 330, be produced when required before 
such Magistrate or Court, 
order such person to be delivered to such relative or friend.
(2) If the person so delivered is accused of any offence, the trial of which has been postponed by reason of his 
being of unsound mind and incapable of making his defence, and the inspecting officer referred to in clause (b) of 
sub-section (1), certifies at any time to the Magistrate or Court that such person is capable of making his defence, 
such Magistrate or Court shall call upon the relative or friend to whom such accused was delivered to produce him 
before the Magistrate or Court; and, upon such production the Magistrate or Court shall proceed in accordance with 
the provisions of section 332, and the certificate of the inspecting office shall be receivable as evidence.

340. Procedure in cases mentioned in section 195.—(1) When, upon an application made to it in this behalf or 
otherwise, any Court is of opinion that it is expedient in the interests of Justice that an inquiry should be made into 
any offence referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 195, which appears to have been committed in or in 
relation to a proceeding in that Court or, as the case may be, in respect of a document produced or given in evidence 
in a proceeding in that Court, such Court may, after such preliminary inquiry, if any, as it thinks necessary,—
(a) record a finding to that effect;
(b) make a complaint thereof in writing;
(c) send it to a Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction;
(d) take sufficient security for the appearance of the accused before such Magistrate, or if the alleged 
offence is non-bailable and the Court thinks it necessary so to do, send the accused in custody to such 
Magistrate; and
(e) bind over any person to appear and give evidence before such Magistrate.
(2) The power conferred on a Court by sub-section (1) in respect of an offence may, in any case where that 
Court has neither made a complaint under sub-section (1) in respect of that offence nor rejected an application for 
the making of such complaint, be exercised by the Court to which such former Court is subordinate within the 
meaning of sub-section (4) of section 195.
(3) A complaint made under this section shall be signed,—
(a) where the Court making the complaint is a High Court, by such officer of the Court as the Court may 
[(b) in any other case, by the presiding officer of the Court or by such officer of the Court as the Court 
may authorise in writing in this behalf.]
(4) In this section, “Court” has the same meaning as in section 195.

341. Appeal.—(1) Any person on whose application any Court other than a High Court has refused to make a 
complaint under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 340, or against whom such a complaint has been made 
by such Court, may appeal to the Court to which such former Court is subordinate within the meaning of sub-section 
(4) of section 195, and the superior Court may thereupon, after notice to the parties concerned, direct the withdrawal 
of the complaint, or, as the case may be, making of the complaint which such former Court might have made under 
section 340, and, if it makes such complaint, the provisions of that section shall apply accordingly.
(2) An order under this section, and subject to any such order, an order under section 340, shall be final, and 
shall not be subject to revision.

342. Power to order costs.—Any Court dealing with an application made to it for filing a complaint under 
section 340 or an appeal under section 341, shall have power to make such order as to costs as may be just.

343. Procedure of Magistrate taking cognizance.—(1) A Magistrate to whom a complaint is made under 
section 340 or section 341 shall, notwithstanding anything contained in Chapter XV, proceed, as far as may be, to 
deal with the case as if it were instituted on a police report.
(2) Where it is brought to the notice of such Magistrate, or of any other Magistrate to whom the case may have 
been transferred, that an appeal is pending against the decision arrived at in the judicial proceeding out of which the 
matter has arisen, he may, if he thinks fit, at any stage, adjourn the hearing of the case until such appeal is decided.

344. Summary procedure for trial for giving false evidence.—(1) If, at the time of delivery of any judgment 
or final order disposing of any judicial proceeding, a Court of Session or Magistrate of the first class expresses an 
opinion to the effect that any witness appearing in such proceeding had knowingly or wilfully given false evidence 
or had fabricated false evidence with the intention that such evidence should be used in such proceeding, it or he 
may, if satisfied that it is necessary and expedient in the interest of justice that the witness should be tried summarily 
for giving or fabricating, as the case may be, false evidence, take cognizance of the offence and may, after giving the 
offender a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why he should not be punished for such offence, try such 
offender summarily and sentence him to imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or to fine 
which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both.
(2) In every such case the Court shall follow, as nearly as may be practicable, the procedure prescribed for 
summary trials.
(3) Nothing in this section shall affect the power of the Court to make a complaint under section 340 for the 
offence, where it does not choose to proceed under this section.
(4) Where, after any action is initiated under sub-section (1), it is made to appear to the Court of Session or 
Magistrate of the first class that an appeal or an application for revision has been preferred or filed against the 
judgment or order in which the opinion referred to in that sub-section has been expressed, it or he shall stay further 
proceedings of the trial until the disposal of the appeal or the application for revision, as the case may be, and 
thereupon the further proceedings of the trial shall abide by the results of the appeal or application for revision.

345. Procedure in certain cases of contempt.—(1) When any such offence as is described in section 175, 
section 178, section 179, section 180 or section 228 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) is committed in the view 
or presence of any Civil, Criminal, or Revenue Court, the Court may cause the offender to be detained in custody, 
and may, at any time before the rising of the Court or the same day, take cognizance of the offence and, after giving 
the offender a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why he should not be punished under this section, sentence 
the offender to fine not exceeding two hundred rupees, and, in default of payment of fine, to simple imprisonment 
for a term which may extend to one month, unless such fine be sooner paid.
(2) In every such case the Court shall record the fact constituting the offence, with the statement (if any) made 
by the offender, as well as the finding and sentence.
(3) If the offence is under section 228 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), the record shall show the nature 
and stage of the judicial proceeding in which the Court interrupted or insulted was sitting, and the nature of the 
interruption or insult

346. Procedure where Court considers that case should not be dealt with under section 345.—(1) If the 
Court in any case considers that a person accused of any of the offences referred to in section 345 and committed in its 
view or presence should be imprisoned otherwise than in default of payment of fine, or that a fine exceeding two 
hundred rupees should be imposed upon him, or such Court is for any other reason of opinion that the case should not 
be disposed of under section 345, such Court, after recording the facts constituting the offence and the statement of the 
accused as hereinbefore provided, may forward the case to a Magistrate having jurisdiction to try the same, and 
may require security to be given for the appearance of such person before such Magistrate, or if sufficient security is 
not given, shall forward such person in custody to such Magistrate.
(2) The Magistrate to whom any case is forwarded under this section shall proceed to deal with, as far as may 
be, as if it were instituted on a police report.

347. When Registrar or Sub-Registrar to be deemed a Civil Court.—When the State Government so directs, 
any Registrar or any Sub-Registrar appointed under the 1
*** Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908), shall be deemed to 
be a Civil Court within the meaning of sections 345 and 346.

348. Discharge of offender on submission of apology.—When any Court has under section 345 adjudged an 
offender to punishment, or has under section 346 forwarded him to a Magistrate for trial, for refusing or omitting to 
do anything which he was lawfully required to do or for any intentional insult or interruption, the Court may, in its 
discretion, discharge the offender or remit the punishment on his submission to the order or requisition of such 
Court, or on apology being made to its satisfaction.

349. Imprisonment or committal of person refusing to answer or produce document.—If any witness or 
person called to produce a document or thing before a Criminal Court refuses to answer such questions as are put to 
him or to produce any document or thing in his possession or power which the Court requires him to produce, and
does not, after a reasonable opportunity has been given to him so to do, offer any reasonable excuse for such refusal, 
such Court may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, sentence him to simple imprisonment, or by warrant under the 
hand of the Presiding Magistrate or Judge commit him to the custody of an officer of the Court for any term not 
exceeding seven days, unless in the meantime, such person consents to be examined and to answer, or to produce the 
document or thing and in the event of his persisting in his refusal, he may be dealt with according to the provisions 
of section 345 or section 346.

350. Summary procedure for punishment for non-attendance by a witness in obedience to summons.—(1)
If any witness being summoned to appear before a Criminal Court is legally bound to appear at a certain place and 
time in obedience to the summons and without just excuse neglects or refuses to attend at that place or time or 
departs from the place where he has to attend before the time at which it is lawful for him to depart, and the Court 
before which the witness is to appear is satisfied that it is expedient in the interest of justice that such a witness 
should be tried summarily, the Court may take cognizance of the offence and after giving the offender an 
opportunity of showing cause why he should not be punished under this section, sentence him to fine not exceeding 
one hundred rupees.
(2) In every such case the Court shall follow, as nearly as may be practicable, the procedure prescribed for 
summary trials.

351. Appeals from convictions under sections 344, 345, 349 and 350.—(1) Any person sentenced by any 
Court other than a High Court under section 344, section 345, section 349, or section 350 may, notwithstanding
anything contained in this Code appeal to the Court to which decrees or orders made in such Court are ordinarily 
(2) The provisions of Chapter XXIX shall, so far as they are applicable, apply to appeals under this section, and 
the Appellate Court may alter or reverse the finding, or reduce or reverse the sentence appealed against.
(3) An appeal from such conviction by a Court of Small Causes shall lie to the Court of Session for the sessions 
division within which such Court is situate.
(4) An appeal from such conviction by any Registrar or Sub-Registrar deemed to be a Civil Court by virtue of a 
direction issued under section 347 shall lie to the Court of Session for the sessions division within which the office
of such Registrar or Sub-Registrar is situate.

352. Certain Judges and Magistrates not to try certain offences when committed before themselves.—
Except as provided in sections 344, 345, 349 and 350, no Judge of a Criminal Court (other than a Judge of a High 
Court) or Magistrate shall try any person for any offence referred to in section 195, when such offence is committed 
before himself or in contempt of his authority, or is brought under his notice as such Judge or Magistrate in the 
course of a judicial proceeding.

353. Judgment.—(1) The judgment in every trial in any Criminal Court or original jurisdiction shall be 
pronounced in open Court by the presiding officer immediately after the termination of the trial or at some 
subsequent time of which notice shall be given to the parties or their pleaders,—
(a) by delivering the whole of the judgment; or
(b) by reading out the whole of the judgment; or 
(c) by reading out the operative part of the judgment and explaining the substance of the judgment in a 
language which is understood by the accused or his pleader.
(2) Where the judgment is delivered under clause (a) of sub-section (1), the presiding officer shall cause it to be 
taken down in short-hand, sign the transcript and every page thereof as soon as it is made ready, and write on it the 
date of the delivery of the judgment in open Court.
(3) Where the judgment or the operative part thereof is read out under clause (b) or clause (c) of sub-section (1),
as the case may be, it shall be dated and signed by the presiding officer in open Court, and if it is not written with his 
own hand, every page of the judgment shall be signed by him.
(4) Where the judgment is pronounced in the manner specified in clause (c) of sub-section (1), the whole 
judgment or a copy thereof shall be immediately made available for the perusal of the parties or their pleaders free 
of cost.
(5) If the accused is in custody, he shall be brought up to hear the judgment pronounced.
(6) If the accused is not in custody, he shall be required by the Court to attend to hear the judgment pronounced, 
except where his personal attendance during the trial has been dispensed with and the sentence is one of fine only or 
he is acquitted:
Provided that, where there are more accused than one, and one or more of them do not attend the Court on the 
date on which the judgment is to be pronounced, the presiding officer may, in order to avoid undue delay in the 
disposal of the case, pronounce the judgment notwithstanding their absence.
(7) No judgment delivered by any Criminal Court shall be deemed to be invalid by reason only of the absence 
of any party or his pleader on the day or from the place notified for the delivery thereof, or of any omission to serve, 
or defect in serving, on the parties or their pleaders, or any of them, the notice of such day and place.
(8) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit in any way the extent of the provisions of section 465.

354. Language and contents of judgment.—(1) Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Code, every 
judgment referred to in section 353,—
(a) shall be written in the language of the Court;
(b) shall contain the point or points for determination, the decision thereon and the reasons for the decision;
(c) shall specify the offence (if any) of which, and the section of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) or 
other law under which, the accused is convicted, and the punishment to which he is sentenced;
(d) if it be a judgment of acquittal, shall state the offence of which the accused is acquitted and direct that 
he be set at liberty.
(2) When the conviction is under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) and it is doubtful under which of two 
sections, or under which of two parts of the same section, of that Code the offence falls, the Court shall distinctly 
express the same, and pass judgment in the alternative.
(3) When the conviction is for an offence punishable with death or, in the alternative, with imprisonment for life 
or imprisonment for a term of years, the judgment shall state the reasons for the sentence awarded, and, in the case 
of sentence of death, the special reasons for such sentence.
(4) When the conviction is for an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term of one year or more, but the 
Court imposes a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than three months, it shall record its reasons for 
awarding such sentence, unless the sentence is one of imprisonment till the rising of the Court or unless the case was 
tried summarily under the provisions of this Code.
(5) When any person is sentenced to death, the sentence shall direct that he be hanged by the neck till he is 
(6) Every order under section 117 or sub-section (2) of section 138 and every final order made under section 
125, section 145 or section 147 shall contain the point or points for determination, the decision thereon and the 
reasons for the decision.

355. Metropolitan Magistrate's judgment.—Instead of recording a judgment in the manner hereinbefore 
provided, a Metropolitan Magistrate shall record the following particulars, namely:—
(a) the serial number of the case;
(b) the date of the commission of the offence;
(c) the name of the complainant (if any);
(d) the name of the accused person, and his parentage and residence;
(e) the offence complained of or proved;
(f) the plea of the accused and his examination (if any); 
(g) the final order;
(h) the date of such order; 
(i) in all cases in which an appeal lies from the final order either under section 373 or under sub-section (3)
of section 374, a brief statement of the reasons for the decision.

356. Order for notifying address of previously convicted offender.—(1) When any person, having been 
convicted by a Court in India of an offence punishable under section 215, section 489A, section 489B, section 489C 
or section 489D 1
[or section 506 (in so far as it relates to criminal intimidation punishable with imprisonment for a 
term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or with both)] of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or of any 
offence punishable under Chapter XII 1
[or Chapter XVI] or Chapter XVII of that Code, with imprisonment for a 
term of three years, or upwards, is again convicted of any offence punishable under any of those sections or 
Chapters with imprisonment for a term of three years or upwards by any Court other than that of a Magistrate of the 
second class, such Court may, if it thinks fit, at the time of passing a sentence of imprisonment on such person, also 
order that his residence and any change of, or absence from, such residence after release be notified as hereinafter 
provided for a term not exceeding five years from the date of the expiration of such sentence.
(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) with reference to the offences named therein, apply also to criminal 
conspiracies to commit such offences and to the abatement of such offences and attempts to commit them.
(3) If such conviction is set aside on appeal or otherwise, such order shall become void.
(4) An order under this section may also be made by an Appellate Court or by the High Court or Court of 
Session when exercising its powers of revision.
(5) The State Government may, by notification, make rules to carry out the provisions of this section relating to 
the notification of residence or change of, or absence from, residence by released convicts.
(6) Such rules may provide for punishment for the breach thereof and any person charged with a breach of any 
such rule may be tried by a Magistrate of competent jurisdiction in the district in which the place last notified by him 
as his place of residence is situated.

357. Order to pay compensation.—(1) When a Court imposes a sentence of fine or a sentence (including a 
sentence of death) of which fine forms a part, the Court may, when passing judgment, order the whole or any part of 
the fine recovered to be applied—
(a) in defraying the expenses of properly incurred in the prosecution;
(b) in the payment to any person of compensation for any loss or injury caused by the offence, when 
compensation is, in the opinion of the Court, recoverable by such person in a Civil Court;
(c) when any person is convicted of any offence for having caused the death of another person or of having 
abetted the commission of such an offence, in paying compensation to the persons who are, under the Fatal 
Accidents Act, 1855 (13 of 1855), entitled to recover damages from the person sentenced for the loss resulting 
to them from such death;
(d) when any person is convicted of any offence which includes theft, criminal misappropriation, criminal 
breach of trust, or cheating, or of having dishonestly received or retained, or of having voluntarily assisted in 
disposing of, stolen property knowing or having reason to believe the same to be stolen, in compensating any 
bona fide purchaser of such property for the loss of the same if such property is restored to the possession of the 
person entitled thereto.
(2) If the fine is imposed in a case which is subject to appeal no such payment shall be made before the period 
allowed for presenting the appeal has elapsed, or, if an appeal be presented, before the decision of the appeal.
(3) When a Court imposes a sentence, of which fine does not form a part, the Court may, when passing 
judgment, order the accused person to pay, by way of compensation, such amount as may be specified in the order to 
the person who has suffered any loss or injury by reason of the act for which the accused person has been so 
(4) An order under this section may also be made by an Appellate Court or by the High Court or Court of 
Session when exercising its powers of revision.
(5) At the time of awarding compensation in any subsequent civil suit relating to the same matter, the Court 
shall take into account any sum paid or recovered as compensation under this section.
Amendments of section 357. —
In section 357 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974).—
(1) In section 357, in sub-section (1), after the words “the Court may” the brackets, figures and words 
“and where the person against whom an offence is committed belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a 
Scheduled Tribe as defined in clauses (24) and (25) of Article 366 of the Constitution and the accused 
person doesn’t belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe the Court shall”, shall be inserted:
(2) for sub-section (3), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:—
“(3) When a Court imposes a sentence of which the fine does not form a part, the Court may, and 
where a person against whom an offence is committed belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe 
as defined in clauses (24) and (25) of article 366 of the Constitution and the accused person does not 
belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe, the Court shall, when passing judgment, order the 
accused person to pay, by way of compensation, such amount as may be specified in the order to the 
person who has suffered any loss or injury by reason of the act for which the accused person has been so 
[Vide Karnataka Act 27 of 1987, s. 2].
Madhya Pradesh 
Amendment of section 357.—In section 357 of the Principal Act, —
(i) In sub-section (1), for the brackets, figure and words “(1) When a Court imposes a sentence of fine 
or a sentence (including a sentence of death) of which fine forms a part, the Court may, when passing 
judgment, order the whole or any part of the fine recovered to be applied” the brackets, figure and words 
“(1) When a Court imposes a sentence of fine or a sentence (including a sentence of death) of which fine 
forms a part, the Court may, and where a person against whom an offence is committed belongs to 
Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes as defined in clauses (24) and (25) and of Article 366 of the 
Constitution except when both the accused person and the person against whom an offence is committed 
belong cither to such Castes or Tribes, the Court shall, when passing judgment, order the whole or any 
part of the fine recovered to be applied—”shall be substituted; and
(ii) for sub-section (3), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:—
“(3) When Court imposes a sentence, of which fine does not form a part, the Court may, and where a 
person against whom an offence is committed belongs to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes as 
defined in clauses (24) and (25) of Article 366 of the Constitution, the Court shall when passing judgment 
order the accused person to pay, by way of compensation, such amount as may be specified in the order to 
the person who has suffered any loss or injury by reason of the act for which the accused person has been 
so sentenced:
“Provided that the Court may not order the accused person to pay by way of compensation any amount 
if both the accused person and the person against whom an offence is committed belong either to the 
Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes.”
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 29 of 1978, s. 3.]
West Bengal
In section 357 of the principal Act,—
(a) In sub-section (1), for the words and brackets “When a Court imposes a sentence of fine or a 
sentence including a (sentence of death) of which fine forms a part, the Court may, when passing 
judgment, order the whole or any part of the fine recovered to be applied—”, the words and brackets 
“When a Court imposes a sentence of fine or a sentence (including a sentence of death) of which fine 
forms a part, the Court may, and where the person against whom an offence has been committed belongs 
to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, except when both the accused person and the person against 
whom an offence has been committed belong either to Scheduled Castes or to Scheduled Tribes shall, 
when passing judgment, order the whole or any part of the fine recovered to be applied—” shall be 
(b) for sub-section (3), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:—
“(3) When a Court imposes a sentence, of which fine does not form a part, the Court may, and where 
the person against whom an offence has been committed belongs to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled 
Tribes, shall, when passing judgment order the accused person to pay, by way of compensation, such 
amount as may be specified in the order to the person who has suffered any loss or injury by reason of the 
act for which the accused person has been so sentenced:
Provided that the Court may not order the accused person to pay by way of compensation, any amount 
if both the accused person and the person against whom an offence has been committed belong either to 
Scheduled Castes or to Scheduled Tribes.”;
(c) after sub-section (5), the following Explanation shall be inserted:—
‘Explanation.—For the purposes of the section the expression “Scheduled Castes” and “Scheduled 
Tribes” shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in clauses (24) and (25) of Article 366 of 
the Constitution of India.’.
[Vide West Bengal Act 33 of 1985, s. 3.]

357A. Victim compensation scheme.—(1) Every State Government in co-ordination with the Central 
Government shall prepare a scheme for providing funds for the purpose of compensation to the victim or his 
dependents who have suffered loss or injury as a result of the crime and who require rehabilitation.
(2) Whenever a recommendation is made by the Court for compensation, the District Legal Service Authority or 
the State Legal Service Authority, as the case may be, shall decide the quantum of compensation to be awarded 
under the scheme referred to in sub-section (1).
(3) If the trial Court, at the conclusion of the trial, is satisfied, that the compensation awarded 
under section 357 is not adequate for such rehabilitation, or where the cases end in acquittal or discharge and the 
victim has to be rehabilitated, it may make recommendation for compensation.
(4) Where the offender is not traced or identified, but the victim is identified, and where no trial takes place, the 
victim or his dependents may make an application to the State or the District Legal Services Authority for award of 
(5) On receipt of such recommendations or on the application under sub-section (4), the State or the District 
Legal Services Authority shall, after due enquiry award adequate compensation by completing the enquiry within 
two months.
(6) The State or the District Legal Services Authority, as the case may be, to alleviate the suffering of the 
victim, may order for immediate first-aid facility or medical benefits to be made available free of cost on the 
certificate of the police officer not below the rank of the officer in charge of the police station or a Magistrate of the 
area concerned, or any other interim relief as the appropriate authority deems fit.

357B. Compensation to be in addition to fine under section 326A or section 376D of Indian Penal 
The compensation payable by the State Government under section 357A shall be in addition to the payment 
of fine to the victim 3
[under section 326A, section 376AB, section 376D, section 376DA and section 376DB of the 
Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860)].

357C. Treatment of victims.—All hospitals, public or private, whether run by the Central Government, the
State Government, local bodies or any other person, shall immediately, provide the first-aid or medical treatment, 
free of cost, to the victims of any offence covered under section 326A, 376, 4
[376A, 376AB, 376B, 376C, 376D, 
376DA, 376DB] or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), and shall immediately inform the police of 
such incident.

358. Compensation to persons groundlessly arrested.—(1) Whenever any person causes a police officer to 
arrest another person, if it appears to the Magistrate by whom the case is heard that there was no sufficient ground 
for causing such arrest, the Magistrate may award such compensation, not exceeding 5
[one thousand rupees], to be 
paid by the person so causing the arrest to the person so arrested, for his loss of time and expenses in the matter, as 
the Magistrate thinks fit.
(2) In such cases, if more persons than one are arrested, the Magistrate may, in like manner, award to each of 
them such compensation, not exceeding 5
[one thousand rupees], as such Magistrate thinks fit.
(3) All compensation awarded under this section may be recovered as if it were a fine, and, if it cannot be so 
recovered, the person by whom it is payable shall be sentenced to simple imprisonment for such term not exceeding 
thirty days as the Magistrate directs, unless such sum is sooner paid.

359. Order to pay costs in non-cognizable cases.—(1) Whenever any complaint of a non-cognizable offence 
is made to a Court, the Court, if it convicts the accused, may, in addition to the penalty imposed upon him, order him 
to pay to the complainant, in whole or in part, the cost incurred by him in the prosecution, and may further order that 
in default of payment, the accused shall suffer simple imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days and such 
costs may include any expenses incurred in respect of process-fees, witnesses and pleader's fees which the Court 
may consider reasonable.
(2) An order under this section may also be made by an Appellate Court or by the High Court or Court of 
Session when exercising its powers of revision.

360. Order to release on probation of good conduct or after admonition.—(1) When any person not under
twenty-one years of age is convicted of an offence punishable with fine only or with imprisonment for a term of 
seven years or less, or when any person under twenty-one years of age or any woman is convicted of an offence not 
punishable with death or imprisonment for life, and no previous conviction is proved against the offender, if it 
appears to the Court before which he is convicted, regard being had to the age, character or antecedents of the 
offender, and to the circumstances in which the offence was committed, that it is expedient that the offender should 
be released on probation of good conduct, the Court may, instead of sentencing him at once to any punishment, 
direct that he be released on his entering into a bond, with or without sureties, to appear and receive sentence when 
called upon during such period (not exceeding three years) as the Court may direct, and in the meantime to keep the 
peace and be of good behaviour:
Provided that where any first offender is convicted by a Magistrate of the second class not specially empowered 
by the High Court, and the Magistrate is of opinion that the powers conferred by this section should be exercised, he 
shall record his opinion to that effect, and submit the proceedings to a Magistrate of the first class, forwarding the 
accused to, or taking bail for his appearance before, such Magistrate, who shall dispose of the case in the manner 
provided by sub-section (2).
(2) Where proceedings are submitted to a Magistrate of the first class as provided by sub-section (1), such Magistrate 
may thereupon pass such sentence or make such order as he might have passed or made if the case had originally been 
heard by him, and, if he thinks further inquiry or additional evidence on any point to be necessary, he may make such 
inquiry or take such evidence himself or direct such inquiry or evidence to be made or taken.
(3) In any case in which a person is convicted of theft, theft in a building, dishonest misappropriation, cheating 
or any offence under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), punishable with not more than two years, imprisonment or 
any offence punishable with fine only and no previous conviction is proved against him, the Court before which he 
is so convicted may, if it thinks fit, having regard to the age, character, antecedents or physical or mental condition 
of the offender and to the trivial nature of the offence or any extenuating circumstances under which the offence was 
committed, instead of sentencing him to any punishment, release him after due admonition.
(4) An order under this section may be made by any Appellate Court or by the High Court or Court of Session 
when exercising its powers of revision.
(5) When an order has been made under this section in respect of any offender, the High Court or Court of 
Session may, on appeal when there is a right of appeal to such Court, or when exercising its powers of revision, set 
aside such order, and in lieu thereof pass sentence on such offender according to law:
Provided that the High Court or Court of Session shall not under this sub-section inflict a greater punishment 
than might have been inflicted by the Court by which the offender was convicted.
(6) The provisions of sections 121, 124 and 373 shall, so far as may be, apply in the case of sureties offered in 
pursuance of the provisions of this section.
(7) The Court, before directing the release of an offender under sub-section (1), shall be satisfied that an 
offender or his surety (if any) has a fixed place of abode or regular occupation in the place for which the Court acts 
or in which the offender is likely to live during the period named for the observance of the conditions.
(8) If the Court which convicted the offender, or a Court which could have dealt with the offender in respect of 
his original offence, is satisfied that the offender has failed to observe any of the conditions of his recognizance, it 
may issue a warrant for his apprehension.
(9) An offender, when apprehended on any such warrant, shall be brought forthwith before the Court issuing the 
warrant, and such Court may either remand him in custody until the case is heard or admit him to bail with a 
sufficient surety conditioned on his appearing for sentence and such Court may, after hearing the case, pass 
(10) Nothing in this section shall affect the provisions of the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 (20 of 1958), or 
the Children Act, 1960 (60 of 1960) or any other law for the time being in force for the treatment, training or 
rehabilitation of youthful offenders. 

361. Special reasons to be recorded in certain cases.—Where in any case the Court could have dealt with,—
(a) an accused person under section 360 or under the provisions of the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 
(20 of 1958); or
(b) a youthful offender under the Children Act, 1960 (60 of 1960) or any other law for the time being in 
force for the treatment, training or rehabilitation of youthful offenders, 
but has not done so, it shall record in its judgment the special reasons for not having done so.

362. Court not to alter judgment.—Save as otherwise provided by this Code or by any other law for the time 
being in force, no Court, when it has signed its judgment or final order disposing of a case, shall alter or review the 
same except to correct a clerical or arithmetical error.

363. Copy of judgment to be given to the accused and other persons.—(1) When the accused is sentenced to 
imprisonment, a copy of the judgment shall, immediately after the pronouncement of the judgment, be given to him 
free of cost.
(2) On the application of the accused, a certified copy of the judgment, or when he so desires, a translation in 
his own language if practicable or in the language of the Court, shall be given to him without delay, and such copy 
shall, in every case where the judgment is appealable by the accused, be given free of cost:
Provided that where a sentence of death is passed or confirmed by the High Court, a certified copy of the 
judgment shall be immediately given to the accused free of cost whether or not he applies for the same.
(3) The provisions of sub-section (2) shall apply in relation to an order under section 117 as they apply in 
relation to a judgment which is appealable by the accused.
(4) When the accused is sentenced to death by any Court and an appeal lies from such judgment as of right, the 
Court shall inform him of the period within which, if he wishes to appeal, his appeal should be preferred.
(5) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (2), any person affected by a judgment or order passed by a 
Criminal Court shall, on an application made in this behalf and on payment of the prescribed charges, be given a 
copy of such judgment or order or of any deposition or other part of the record:
Provided that the Court may, if it thinks fit for some special reason, give it to him free of cost.
(6) The High Court may, by rules, provide for the grant of copies of any judgment or order of a Criminal Court 
to any person who is not affected by a judgment or order, on payment, by such person, of such fees, and subject to 
such conditions, as the High Court may, by such rules, provide.
Amendment of section 363.- In section 363 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act of 
1974), after the proviso to sub-section (5), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:—
“Provided further that the State shall, on an application made in this behalf by the Prosecuting Officer 
be given, free of cost, a certified copy of such judgement, order, deposition or record with the prescribed 
[Vide Karnataka Act 19 of 1985, s. 2.]

364. Judgment when to be translated.—The original judgment shall be filed with the record of the 
proceedings and where the original is recorded in a language different from that of the Court, and the accused so 
requires, a translation thereof into the language of the Court shall be added to such record.

365. Court of Session to send copy of finding and sentence to District Magistrate.—In cases tried by the Court
of Session or a Chief Judicial Magistrate, the Court or such Magistrate, as the case may be, shall forward a copy of its 
or his finding and sentence (if any) to the District Magistrate within whose local jurisdiction the trial was held.

366. Sentence of death to be submitted by Court of Session for confirmation.—(1) When the Court of
Session passes a sentence of death, the proceedings shall be submitted to the High Court, and the sentence shall not 
be executed unless it is confirmed by the High Court.
(2) The Court passing the sentence shall commit the convicted person to jail custody under a warrant.

367. Power to direct further inquiry to be made or additional evidence to be taken.—(1) If, when such 
proceedings are submitted, the High Court thinks that a further inquiry should be made into, or additional evidence 
taken upon, any point bearing upon the guilt or innocence of the convicted person, it may make such inquiry or take 
such evidence itself, or direct it to be made or taken by the Court of Session.
(2) Unless the High Court otherwise directs, the presence of the convicted person may be dispensed with when 
such inquiry is made or such evidence is taken.
(3) When the inquiry or evidence (if any) is not made or taken by the High Court, the result of such inquiry or 
evidence shall be certified to such Court.

368. Power of High Court to confirm sentence or annul conviction.—In any case submitted under 
section 366, the High Court—
(a) may confirm the sentence, or pass any other sentence warranted by law, or
(b) may annul the conviction, and convict the accused of any offence of which the Court of Session might 
have convicted him, or order a new trial on the same or an amended charge, or
(c) may acquit the accused person:
Provided that no order of confirmation shall be made under this section until the period allowed for preferring an 
appeal has expired, or, if an appeal is presented within such period, until such appeal is disposed of

369. Confirmation or new sentence to be signed by two Judges.—In every case so submitted, the 
confirmation of the sentence, or any new sentence or order passed by the High Court, shall, when such Court 
consists of two or more Judges, be made, passed and signed by at least two of them.

370. Procedure in case of difference of opinion.—Where any such case is heard before a Bench of Judges and 
such Judges are equally divided in opinion, the case shall be decided in the manner provided by section 392.

371. Procedure in cases submitted to High Court for confirmation.—In cases submitted by the Court of 
Session to the High Court for the confirmation of a sentence of death, the proper officer of the High Court shall,
without delay, after the order of confirmation or other order has been made by the High Court, send a copy of the 
order, under the seal of the High Court and attested with his official signature, to the Court of Session.

372. No appeal to lie unless otherwise provided.—No appeal shall lie from any judgment or order of a 
Criminal Court except as provided for by this Code by any other law for the time being in force:
[Provided that the victim shall have a right to prefer an appeal against any order passed by the Court acquitting 
the accused or convicting for a lesser offence or imposing inadequate compensation, and such appeal shall lie to the 
Court to which an appeal ordinarily lies against the order of conviction of such Court.]

373. Appeal from orders requiring security or refusal to accept or rejecting surety for keeping peace or 
good behaviour.—
Any person,—
(i) who has been ordered under section 117 to give security for keeping the peace or for good behaviour, or
(ii) who is aggrieved by any order refusing to accept or rejecting a surety under section 121,
may appeal against such order to the Court of Session: 
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to persons the proceedings against whom are laid before a
Sessions Judge in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2) or sub-section (4) of section 122.

374. Appeals from convictions.—(1) Any person convicted on a trial held by a High Court in its extraordinary 
original criminal jurisdiction may appeal to the Supreme Court.
(2) Any person convicted on a trial held by a Sessions Judge or an Additional Sessions Judge or on a trial held 
by any other court in which a sentence of imprisonment for more than seven years 2
[has been passed against him or 
against any other person convicted at the same trial], may appeal to the High Court.
(3) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (2), any person,—
(a) convicted on a trial held by a Metropolitan Magistrate or Assistant Sessions Judge or Magistrate of the 
first class, or of the second class, or
(b) sentenced under section 325, or
(c) in respect of whom an order has been made or a sentence has been passed under section 360 by any 
may appeal to the Court of Session.
[(4) When an appeal has been filed against a sentence passed under section 376, section 376A, section 376AB, 
section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860), the appeal shall be disposed of within a period of six months from the date of filing of such appeal.]
In Section 374 of the Code, in clause (a) of sub-section (3), for the words “Magistrate of the first 
class, or of the second class,” the words “Magistrate of the first class, Executive Magistrate or a 
Magistrate of the second class,” shall be substituted.
[Vide Assam Act 3 of 1984, s. 3(3) and the Schedule.]

375. No appeal in certain cases when accused pleads guilty.—Notwithstanding anything contained in section 
374, where an accused person has pleaded guilty and has been convicted on such plea, there shall be no appeal,—
(a) if the conviction is by a High Court; or
(b) if the conviction is by a Court of Session, Metropolitan Magistrate or Magistrate of the first or second 
class, except as to the extent or legality of the sentence.

376. No appeal in petty cases.—Notwithstanding anything contained in section 374, there shall be no appeal 
by a convicted person in any of the following cases, namely:—
(a) where a High Court passes only a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or of 
fine not exceeding one thousand rupees, or of both such imprisonment and fine;
(b) where a Court of Session or a Metropolitan Magistrate passes only a sentence of imprisonment for a 
term not exceeding three months or of fine not exceeding two hundred rupees, or of both such imprisonment 
and fine;
(c) where a Magistrate of the first class passes only a sentence of fine not exceeding one hundred rupees; or
(d) where, in a case tried summarily, a Magistrate empowered to act under section 260 passes only a 
sentence of fine not exceeding two hundred rupees:
Provided that an appeal may be brought against such sentence if any other punishment is combined with it, but 
such sentence shall not be appealable merely on the ground—
(i) that the person convicted is ordered to furnish security to keep the peace; or
(ii) that a direction for imprisonment in default of payment of fine is included in the sentence; or
(iii) that more than one sentence of fine is passed in the case, if the total amount of fine imposed does not 
exceed the amount hereinbefore specified in respect of the case

377. Appeal by the State Government against sentence.—(1) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (2),
the State Government may, in any case of conviction on a trial held by any Court other than a High Court, direct the 
Public Prosecutor to present 1
[an appeal against the sentence on the ground of its inadequacy—
(a) to the Court of Session, if the sentence is passed by the Magistrate; and
(b) to the High Court, if the sentence is passed by any other Court.]
(2) If such conviction is in a case in which the offence has been investigated by the Delhi Special Police 
Establishment, constituted under the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 (25 of 1946), or by any other 
agency empowered to make investigation into an offence under any Central Act other than this Code, 2
[the Central 
Government may also direct] the Public Prosecutor to present 1
[an appeal against the sentence on the ground of its 
(a) to the Court of Session, if the sentence is passed by the Magistrate; and
(b) to the High Court, if the sentence is passed by any other Court].
(3) When an appeal has been filed against the sentence on the ground of its inadequacy, 3
[the Court of Session 
or, as the case may be, the High Court] shall not enhance the sentence except after giving to the accused a 
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against such enhancement and while showing cause, the accused may 
plead for his acquittal or for the reduction of the sentence.
[(4) When an appeal has been filed against a sentence passed under section 376, section 376A, section 376AB, 
section 376B, section 376C, section 376D, section 376DA, section 376DB or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code 
(45 of 1860), the appeal shall be disposed of within a period of six months from the date of filing of such appeal.

378. Appeal in case of acquittal.—5
[(1) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (2), and subject to the 
provisions of sub-sections (3) and (5),—
(a) the District Magistrate may, in any case, direct the Public Prosecutor to present an appeal to the Court of 
Session from an order of acquittal passed by a Magistrate in respect of a cognizable and non-bailable offence;
(b) the State Government may, in any case, direct the Public Prosecutor to present an appeal to the High 
Court from an original or appellate order of acquittal passed by any Court other than a High Court [not being an 
order under clause (a)] or an order of acquittal passed by the Court of Session in revision.]
(2) If such an order of acquittal is passed in any case in which the offence has been investigated by the Delhi 
Special Police Establishment constituted under the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 (25 of 1946), or by 
any other agency empowered to make investigation into an offence under any Central Act other than this Code, 1
Central Government may, subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), also direct the Public Prosecutor to present an 
(a) to the Court of Session, from an order of acquittal passed by a Magistrate in respect of a cognizable and 
non-bailable offence;
(b) to the High Court from an original or appellate order of an acquittal passed by any Court other than a 
High Court [not being an order under clause (a)] or an order of acquittal passed by the Court of Session in 
[No appeal to the High Court] under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be entertained except with the 
leave of the High Court.
(4) If such an order of acquittal is passed in any case instituted upon complaint and the High Court, on an 
application made to it by the complainant in this behalf, grants special leave to appeal from the order of acquittal, 
the complainant may present such an appeal to the High Court.
(5) No application under sub-section (4) for the grant of special leave to appeal from an order of acquittal shall 
be entertained by the High Court after the expiry of six months, where the complainant is a public servant, and sixty 
days in every other case, computed from the date of that order of acquittal.
(6) If, in any case, the application under sub-section (4) for the grant of special leave to appeal from an order of 
acquittal is refused, no appeal from that order of acquittal shall lie under sub-section (1) or under sub-section (2).

379. Appeal against conviction by High Court in certain cases.—Where the High Court has, on appeal, 
reversed an order of acquittal of an accused person and convicted him and sentenced him to death or to
imprisonment for life or to imprisonment for a term of ten years or more, he may appeal to the Supreme Court.

380. Special right of appeal in certain cases.—Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, when 
more persons than one are convicted in one trial, and an appealable judgment or order has been passed in respect of 
any of such persons, all or any of the persons convicted at such trial shall have a right of appeal.

381. Appeal to Court of Session how heard.—(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), an appeal to the 
Court of Session or Sessions Judge shall be heard by the Sessions Judge or by an Additional Sessions Judge:
Provided that an appeal against a conviction on a trial held by a Magistrate of the second class may be heard 
and disposed of by an Assistant Sessions Judge or a Chief Judicial Magistrate.
(2) An Additional Sessions Judge, Assistant Sessions Judge or a Chief Judicial Magistrate shall hear only such 
appeals as the Sessions Judge of the division may, by general or special order, make over to him or as the High 
Court may, by special order, direct him to hear.

382. Petition of appeal.—Every appeal shall be made in the form of a petition in writing presented by the 
appellant or his pleader, and every such petition shall (unless the Court to which it is presented otherwise directs) be 
accompanied by a copy of the judgment or order appealed against.

Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep

Section 382 shall be re-numbered as sub-section (1) of that section, and sub-section (1) as so 
re-numbered, the following provisos and Explanation shall be added, namely: —
“Provided that where it is not practicable to file the petition of appeal to the proper Appellate Court, 
the petition of appeal may be presented to the Administrator or to an Executive Magistrate, not below the 
rank of Sub-Divisional Magistrate, who shall forward the same to the proper Appellate Court; and, when 
any such appeal is presented to the Administrator or to an Executive Magistrate, he shall record thereon 
the date of its date of presentation and, if he is satisfied that, by reason of the weather, transport or other 
difficulties, it is not possible for the appellant to obtain, from the proper Appellate Court, orders for the 
suspension of sentence or for bail, he may, in respect of such appeal, or an appeal forwarded to him under 
section 383, exercise all or any of the powers of the proper Appellate Court and sub-section (1) of section 
389 with regard to suspension of sentence or release of a convicted person on bail:
Provided further that the order so made by Administrator or the Executive Magistrate shall have 
effect until it is reversed or modified by the proper Appellate Court.
Explanation:—For the purposes of the provisos to this section, and section 383, ‘Administrator’, in 
relation to a Union territory means the Administrator appointed by the President under article 239 of the 
Constitution, for that Union territory.”;
In section 382 after sub-section (1) as so re-numbered, the following sub-section shall be inserted, 
“(2) For purposes of computation of the period of limitation, and for all other purposes, an appeal 
presented to an Administrator or an Executive Magistrate under sub-section (1) or as the case may be, 
under section 383, shall be deemed to be an appeal presented to the proper Appellate Court.”;
[Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974) s. 5.]

383. Procedure when appellant in jail.—If the appellant is in jail, he may present his petition of appeal and 
the copies accompanying the same to the officer in charge of the jail, who shall thereupon forward such petition and 
copies to the proper Appellate Court.

Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep

In section 383, the following words shall be inserted at the end, namely: —
“or if, by reason of the weather, transport or other difficulties, it is not possible to forward them to the 
proper Appellate Court they shall be forwarded to the Administrator or an Executive Magistrate, not 
below the rank of a Sub-Divisional Magistrate, who shall, on receipt of such petition of appeal and copies, 
record thereon the date of receipt thereof and thereafter forward the same to the proper Appellate Court.”.
[Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974), s. 5.]

384. Summary dismissal of appeal.—(1) If upon examining the petition of appeal and copy of the judgment 
received under section 382 or section 383, the Appellate Court considers that there is no sufficient ground for 
interfering, it may dismiss the appeal summarily:
Provided that—
(a) no appeal presented under section 382 shall be dismissed unless the appellant or his pleader has had a 
reasonable opportunity of being heard in support of the same;
(b) no appeal presented under section 383 shall be dismissed except after giving the appellant a reasonable 
opportunity of being heard in support of the same, unless the Appellate Court considers that the appeal is 
frivolous or that the production of the accused in custody before the Court would involve such inconvenience as 
would be disproportionate in the circumstances of the case;
(c) no appeal presented under section 383 shall be dismissed summarily until the period allowed for 
preferring such appeal has expired.
(2) Before dismissing an appeal under this section, the Court may call for the record of the case.
(3) Where the Appellate Court dismissing an appeal under this section is a Court of Session or of the Chief 
Judicial Magistrate, it shall record its reasons for doing so. 
(4) Where an appeal presented under section 383 has been dismissed summarily under this section and the 
Appellate Court finds that another petition of appeal duly presented under section 382 on behalf of the same 
appellant has not been considered by it, that Court may, notwithstanding anything contained in section 393, if 
satisfied that it is necessary in the interests of justice so to do, hear and dispose of such appeal in accordance with 

385. Procedure for hearing appeals not dismissed summarily.—(1) If the Appellate Court does not dismiss 
the appeal summarily, it shall cause notice of the time and place at which such appeal will be heard to be given—
(i) to the appellant or his pleader; 
(ii) to such officer as the State Government may appoint in this behalf;
(iii) if the appeal is from a judgment of conviction in a case instituted upon complaint, to the complainant;
(iv) if the appeal is under section 377 or section 378, to the accused, and shall also furnish such officer, 
complainant and accused with a copy of the grounds of appeal.
(2) The Appellate Court shall then send for the record of the case, if such record is not already available in that 
Court, and hear the parties:
Provided that if the appeal is only as to the extent or the legality of the sentence, the Court may dispose of the 
appeal without sending for the record.
(3) Where the only ground for appeal from a conviction is the alleged severity of the sentence, the appellant 
shall not, except with the leave of the Court, urge or be heard in support of any other ground.

386. Powers of the Appellate Court.—After perusing such record and hearing the appellant or his pleader, if 
he appears, and the Public Prosecutor if he appears, and in case of an appeal under section 377 or section 378, the 
accused, if he appears, the Appellate Court may, if it considers that there is no sufficient ground for interfering, 
dismiss the appeal, or may—
(a) in an appeal from an order or acquittal, reverse such order and direct that further inquiry be made, or 
that the accused be re-tried or committed for trial, as the case may be, or find him guilty and pass sentence on 
him according to law;
(b) in an appeal from a conviction—
(i) reverse the finding and sentence and acquit or discharge the accused, or order him to be re-tried by a 
Court of competent jurisdiction subordinate to such Appellate Court or committed for trial, or
(ii) alter the finding, maintaining the sentence, or 
(iii) with or without altering the finding, alter the nature or the extent, or the nature and extent, of the 
sentence, but not so as to enhance the same—
(c) in an appeal for enhancement of sentence—
(i) reverse the finding and sentence and acquit or discharge the accused or order him to be re-tried by a 
Court competent to try the offence, or
(ii) alter the finding maintaining the sentence, or
(iii) with or without altering the finding, alter the nature or the extent, or, the nature and extent, of the 
sentence, so as to enhance or reduce the same;
(d) in an appeal from any other order, alter or reverse such order;
(e) make any amendment or any consequential or incidental order that may be just or proper:
Provided that the sentence shall not be enhanced unless the accused has had an opportunity of showing cause 
against such enhancement:
Provided further that the Appellate Court shall not inflict greater punishment for the offence which in its 
opinion the accused has committed, than might have been inflicted for that offence by the Court passing the order or 
sentence under appeal.

387. Judgments of Subordinate Appellate Court.—The rules contained in Chapter XXVII as to the judgment 
of a Criminal Court of original jurisdiction shall apply, so far as may be practicable, to the judgment in appeal of a 
Court of Session or Chief Judicial Magistrate:
Provided that, unless the Appellate Court otherwise directs, the accused shall not be brought up, or required to 
attend, to hear judgment delivered.

388. Order of High Court on appeal to be certified to lower Court.—(1) Whenever a case is decided on 
appeal by the High Court under this Chapter, it shall certify its judgment or order to the Court by which the finding, 
sentence or order appealed against was recorded or passed and if such Court is that of a Judicial Magistrate other 
than the Chief Judicial Magistrate, the High Court's judgment or order shall be sent through the Chief Judicial 
Magistrate, and if such Court is that of an Executive Magistrate, the High Court’s judgment or order shall be sent 
through the District Magistrate.
(2) The Court to which the High Court certifies its judgment or order shall thereupon make such orders as are 
conformable to the judgment or order of the High Court; and if necessary, the record shall be amended in 
accordance therewith.

389. Suspension of sentence pending the appeal; release of appellant on bail.—(1) Pending any appeal by a 
convicted person, the Appellate Court may, for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, order that the execution of the 
sentence or order appealed against be suspended and, also, if he is in confinement, that he be released on bail, or on 
his own bond: 
[Provided that the Appellate Court shall, before releasing on bail or on his own bond a convicted person who is 
convicted of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term of not less than ten 
years, shall give opportunity to the Public Prosecutor for showing cause in writing against such release:
Provided further that in cases where a convicted person is released on bail it shall be open to the Public 
Prosecutor to file an application for the cancellation of the bail.]
(2) The power conferred by this section on a Appellate Court may be exercised also by the High Court in the 
case of an appeal by a convicted person to a Court subordinate thereto.
(3) Where the convicted person satisfies the Court by which he is convicted that he intends to present an appeal, 
the Court shall,—
(i) where such person, being on bail, is sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or
(ii) where the offence of which such person has been convicted is a bailable one, and he is on bail, 
order that the convicted person be released on bail, unless there are special reasons for refusing bail, for such period as 
will afford sufficient time to present the appeal and obtain the orders of the Appellate Court under sub-section (1); and 
the sentence of imprisonment shall, so long as he is so released on bail, be deemed to be suspended.
(4) When the appellant is ultimately sentenced to imprisonment for a term or to imprisonment for life, the time 
during which he is so released shall be excluded in computing the term for which he is so sentenced.

390. Arrest of accused in appeal from acquittal.—When an appeal is presented under section 378, the High 
Court may issue a warrant directing that the accused be arrested and brought before it or any Subordinate Court, and 
the Court before which he is brought may commit him to prison pending the disposal of the appeal or admit him to 

391. Appellate Court may take further evidence or direct it to be taken.—(1) In dealing with any appeal 
under this Chapter, the Appellate Court, if it thinks additional evidence to be necessary, shall record its reasons and 
may either take such evidence itself, or direct it to be taken by a Magistrate or, when the Appellate Court is a High 
Court, by a Court of Session or a Magistrate.
(2) When the additional evidence is taken by the Court of Session or the Magistrate, it or he shall certify such 
evidence to the Appellate Court, and such Court shall thereupon proceed to dispose of the appeal.
(3) The accused or his pleader shall have the right to be present when the additional evidence is taken.
(4) The taking of evidence under this section shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter XXIII, as if it were an 

392. Procedure where Judges of Court of Appeal are equally divided.—When an appeal under this Chapter 
is heard by a High Court before a Bench of Judges and they are divided in opinion, the appeal, with their opinions, 
shall be laid before another Judge of that Court, and that Judge, after such hearing as he thinks fit, shall deliver his 
opinion, and the judgment or order shall follow that opinion:
Provided that if one of the Judges constituting the Bench, or, where the appeal is laid before another Judge 
under this section, that Judge, so requires, the appeal shall be re-heard and decided by a larger Bench of Judges

393. Finality of judgments and orders on appeal.—Judgments and orders passed by an Appellate Court upon 
an appeal shall be final, except in the cases provided for in section 377, section 378, sub-section (4) of section 384 
or Chapter XXX:
Provided that notwithstanding the final disposal of an appeal against conviction in any case, the Appellate Court 
may hear and dispose of, on the merits,—
(a) an appeal against acquittal under section 378, arising out of the same case, or
(b) an appeal for the enhancement of sentence under section 377, arising out of the same case.

394. Abatement of appeals.—(1) Every other appeal under section 377 or section 378 shall finally abate on the 
death of the accused.
(2) Every other appeal under this Chapter (except an appeal from a sentence of fine) shall finally abate on the 
death of the appellant:
Provided that where the appeal is against a conviction and sentence of death or of imprisonment, and the 
appellant dies during the pendency of the appeal, any of his near relatives may, within thirty days of the death of the 
appellant, apply to the Appellate Court for leave to continue the appeal; and if leave is granted, the appeal shall not 
Explanation.—In this section, “near relative” means a parent, spouse, lineal descendant, brother or sister.

395. Reference to High Court.—(1) Where any Court is satisfied that a case pending before it involves a 
question as to the validity of any Act, Ordinance or Regulation or of any provision contained in an Act, Ordinance 
or Regulation, the determination of which is necessary for the disposal of the case, and is of opinion that such Act, 
Ordinance, Regulation or provision is invalid or inoperative, but has not been so declared by the High Court to 
which that Court is Subordinate or by the Supreme Court, the Court shall state a case setting out its opinion and the 
reasons therefor, and refer the same for the decision of the High Court.
Explanation.—In this section, “Regulation” means any Regulation as defined in the General Clauses Act, 1897 
(10 of 1897), or in the General Clauses Act of a State.
(2) A Court of Session or a Metropolitan Magistrate may, if it or he thinks fit in any case pending before it or 
him to which the provisions of sub-section (1) do not apply, refer for the decision of the High Court any question of 
law arising in the hearing of such case.
(3) Any Court making a reference to the High Court under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) may, pending the 
decision of the High Court thereon, either commit the accused to jail or release him on bail to appear when called 

396. Disposal of case according to decision of High Court.—(1) When a question has been so referred, the 
High Court shall pass such order thereon as it thinks fit, and shall cause a copy of such order to be sent to the Court 
by which the reference was made, which shall dispose of the case conformably to the said order.
(2) The High Court may direct by whom the costs of such reference shall be paid.

397. Calling for records to exercise powers of revision.—(1) The High Court or any Sessions Judge may call 
for and examine the record of any proceeding before any inferior Criminal Court situate within its or his local 
jurisdiction for the purpose of satisfying itself or himself; to the correctness, legality or propriety of any finding, 
sentence or order, recorded or passed, and as to the regularity of any proceedings of such inferior Court, and may, 
when calling, for such record, direct that the execution of any sentence or order be suspended, and if the accused is 
in confinement that he be released on bail or on his own bond pending the examination of the record.
Explanation.—All Magistrates, whether Executive or Judicial, and whether exercising original or appellate 
jurisdiction, shall be deemed to be inferior to the Sessions Judge for the purposes of this sub-section and of 
section 398.
(2) The powers of revision conferred by sub-section (1) shall not be exercised in relation to any interlocutory 
order passed in any appeal, inquiry, trial or other proceeding.
(3) If an application under this section has been made by any person either to the High Court or to the Sessions 
Judge, no further application by the same person shall be entertained by the other of them.

398. Power to order inquiry.—On examining any record under section 397 or otherwise, the High Court or the 
Sessions Judge may direct the Chief Judicial Magistrate by himself or by any of the Magistrates subordinate to him 
to make, and the Chief Judicial Magistrate may himself make or direct any subordinate Magistrate to make, further 
inquiry into any complaint which has been dismissed under section 203 or sub-section (4) of section 204, or into the 
case of any person accused of an offence who has been discharged:
Provided that no Court shall make any direction under this section for inquiry into the case of any person who 
has been discharged unless such person has had an opportunity of showing cause why such direction should not be 

399. Sessions Judge's powers of revision.—(1) In the case of any proceeding the record of which has been 
called for by himself, the Sessions Judge may exercise all or any of the powers which may be exercised by the High
Court under sub-section (1) of section 401.
(2) Where any proceeding by way of revision is commenced before a Sessions Judge under sub-section (1), the 
provisions of sub-sections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of section 401 shall, so far as may be, apply to such proceeding and 
references in the said sub-sections to the High Court shall be construed as references to the Sessions Judge.
(3) Where any application for revision is made by or on behalf of any person before the Sessions Judge, the 
decision of the Sessions Judge thereon in relation to such person shall be final and no further proceeding by way of 
revision at the instance of such person shall be entertained by the High Court or any other Court.

400. Power of Additional Sessions Judge.—An Additional Sessions Judge shall have and may exercise all the 
powers of a Sessions Judge under this Chapter in respect of any case which may be transferred to him by or under 
any general or special order of the Sessions Judge.

401. High Court's powers of revision.—(1) In the case of any proceeding the record of which has been called 
for by itself or which otherwise comes to its knowledge, the High Court may, in its discretion, exercise any of the 
powers conferred on a Court of Appeal by sections 386, 389, 390 and 391 or on a Court of Session by section 307, 
and, when the Judges composing the Court of Revision are equally divided in opinion, the case shall be disposed of 
in the manner provided by section 392.
(2) No order under this section shall be made to the prejudice of the accused or other person unless he has had 
an opportunity of being heard either personally or by pleader in his own defence.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorise a High Court to convert a finding of acquittal into one 
(4) Where under this Code an appeal lies and no appeal is brought, no proceeding by way of revision shall be 
entertained at the instance of the party who could have appealed.
(5) Where under this Code an appeal lies but an application for revision has been made to the High Court by 
any person and the High Court is satisfied that such application was made under the erroneous belief that no appeal 
lies thereto and that it is necessary in the interests of Justice so to do, the High Court may treat the application for 
revision as a petition of appeal and deal with the same accordingly.

402. Power of High Court to withdraw or transfer revision cases.—(1) Whenever one or more persons 
convicted at the same trial makes or make application to a High Court for revision and any other person convicted at 
the same trial makes an application to the Sessions Judge for revision, the High Court shall decide, having regard to the 
general convenience of the parties and the importance of the questions involved, which of the two Courts should 
finally dispose of the applications for revision and when the High Court decides that all the applications for revision 
should be disposed of by itself, the High Court shall direct that the applications for revision pending before the 
Sessions Judge be transferred to itself and where the High Court decides that it is not necessary for it to dispose of the 
applications for revision, it shall direct that the applications for revision made to it be transferred to the Sessions Judge.
(2) Whenever any application for revision is transferred to the High Court, that Court shall deal with the same 
as if it were an application duly made before itself.
(3) Whenever any application for revision is transferred to the Sessions Judge, that Judge shall deal with the 
same as if it were an application duly made before himself.
(4) Where an application for revision is transferred by the High Court to the Sessions Judge, no further 
application for revision shall lie to the High Court or to any other Court at the instance of the person or persons 
whose applications for revision have been disposed of by the Sessions Judge.

403. Option of Court to hear parties.—Save as otherwise expressly provided by this Code, no party has any 
right to be heard either personally or by pleader before any Court exercising its powers of revision; but the Court 
may, if it thinks fit, when exercising such powers, hear any party either personally or by pleader

404. Statement by Metropolitan Magistrate of grounds of his decision to be considered by High Court.—
When the record of any trial held by a Metropolitan Magistrate is called for by the High Court or Court of Session 
under section 397, the Magistrate may submit with the record a statement setting forth the grounds of his decision or 
order and any facts which he thinks material to the issue, and that Court shall consider such statement before 
overruling or setting aside the said decision or order

405. High Court's order to be certified to lower Court.—When a case is revised under this Chapter by the 
High Court or a Sessions Judge, it or he shall, in the manner provided by section 388, certify its decision or order to 
the Court by which the finding, sentence or order revised was recorded or passed, and the Court to which the 
decision or order is so certified shall thereupon make such orders as are conformable to the decision so certified, 
and, if necessary, the record shall be amended in accordance therewith.

406. Power of Supreme Court to transfer cases and appeals.—(1) Whenever it is made to appear to the 
Supreme Court that an order under this section is expedient for the ends of justice, it may direct that any particular 
case or appeal be transferred from one High Court to another High Court or from a Criminal Court subordinate to 
one High Court to another Criminal Court of equal or superior jurisdiction subordinate to another High Court.
(2) The Supreme Court may act under this section only on the application of the Attorney-General of India or 
of a party interested, and every such application shall be made by motion, which shall, except when the applicant is 
the Attorney-General of India or the Advocate-General of the State, be supported by affidavit or affirmation.
(3) Where any application for the exercise of the powers conferred by this section is dismissed, the Supreme 
Court may, if it is of opinion that the application was frivolous or vexatious, order the applicant to pay by way of 
compensation to any person who has opposed the application such sum not exceeding one thousand rupees as it may 
consider appropriate in the circumstances of the case.

407. Power of High Court to transfer cases and appeals.—(1) Whenever it is made to appear to the High 
(a) that a fair and impartial inquiry or trial cannot be had in any Criminal Court subordinate thereto, or
(b) that some question of law of unusual difficulty is likely to arise, or
(c) that an order under this section is required by any provision of this Code, or will tend to the general 
convenience of the parties or witnesses, or is expedient for the ends of justice,
it may order—
(i) that any offence be inquired into or tried by any Court not qualified under sections 177 to 185 (both 
inclusive), but in other respects competent to inquire into or try such offence;
(ii) that any particular case or appeal, or class of cases or appeals, be transferred from a Criminal Court 
subordinate to its authority to any other such Criminal Court of equal or superior jurisdiction;
(iii) that any particular case be committed for trial to a Court of Session; or
(iv) that any particular case or appeal be transferred to and tried before itself.
(2) The High Court may act either on the report of the lower Court, or on the application of a party interested, or 
on its own initiative:
Provided that no application shall lie to the High Court for transferring a case from one Criminal Court to
another Criminal Court in the same sessions division, unless an application for such transfer has been made to the 
Sessions Judge and rejected by him.
(3) Every application for an order under sub-section (1) shall be made by motion, which shall, except when the 
applicant is the Advocate-General of the State, be supported by affidavit or affirmation.
(4) When such application is made by an accused person, the High Court may direct him to execute 
a bond, with or without sureties, for the payment of any compensation which the High Court may award under 
sub-section (7).
(5) Every accused person making such application shall give to the Public Prosecutor notice in writing of the 
application, together with a copy of the grounds on which it is made; and no order shall be made on the merits of the 
applications unless at least twenty-four hours have elapsed between the giving of such notice and the hearing of the 
(6) Where the application is for the transfer of a case or appeal from any Subordinate Court, the High Court 
may, if it is satisfied that it is necessary so to do in the interest of Justice, order that, pending the disposal of the 
application the proceedings in the Subordinate Court shall be stayed, on such terms as the High Court may think fit 
to impose:
Provided that such stay shall not affect the Subordinate Court’s power of remand under section 309.
(7) Where an application for an order under sub-section (1) is dismissed, the High Court may, if it is of opinion 
that the application was frivolous or vexatious, order the applicant to pay by way of compensation to any person 
who has opposed the application such sum not exceeding one thousand rupees as it may consider proper in the 
circumstances of the case.
(8) When the High Court orders under sub-section (1) that a case be transferred from any Court for trial before 
itself, it shall observe in such trial the same procedure which that Court would have observed if the case had not 
been so transferred.
(9) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect any order of Government under section 197.

408. Power of Sessions Judge to transfer cases and appeals.—(1) Whenever it is made to appear to a 
Sessions Judge that an order under this sub-section is expedient for the ends of justice, he may order that any 
particular case be transferred from one Criminal Court to another Criminal Court in his sessions division. 
(2) The Sessions Judge may act either on the report of the lower Court, or on the application of a party 
interested, or on his own initiative.
(3) The provisions of sub-sections (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (9) of section 407 shall apply in relation to an 
application to the Sessions Judge for an order under sub-section (1) as they apply in relation to an application to the 
High Court for an order under sub-section (1) of section 407, except that sub-section (7) of that section shall so 
apply as if for the words “one thousand rupees” occurring therein, the words “two hundred and fifty rupees” were 


Amendment of section 408. —In section 408 of the principal Act, for the words “any other Magistrate”, the 
words “other Magistrate of the first class”, and for the words “any Magistrate” the words “a Magistrate of the first 
class”, shall be substituted.
[Vide Kerala Act 5 of 1957, s. 3.]

409. Withdrawal of cases and appeals by Session Judge.—(1) A Sessions Judge may withdraw any case or 
appeal from, or recall any case or appeal which he has made over to, any Assistant Sessions Judge or Chief Judicial 
Magistrate subordinate to him.
(2) At any time before the trial of the case or the hearing of the appeal has commenced before the Additional 
Sessions Judge, a Sessions Judge may recall any case or appeal which he has made over to any Additional Sessions 
(3) Where a Sessions Judge withdraws or recalls case or appeal under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), he may 
either try the case in his own Court or hear the appeal himself, or make it over in accordance with the provisions of 
this Code to another Court for trial or hearing, as the case may be.


Substitution of new section for section 409. —For section 409 of the principal Act, the following section shall 
be substituted, namely:—

409. Appeals to Court of Section how heard.—An appeal to the Court of Session or Sessions Judge shall 
be heard by the Sessions Judge or by an Additional Sessions Judge:
Provided that an Additional Sessions Judge shall hear only such appeals as the State Government may, by 
general or special order, direct or as the Sessions Judge of the division may make over to him.
[Vide Kerala Act 5 of 1957, s. 4.]

410. Withdrawal of cases by Judicial Magistrate.—(1) Any Chief Judicial Magistrate may withdraw any case 
from, or recall any case which he has made over to, any Magistrate subordinate to him, and may inquire into or try 
such case himself, or refer it for inquiry or trial to any other such Magistrate competent to inquire into or try the 
(2) Any Judicial Magistrate may recall any case made over by him under sub-section (2) of section 192 to any 
other Magistrate and may inquire into or try such cases himself.

411. Making over or withdrawal of cases by Executive Magistrates.—Any District Magistrate or 
Sub- Divisional Magistrate may—
(a) make over, for disposal, any proceeding which has been started before him, to any Magistrate 
subordinate to him;
(b) withdraw any case from, or recall any case which he has made over to, any Magistrate subordinate to 
him, and dispose of such proceeding himself or refer it for disposal to any other Magistrate.

412. Reasons to be recorded.—A Sessions Judge or Magistrate making an order under section 408, section 
409, section 410 or section 411 shall record his reasons for making it

413. Execution of order passed under section 368.—When in a case submitted to the High Court for the 
confirmation of a sentence of death, the Court of Session receives the order of confirmation or other order of the 
High Court thereon, it shall cause such order to be carried into effect by issuing a warrant or taking such other steps 
as may be necessary.

414. Execution of sentence of death passed by High Court.—When a sentence of death is passed by the High 
Court in appeal or in revision, the Court of Session shall, on receiving the order of the High Court, cause the 
sentence to be carried into effect by issuing a warrant.

415. Postponement of execution of sentence of death in case of appeal to Supreme Court.—(1) Where a 
person is sentenced to death by the High Court and an appeal from its judgment lies to the Supreme Court under 
sub-clause (a) or sub-clause (b) of clause (1) of article 134 of the Constitution, the High Court shall order the 
execution of the sentence to be postponed until the period allowed for preferring such appeal has expired, or if, an 
appeal is preferred within that period, until such appeal is disposed of.
(2) Where a sentence of death is passed or confirmed by the High Court, and the person sentenced makes an 
application to the High Court for the grant of a certificate under article 132 or under sub-clause (c) of clause (1) of 
article 134 of the Constitution, the High Court shall order the execution of the sentence to be postponed until such 
application is disposed of by the High Court, or if a certificate is granted on such application, until the period 
allowed for preferring an appeal to the Supreme Court on such certificate has expired.
(3) Where a sentence of death is passed or confirmed by the High Court, and the High Court is satisfied that the 
person sentenced intends to present a petition to the Supreme Court for the grant of special leave to appeal under 
article 136 of the Constitution, the High Court shall order the execution of the sentence to be postponed for such 
period as it considers sufficient to enable him to present such petition.

416. Postponement of capital sentence on pregnant woman.—If a woman sentenced to death is found to be 
pregnant, the High Court shall 1
[****], commute the sentence to imprisonment for life.

417. Power to appoint place of imprisonment.—(1) Except when otherwise provided by any law for the time 
being in force, the State Government may direct in what place any person liable to be imprisoned or committed to 
custody under this Code shall be confined.
(2) If any person liable to be imprisoned or committed to custody under this Code is in confinement in a civil 
jail, the Court or Magistrate ordering the imprisonment or committal may direct that the person be removed to a 
criminal jail.
(3) When a person is removed to a criminal jail under sub-section (2), he shall, on being released therefrom, be 
sent back to the civil jail, unless either—
(a) three years have elapsed since he was removed to the criminal jail, in which case he shall be deemed to 
have been released from the civil jail under section 58 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), or 
section 23 of the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 (5 of 1920), as the case may be; or
(b) the Court which ordered his imprisonment in the civil jail has certified to the officer in charge of the 
criminal jail that he is entitled to be released under section 58 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), 
or under section 23 of the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 (5 of 1920), as the case may be

418. Execution of sentence of imprisonment.—(1) Where the accused is sentenced to imprisonment for life or 
to imprisonment for a term in cases other than those provided for by section 413, the Court passing the sentence 
shall forthwith forward a warrant to the jail or other place in which he is, or is to be, confined, and, unless the 
accused is already confined in such jail or other place, shall forward him to such jail or other place, with the warrant:
Provided that where the accused is sentenced to imprisonment till the rising of the Court, it shall not be 
necessary to prepare or forward a warrant to a jail, and the accused may be confined in such place as the Court may 
(2) Where the accused is not present in Court when he is sentenced to such imprisonment as is mentioned in 
sub-section (1), the Court shall issue a warrant for his arrest for the purpose of forwarding him to the jail or other
place in which he is to be confined; and in such case, the sentence shall commence on the date of his arrest.

419. Direction of warrant for execution.—Every warrant for the execution of a sentence of imprisonment 
shall be directed to the officer in charge of the jail or other place in which the prisoner is, or is to be, confined.

420. Warrant with whom to be lodged.—When the prisoner is to be confined in a jail, the warrant shall be 
lodged with the jailor.

421. Warrant for levy of fine.—(1) When an offender has been sentenced to pay a fine, the Court passing the 
sentence may take action for the recovery of the fine in either or both of the following ways, that is to say, it may—
(a) issue a warrant for the levy of the amount by attachment and sale of any movable property belonging to 
the offender;
(b) issue a warrant to the Collector of the district, authorising him to realise the amount as arrears of land 
revenue from the movable or immovable property, or both, of the defaulter:
Provided that, if the sentence directs that in default of payment of the fine, the offender shall be imprisoned, and 
if such offender has undergone the whole of such imprisonment in default, no Court shall issue such warrant unless,
for special reasons to be recorded in writing, it considers it necessary so to do, or unless it has made an order for the 
payment of expenses or compensation out of the fine under section 357.
(2) The State Government may make rules regulating the manner in which warrants under clause (a) of 
sub-section (1) are to be executed, and for the summary determination of any claims made by any person other than 
the offender in respect of any property attached in execution of such warrant.
(3) Where the Court issues a warrant to the Collector under clause (b) of sub-section (1), the Collector shall 
realise the amount in accordance with the law relating to recovery of arrears of land revenue, as if such warrant were 
a certificate issued under such law:
Provided that no such warrant shall be executed by the arrest or detention in prison of the offender.

422. Effect of such warrant.—A warrant issued under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 421 by any Court 
may be executed within the local jurisdiction of such Court, and it shall authorise the attachment and sale of any 
such property outside such jurisdiction, when it is endorsed by the District Magistrate within whose local 
jurisdiction such property is found.

423. Warrant for levy of fine issued by a Court in any territory to which this Code does not extend.—
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code or in any other law for the time being in force, when an offender 
has been sentenced to pay a fine by a Criminal Court in any territory to which this Code does not extend and the 
Court passing the sentence issues a warrant to the Collector of a district in the territories to which this Code extends, 
authorising him to realise the amount as if it were an arrear of land revenue, such warrant shall be deemed to be a 
warrant issued under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 421 by a Court in the territories to which this Code 
extends, and the provisions of sub-section (3) of the said section as to the execution of such warrant shall apply 

424. Suspension of execution of sentence of imprisonment.—(1) When an offender has been sentenced to 
fine only and to imprisonment in default of payment of the fine, and the fine is not paid forthwith, the Court may—
(a) order that the fine shall be payable either in full on or before a date not more than thirty days from the 
date of the order, or in two or three instalments, of which the first shall be payable on or before a date not more 
than thirty days from the date of the order and the other or others at an interval or at intervals, as the case may 
be, of not more than thirty days;
(b) suspend the execution of the sentence of imprisonment and release the offender, on the execution by the 
offender of a bond, with or without sureties, as the Court thinks fit, conditioned for his appearance before the 
Court on the date or dates on or before which payment of the fine or the instalments thereof, as the case may be,
is to be made; and if the amount of the fine or of any instalment, as the case may be, is not realised on or before 
the latest date on which it is payable under the order, the Court may direct the sentence of imprisonment to be 
carried into execution at once.
(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall be applicable also in any case in which an order for the payment of 
money has been made on non-recovery of which imprisonment may be awarded and the money is not paid 
forthwith; and, if the person against whom the order has been made, on being required to enter into a bond such as is 
referred to in that sub-section, fails to do so, the Court may at once pass sentence of imprisonment.

425. Who may issue warrant.—Every warrant for the execution of a sentence may be issued either by the 
Judge or Magistrate who passed the sentence, or by his successor-in-office.

426. Sentence on escaped convict when to take effect.—(1) When a sentence of death, imprisonment for life 
or fine is passed under this Code on an escaped convict, such sentence shall, subject to the provisions hereinbefore 
contained, take effect immediately.
(2) When a sentence of imprisonment for a term is passed under this Code on an escaped convict,—
(a) if such sentence is severer in kind than the sentence which such convict was undergoing when he 
escaped, the new sentence shall take effect immediately;
(b) if such sentence is not severer in kind than the sentence which such convict was undergoing when he 
escaped, the new sentence shall take effect after he has suffered imprisonment for a further period equal to that 
which, at the time of his escape, remained unexpired of his former sentence.
(3) For the purposes of sub-section (2), a sentence of rigorous imprisonment shall be deemed to be severer in 
kind than a sentence of simple imprisonment.

427. Sentence on offender already sentenced for another offence.—(1) When a person already undergoing a 
sentence of imprisonment is sentenced on a subsequent conviction to imprisonment or imprisonment for life, such 
imprisonment or imprisonment for life shall commence at the expiration of the imprisonment to which he has been 
previously sentenced, unless the Court directs that the subsequent sentence shall run concurrently with such previous 
Provided that where a person who has been sentenced to imprisonment by an order under section 122 in default 
of furnishing security is, whilst undergoing such sentence, sentenced to imprisonment for an offence committed 
prior to the making of such order, the latter sentence shall commence immediately.
(2) When a person already undergoing a sentence of imprisonment for life is sentenced on a subsequent 
conviction to imprisonment for a term or imprisonment for life, the subsequent sentence shall run concurrently with 
such previous sentence.

428. Period of detention undergone by the accused to be set off against the sentence of imprisonment.—
Where an accused person has, on conviction, been sentenced to imprisonment for a term, 1
[, not being imprisonment 
in default of payment of fine], the period of detention, if any, undergone by him during the investigation, inquiry or 
trial of the same case and before the date of such conviction, shall be set off against the term of imprisonment 
imposed on him on such conviction, and the liability of such person to undergo imprisonment on such conviction 
shall be restricted to the remainder, if any, of the term of imprisonment imposed on him:
[Provided that in cases referred to in section 433A, such period of detention shall be set off against the period 
of fourteen years referred to in that section.

429. Saving.—(1) Nothing in section 426 or section 427 shall be held to excuse any person from any part of the 
punishment to which he is liable upon his former or subsequent conviction.
(2) When an award of imprisonment in default of payment of a fine is annexed to a substantive sentence of 
imprisonment and the person undergoing the sentence is after its execution to undergo a further substantive sentence 
or further substantive sentences of imprisonment, effect shall not be given to the award of imprisonment in default 
of payment of the fine until the person has undergone the further sentence or sentences.

430. Return of warrant on execution of sentence.—When a sentence has been fully executed, the officer 
executing it shall return the warrant to the Court from which it is issued, with an endorsement under his hand 
certifying the manner in which the sentence has been executed.

431. Money ordered to be paid recoverable as a fine.—Any money (other than a fine) payable by virtue of 
any order made under this Code, and the method of recovery of which is not otherwise expressly provided for, shall 
be recoverable as if it were a fine:
Provided that section 421 shall, in its application to an order under section 359, by virtue of this section, be 
construed as if in the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 421, after the words and figures “under section 357”, the 
words and figures “or an order for payment of costs under section 359” had been inserted.

432. Power to suspend or remit sentences.—(1) When any person has been sentenced to punishment for an 
offence, the appropriate Government may, at any time, without conditions or upon any conditions which the person 
sentenced accepts, suspend the execution of his sentence or remit the whole or any part of the punishment to which 
he has been sentenced.
(2) Whenever an application is made to the appropriate Government for the suspension or remission of a
sentence, the appropriate Government may require the presiding Judge of the Court before or by which the 
conviction was had or confirmed, to state his opinion as to whether the application should be granted or refused, 
together with his reasons for such opinion and also to forward with the statement of such opinion a certified copy of 
the record of the trial or of such record thereof as exists.
(3) If any condition on which a sentence has been suspended or remitted is, in the opinion of the appropriate 
Government, not fulfilled, the appropriate Government may cancel the suspension or remission, and thereupon the 
person in whose favour the sentence has been suspended or remitted may, if at large, be arrested by any police 
officer, without warrant and remanded to undergo the unexpired portion of the sentence.
(4) The condition on which a sentence is suspended or remitted under this section may be one to be fulfilled by 
the person in whose favour the sentence is suspended or remitted, or one independent of his will.
(5) The appropriate Government may, by general rules or special orders, give directions as to the suspension of 
sentences and the conditions on which petitions should be presented and dealt with:
Provided that in the case of any sentence (other than a sentence of fine) passed on a male person above the age 
of eighteen years, no such petition by the person sentenced or by any other person on his behalf shall be entertained, 
unless the person sentenced is in jail, and—
(a) where such petition is made by the person sentenced, it is presented through the officer in charge of the 
jail; or
(b) where such petition is made by any other person, it contains a declaration that the person sentenced is in 
(6) The provisions of the above sub-sections shall also apply to any order passed by a Criminal Court under any 
section of this Code or of any other law, which restricts the liberty of any person or imposes any liability upon him 
or his property.
(7) In this section and in section 433, the expression “appropriate Government” means,—
(a) in cases where the sentence is for an offence against, or the order referred to in sub-section (6) is passed 
under, any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the Union extends, the Central Government;
(b) in other cases, the Government of the State within which the offender is sentenced or the said order is 

433. Power to commute sentence.—The appropriate Government may, without the consent of the person 
sentenced, commute—
(a) a sentence of death, for any other punishment provided by the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860);
(b) a sentence of imprisonment for life, for imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years or for 
(c) a sentence of rigorous imprisonment, for simple imprisonment for any term to which that person might 
have been sentenced, or for fine;
(d) a sentence of simple imprisonment, for fine.

433A. Restriction on powers of remission or commutation in certain cases.—Notwithstanding anything 
contained in section 432, where a sentence of imprisonment for life is imposed on conviction of a person for an 
offence for which death is one of the punishments provided by law, or where a sentence of death imposed on a 
person has been commuted under section 433 into one of imprisonment for life, such person shall not be released 
from prison unless he had served at least fourteen years of imprisonment.

434. Concurrent power of Central Government in case of death sentences.—The powers conferred by 
sections 432 and 433 upon the State Government may, in the case of sentences of death, also be exercised by the 
Central Government

435. State Government to act after consultation with Central Government in certain cases.—(1) The 
powers conferred by sections 432 and 433 upon the State Government to remit or commute a sentence, in any case 
where the sentence is for an offence—
(a) which was investigated by the Delhi Special Police Establishment constituted under the Delhi Special 
Police Establishment Act, 1946 (25 of 1946), or by any other agency empowered to make investigation into an 
offence under any Central Act other than this Code, or
(b) which involved the misappropriation or destruction of, or damage to, any property belonging to the 
Central Government, or
(c) which was committed by a person in the service of the Central Government while acting or purporting 
to act in the discharge of his official duty,
shall not be exercised by the State Government except after consultation with the Central Government.
(2) No order of suspension, remission or commutation of sentences passed by the State Government in relation 
to a person, who has been convicted of offences, some of which relate to matters to which the executive power of 
the Union extends, and who has been sentenced to separate terms of imprisonment which are to run concurrently, 
shall have effect unless an order for the suspension, remission or commutation, as the case may be, of such 
sentences has also been made by the Central Government in relation to the offences committed by such person with 
regard to matters to which the executive power of the Union extends.

436. In what cases bail to be taken.—(1) When any person other than a person accused of a non-bailable 
offence is arrested or detained without warrant by an officer in charge of a police station, or appears or is brought 
before a Court, and is prepared at any time while in the custody of such officer or at any stage of the proceeding 
before such Court to give bail, such person shall be released on bail:
Provided that such officer or Court, if he or it thinks fit, 1
[may, and shall, if such person is indigent and is 
unable to furnish surety, instead of taking bail] from such person, discharge him on his executing a bond without 
sureties for his appearance as hereinafter provided.
[Explanation.—Where a person is unable to give bail within a week of the date of his arrest, it shall be a 
sufficient ground for the officer or the Court to presume that he is an indigent person for the purposes of this 
Provided further that nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the provisions of sub-section (3) of 
section 116 3
[or section 446A].
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where a person has failed to comply with the 
conditions of the bail-bond as regards the time and place of attendance, the Court may refuse to release him on bail, 
when on a subsequent occasion in the same case he appears before the Court or is brought in custody and any such 
refusal shall be without prejudice to the powers of the Court to call upon any person bound by such bond to pay the 
penalty thereof under section 446.

436A. Maximum period for which an undertrial prisoner can be detained.—Where a person has, during 
the period of investigation, inquiry or trial under this Code of an offence under any law (not being an offence for 
which the punishment of death has been specified as one of the punishments under that law) undergone detention for 
a period extending up to one-half of the maximum period of imprisonment specified for that offence under that law, 
he shall be released by the Court on his personal bond with or without sureties:
Provided that the Court may, after hearing the Public Prosecutor and for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, 
order the continued detention of such person for a period longer than one-half of the said period or release him on 
bail instead of the personal bond with or without sureties:
Provided further that no such person shall in any case be detained during the period of investigation, inquiry or 
trial for more than the maximum period of imprisonment provided for the said offence under that law.
Explanation.—In computing the period of detention under this section for granting bail, the period of detention 
passed due to delay in proceeding caused by the accused shall be excluded.

437. When bail may be taken in case of non-bailable offence.—5
[(1) When any person accused of, or 
suspected of, the commission of any non-bailable offence is arrested or detained without warrant by an officer in 
charge of a police station or appears or is brought before a Court other than the High Court or Court of session, he 
may be released on bail, but—
(i) such person shall not be so released if there appear reasonable grounds for believing that he has been 
guilty of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life;
(ii) such person shall not be so released if such offence is a cognizable offence and he had been previously 
convicted of an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for seven years or more,or he had been previously convicted on two or more occasions of 1
[a cognizable offence punishable with 
imprisonment for three years or more but not less than seven years:]
Provided that the Court may direct that a person referred to in clause (i) or clause (ii) be released on bail if such 
person is under the age of sixteen years or is a woman or is sick or infirm:
Provided further that the Court may also direct that a person referred to in clause (ii) be released on bail if it is 
satisfied that it is just and proper so to do for any other special reason:
Provided also that the mere fact that an accused person may be required for being identified by witnesses during 
investigation shall not be sufficient ground for refusing to grant bail if he is otherwise entitled to be released on bail 
and gives an undertaking that he shall comply with such directions as may be given by the Court:]
[Provided also that no person shall, if the offence alleged to have been committed by him is punishable with 
death, imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for seven years or more, be released on bail by the Court under this 
sub-section without giving an opportunity of hearing to the Public Prosecutor.]
(2) If it appears to such officer or Court at any stage of the investigation, inquiry or trial, as the case may be, 
that there are not reasonable grounds for believing that the accused has committed a non-bailable offence, but that 
there are sufficient grounds for further inquiry into his guilt, 3
[the accused shall, subject to the provisions of section 
446A and pending such inquiry, be released on bail], or, at the discretion of such officer or Court, on the execution 
by him of a bond without sureties for his appearance as hereinafter provided.
(3) When a person accused or suspected of the commission of an offence punishable with imprisonment which 
may extend to seven years or more or of an offence under Chapter VI, Chapter XVI or Chapter XVII of the Indian 
Penal Code (45 of 1860) or abatement of, or conspiracy or attempt to commit, any such offence, is released on bail 
under sub-section (1),
[the Court shall impose the conditions,—
(a) that such person shall attend in accordance with the conditions of the bond executed under this Chapter,
(b) that such person shall not commit an offence similar to the offence of which he is accused, or suspected, 
of the commission of which he is suspected, and
(c) that such person shall not directly or indirectly make any inducement, threat or promise to any person 
acquainted with the facts of the case so as to dissuade him from disclosing such facts to the Court or to any 
police officer or tamper with the evidence,
and may also impose, in the interests of justice, such other conditions as it considers necessary.]
(4) An officer or a Court releasing any person on bail under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), shall record in 
writing his or its 5
[reasons or special reasons] for so doing.
(5) Any Court which has released a person on bail under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), may, if it considers 
it necessary so to do, direct that such person be arrested and commit him to custody.
(6) If, in any case triable by a Magistrate, the trial of a person accused of any non-bailable offence is not 
concluded within a period of sixty days from the first date fixed for taking evidence in the case, such person shall, if 
he is in custody during the whole of the said period, be released on bail to the satisfaction of the Magistrate, unless 
for reasons to be recorded in writing, the Magistrate otherwise directs.(7) If, at any time, after the conclusion of the trial of a person accused of a non-bailable offence and before 
judgment is delivered, the Court is of opinion that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the accused is not 
guilty of any such offence, it shall release the accused, if he is in custody, on the execution by him of a bond without 
sureties for his appearance to hear judgment delivered.

437A. Bail to require accused to appear before next appellate Court.—(1) Before conclusion of the trial 
and before disposal of the appeal, the Court trying the offence or the Appellate Court, as the case may be, shall 
require the accused to execute bail bonds with sureties, to appear before the higher Court as and when such Court 
issues notice in respect of any appeal or petition filed against the judgment of the respective Court and such bail 
bonds shall be in force for six months.
(2) If such accused fails to appear, the bond stand forfeited and the procedure under section 446 shall apply.

438. Direction for grant of bail to person apprehending arrest.—(1) When any person has reason to believe 
that he may be arrested on an accusation of having committed a non-bailable offence, he may apply to the High 
Court or the Court of Session for a direction under this section; and that Court may, if it thinks fit, direct that in the 
event of such arrest, he shall be released on bail.
(2) When the High Court or the Court of Session makes a direction under sub-section (1), it may include such 
conditions in such directions in the light of the facts of the particular case, as it may think fit, including—
(i) a condition that the person shall make himself available for interrogation by a police officer as and when 
(ii) a condition that the person shall not, directly or indirectly, make any inducement, threat or promise to 
any person acquainted with the facts of the case so as to dissuade him from disclosing such facts to the Court or 
to any police officer;
(iii) a condition that the person shall not leave India without the previous permission of the Court;
(iv) such other condition as may be imposed under sub-section (3) of section 437, as if the bail were 
granted under that section.
(3) If such person is thereafter arrested without warrant by an officer in charge of a police station on such 
accusation, and is prepared either at the time of arrest or at any time while in the custody of such officer to give bail, 
he shall be released on bail; and if a Magistrate taking cognizance of such offence decides that a warrant should be 
issued in the first instance against that person, he shall issue a bailable warrant in confirmity with the direction of the 
Court under sub-section (1).
[(4) Nothing in this section shall apply to any case involving the arrest of any person on accusation of having 
committed an offence under sub-section (3) of section 376 or section 376AB or section 376DA or section 376DB of 
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).]
West Bengal.—
To sub-section (1) of section 438 of the principal Act, the following proviso shall be added:—
“Provided that where the apprehended accusation relates to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for
life or imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years, no final order shall be made on such application without 
giving the State not less than seven days’ notice to present its case.
[Vide West Bengal Act 47 of 1981, s. 3.]
West Bengal.—
For sub-section (1) of section 438, of the principal Act the following sub-sections shall be substituted, 
“(1) (a) When any person has reason to believe that he may be arrested on an accusation of having committed a 
non-bailable offence, he may apply to the High Court or the Court of Session for a direction under this section that 
in the event of such arrest, he shall be released on bail:
Provided that the mere fact that a person has applied to the High Court or the Court of Session for a direction 
under this section shall not, in the absence of any order by that Court, be a bar to the apprehension of such person, or 
the detention of such person in custody, by an officer-in-charge of a police station.
(b) The High Court or the Court of Session, as the case may be, shall dispose of an application for a direction 
under this sub-section within thirty days of the date of such application:
Provided that where the apprehended accusation relates to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for 
life or imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years, no final order shall be made on such application without 
giving the State not less than seven days notice to present its case.
(c) If any person is arrested and detained in custody by an officer-in-charge of a police station before the 
disposal of the application of such person for a direction under this sub-section, the release of such person on bail by 
a Court having jurisdiction, pending such disposal, shall be subject to the provisions of section 437.
(1A) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained 
elsewhere in this Act or in any judgment, decree or order of any Court, tribunal or other authority.”.
[Vide West Bengal Act 25 of 1990, s. 3.]
Amendment of section 438.—In section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), to 
sub-section (1), the following proviso shall be added, namely:—
“Provided that where the apprehended accusation relates to an offence punishable with death, 
imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years, no final order shall be made 
on such application without giving the State notice to present its case.”:
[Vide Orissa Act 11 of 1988, s. 2]

439. Special powers of High Court or Court of Session regarding bail.—(1) A High Court or Court of 
Session may direct,—
(a) that any person accused of an offence and in custody be released on bail, and if the offence is of the 
nature specified in sub-section (3) of section 437, may impose any condition which it considers necessary for 
the purposes mentioned in that sub-section;
(b) that any condition imposed by a Magistrate when releasing any person on bail be set aside or modified: 
Provided that the High Court or the Court of Session shall, before granting bail to a person who is accused of an 
offence which is triable exclusively by the Court of Session or which, though not so triable, is punishable with
imprisonment for life, give notice of the application for bail to the Public Prosecutor unless it is, for reasons to be 
recorded in writing, of opinion that it is not practicable to give such notice.
[Provided further that the High Court or the Court of Session shall, before granting bail to a person 
who is accused of an offence triable under sub-section (3) of section 376 or section 376AB or section 
376DA or section 376DB of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), give notice of the application for bail to 
the Public Prosecutor within a period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of the notice of such 
[(1A) The presence of the informant or any person authorised by him shall be obligatory at the time 
of hearing of the application for bail to the person under sub-section (3) of section 376 or section 
376AB or section 376DA or section DB of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).]
(2) A High Court or Court of Session may direct that any person who has been released on bail under this 
Chapter be arrested and commit him to custody.



439-A. Power to grant bail.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code, no person—
(a) who, being accused or suspected of committing an offence under any of the following Sections, 
namely, —Sections 120B, 121, 121A, 122, 123, 124A, 153A, 302, 303, 304, 307, 326, 333, 363, 364, 
365, 367, 368, 392, 394, 395, 396, 399, 412, 431, 436, 449 and 450 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, 
Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Indian Explosive Substances Act, 1908, and Sections 25,26, 27, 28, 29, 30 
and 31 of the Arms Act, 1959, is arrested or appears or is brought before a court; or
(b) who, having any reason to believe that he may be arrested on an accusation of committing an 
offence as specified in clause (a), has applied to the High Court or the Court of Sessions for a direction 
for his release on bail in the event of his arrest, shall be released on bail or as the case may be, directed to 
be released on bail, except on one or more of the following grounds, namely: —
(i) that the Court including the High Court or the Court of Session for reasons to be recorded in 
writing is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that such person is not guilty of any 
offence specified in clause (a);
(ii) that such person is under the age of sixteen years or a woman or a sick or an infirm person;
(iii) that the court including the High Court or the Court of Sessions for reasons to be recorded in 
writing is satisfied that there are exceptional and sufficient grounds to release or direct the release of 
the accused on bail.”
[Vide Assam Act 3 of 1984, s. 5.]

440. Amount of bond and reduction thereof.—(1) The amount of every bond executed under this Chapter 
shall be fixed with due regard to the circumstances of the case and shall not be excessive.
(2) The High Court or the Court of Session may direct that the bail required by a police officer or Magistrate be 

441. Bond of accused and sureties.—(1) Before any person is released on bail or released on his own bond, a 
bond for such sum of money as the police officer or Court, as the case may be, thinks sufficient shall be executed by 
such person, and, when he is released on bail, by one or more sufficient sureties conditioned that such person shall 
attend at the time and place mentioned in the bond, and shall continue so to attend until otherwise directed by the 
police officer or Court, as the case may be.
(2) Where any condition is imposed for the release of any person on bail, the bond shall also contain that 
(3) If the case so requires, the bond shall also bind the person released on bail to appear when called upon at the 
High Court, Court of Session or other Court to answer the charge.
(4) For the purpose of determining whether the sureties are fit or sufficient, the Court may accept affidavits in 
proof of the facts contained therein relating to the sufficiency or fitness of the sureties, or, if it considers necessary, 
may either hold an enquiry itself or cause an inquiry to be made by a Magistrate subordinate to the Court, as to such 
sufficiency or fitness.

Andhra Pradesh

Amendment of Section 441 Central Act 2 of 1974.—In the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 
(hereinafter referred to as the Principal Act) in section 441, in sub-section (1), the following words shall 
be added at the end, namely. —
“and for imposition of a fine not exceeding the amount prescribed in the surety bond, in case the surety 
fails to produce the accused on the date fixed by the court in grave/serious offences.”
[Vide Andhra Pradesh Act 17 of 2019, s. 2]

441A. Declaration by sureties.—Every person standing surety to an accused person for his release on bail, 
shall make a declaration before the Court as to the number of persons to whom he has stood surety including the 
accused, giving therein all the relevant particulars.

442. Discharge from custody.—(1) As soon as the bond has been executed, the person for whose appearance it 
has been executed shall be released; and, when he is in jail, the court admitting him to bail shall issue an order of 
release to the officer in charge of the jail, and such officer on receipt of the orders shall release him.
(2) Nothing in this section, section 436 or section 437, shall be deemed to require the release of any person 
liable to be detained for some matter other than that in respect of which the bond was executed.

443. Power to order sufficient bail when that first taken is insufficient.—If, through mistake, fraud or 
otherwise, insufficient sureties have been accepted, or if they afterwards become insufficient, the Court may issue a 
warrant of arrest directing that the person released on bail be brought before it and may order him to find sufficient 
sureties, and, on his failing so to do, may commit him to jail.

444. Discharge of sureties.—(1) All or any sureties for the attendance and appearance of a person released on 
bail may at any time apply to a Magistrate to discharge the bond, either wholly or so far as relates to the applicants.
(2) On such application being made, the Magistrate shall issue his warrant of arrest directing that the person so 
released be brought before him.
(3) On the appearance of such person pursuant to the warrant, or on his voluntary surrender, the Magistrate shall 
direct the bond to be discharged either wholly or so far as relates to the applicants, and shall call upon such person to 
find other sufficient sureties, and, if he fails to do so, may commit him to jail.

West Bengal 

In section 444 of the Principal Act,—

(1) in sub-section (1) after the words “at any time”, the words, “on showing sufficient cause,” shall be 
(2) after sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be inserted:—
“(1A) On such application being made, the Magistrate may either hold an inquiry himself, or cause 
an inquiry to be made by a Magistrate subordinate to him, on the correctness of the reason shown, in 
the application to discharge the bond as stated in sub-section (1)”;
(3) for sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be substituted:—
“(2) If the Magistrate is satisfied, on enquiry made under sub-section (1A), that all or any of the 
sureties applying for discharge may be discharged, he shall issue warrant of arrest directing that the 
person so released be brought before him.”
[Vide West Bengal Act 24 of 2003, s. 3.]

445. Deposit instead of recognizance.—When any person is required by any Court or officer to execute a bond 
with or without sureties, such Court or officer may, except in the case of a bond for good behaviour, permit him to 
deposit a sum of money or Government promissory notes to such amount as the Court or officer may fix in lieu of 
executing such bond.

West Bengal 

In section 445 of the principal Act,—
(a) the words “with or without sureties” shall be omitted; and 
(b) for the word “permit”, the word “direct” shall be substituted.
[Vide West Bengal Act 24 of 2003, s. 4.]

446. Procedure when bond has been forfeited.—(1) Where a bond under this Code is for appearance, or for 
production of property, before a Court and it is proved to the satisfaction of that Court, or of any Court to which the 
case has subsequently been transferred, that the bond has been forfeited, 
or where, in respect of any other bond under this Code, it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court by which the 
bond was taken, or of any Court to which the case has subsequently been transferred, or of the Court of any 
Magistrate of the first class, that the bond has been forfeited,
the Court shall record the grounds of such proof, and may call upon any person bound by such bond to pay the 
penalty thereof or to show cause why it should not be paid.
Explanation.—A condition in a bond for appearance, or for production of property, before a Court shall be 
construed as including a condition for appearance, or as the case may be, for production of property, before any 
Court to which the case may subsequently be transferred.
(2) If sufficient cause is not shown and the penalty is not paid, the Court may proceed to recover the same as if 
such penalty were a fine imposed by it under this Code:
[Provided that where such penalty is not paid and cannot be recovered in the manner aforesaid, the person so 
bound as surety shall be liable, by order of the Court ordering the recovery of the penalty, to imprisonment in civil 
jail for a term which may extend to six months.] 
(3) The Court may, 2
[after recording its reasons for doing so], remit any portion of the penalty mentioned and 
enforce payment in part only.
(4) Where a surety to a bond dies before the bond is forfeited, his estate shall be discharged from all liability in 
respect of the bond.
(5) Where any person who has furnished security under section 106 or section 117 or section 360 is convicted 
of an offence the commission of which constitutes a breach of the conditions of his bond, or of a bond executed in 
lieu of his bond under section 448, a certified copy of the judgment of the Court by which he was convicted of such 
offence may be used as evidence in proceedings under this section against his surety or sureties, and, if such 
certified copy is so used, the Court shall presume that such offence was committed by him unless the contrary is 

446A. Cancellation of bond and bail bond.—Without prejudice to the provisions of section 446, where a 
bond under this Code is for appearance of a person in a case and it is forfeited for breach of a condition,—
(a) the bond executed by such person as well as the bond, if any, executed by one or more of his sureties in 
that case shall stand cancelled; and
(b) thereafter no such person shall be released only on his own bond in that case, if the Police Officer or the 
Court, as the case may be, for appearance before whom the bond was executed, is satisfied that there was no
sufficient cause for the failure of the person bound by the bond to comply with its condition:
Provided that subject to any other provisions of this Code he may be released in that case upon the execution of 
a fresh personal bond for such sum of money and bond by one or more of such sureties as the Police Officer or the 
Court, as the case may be, thinks sufficient.

447. Procedure in case of insolvency of death of surety or when a bond is forfeited.—When any surety to a 
bond under this Code becomes insolvent or dies, or when any bond is forfeited under the provisions of section 446, 
the Court by whose order such bond was taken, or a Magistrate of the first class may order the person from whom 
such security was demanded to furnish fresh securities in accordance with the directions of the original order, and if 
such security is not furnished, such Court or Magistrate may proceed as if there had been a default in complying 
with such original order

448. Bond required from minor.—When the person required by any Court, or officer to execute a bond is a 
minor, such Court or officer may accept, in lieu thereof, a bond executed by a surety or sureties only.

449. Appeal from orders under section 446.—All orders passed under section 446 shall be appealable,—
(i) in the case of an order made by a Magistrate, to the Sessions Judge;
(ii) in the case of an order made by a Court of Session, to the Court to which an appeal lies from an order 
made by such Court.

450. Power to direct levy of amount due on certain recognizances.—The High Court or Court of Sessions 
may direct any Magistrate to levy the amount due on a bond for appearance or attendance at such High Court or
Court of Session.

451. Order for custody and disposal of property pending trial in certain cases.—When any property is 
produced before any Criminal Court during any inquiry or trial, the Court may make such order as it thinks fit for 
the proper custody of such property pending the conclusion of the inquiry or trial, and, if the property is subject to 
speedy and natural decay, or if it is otherwise expedient so to do, the Court may, after recording such evidence as it 
thinks necessary, order it to be sold or otherwise disposed of.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this section, “property” includes—
(a) property of any kind or document which is produced before the Court or which is in its custody;
(b) any property regarding which an offence appears to have been committed or which appears to have 
been used for the commission of any offence.

452. Order for disposal of property at conclusion of trial.—(1) When an inquiry or trial in any Criminal 
Court is concluded, the Court may make such order as it thinks fit for the disposal, by destruction, confiscation or 
delivery to any person claiming to be entitled to possession thereof or otherwise, of any property or document 
produced before it or in its custody, or regarding which any offence appears to have been committed, or which has 
been used for the commission of any offence.
(2) An order may be made under sub-section (1) for the delivery of any property to any person claiming to be 
entitled to the possession thereof, without any condition or on condition that he executes a bond, with or without 
securities, to the satisfaction of the Court, engaging to restore such property to the Court if the order made under 
sub-section (1) is modified or set aside on appeal or revision.
(3) A Court of Session may, instead of itself making an order under sub-section (1), direct the property to be 
delivered to the Chief Judicial Magistrate, who shall thereupon deal with it in the manner provided in sections 457, 
458 and 459.
(4) Except where the property is livestock or is subject to speedy and natural decay, or where a bond has been 
executed in pursuance of sub-section (2), an order made under sub-section (1) shall not be carried out for two 
months, or when an appeal is presented, until such appeal has been disposed of.
(5) In this section, the term “property” includes, in the case of property regarding which an offence appears to 
have been committed, not only such property as has been originally in the possession or under the control of any 
party, but also any property into or for which the same may have been converted or exchanged, and anything 
acquired by such conversion or exchange, whether immediately or otherwise

453. Payment to innocent purchaser of money found on accused.—When any person is convicted of any 
offence which includes, or amounts to, theft or receiving stolen property, and it is proved that any other person 
bought the stolen property from him without knowing or having reason to believe that the same was stolen, and 
that any money has on his arrest been taken out of the possession of the convicted person, the Court may, on the 
application of such purchaser and on the restitution of the stolen property to the person entitled to the possession 
thereof, order that out of such money a sum not exceeding the price paid by such purchaser be delivered to him.

454. Appeal against orders under section 452 or section 453.—(1) Any person aggrieved by an order made 
by a Court under section 452 or section 453, may appeal against it to the Court to which appeals ordinarily lie from 
convictions by the former Court.
(2) On such appeal, the Appellate Court may direct the order to be stayed pending disposal of the appeal, or 
may modify, alter or annul the order and make any further orders that may be just.
(3) The powers referred to in sub-section (2) may also be exercised by a Court of appeal, confirmation or 
revision while dealing with the case in which the order referred to in sub-section (1) was made.

455. Destruction of libellous and other matter.—(1) On a conviction under section 292, section 293, section 
501 or section 502 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), the Court may order the destruction of all the copies of the 
thing in respect of which the conviction was had, and which are in the custody of the Court or remain in the 
possession or power of the person convicted.
(2) The Court may, in like manner, on a conviction under section 272, section 273, section 274 or section 275 of 
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), order the food, drink, drug or medical preparation in respect of which the 
conviction was had, to be destroyed.

456. Power to restore possession of immovable property.—(1) When a person is convicted of an offence 
attended by criminal force or show of force or by criminal intimidation, and it appears to the Court that, by such 
force or show of force or intimidation, any person has been dispossessed of any immovable property, the Court may, 
if it thinks fit, order that possession of the same be restored to that person after evicting by force, if necessary, any 
other person who may be in possession of the property:
Provided that no such order shall be made by the Court more than one month after the date of the conviction.
(2) Where the Court trying the offence has not made an order under sub-section (1), the Court of appeal, 
confirmation or revision may, if it thinks fit, make such order while disposing of the appeal, reference or revision, as 
the case may be.
(3) Where an order has been made under sub-section (1), the provisions of section 454 shall apply in relation 
thereto as they apply in relation to an order under section 453.
(4) No order made under this section shall prejudice any right or interest to or in such immovable property 
which any person may be able to establish in a civil suit.

457. Procedure by police upon seizure of property.—(1) Whenever the seizure of property by any police 
officer is reported to a Magistrate under the provisions of this Code, and such property is not produced before a 
Criminal Court during an inquiry or trial, the Magistrate may make such order as he thinks fit respecting the disposal 
of such property or the delivery of such property to the person entitled to the possession thereof, or if such person 
cannot be ascertained, respecting the custody and production of such property.
(2) If the person so entitled is known, the Magistrate may order the property to be delivered to him on such 
conditions (if any) as the Magistrate thinks fit and if such person is unknown, the Magistrate may detain it and shall,
in such case, issue a proclamation specifying the articles of which such property consists, and requiring any person 
who may have a claim thereto, to appear before him and establish his claim within six months from the date of such

458. Procedure where no claimant appears within six months.—(1) If no person within such period 
establishes his claim to such property, and if the person in whose possession such property was found is unable to 
show that it was legally acquired by him, the Magistrate may by order direct that such property shall be at the 
disposal of the State Government and may be sold by that Government and the proceeds of such sale shall be dealt 
with in such manner as may be prescribed.
(2) An appeal shall lie against any such order to the Court to which appeals ordinarily lie from convictions by 
the Magistrate.

459. Power to sell perishable property.—If the person entitled to the possession of such property is unknown 
or absent and the property is subject to speedy and natural decay, or if the Magistrate to whom its seizure is reported 
is of opinion that its sale would be for the benefit of the owner, or that the value of such property is 1
[less than five 
hundred rupees], the Magistrate may at any time direct it to be sold; and the provisions of sections 457 and 458 
shall, as nearly as may be practicable, apply to the net proceeds of such sale.

460. Irregularities which do not vitiate proceedings.—If any Magistrate not empowered by law to do any of 
the following things, namely:—
(a) to issue a search-warrant under section 94;
(b) to order, under section 155, the police to investigate an offence;
(c) to hold an inquest under section 176;
(d) to issue process under section 187, for the apprehension of a person within his local jurisdiction who 
has committed an offence outside the limits of such jurisdiction;
(e) to take cognizance of an offence under clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 190;
(f) to make over a case under sub-section (2) of section 192;
(g) to tender a pardon under section 306;
(h) to recall a case and try it himself under section 410; or
(i) to sell property under section 458 or section 459, 
erroneously in good faith does that thing, his proceedings shall not be set aside merely on the ground of his not 
being so empowered.

461. Irregularities which vitiate proceedings.—If any Magistrate, not being empowered by law in this behalf, 
does any of the following things, namely:—
(a) attaches and sells property under section 83;
(b) issues a search-warrant for a document, parcel or other things in the custody of a postal or telegraph 
(c) demands security to keep the peace;
(d) demands security for good behaviour;
(e) discharges a person lawfully bound to be of good behaviour;
(f) cancels a bond to keep the peace; 
(g) makes an order for maintenance;
(h) makes an order under section 133 as to a local nuisance;
(i) prohibits, under section 143, the repetition or continuance of a public nuisance;
(j) makes an order under Part C or Part D of Chapter X;
(k) takes cognizance of an offence under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 190;
(l) tries an offender;
(m) tries an offender summarily;
(n) passes a sentence, under section 325, on proceedings recorded by another Magistrate;
(o) decides an appeal;
(p) calls, under section 397, for proceedings; or 
(q) revises an order passed under section 446, 
his proceedings shall be void.

462. Proceedings in wrong place.—No finding, sentence or order of any Criminal Court shall be set aside 
merely on the ground that the inquiry, trial or other proceedings in the course of which it was arrived at or passed, 
took place in a wrong sessions division, district, sub-division or other local area, unless it appears that such error has 
in fact occasioned a failure of justice. 

463. Non-compliance with provisions of section 164 or section 281.—(1) If any Court before which a
confession or other statement of an accused person recorded, or purporting to be recorded under section 164 or 
section 281, is tendered, or has been received, in evidence finds that any of the provisions of either of such sections 
have not been complied with by the Magistrate recording the statement, it may, notwithstanding anything contained 
in section 91 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872), take evidence in regard to such non-compliance, and 
may, if satisfied that such non-compliance has not injured the accused in his defence on the merits and that he duly 
made the statement recorded, admit such statement.
(2) The provisions of this section apply to Courts of appeal, reference and revision.

464. Effect of omission to frame, or absence of, or error in, charge.—(1) No finding, sentence or order by a 
Court of competent jurisdiction shall be deemed invalid merely on the ground that no charge was framed or on the 
ground of any error, omission or irregularity in the charge including any misjoinder of charges, unless, in the 
opinion of the Court of appeal, confirmation or revision, a failure of justice has in fact been occasioned thereby.
(2) If the Court of appeal, confirmation or revision, is of opinion that a failure of justice has in fact been 
occasioned, it may,—
(a) in the case of an omission to frame a charge, order that a charge be framed, and that the trial be 
recommended from the point immediately after the framing of the charge;
(b) in the case of an error, omission or irregularity in the charge, direct a new trial to be had upon a charge 
framed in whatever manner it thinks fit:
Provided that if the Court is of opinion that the facts of the case are such that no valid charge could be preferred 
against the accused in respect of the facts proved, it shall quash the conviction.

465. Finding or sentence when reversible by reason of error, omission or irregularity.—(1) Subject to the 
provisions hereinbefore contained, no finding, sentence or order passed by a Court of competent jurisdiction shall be 
reversed or altered by a Court of appeal, confirmation of revision on account of any error, omission or irregularity in
the complaint, summons, warrant, proclamation, order, judgment or other proceedings before or during trial or 
in any inquiry or other proceedings under this Code, or any error, or irregularity in any sanction for the 
prosecution, unless in the opinion of that Court, a failure of justice has in fact been occasioned thereby.
(2) In determining whether any error, omission or irregularity in any proceeding under this Code, or any error, 
or irregularity in any sanction for the prosecution has occasioned a failure of justice, the Court shall have regard to 
the fact whether the objection could and should have been raised at an earlier stage in the proceedings.

466. Defect or error not to make attachment unlawful.—No attachment made under this Code shall be 
deemed unlawful, nor shall any person making the same be deemed a trespasser, on account of any defect or want of 
form in the summons, conviction, writ of attachment or other proceedings relating thereto.

467. Definitions.—For the purposes of this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, “period of 
limitation” means the period specified in section 468 for taking cognizance of an offence.

468. Bar to taking cognizance after lapse of the period of limitation.—(1) Except as otherwise provided 
elsewhere in this Code, no Court shall take cognizance of an offence of the category specified in sub-section (2),
after the expiry of the period of limitation.
(2) The period of limitation shall be—
(a) six months, if the offence is punishable with fine only;
(b) one year, if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year;
(c) three years, if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding one year but not 
exceeding three years.
[(3) For the purposes of this section, the period of limitation, in relation to offences which may be tried 
together, shall be determined with reference to the offence which is punishable with the more severe punishment or, 
as the case may be, the most severe punishment.]

469. Commencement of the period of limitation.—(1) The period of limitation, in relation to an offender, 
shall commence,—
(a) on the date of the offence; or
(b) where the commission of the offence was not known to the person aggrieved by the offence or to any 
police officer, the first day on which such offence comes to the knowledge of such person or to any police 
officer, whichever is earlier; or 
(c) where it is not known by whom the offence was committed, the first day on which the identity of the 
offender is known to the person aggrieved by the offence or to the police officer making investigation into the 
offence, whichever is earlier.
(2) In computing the said period, the day from which such period is to be computed shall be excluded.

470. Exclusion of time in certain cases.—(1) In computing the period of limitation, the time during 
which any person has been prosecuting with due diligence another prosecution, whether in a Court of first 
instance or in a Court of appeal or revision, against the offender, shall be excluded:
Provided that no such exclusion shall be made unless the prosecution relates to the same facts and is 
prosecuted in good faith in a Court which from defect of jurisdiction or other cause of a like nature, is unable 
to entertain it.
(2) Where the institution of the prosecution in respect of an offence has been stayed by an injunction or 
order, then, in computing the period of limitation, the period of the continuance of the injunction or order, the 
day on which it was issued or made, and the day on which it was withdrawn, shall be excluded.
(3) Where notice of prosecution for an offence has been given, or where, under any law for the time being 
in force, the previous consent or sanction of the Government or any other authority is required for the 
institution of any prosecution for an offence, then, in computing the period of limitation, the period of such 
notice or, as the case may be, the time required for obtaining such consent or sanction shall be excluded.
Explanation.—In computing the time required for obtaining the consent or sanction of the Government or 
any other authority, the date on which the application was made for obtaining the consent or sanction and the 
date of receipt of the order of the Government or other authority shall both be excluded.
(4) In computing the period of limitation, the time during which the offender—
(a) has been absent from India or from any territory outside India which is under the administration of 
the Central Government, or
(b) has avoided arrest by absconding or concealing himself, 
shall be excluded.

471. Exclusion of date on which Court is closed.—Where the period of limitation expires on a day when 
the Court is closed, the Court may take cognizance on the day on which the Court reopens
Explanation.—A Court shall be deemed to be closed on any day within the meaning of this section, if, 
during its normal working hours, it remains closed on that day..

472. Continuing offence.—In the case of a continuing offence, a fresh period of limitation shall begin to 
run at every moment of the time during which the offence continues.

473. Extension of period of limitation in certain cases.—Notwithstanding anything contained in the 
foregoing provisions of this Chapter, any Court may take cognizance of an offence after the expiry of the 
period of limitation, if it is satisfied on the facts and in the circumstances of the case that the delay has been 
properly explained or that it is necessary so to do in the interests of justice.

474. Trials before High Courts.—When an offence is tried by the High Court otherwise than under 
section 407, it shall, in the trial of the offence, observe the same procedure as a Court of Sessions would 
observe if it were trying the case.

475. Delivery to commanding officers of persons liable to be tried by Court-martial.—(1) The Central 
Government may make rules consistent with this Code and the Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950), the Navy Act, 1957 
(62 of 1957), and the Air Force Act, 1950 (45 of 1950), and any other law, relating to the Armed Forces of the 
Union, for the time being in force, as to cases in which persons subject to military, naval or air-force law, or such 
other law, shall be tried by a Court to which this Code applies, or by a Court-martial; and when any person is 
brought before a Magistrate and charged with an offence for which he is liable to be tried either by a Court to which 
this Code applies or by a Court-martial, such Magistrate shall have regard to such rules, and shall in proper cases 
deliver him, together with a statement of the offence of which he is accused, to the commanding officer of the 
unit to which he belongs, or to the commanding officer of the nearest military, naval or air-force station, as the case 
may be, for the purpose of being tried by a Court-martial.
Explanation.—In this section—
(a) “Unit” includes a regiment, corps, ship, detachment, group, battalion or Company,
(b) “Court-martial” includes any Tribunal with the powers similar to those of a Court-martial constituted 
under the relevant law applicable to the Armed Forces of the Union.
(2) Every Magistrate shall, on receiving a written application for that purpose by the commanding officer of any 
unit or body of soldiers, sailors or airmen stationed or employed at any such place, use his utmost endeavours to 
apprehend and secure any person accused of such offence.
(3) A High Court may, if it thinks fit, direct that a prisoner detained in any jail situate within the State be 
brought before a Court-martial for trial or to be examined touching any matter pending before the Court-martial.

476. Forms.—Subject to the power conferred by article 227 of the Constitution, the forms set forth in the 
Second Schedule, with such variations as the circumstances of each case require, may be used for the respective 
purposes therein mentioned, and if used shall be sufficient.

477. Power of High Court to make rules.—(1) Every High Court may, with the previous approval of the State 
Government, make rules—
(a) as to the persons who may be permitted to act as petition-writers in the Criminal Courts subordinate to 
(b) regulating the issue of licences to such persons, the conduct of business by them, and the scale of fees to 
be charged by them;
(c) providing a penalty for a contravention of any of the rules so made and determining the authority by 
which such contravention may be investigated and the penalties imposed;
(d) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, prescribed.
(2) All rules made under this section shall be published in the Official Gazette.

478. Power to alter functions allocated to Executive Magistrate in certain cases.—If the Legislative 
Assembly of a State by a resolution so permits, the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, 
by notification, direct that references in sections 108, 109, 110, 145 and 147 to an Executive Magistrate shall be 
construed as references to a Judicial Magistrate of the first class.

Union territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep

In the Code, as it applies to the Union territories to which this Regulation extends, in sections, 478, the 
words “if the State Legislature by a resolution so requires.” Shall be omitted.
[Vide The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Regulation, 1974 Act (1 of 1974) s. 6.]

479. Case in which Judge or Magistrate is personally interested.—No Judge or Magistrate shall, except with 
the permission of the Court to which an appeal lies from his Court, try or commit for trial any case to or in which he 
is a party, or personally interested, and no Judge or Magistrate shall hear an appeal from any judgment or order 
passed or made by himself.
Explanation.—A Judge or Magistrate shall not be deemed to be a party to, or personally interested in, any case 
by reason only that he is concerned therein in a public capacity, or by reason only that he has viewed the place in 
which an offence is alleged to have been committed, or any other place in which any other transaction material to 
the case is alleged to have occurred, and made an inquiry in connection with the case.

480. Practising pleader not to sit as Magistrate in certain Courts.—No pleader who practises in the Court of 
any Magistrate shall sit as a Magistrate in that Court or in any Court within the local jurisdiction of that Court.


Insertion of new section 480A. —After section 480 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 
1974) the following Section shall be inserted, namely:—

480A. Other powers of Magistrate.—Any Judicial Magistrate or Executive Magistrate shall be entitled to 
attest, verify or authenticate any document brought before him for the purpose of attestation, verification or 
authentication, as the case may be, and to affix seals thereon, as may be prescribed by any law for the time being in 
[Vide Karnataka Act 35 of 1984, s. 2]

481. Public servant concerned in sale not to purchase or bid for property.—A public servant having any 
duty to perform in connection with the sale of any property under this Code shall not purchase or bid for the 

482. Saving of inherent powers of High Court.—Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to limit or affect the 
inherent powers of the High Court to make such orders as may be necessary to give effect to any order under this 
Code, or to prevent abuse of the process of any Court or otherwise to secure the ends of justice.

483. Duty of High Court to exercise continuous superintendence over Courts of Judicial Magistrates.—
Every High Court shall so exercise its superintendence over the Courts of Judicial Magistrates subordinate to it as to 
ensure that there is an expeditious and proper disposal of cases by such Magistrates.

484. Repeal and savings.—(1) The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898), is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal—
(a) if, immediately before the date on which this Code comes into force, there is any appeal, application, 
trial, inquiry or investigation pending, then, such appeal, application, trial, inquiry or investigation shall be 
disposed of, continued, held or made, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of 
Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898), as in force immediately before such commencement (hereinafter referred 
to as the old Code), as if this Code had not come into force: 
Provided that every inquiry under Chapter XVIII of the Old Code, which is pending at the commencement 
of this Code, shall be dealt with and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this Code;
(b) all notifications published, proclamations issued, powers conferred, forms prescribed, local jurisdictions 
defined, sentences passed and orders, rules and appointments, not being appointments as Special Magistrates, 
made under the Old Code and which are in force immediately before the commencement of this Code, shall be 
deemed, respectively, to have been published, issued, conferred, prescribed, defined, passed or made under the 
corresponding provisions of this Code;
(c) any sanction accorded or consent given under the Old Code in pursuance of which no proceeding was 
commenced under that Code, shall be deemed to have been accorded or given under the corresponding 
provisions of this Code and proceedings may be commenced under this Code in pursuance of such sanction of 
(d) the provisions of the Old Code shall continue to apply in relation to every prosecution against a Ruler 
within the meaning of article 363 of the Constitution.
(3) Where the period prescribed for an application or other proceeding under the Old Code had expired on or 
before the commencement of this Code, nothing in this Code shall be construed as enabling any such application to 
be made or proceeding to be commenced under this Code by reason only of the fact that a longer period therefor is 
prescribed by this Code or provisions are made in this Code for the extension of time.

EXPLANATORY NOTES: (1) In regard to offences under the Indian Penal Code, the entries in the second and 
third columns against a section the number of which is given in the first column are 
not intended as the definition of, and the punishment prescribed for, the offence in 
the Indian Penal Code, but merely as indication of the substance of the section.
(2) In this Schedule, (i) the expression “Magistrate of the first class” and “Any 
Magistrate” include Metropolitan Magistrates but not Executive Magistrates; (ii) the 
word “cognizable” stands for “a police officer may arrest without warrant”; and (iii) 
the word “non-cognizable” stands for “a police officer shall not arrest without 

Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or noncognizable Bailable or Nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
109 Abetment of any offence, if the act abetted is committed in consequence, and where no express provision is made for its punishment. Same as for offence abetted. According as offence abetted is cognizable or non-cognizable. According as offence abetted is bailable or nonbailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.
110 Abetment of any offence, if the person abetted does the act with a different intention from that of the abettor. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
111 Abetment of any offence, when one act is
abetted and a different act is done; subject to
the proviso.
Same as for offence intended to be abetted. Ditto Ditto Ditto
113 Abetment of any offence, when an effect is caused by the act abetted different from that intended by the abettor. Same as for offence committed. Ditto Ditto Ditto
114 Abetment of any offence, if abettor is present when offence is committed. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
115 Abetment of an offence, punishable with death or imprisonment for life, if the offence be not committed in consequence of the abetment. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
  If an act which causes harm be done in consequence of the abetment. Imprisonment for 14 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
116 Abetment of any offence, punishable with imprisonment, if the offence be not committed in consequence of the abetment. Imprisonment extending to a quarter part of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto According as offence abetted is bailable or nonbailable. Ditto
  If the abettor or the person abetted be a public servant whose duty it is to prevent the offence. Imprisonment extending to half of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
117 Abetting the commission of an offence by the public or by more than ten persons. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. According as offence abetted is cognizable or non-cognizable. According as offence abetted is bailable or nonbailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.
118 Concealing a design to commit an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life, if the offence be committed. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine Ditto Non-bailable. Ditto
  If the offence be not committed Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Bailable. Ditto
119 A public servant concealing a design to commit an offence which it is his duty to prevent, if the offence be committed. Imprisonment extending to half of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto According as offence abetted is bailable or nonbailable. Ditto
  If the offence be punishable with death or imprisonment for life. Imprisonment for 10 years. Ditto Non-bailable. Ditto
  If the offence be not committed. Imprisonment extending to a quarter part of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable. Ditto
120 Concealing a design to commit an offence punishable with imprisonment, if offence be committed Ditto Ditto According as offence abetted is bailable or nonbailable. Ditto
  If the offence be not committed. Imprisonment extending to one-eighth part of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable. Ditto
120B Criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or rigorous imprisonment for a term of 2 years or upwards Same as for abetment of the offence which is the object of the conspiracy According as the offence which is the object of conspiracy is cognizable or noncognizable. According as offence which is object of conspiracy is bailable or nonbailable. Court by which abetment of the offence which is the object of conspiracy is triable.
  Any other criminal conspiracy. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable. Bailable. Magistrate of the first class.
121 Waging or attempting to wage war, or abetting the waging of war, against the Government of India. Death, or imprisonment for life and fine. Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.
121A Conspiring to commit certain offences against the State Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
122 Collecting arms, etc., with the intention of waging war against the Government of India. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
123 Concealing with intent to facilitate a design to wage war. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine Ditto Ditto Ditto
124 Assaulting President, Governor, etc., with intent to compel or restrain the exercise of any lawful power. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
124A Sedition Imprisonment for life and fine, or imprisonment for 3 years and fine, or fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
125 Waging war against any Asiatic power in alliance or at peace with the Government of India, or abetting the waging of such war. Imprisonment for life and fine, or imprisonment for 7 years and fine, or fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
126 Committing depredation on the territories of any power in alliance or at peace with the Government of India. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine, and forfeiture of certain property. Ditto Ditto Ditto
127 Receiving property taken by war or depredation mentioned in sections 125 and 126. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
128 Public servant voluntarily allowing prisoner of State or war in his custody to escape. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
129 Public servant negligently suffering prisoner of State of war in his custody to escape. Simple imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
130 Aiding escape of, rescuing or harbouring, such prisoner, or offering any resistance to the recapture of such prisoner. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Court of Session.
131 Abetting mutiny, or attempting to seduce an officer, soldier, sailor or airman from his allegiance or duty. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
132 Abetment of mutiny, if mutiny is committed in consequence thereof. Death, or imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
133 Abetment of an assault by an officer, soldier, sailor or airman on his superior officer, when in the execution of his office. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
134 Abetment of such assault, if the assault is committed. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
135 Abetment of the desertion of an officer, soldier, sailor or airman. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Any Magistrate.
136 Harbouring such an officer,. soldier, sailor or airman who has deserted. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
137 Deserter concealed on board merchant vessel, through negligence of master or person in charge thereof. Fine of 500 rupees. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
138 Abetment of act of insubordination by an officer, soldier, sailor or airman, if the offence be committed in consequence. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
140 Wearing the dress or carrying any token used by a soldier, sailor or airman with intent that it may be believed that he is such a soldier, sailor or airman. Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
143 Being member of an unlawful assembly. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
144 Joining an unlawful assembly armed with any deadly weapon. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Ditto
145 Joining or continuing in an unlawful assembly, knowing that it has been commanded to disperse. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
147 Rioting. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
148 Rioting, armed with a deadly weapon. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
149 If an offence be committed by any member of an unlawful assembly, every other member of such assembly shall be guilty of the offence. The same as for the offence. According as offence is cognizable or noncognizable According as offence is bailable or non-bailable The Court by which the offence is triable.
150 Hiring, engaging or employing persons to take part in an unlawful assembly. The same as for a member of such assembly, and for any offence committed by any member of such assembly. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
151 Knowingly joining or continuing in any assembly of five or more persons after it has been commanded to disperse. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine or both. Ditto Bailable Any Magistrate.
152 Assaulting or obstructing public servant when suppressing riot, etc. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
153 Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot, if rioting be committed. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
153A Promoting enmity between classes. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
  Promoting enmity between classes in place of worship, etc. Imprisonment for 5 years, and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
153A A Knowingly carrying arms in any procession or organising or holding or taking part in any mass drill or mass training with arms. Imprisonment for 6 months and fine of 2,000 rupees Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
153B Imputations, assertions prejudicial to national integration. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the firstclass
  If committed in a place of public worship, etc. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
154 Owner or occupier of land not giving information of riot, etc. Fine of 1,000 rupees. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
155 Person for whose benefit or on whose behalf a riot takes place not using all lawful means to prevent it. Fine Ditto Ditto Ditto
156 Agent of owner or occupier for whose benefit a riot is committed not using all lawful means to prevent it. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
157 Harbouring persons hired for an unlawful assembly. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
158 Being hired to take part in an unlawful assembly or riot. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
  Or to go armed. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
160 Committing affray Imprisonment for one month, or fine of 100 rupees or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
161 Being or expecting to be a public servant, and taking a gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
162 Taking a gratification in order, by corrupt or illegal means, to influence a public servant. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
163 Taking a gratification for the exercise of personal influence with a public servant. Simple imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
164 Abetment by public servant of the offences defined in the last two preceding clauses with reference to himself. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
165 Public servant obtaining any valuable thing, without consideration, from a person concerned in any proceeding or business transacted by such public servant. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
165A Punishment for abetment of offences punishable under section 161 or section 165. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
166 Public servant disobeying a direction of the law with intent to cause injury to any person. Simple imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Ditto
166A Public servant disobeying direction under law Imprisonment for minimum 6 months which may extend to 2 years and fine Cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class
166B Non-treatment of victim by hospital Imprisonment for 1 year or fine or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
167 Public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
168 Public servant unlawfully engaging in trade. Simple imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
169 Public servant unlawfully buying or bidding for property. Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both and confiscation of property, if purchased. Ditto Ditto Ditto
170 Personating a public servant. Imprisonment for 2 years or fine, or both . Cognizable Non-bailable Any Magistrate.
171 Wearing garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent intent. Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 200 rupees, or both. Ditto Bailable Ditto
171E Bribery. Imprisonment for 1 year or fine, or both, or if treating only, fine only. Non-cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
171F Undue influence at an election. Imprisonment for one year, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  Personation at an election Ditto Cognizable Ditto Ditto
171G False statement in connection with an election. Fine Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
171H Illegal payments in connection with elections. Fine of 500 rupees. Ditto Ditto Ditto
171-I Failure to keep election accounts. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
172 Absconding to avoid service of summons or other proceeding from a public servant. Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
  If summons or notice require attendance in person, etc., in a Court of Justice. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both Ditto Ditto Ditto
173 Preventing the service or the affixing of any summons of notice, or the removal of it when it has been affixed, or preventing a proclamation. Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If summons, etc., require attendance in person, etc., in a Court of Justice. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both Ditto Ditto Ditto
174 Not obeying a legal order to attend at a certain place in person or by agent, or departing there from without authority. Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If the order requires personal attendance, etc., in a Court of Justice. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
174A Failure to appear at specified place and specified time as required by a proclamation published under sub-section (1) of section 82 of this Code Imprisonment for 3 years, or with fine, or with both Cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
  In a case where declaration has been made under sub-section (4) of section 82 of this Code pronouncing a person as proclaimed offender Imprisonment for 7 years and fine Ditto Ditto Ditto
175 Intentionally omitting to produce a document to a public servant by a person legally bound to produce or deliver such document Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Noncognizable Bailable The Court in which the offence is committed, subject to the provisions of Chapter XXVI; or, if not committed, in a court, any Magistrate.
  If the document is required to be produced in or delivered to a Court of Justice. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
176 Intentionally omitting to give notice or information to a public servant by a person legally bound to give such notice or information. Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
  If the notice or information required respects the commission of an offence, etc. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If the notice or information is required by an order passed under sub-section (1) of section 356 of this Code. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
177 Knowingly furnishing false information to a public servant. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If the information required respects the commission of an offence, etc. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
178 Refusing oath when duly required to take oath by a public servant. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable The Court in which the offence is committed, subject to the provisions of Chapter XXVI; or, if not committed in a Court, any Magistrate.
179 Being legally bound to state truth, and refusing to answer questions. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
180 Refusing to sign a statement made to a public servant when legally required to do so. Simple imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both Ditto Ditto Ditto
181 Knowingly stating to a public servant on oath as true that which is false. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
182 Giving false information to a public servant in order to cause him to use his lawful power to the injury or annoyance of any person. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate..
183 Resistance to the taking of property by the lawful authority of a public servant. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
184 Obstructing sale of property offered for sale by authority of a public servant. Imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
185 Bidding, by a person under a legal incapacity to purchase it, for property at a lawfully authorised sale, or bidding without intending to perform the obligations incurred thereby. Imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 200 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
186 Obstructing public servant in discharge of his public functions. Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
187 Omission to assist public servant when bound by law to give such assistance. Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 200 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  Wilfully neglecting to aid a public servant who demands aid in the execution of process, the prevention of offences, etc. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
188 Disobedience to an order lawfully promulgated by a public servant, if such disobedience causes obstruction, annoyance or injury to persons lawfully employed. Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 200 rupees, or both Cognizable Ditto Ditto
  If such disobedience causes danger to human life, health or safety, etc. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
189 Threatening a public servant with injury to him or one in whom he is interested, to induce him to do or forbear to do any official act. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Noncognizable Ditto Ditto
190 Threatening any person to induce him to refrain from making a legal application for protection from injury. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
193 Giving or fabricating false evidence in a judicial proceeding. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class
  Giving or fabricating false evidence in any other case Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
194 Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to cause any person to be convicted of capital offence. Imprisonment for life, or rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Nonbailable Court of session.
  If innocent person be thereby convicted and executed. Death, or as above. Ditto Ditto Ditto
195 Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction of an offence punishable with imprisonment for life or with imprisonment for 7 years, or upwards. The same as for the offence. Ditto Ditto Ditto
195A Threatening any person to give false evidence. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Court by which offence of giving false evidence is triable.
  If innocent person is convicted and sentenced in consequence of false evidence with death, or imprisonment for more than seven years. The same as for the offence. Ditto Ditto Ditto
196 Using in a judicial proceeding evidence known to be false or fabricated. The same as for giving or fabricating false evidence Non-cognizable According as offence of giving such evidence is bailable or nonbailable. Court by which offence of giving or fabricating false evidence is triable.
197 Knowingly issuing or signing a false certificate relating to any fact of which such certificate is by law admissible in evidence. Ditto Ditto Bailable Court by which offence of giving false evidence is triable.
198 Using as a true certificate one known to be false in a material point. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
199 False statement made in any declaration which is by law receivable as evidence. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
200 Using as true any such declaration known to be false. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
201 Causing disappearance of evidence of an offence committed, or giving false information touching it to screen the offender, if a capital offence. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. According as the offence in relation to which disappearance of evidence is caused is cognizable or noncognizable. Ditto Court of Session.
  If punishable with imprisonment for life or imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Non-cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
  If punishable with less than 10 years’ imprisonment. Imprisonment for a quarter of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Court by which the offence is triable.
202 Intentional omission to give information of an offence by a person legally bound to inform. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
203 Giving false information respecting an offence committed. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
204 Secreting or destroying any document to prevent its production as evidence. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
205 False personation for the purpose of any act or proceeding in a suit or criminal prosecution, or for becoming bail or security. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
206 Fraudulent removal or concealment, etc., of property to prevent its seizure as a forfeiture or in satisfaction of a fine under sentence, or in execution of a decree. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
207 Claiming property without right, or practicing deception touching any right to it, to prevent its being taken as a forfeiture, or in satisfaction of a fine under sentence, or in execution of a decree. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
208 Fraudulently suffering a decree to pass for a sum not due, or suffering decree to be executed after it has been satisfied. Ditto Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
209 False claim in a Court of Justice. Imprisonment for 2 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
210 Fraudulently obtaining a decree for a sum not due, or causing a decree to be executed after it has been satisfied. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
211 False charge of offence made with intent to injure. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If offence charged be punishable with imprisonment for 7 years or upwards. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If offence charged be capital or punishable with imprisonment for life. Ditto Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
212 Harbouring an offender, if the offence be capital. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
  If punishable with imprisonment for life or with imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for 1 year and not for 10 years. Imprisonment for a quarter of the longest term, and of the descriptions, provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
213 Taking gift, etc., to screen an offender from punishment if the offence be capital. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for life or with imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for less than 10 years. Imprisonment for a quarter of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
214 Offering gift or restoration of property in consideration of screening offender if the offence be capital. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for life or with imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for less than 10 years. Imprisonment for a quarter of the longest term, provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
215 Taking gift to help to recover movable property of which a person has been deprived by an offence without causing apprehension of offender. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
216 Harbouring an offender who has escaped from custody, or whose apprehension has been ordered, if the offence be capital. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
  If punishable with imprisonment for life or with imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 3 years, with or without fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for 1 year and not for 10 years. Imprisonment for a quarter of the longest term provided for the offence, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
216A Harbouring robbers or dacoits. Rigorous imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
217 Public servant disobeying a direction of law with intent to save person from punishment, or property from forfeiture. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Any Magistrate.
218 Public servant framing an incorrect record or writing with intent to save person from punishment, or property from forfeiture. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
219 Public servant in a judicial proceeding corruptly making and pronouncing an order, report, verdict, or decision which he knows to be contrary to law. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Non- cognizable Ditto Ditto
220 Commitment for trial or confinement by a person having authority, who knows that he is acting contrary to law. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
221 Intentional omission to apprehend on the part of a public servant bound by law to apprehend an offender, if the offence be capital. Imprisonment for 7 years, with or without fine. According as the offence in relation to which such omission has been made is cognizable or noncognizable. Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for life or imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 3 years, with or without fine. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
  If punishable with imprisonment for less than 10 years. Imprisonment for 2 years, with or without fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
222 Intentional omission to apprehend on the part of a public servant bound by law to apprehend person under sentence of a Court of Justice if under sentence of death. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 14 years, with or without fine. Ditto Nonbailable Court of Session.
  If under sentence of imprisonment for life or imprisonment for 10 years, or upwards. Imprisonment for 7 years, with or without fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
  If under sentence of imprisonment for less than 10 years or lawfully committed to custody. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Ditto
223 Escape from confinement negligently suffered by a public servant. Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Any Magistrate.
224 Resistance or obstruction by a person to his lawful apprehension. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
225 Resistance or obstruction to the lawful apprehension of any person, or rescuing him from lawful custody. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If charged with an offence punishable with imprisonment for life or imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Nonbailable Magistrate of the first class.
  If charged with a capital offence. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If the person is sentenced to imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years, or upwards. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Cognizable Nonbailable Magistrate of the first class.
  If under sentence of death Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
225A Omission to apprehend, or sufferance of escape on part of public servant, in cases not otherwise provided for:–        
  (a) in case of intentional omission or sufferance; Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
  (b) in case of negligent omission or sufferance. Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
225B Resistance or obstruction to lawful apprehension, or escape or rescue in cases not otherwise provided for. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
227 Violation of condition of remission of punishment. Punishment of original sentence, or if part of the punishment has been undergone, the residue. Ditto Nonbailable The Court by which the original offence was triable.
228 Intentional insult or interruption to a public servant sitting in any stage of a judicial proceeding. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable The Court in which the offence is committed subject to the provisions of Chapter XXVI.
228A Disclosure of identity of the victim of certain offences, etc. Imprisonment for two years and fine. Cognizable Ditto Any Magistrate.
  Printing or publication of a proceeding without prior permission of court. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
229 Personation of a juror or assessor. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
229A Failure by person released on bail or bond to appear in Court Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both Cognizable Nonbailable Any Magistrate.
231 Counterfeiting, or performing any part of the process of counterfeiting, coin. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable  Magistrate of the first class.
232 Counterfeiting, or performing any part of the process of counterfeiting, Indian coin. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
233 Making, buying or selling instrument for the purpose of counterfeiting coin. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
234 Making, buying or selling instrument for the purpose of counterfeiting Indian coin. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
235 Possession of instrument or material for the purpose of using the same for counterfeiting coin. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
  If Indian coin. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
236 Abetting, in India, the counterfeiting, out of India, of coin. The punishment provided for abetting the counterfeiting of such coin within India. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
237 Import or export of counterfeit coin, knowing the same to be counterfeit. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
238 Import or export of counterfeit of Indian coin, knowing the same to be counterfeit. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
239 Having any counterfeit coin known to be such when it came into possession, and delivering, etc., the same to any person. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
240 Same with respect to Indian coin. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
241 Knowingly delivering to another any counterfeit coin as genuine, which, when first possessed, the deliverer did not know to be counterfeit. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or 10 times the value of the coin counterfeited, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
242 Possession of counterfeit coin by a person who knew it to be counterfeit when he became possessed thereof. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
243 Possession of Indian coin by a person who knew it to be counterfeit when he became possessed thereof. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
244 Person employed in a Mint causing coin to be of a different weight or composition from that fixed by law. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
245 Unlawfully taking from a Mint any coining instrument. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
246 Fraudulently diminishing the weight or altering the composition of Indian coin. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
247 Fraudulently diminishing the weight or altering the composition of Indian coin Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
248 Altering appearance of any coin with intent that it shall pass as a coin of a different description. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
249 Altering appearance of Indian coin with intent that it shall pass as a coin of a different description. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
250 Delivery to another of coin possessed with the knowledge that it is altered. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
251 Delivery of Indian coin possessed with the knowledge that it is altered. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
252 Possession of altered coin by a person who knew it to be altered when he became possessed thereof. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
253 Possession of Indian coin by a person who knew it to be altered when he became possessed thereof. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
254 Delivery to another of coin as genuine which, when first possessed, the deliverer did not know to be altered. Imprisonment for 2 years or fine, or 10 times the value of the coin. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
255 Counterfeiting a Government stamp. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
256 Having possession of an instrument or material for the purpose of counterfeiting a Government stamp. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
257 Making, buying or selling instrument for the purpose of counterfeiting a Government stamp. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
258 Sale of counterfeit Government stamp. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
259 Having possession of a counterfeit Government stamp. Ditto Ditto Bailable Ditto
260 Using as genuine a Government stamp known to be counterfeit. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
261 Effacing any writing from a substance bearing a Government stamp, removing from a document a stamp used for it, with intent to cause a loss to Government. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
262 Using a Government stamp known to have been before used. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
263 Erasure of mark denoting that stamps have been used. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
263A Fictitious stamps Fine of 200 rupees Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
264 Fraudulent use of false instrument for weighing mprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
265 Fraudulent use of false weight or measure. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
266 Being in possession of false weights or measures for fraudulent use. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
267 Making or selling false weights or measures for fraudulent use. Ditto Cognizable Non-bailable Ditto
269 Negligently doing any act known to be likely to spread infection of any disease dangerous to life. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
270 Malignantly doing any act known to be likely to spread infection of any disease dangerous to life. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
271 Knowingly disobeying any quarantine rule. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
272 Adulterating food or drink intended for sale, so as to make the same noxious. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
273 Selling any food or drink as food and drink, knowing the same to be noxious. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
274 Adulterating any drug or medical preparation intended for sale so as to lessen its efficacy, or to change its operation, or to make it noxious. Ditto Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
275 Offering for sale or issuing from a dispensary any drug or medical preparation known to have been adulterated. Ditto Ditto Bailable Ditto
276 Knowingly selling or issuing from a dispensary any drug or medical preparation as a different drug or medical preparation. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
277 Defiling the water of a public spring or reservoir. Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
278 Making atmosphere noxious to health. Fine of 500 rupees Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
279 Driving or riding on a public way so rashly or negligently as to endanger human life, etc. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
280 Navigating any vessel so rashly or negligently as to endanger human life, etc Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
281 Exhibition of a false light, mark or buoy. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
282 Conveying for hire any person by water, in a vessel in such a state, or so loaded, as to endanger his life. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
283 Causing danger, obstruction or, injury in any public way or line of navigation. Fine of 200 rupees. Ditto Ditto Ditto
284 Dealing with any poisonous substance so as to endanger human life, etc. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
285 Dealing with fire or any combustible matter so as to endanger human life, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
286 So dealing with any explosive substance. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
287 So dealing with any machinery. Ditto Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
288 A person omitting to guard against probable danger to human life by the fall of any building over which he has a right entitling him to pull it down or repair it. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
289 A person omitting to take order with any animal in his possession, so as to guard against danger to human life, or of grievous hurt, from such animal. Ditto Cognizable Ditto Ditto
290 Committing a public nuisance. Fine of 200 rupees Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
291 Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue. Simple imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
292 Sale, etc., of obscene books, etc. On first conviction, with imprisonment for 2 years, and with fine of 2,000 rupees, and, in the event of second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment for five years, and with fine of 5,000 rupees. Ditto Ditto Ditto
293 Sale, etc., of obscene objects to young persons. On first conviction, with imprisonment for 3 years, and with fine of 2,000 rupees, and in the event of second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment for 7 years, and with fine of 5,000 rupees. Ditto Ditto Ditto
294 Obscene songs Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
294A Keeping a lottery office Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
  Publishing proposals relating to lotteries. Fine of 1,000 rupees Ditto Ditto Ditto
295 Destroying, damaging or defiling a place of worship or sacred object with intent to insult the religion of any class of persons. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine or both. Cognizable Non-Bailable Any Magistrate.
295A Maliciously insulting the religion or the religious beliefs of any class. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
296 Causing a disturbance to an assembly engaged in religious worship. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Any Magistrate.
297 Trespassing in place of worship or sepulcher, disturbing funeral with intention to wound the feelings or to insult the religion of any person, or offering indignity to a human corpse. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
298 Uttering any word or making any sound in the hearing or making any gesture, or placing any object in the sight of any person, with intention to wound his religious feeling. Ditto Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
302 Murder Death, or imprisonment for life, and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
303 Murder by a person under sentence of imprisonment for life. Death Ditto Ditto Ditto
304 Culpable homicide not amounting to murder, if act by which the death is caused is done with intention of causing death, etc. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If act is done with knowledge that it is likely to cause death, but without any intention to cause death, etc. Imprisonment for 10 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
304A Causing death by rash or negligent act. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
304B Dowry death. Imprisonment of not less than seven years but which may extend to imprisonment for life. Ditto Non-bailable Court of Session.
305 Abetment of suicide committed by child, or insane or delirious person or an idiot, or a person intoxicated. Death, or imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
306 Abetting the commission of suicide. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine Ditto Ditto Ditto
307 Attempt to murder Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If such act causes hurt to any person. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  Attempt by life-convict to murder, if hurt is caused. Death, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
308 Attempt to commit culpable homicide Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If such act causes hurt to any person Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
309 Attempt to commit suicide. Simple imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
311 Being a thug. Imprisonment for life and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Court of Session.
312 Causing miscarriage. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
  If the woman be quick with child Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
313 Causing miscarriage without women’s consent. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
314 Death caused by an act done with intent to cause miscarriage. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
315 Act done with intent to prevent a child being born alive, or to cause it to die after its birth. Imprisonment for 10 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
316 Causing death of a quick unborn child by an act amounting to culpable homicide. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
317 Exposure of a child under 12 years of age by parent or person having care of it with intention of wholly abandoning it. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
318 Concealment of birth by secret disposal of dead body. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
323 Voluntarily causing hurt. Imprisonment for 1 year or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Any Magistrate.
324 Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
325 Voluntarily causing grievous hurt. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
326 Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
326A Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of acid, etc. Imprisonment for not less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and fine to be paid to the victim. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session
326B Voluntarily throwing or attempting to throw acid. Imprisonment for 5 years but which may extend to 7 years and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session
327 Voluntarily causing hurt to extort property or a valuable security, or to constrain to do anything which is illegal or which may facilitate the commission of an offence. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
328 Administering stupefying drug with intent to cause hurt, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
329 Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort property or a valuable security, or to constrain to do anything which is illegal, or which may facilitate the commission of an offence Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
330 Voluntarily causing hurt to extort confession or information, or to compel restoration of property, etc. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
331 Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort confession or information, or to compel restoration of property, etc. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Court of Session.
332 Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty. Imprisonment for 3 years or fine or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
333 Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to deter public servant from his duty Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
334 Voluntarily causing hurt on grave and sudden provocation, not intending to hurt any other than the person who gave the provocation. Imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
335 Causing grievous hurt on grave and sudden provocation, not intending to hurt any other than the person who gave the provocation. Imprisonment for 4 years, or fine of 2,000 rupees, or both. Cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
336 Doing any act which endangers human life or the personal safety of others. Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 250 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
337 Causing hurt by an act which endangers human life, etc. Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
338 Causing grievous hurt by an act which endangers human life, etc. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
341 Wrongfully restraining any person. Simple imprisonment for 1 month, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
342 Wrongfully confining any person. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
343 Wrongfully confining for three or more days. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
344 Wrongfully confining for 10 or more days. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
345 Keeping any person in wrongful confinement, knowing that a writ has been issued for his liberation. Imprisonment for 2 years, in addition to imprisonment under any other section. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
346 Wrongful confinement in secret. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
347 Wrongful confinement for the purpose of extorting property, or constraining to an illegal act, etc. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
348 Wrongful confinement for the purpose of extorting confession or information, or of compelling restoration of property, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
352 Assault or use of criminal force otherwise than on grave provocation. Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
353 Assault or use of criminal force to deter a public servant from discharge of his duty. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Non-bailable Ditto.
354 Assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty. Imprisonment of 1 year which may extend to 5 years, and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Any Magistrate
354A Sexual harassment of the nature of unwelcome physical contact and advances or a demand or request for sexual favours, showing pornography. Imprisonment which may extend to 3 years or with fine or with both. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate
  Sexual harassment of the nature of making sexually coloured remark. Imprisonment which may extend to 1 year or with fine or with both. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate
354B Assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe. Imprisonment of not less than 3 years but which may extend to 7 years and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Any Magistrate
354C Voyeurism. Imprisonment of not less than 1 year but which may extend to 3 years and with fine for first conviction. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
    Imprisonment of not less than 3 years but which may extend 7 years and with fine for second or subsequent conviction. Cognizable Non-bailable Any Magistrate
354D Stalking. Imprisonment up to 3 years and with fine for first conviction. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
    Imprisonment up to 5 years and with fine for second or subsequent conviction. Cognizable Non-bailable Any Magistrate.
355 Assault or criminal force with intent to dishonor a person, otherwise than on grave and sudden provocation. Ditto Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
356 Assault or criminal force in attempt to commit theft of property worn or carried by a person. Ditto Cognizable Ditto Ditto
357 Assault or use of criminal force in attempt wrongfully to confine a person. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both Ditto Ditto Ditto
358 Assault or use of criminal force on grave and sudden provocation. Simple imprisonment for one month, or fine of 200 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
363 Kidnapping Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
363A Kidnapping or obtaining the custody of a minor in order that such minor may be employed or used for purposes of begging. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
  Maiming a minor in order that such minor may be employed or used for purposes of begging. Imprisonment for life and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
364 Kidnapping or abducting in order to murder. Imprisonment for life, or rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
364A Kidnapping for ransom, etc. Death, or imprisonment for life and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
365 Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine a person. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
366 Kidnapping or abducting a woman to compel her marriage or to cause her defilement, etc. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
366A Procuration of a minor girl. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
366B Importation of a girl from foreign country. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
367 Kidnapping or abducting in order to subject a person to grievous hurt, slavery, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
368 Concealing or keeping in confinement a kidnapped person. Punishment for kidnapping or abduction. Ditto Ditto Court by which the kidnapping or abduction is triable.
369 Kidnapping or abducting a child with intent to take property from the person of such child. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
370 Trafficking of person. Imprisonment of not less than 7 years but which may extend to 10 years and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Trafficking of more than one person. Imprisonment of not less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Trafficking of a minor. Imprisonment of not less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Trafficking of more than one minor. Imprisonment of not less than 14 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and with fine Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Person convicted of offence of trafficking of minor on more than one occasion. Imprisonment for life which shall mean the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Public servant or a police officer involved in trafficking of minor. Imprisonment for life which shall mean the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
370A Exploitation of a trafficked child. Imprisonment of not less than 5 years but which may extend to 7 years and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Exploitation of a trafficked person. Imprisonment of not less than 3 years but which may extend to 5 years and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
371 Habitual dealing in slaves. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
372 Selling or letting to hire a minor for
purposes of prostitution, etc.
Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
373 Buying or obtaining possession of a minor for the same purposes. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
374 Unlawful compulsory labour. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Any Magistrate.
376 Rape Rigorous imprisonment of not less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Rape by a police officer or a public servant or member of armed forces or a person being on the management or on the staff of a jail, remand home or other place of custody or women’s or children’s institution or by a person on the management or on the staff of a hospital, and rape committed by a person in a position of trust or authority towards the person raped or by a near relative of the person raped. Rigorous imprisonment of not less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
  Persons committing offence of rape on a woman under sixteen years of age. Rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
376A Person committing an offence of rape and inflicting injury which causes death or causes the woman to be in a persistent vegetative state. Rigorous imprisonment of not less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life or with death. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
376AB Person committing an offence of rape on a woman under twelve years of age. Rigorous imprisonment of not less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for that person’s natural life and with fine or with death. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
376B Sexual intercourse by husband upon his wife during separation. Imprisonment for not less than 2 years but which may extend to 7 years and with fine. Cognizable Bailable Court of Session.
376C Sexual intercourse by a person in authority. Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 5 years but which may extend to 10 years and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
376D Gang rape Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine to be paid to the victim. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
376DA Gang rape on a woman under sixteen years of age. Imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
376DB Gang rape on woman under twelve years of age. Imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and with fine or with death. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
376E Repeat offenders. Imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life or with death. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
377 Unnatural offences Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
379 Theft Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Non-bailable Any Magistrate.
380 Theft in a building, tent or vessel Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
381 Theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master or employer. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
382 Theft, after preparation having been made for causing death, or hurt, or restraint, or fear of death, or of hurt, or of restraint, in order to the committing of such theft, or to retiring after committing it, or to retaining property taken by it. Rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
384 Extortion Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
385 Putting or attempting to put in fear of injury, in order to commit extortion. mprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Ditto
386 Extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
387 Putting or attempting to put a person in fear of death or grievous hurt in order to commit extortion. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
388 Extortion by threat of accusation of an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Bailable Ditto
389 Putting a person in fear of accusation of an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years in order to commit extortion. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If the offence be an unnatural offence. Imprisonment for life. Ditto Ditto Ditto
392 Robbery Rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
  If committed on the highway between sunset and sunrise. Rigorous imprisonment for 14 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
393 Attempt to commit robbery. Rigorous imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
394 Person voluntarily causing hurt in committing or attempting to commit robbery, or any other person jointly concerned in such robbery Imprisonment for life, or rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
395 Dacoity Ditto Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
396 Murder in dacoity Death, imprisonment for life, or rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
397 Robbery or dacoity, with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt. Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 7 years. Ditto Ditto Ditto
398 Attempt to commit robbery or dacoity when armed with deadly weapon. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
399 Making preparation to commit dacoity. Rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
400 Belonging to a gang of persons associated for the purpose of habitually committing dacoity. Imprisonment for life, or rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
401 Belonging to a wandering gang of persons associated for the purpose of habitually committing thefts. Rigorous imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
402 Being one of five or more persons assembled for the purpose of committing dacoity. Ditto Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
403 Dishonest misappropriation of movable property, or converting it to one’s own use. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
404 Dishonest misappropriation of property, knowing that it was in possession of a deceased person at his death, and that it has not since been in the possession of any person legally entitled to it. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class..
  If by clerk or person employed by deceased Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
406 Criminal breach of trust Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Non-bailable Ditto
407 Criminal breach of trust by a carrier, wharfinger, etc. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
408 Criminal breach of trust by a clerk or servant. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
409 Criminal breach of trust by public servant or by banker, merchant or agent, etc. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
411 Dishonestly receiving stolen property knowing it to be stolen. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
412 Dishonestly receiving stolen property, knowing that it was obtained by dacoity. Imprisonment for life, or rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
413 Habitually dealing in stolen property. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
414 Assisting in concealment or disposal of stolen property, knowing it to be stolen. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
417 Cheating Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Ditto
418 Cheating a person whose interest the offender was bound, either by law or by legal contract, to protect. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
419 Cheating by personation . Ditto Cognizable Ditto Ditto
420 Cheating and thereby dishonestly inducing delivery of property, or the making, alteration or destruction of a valuable security. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
421 Fraudulent removal or concealment of property, etc., to prevent distribution among creditors. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
422 Fraudulently preventing from being made available for his creditors a debt or demand due to the offender. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
423 Fraudulent execution of deed of transfer containing a false statement of consideration. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
424 Fraudulent removal or concealment of property, of himself or any other person or assisting in the doing thereof, or dishonestly releasing any demand or claim to which he is entitled. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
426 Mischief Imprisonment for 3 months or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
427 Mischief, and thereby causing damage to the amount of 50 rupees or upwards. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
428 Mischief by killing, poisoning, maiming or rendering useless any animal of the value of 10 rupees or upwards. Ditto Cognizable Ditto Ditto
429 Mischief by killing, poisoning, maiming or rendering useless any elephant, camel, horse, etc., whatever may be its value, or any other animal of the value of 50 rupees or upwards. Imprisonment for 5 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
430 Mischief by causing diminution of supply of water for agricultural purposes, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
431 Mischief by injury to public road, bridge, navigable river, or navigable channel, and rendering it impassable or less safe for travelling or conveying property. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
432 Mischief by causing inundation or obstruction to public drainage attended with damage. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
433 Mischief by destroying or moving or rendering less useful a lighthouse or seamark, or by exhibiting false lights. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
434 Mischief by destroying or moving, etc., a landmark fixed by public authority Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Any Magistrate.
435 Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause damage to an amount of 100 rupees or upwards, or, in case of agricultural produce, 10 rupees or upwards. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Cognizable Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
436 Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to destroy a house, etc. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Court of Session.
437 Mischief with intent to destroy or make unsafe a decked vessel or a vessel of 20 tonnes burden. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
438 The mischief described in the last section when committed by fire or any explosive substance. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
439 Running vessel ashore with intent to commit theft, etc. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
440 Mischief committed after preparation made for causing death, or hurt, etc. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Ditto Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
447 Criminal trespass Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 500 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
448 House-trespass Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine of 1,000 rupees, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
449 House-trespass in order to the commission of an offence punishable with death. Imprisonment for life, or rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
450 House-trespass in order to the commission of an offence punishable with imprisonment for life. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
451 House-trespass in order to the commission of an offence punishable with imprisonment. Imprisonment for 2 years and fine. Ditto Bailable Any Magistrate.
452 House-trespass, having made preparation for causing hurt, assault, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
453 Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking. Imprisonment for 2 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
454 Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking in order to the commission of an offence punishable with imprisonment. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If the offence be theft Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
455 Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking after preparation made for causing hurt, assault, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
456 Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
457 Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night in order to the commission of an offence punishable with imprisonment. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
  If the offence is theft Imprisonment for 14 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
458 Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night, after preparation made for causing hurt, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
459 Grievous hurt caused whilst committing lurking house-trespass or house-breaking. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
460 Death or grievous hurt caused by one of several persons jointly concerned in housebreaking by night, etc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
461 Dishonestly breaking open or unfastening any closed receptacle containing or supposed to contain property. Imprisonment for 2 years or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
462 Being entrusted with any closed receptacle containing or supposed to contain any property, and fraudulently opening the same Imprisonment for 3 years or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Ditto
465 Forgery Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
466 Forgery of a record of a Court of Justice or of a Registrar of Births, etc., kept by a public servant. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
467 Forgery of a valuable security, will, or authority to make or transfer any valuable security, or to receive any money, etc. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  When the valuable security is a promissory note of the Central Government. Ditto Cognizable Ditto Ditto
468 Forgery for the purpose of cheating. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
469 Forgery for the purpose of harming the reputation of any person or knowing that it is likely to be used for that purpose. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Bailable Ditto
471 Using as genuine a forged document which is known to be forged. Punishment for forgery of such document. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  When the forged document is a promissory note of the Central Government. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
472 Making or counterfeiting a seal, plate, etc., with intent to commit a forgery punishable under section 467 of the Indian Penal Code, or possessing with like intent any such seal, plate, etc., knowing the same to be counterfeit. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
473 Making or counterfeiting a seal, plate, etc., with intent to commit a forgery punishable otherwise than under section 467 of the Indian Penal Code, or possessing with like intent any such seal, plate, etc., knowing the same to be counterfeit. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
474 Having possession of a document, knowing it to be forged, with intent to use it as genuine; if the document is one of the description mentioned in section 466 of the Indian Penal Code. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
  If the document is one of the description mentioned in section 467 of the Indian Penal Code. mprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
475 Counterfeiting a device or mark used for authenticating documents described in section 467 of the Indian Penal Code, or possessing counterfeit marked material. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
476 Counterfeiting a device or mark used for authenticating documents other than those described in section 467 of the Indian Penal Code, or possessing counterfeit marked material. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
477 Fraudulently destroying or defacing, or attempting to destroy or deface, or secreting, a will, etc. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
477A Falsification of accounts. Imprisonment for 7 years or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Ditto
482 Using a false property mark with intent to deceive or injure any person. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
483 Counterfeiting a property mark used by another, with intent to cause damage or injury. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
484 Counterfeiting a property mark used by a public servant, or any mark used by him to denote the manufacture, quality, etc., of any property. Imprisonment for 3 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
485 Fraudulently making or having possession of any die, plate or other instrument for counterfeiting any public or private property mark. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
486 Knowingly selling goods marked with a counterfeit property mark. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
487 Fraudulently making a false mark upon any package or receptacle containing goods, with intent to cause it to be believed that it contains goods, which it does not contain, etc. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
488 Making use of any such false mark. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
489 Removing, destroying or defacing property mark with intent to cause injury. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
489A Counterfeiting currency-notes or bank-notes. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
489B Using as genuine forged or counterfeit currency-notes or banknotes. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
489C Possession of forged or counterfeit currency-notes or bank-notes. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Bailable Ditto
489D Making or possessing machinery, instrument or material for forging or counterfeiting currency-notes or bank-notes. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
489E Making or using documents resembling currency-notes or banknotes. Fine of 100 rupees. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
  On refusal to disclose the name and address of the printer. Fine of 200 rupees. Ditto Ditto Ditto
491 Being bound to attend on or supply the wants of a person who is helpless from youth, unsoundness of mind or disease, and voluntarily omitting to do so. Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 200 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
493 A man by deceit causing a woman not lawfully married to him to believe, that she is lawfully married to him and to cohabit with him in that belief. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Non-cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the first class.
494 Marrying again during the life time of a husband or wife. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Bailable Ditto
495 Same offence with concealment of the former marriage from the person with whom subsequent marriage is contracted. Imprisonment for 10 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
496 A person with fraudulent intention going through the ceremony of being married, knowing that he is not thereby lawfully married. Imprisonment for 7 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
497 Adultery Imprisonment for 5 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Ditto
498 Enticing or taking away or detaining with a criminal intent a married woman. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
498A Punishment for subjecting a married woman to cruelty. Imprisonment for three years and fine. Cognizable if information relating to the commission of the offence is given to an officer in charge of a police station by the person aggrieved by the offence or by any person related to her by blood, marriage or adoption or if there is no such relative, by any public servant belonging to such class or category as may be notified by the State Government in this behalf. Non-bailable Magistrate of
the first
500 Defamation against the President or the Vice-President or the Governor of a State or Administrator of a Union territory or a Minister in respect of his conduct in the discharge of his public functions when instituted upon a complaint made by the Public Prosecutor. Simple imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Court of Session.
  Defamation in any other case Ditto Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
501(a) Printing or engraving matter knowing it to be defamatory against the President or the Vice-President or the Governor of a State or Administrator of a Union territory or a Minister in respect of his conduct in the discharge of his public functions when instituted upon a complaint made by the Public Prosecutor. Ditto Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
(b) Printing or engraving matter knowing it to be defamatory, in any other case. Ditto Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
502(a) Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter, knowing it to contain such matter against the President or the VicePresident or the Governor of a State or Administrator of a Union territory or a Minister in respect of his conduct in the discharge of his public functions when instituted upon a complaint made by the Public Prosecutor. Ditto Ditto Ditto Court of Session.
(b) Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter, knowing it to contain such matter in any other case. Ditto Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
504 Insult intended to provoke breach of the peace. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
505 False statement, rumour, etc., circulated with intent to cause mutiny or offence against the public peace. Imprisonment for 3 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Non-bailable Ditto
  False statement, rumour, etc., with intent to create enmity, hatred or illwill between different classes Ditto Cognizable Ditto Ditto
  False statement, rumour, etc., made in place of worship, etc., with intent to create enmity, hatred or ill-will. Imprisonment for 5 years and fine. Ditto Ditto Ditto
506 Criminal intimidation. Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both. Non-cognizable Bailable Ditto
  If threat be to cause death or grievous hurt, etc. Imprisonment for 7 years, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
507 Criminal intimidation by anonymous communication or having taken precaution to conceal whence the threat comes. Imprisonment for 2 years, in addition to the punishment under above section. Ditto Ditto Ditto
508 Act caused by inducing a person to believe that he will be rendered an object of Divine displeasure. Imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both. Ditto Ditto Any Magistrate.
509 Uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman, etc. Simple imprisonment for 3 years and with fine. Cognizable Ditto Ditto
510 Appearing in a public place, etc., in a state of intoxication, and causing annoyance to any person. Simple imprisonment for 24 hours, or fine of 10 rupees, or both. Non-cognizable Ditto Ditto
511 Attempting to commit offences punishable with imprisonment for life, or imprisonment, and in such attempt doing any act towards the commission of the offence. Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment not exceeding half.of the longest term, provided for the offence, or fine, or both According as the offence is cognizable or non-cognizable. According as the offence attempted by the offender is bailable or not. The court by which the offence attempted is triable.


Offence Cognizable or noncognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what court triable
If punishable with death, imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for more than 7 years Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
If punishable with imprisonment for 3 years and upwards but not more than 7 years Ditto Ditto Magistrate of the first class.
If punishable with imprisonment for less than 3 years or with fine only. Noncognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.


(a) In the entries relating to Section 211, the following entries shall be added, namely: —
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
If offence charged be punishable under Ss. 354, 354A, 354B, 354C, 354D, 354E, 376B, 376C, 376F, 509, 509A or 509B. Imprisonment not less than 3 years but which may extend to 5 years and fine. Non-Cognizable Bailable Magistrate of the first class.
(b) In the entries relating to Section 354, the following entries shall be added, namely: —
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
If committed by relative of the woman. Imprisonment not less than 2 years but which may extend to 7 years and fine. Cognizable NonBailable Magistrate of the first class.
(C) After the entries relating to Section 354D, the following shall be inserted, namely: —
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
354E Liability of person present who fails to prevent the commission of offence under Ss. 354, 354A, 354B, 354C or 354D. Imprisonment upto 3 years or fine or both. Cognizable Bailable Any Magistrate.
(d) After the entries relating of Section 376E, the following shall be inserted, namely: —
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
376F Liability of person in-charge of any work place and others to give information
about offence.
Imprisonment upto 3 years and fine. Cognizable Non- Bailable Magistrate of first class.
(e) After the entries relating to Section 509, the following shall be inserted, namely: —
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
509A Sexual harassment by relative. Rigorous imprisonment not less than 1 year but which may extend upto 5 years and fine. Cognizable NonBailable Magistrate of first class.
509B Sexual harassment by electronic modes. Rigorous imprisonment not less than 6 months but which may extend upto 2 years and fine. Cognizable NonBailable Magistrate of first class,
[Vide Chhattisgarh Act 25 of 2015, s. 13]
In the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in the First Schedule, in the table, under the heading “Chapter XVII-Offences against Property”, after section 379, the following shall be inserted, namely: —
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
379A Attempt to commit snatching Rigorous imprisonment of not less than five years but which may extend to ten years, and fine of 25,000 rupees. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session
  Committing snatching Rigorous imprisonment of not less than seven years but which may extend to ten years, and fine of 25,000 rupees. Ditto Ditto Ditto
  Causing hurt or wrongful restraint or fear of hurt, in order to effect escape after attempting to commit or after committing snatching Rigorous imprisonment which may extend to three years, in addition to punishment under other sub-sections. Ditto Ditto Ditto
379B Snatching, after preparation having been made for causing death, or hurt, or restraint, in order to the committing of such snatching, or to retaining property taken by it. Rigorous imprisonment f not less than seven years but which may extend to ten year, and fine of 25,000 rupees. Ditto Ditto Ditto
[Vide Gujrat Act 6 of 2019, s. 3.]
Madhya Pradesh
Amendment of First Schedule.- In the First Schedule to the principal Act, under the heading “IOFFENCES UNDER THE INDIAN PENAL CODE”, after the entries relating to section 354, the following entries shall be inserted, namely:-
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
354-A Assault or use of Criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe her. Imprisonment of not less than one year but which may extend to ten years and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 15 of 2004, s. 5.]
Madhya Pradesh
Amendment of the First Schedule.—In the First Schedule to the principal Act, under the heading “I-Offences under the Indian Penal Code”, in column 6 against section 317, 318, 326, 363, 363A, 365, 377, 392, 393, 394, 409, 435, 466, 467, 468, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477 and 477A, for the words, “Magistrate of the first class”, wherever they occur, the words “Court of Session” shall be substituted.
[Vide Madhya Pradesh Act 2 of 2008, s. 4.]
In the First Schedule to the Code of Criminal Procedure, under heading “I,- OFFENCES UNDER THE INDIAN PENAL CODE”,-
(i) for the entry relating to section 332, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:—
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
332 Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty. Imprisonment for 5 years or fine, or both. Cognizable Non- bailable Court of Session.
(ii) for the entry relating to section 353, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:—
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable or nonbailable By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
353 Assault or use of criminal force to deter a public servant from discharge of his duty. Imprisonment for five years, or fine, or both. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session
[Vide Maharashtra Act 40 of 2018, s. 5.]
1 This Act may be called the Code of Criminal Procedure (Haryana Amendment) Act, 2014. Short title
2 In the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 in its application to the State of Haryana, in the First Schedule, in the table, after section 379, the following entries shall be inserted, namely:— Amendment of First Schedule to Central Act 2 of 1974
1 2 3 4 5 6
379-A Snatching Rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years but which may extend to ten years, and fine of Rs. 25,000/- Cognizable Nonbailable Court of Session
379-B Snatching with hurt or wrongful restraint or fear of hurt. Rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years and which may extend to fourteen years, and fine of Rs.
Ditto Ditto Ditto
[Vide Notification No. GSR929(E) dated 16th December, 2019.]
Himachal Pradesh
Amendment of Central Act No. 2 of 1974.—In the First Schedule to the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, under the heading “1. OFFENCES UNDER THE INDIAN PENAL CODE” after the entries relating to section 304- A, the following entries shall be inserted, namely:—
1 2 3 4 5 6
304-AA Causing death or injury by driving a public service vehicle while in a state of intoxication mprisonment for life, or imprisonment for seven years and fine Ditto Non-bailable Court of Session
[Vide Himachal Pradesh 19 of 1997, s. 3.]
Himachal Pradesh
Amendment of Central Act No. 2 of 1974. — In the First Schedule to the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, under the heading “I, OFFENCES UNDER THE INDIAN PENAL CODE”, after the entries relating to section 289, the following entries shall be inserted, namely:—
1 2 3 4 5 6
289-A Whoever throws eatables in public place, other than those notified by the State Government in the Official Gazette, and thereby entice monkeys to assemble at such place for taking eatables which result in causing danger to human life or to be likely to cause injury or annoyance to the public or to the people in general or to cause hindrance in smooth running of vehicular traffic. Imprisonment for one month or fine of Rs. 1000/- or both Ditto Ditto Ditto
[Vide Himachal Pradesh Act 15 of 2006, s. 3.]
Himachal Pradesh
Amendment of Central Act No. 2 of 1947. —In the First Schedule to the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, under the heading “ OFFENCES UNDER THE INDIAN PENAL CODE”, in its application to the State of Himachal Pradesh, against the entries relating to section 304-AA, under column 2, for the words “a public service vehicle”, the words “any vehicle” shall be substituted.
[Vide Himachal Pradesh Act 7 of 2012, s. 3.]
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).—
1 2 3 4 5  
354E Sextortion Imprisonment of not less than 3 years but which may extend to five years and with fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Magistrate of the First Class
[vide the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, vide notification No. S.O. 1123(E) dated (18-3-2020).]
Amendment of First Schedule.—In the First Schedule to the said Code, in the entry under column 5 relating to section 354 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860) for the word “Bailable” the word “non-bailable” shall be substituted.
[Vide Orissa Act 6 of 1995, s. 3]
Amendment of First Schedule.— In the first Schedule to the principal Act, for the existing entries relating to sections 272, 273,274, 275 and 276, the following entries shall respectively be substituted , namely:—
Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or non-cognizable Bailable nonbailable or By what Court triable
1 2 3 4 5 6
272 Adulterating food or drink intended For sale, or as to make the same noxious. Imprisonment for life and fine. Cognizable Non-bailable Court of Session.
273 Selling any food or drink as food and drink, knowing the same to be noxious. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
274 Adulterating any drug or medical Preparation intended for sale so as to Lessen its efficacy, or to change its Operation, or to make it noxious. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
275 Offering for sale or issuing from a dispensary and drug or medical preparation known to have been adulterated. Imprisonment for life and fine Cognizable Non-bailable Court for session.
276 knowingly selling or issuing from A dispensary and drug or medical Preparation as a different drug or medical preparation. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
[Vide Orissa Act 6 of 2004, s. 3]
(See section 61)
To (name of accused) of (address)
WHEREAS your attendance is necessary to answer to a charge of (state shortly the offence charged), you are hereby required to appear in person (or by pleader, as the case may be) before the (Magistrate) of , on the day . Herein fail not.
Dated, this day of , 19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 70)
To (name and designation of the person or persons who is or are to execute the warrant).
WHEREAS (name of accused) of (address) stands charged with the offence of (state the offence), you are hereby directed to arrest the said , and to produce him before me. Herein fail not
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 71)
This warrant may be endorsed as follows:—
If the said shall give bail himself in the sum of rupees with one surety in the sum of rupees (or two sureties each in the sum of rupees ) to attend before me on the day of and to continue so to attend until otherwise directed by me, he may be released.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 81)
I, (name), of ,being brought before the District Magistrate of (or as the case may be) under a warrant issued to compel my appearance to answer to the charge of , do hereby bind myself to attend in the Court of on the day of next, to answer to the said charge, and to continue so to attend until otherwise directed by the Court; and, in case of my making default herein, I bind myself to forfeit, to Government, the sum of rupees
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(See section 82)
WHEREAS a complaint has been made before me that (name, description and address) has committed (or is suspected to have committed) the offence of , punishable under section of the Indian Penal Code, and it has been returned to a warrant of arrest thereupon issued that the said (name) cannot be found, and whereas it has been shown to my satisfaction that the said (name) has absconded (or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warranty);
Proclamation is hereby made that the said of is required to appear at (place) before this Court (or before me) to answer the said complaint on the day of
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See sections 82, 87 and 90)
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that (name, description and address) has committed (or is suspected to have committed) the offence of (mention the offence concisely) and a warrant has been issued to compel the attendance of (name, description and address of the witness) before this Court to be examined touching the matter of the said complaint; and whereas it has been returned to the said warrant that the said (name of witness) cannot be served, and it has been shown to my satisfaction that he has absconded (or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant)
Proclamation is hereby made that the said (name) is required to appear at (place) before the Court on the day of next at o’clock to be examined touching the offence complained of.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 83)
To the officer in charge of the police station at
WHEREAS a warrant has been duly issued to compel the attendance of (name, description and address) to testify concerning a complaint pending before this Court, and it has been returned to the said warrant that it cannot be served; and whereas it has been shown to my satisfaction that he has absconded (or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant); and thereupon a Proclamation has been or is being duly issued and published requiring the said to appear and give evidence at the time and place mentioned therein;
This is to authorise and require you to attach by seizure the movable property belonging to the said to the value of rupees which you may find within the District of and to hold the said property under attachment pending the further order of this Court, and to return this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 83)
(name and designation of the person or persons who is or are to execute the warrant).
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that (name, description and address) has committed (or is suspected to have committed) the offence of punishable under section of the Indian Penal Code, and it has been returned to a warrant of arrest thereupon issued that the said (name) cannot be found; and whereas it has been shown to my satisfaction that the said (name) has absconded (or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant) and thereupon a Proclamation has been or is being duly issued and published requiring the said to appear to answer the said charge within days; and whereas the said is possessed of the following property, other than land paying revenue to Government, in the village (or town), of , in the District of , viz., , and an order has been made for the attachment thereof;
You are hereby required to attach the said property in the manner specified in clause (a), or clause (c), or both*, of sub-section (2) of section 83, and to hold the same under attachment pending further order of this Court, and to return this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
* Strike out the one which is not applicable, depending on the nature of the property to be attached.
(See section 83)
To the District Magistrate/Collector of the District of
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that (name, description and address) has committed (or is suspected to have committed) the offence of , punishable under section of the Indian Penal Code, and it has been returned to a warrant of arrest thereupon issued that the said (name) cannot be found; and whereas it has been shown to my satisfaction that the said (name) has absconded (or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant) and thereupon a Proclamation has been or is being duly issued and published requiring the said (name) to appear to answer the said charge within days; and whereas the said is possessed of certain land paying revenue to Government in the village (or town) of , in the District of
You are hereby authorised and requested to cause the said land to be attached, in the manner specified in clause (a), or clause (c), or both*, of sub-section (4) of section 83, and to be held under attachment pending the further order of this Court, and to certify without delay what you may have done in pursuance of this order.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 87)
(name and designation of the police officer or other person or persons who is or are to execute the warrant).
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that (name and description of accused) of (address) has (or is suspected to have) committed the offence of (mention the offence concisely), and it appears likely that (name and description of witness) can give evidence concerning the said complaint, and whereas I have good and sufficient reason to believe that he will not attend as a witness on the hearing of the said complaint unless compelled to do so;
This is to authorise and require you to arrest the said (name of witness), and on the day of to bring him before this Court , to be examined touching the offence complained of.
Dated, this day of , 19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 93)
(name and designation of the police officer or other person or persons who is or are to execute the warrant).
WHEREAS information has been laid (or complaint has been made) before me of the commission (or suspected commission) of the offence of (mention the offence concisely), and it has been made to appear to me that the production of (specify the thing clearly) is essential to the inquiry now being made (or about to be made) into the said offence (or suspected offence);
This is to authorise and require you to search for the said (the thing specified) in the (describe the house or place or part thereof to which the search is to be confined), and, if found, to produce the same forthwith before this Court, returning this warrant, with an endorsement certifying what you have done under it, immediately upon its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 94)
(name and designation of the police officer above the rank of a constable).
WHEREAS information has been laid before me, and on due inquiry thereupon had, I have been led to believe that the (describe the house or other place) is used as a place for the deposit (or sale) of stolen property (or if for either of the other purposes expressed in the section, state the purpose in the words of the section);
This is to authorise and require you to enter the said house (or other place) with such assistance as shall be required, and to use, if necessary, reasonable force for that purpose, and to search every part of the said house (or other place, or if the search is to be confined to a part, specify the part clearly), and to seize and take possession of any property (or documents, or stamps, or seals, or coins, or obscene objects, as the case may be) (add, when the case requires it) and also of any instruments and materials which you may reasonably believe to be kept for the manufacture of forged documents, or counterfeit stamps, or false seals, or counterfeit coins or counterfeit currency notes (as the case may be), and forthwith to bring before this Court such of the said things as may be taken possession of, returning this warrant, with an endorsement certifying what you have done under it, immediately upon its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See sections 106 and 107)
WHEREAS I, (name), inhabitant of (place), have been called upon to enter into a bond to keep the peace for the term of or until the completion of the inquiry in the matter of now pending in the Court of , I hereby bind myself not to commit a breach of the peace, or do any act that may probably occasion a breach of the peace, during the said term or until the completion of the said inquiry and, in case of my making default therein, I hereby bind myself to forfeit, to Government, the sum of rupees
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(See sections 108, 109 and 110)
WHEREAS I, (name), inhabitant of (place), have been called upon to enter into a bond to be of good behaviour to Government and all the citizens of India for the term of (state the period) or until the completion of the inquiry in the matter of now pending in the Court of , I hereby bind myself to be of good behaviour to Government and all the citizens of India during the said term or until the completion of the said inquiry; and, in case of my making default therein, I hereby bind myself to forfeit to Government the sum of rupees
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Where a bond with sureties is to be executed, add)
We do hereby declare ourselves sureties for the above-named that he will be of good behaviour to Government and all the citizens of India during the said term or until the completion of the said inquiry; and, in case of his making default therein, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, to forfeit to Government the sum of rupees
Dated, this day of ,19
(See section 113)
To of
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me by credible information that (state the substance of the information), and that you are likely to commit a breach of the peace (or by which act a breach of the peace will probably be occasioned), you are hereby required to attend in person (or by a duly authorised agent) at the office of the Magistrate of on the day of 19 , at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause why you should not be required to enter into a bond for rupees [when sureties are required, add, and also to give security by the bond of one (or two, as the case may be) surety (or sureties) in the sum of rupees (each if more than one)], that you will keep the peace for the term of
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature
(See section 122)
To the Officer in charge of the Jail at
WHEREAS (name and address) appeared before me in person (or by his authorised agent) on the day of in obedience to a summons calling upon him to show cause why he should not enter into a bond for rupees with one surety (or a bond with two sureties each in rupees ), that he, the said (name) would keep the peace for the period of months; and whereas an order was then made requiring the said (name) to enter into and find such security (state the security ordered when it differs from that mentioned in the summons), and he has failed to comply with the said order;
This is to authorise and require you to receive the said (name) into your custody, together with this warrant, and him safely to keep in the said Jail for the said period of (term of imprisonment) unless he shall in the meantime be lawfully ordered to be released, and to return this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 122)
To the Officer in charge of the Jail at
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that (name and description) has been concealing his presence within the district of and that there is reason to believe that he is doing so with a view to committing a cognizable offence
WHEREAS evidence of the general character of (name and description) has been adduced before me and recorded, from which it appears that he is an habitual robber (or house-breaker, etc., as the case may be);
AND WHEREAS an order has been recorded stating the same and requiring the said (name) to furnish security for his good behaviour for the term of (state the period) by entering into a bond with one surety (or two or more sureties, as the case may be), himself for rupees , and the said surety (or each of the said sureties) rupees , and the said (name) has failed to comply with the said order and for such default has been adjudged imprisonment for (state the term) unless the said security be sooner furnished;
This is to authorise and require you receive the said (name) into your custody, together with this warrant and him safely to keep in the Jail, or if he is already in prison, be detained therein, for the said period of (term of imprisonment) unless he shall in the meantime be lawfully ordered to be released, and to return this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See sections 122 and 123)
To the Officer in charge of the Jail at (or other officer in whose custody the person is).
WHEREAS (name and description of prisoner) was committed to your custody under warrant of the Court, dated the day of 19 ; and has since duly given security under section of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
WHEREAS (name and description of prisoner) was committed to your custody under warrant of the Court, dated the day of 19 ; and there have appeared to me sufficient grounds for the opinion that he can be released without hazard to the community;
This is to authorise and require you forthwith to discharge the said (name) from your custody unless he is liable to be detained for some other cause
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 125)
To the Officer in charge of the Jail at
WHEREAS (name, description and address) has been proved before me to be possessed of sufficient means to maintain his wife (name) [or his child (name) or his father or mother (name), who is by reason of (state the reason) unable to maintain herself (or himself)] and to have neglected (or refused) to do so, and an order has been duly made requiring the said (name) to allow to his said wife (or child or father or mother) for maintenance the monthly sum of rupees ; and whereas it has been further proved that the said (name) in wilful disregard of the said order has failed to pay rupees , being the amount of the allowance for the month (or months) of
And thereupon an order was made adjudging him to undergo imprisonment in the said Jail for the period of
This is to authorise and require you receive the said (name) into your custody in the said Jail, together with this warrant, and there carry the said order into execution according to law, returning this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 125)
(name and designation of the police officer or other person to execute the warrant).
WHEREAS an order has been duly made requiring (name) to allow to his said wife (or child or father or mother) for maintenance the monthly sum of rupees , and whereas the said (name) in wilful disregard of the said order has failed to pay rupees , being the amount of the allowance for the month (or months) of
This is to authorise and require you to attach any movable property belonging to the said (name) which may be found within the district of , and if within (state the number of days or hours allowed) next after such attachment the said sum shall not be paid (or forthwith), to sell the movable property attached, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the said sum, returning this warrant, with an endorsement certifying what you have done under it, immediately upon its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 133)
To (name, description and address).
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that you have caused an obstruction (or nuisance) to persons using the public roadway (or other public place) which, etc., (describe the road or public place) by, etc., (state what it is that causes the obstruction or nuisance), and that such obstruction (or nuisance) still exists;
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that you are carrying on, as owner, or manager, the trade or occupation of (state the particular trade or occupation and the place where it is carried on), and that the same is injurious to the public health (or comfort) by reason (state briefly in what manner the injurious effects are caused), and should be suppressed or removed to different place
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that you are the owner (or are in possession of or have the control over) a certain tank (or well or excavation) adjacent to the public way (describe the thoroughfare), and that the safety of the public is endangered by reason of the said tank (or well or excavation) being without a fence or insecurely fenced);
WHEREAS, etc., etc., (as the case may be);
I do hereby direct and require you within (state the time allowed) (state what is required to be done to abate the nuisance) or to appear at in the Court of on the day of next, and to show cause why this order should not be enforced;
I do hereby direct and require you within (state the time allowed) to cease carrying on the said trade or occupation at the said place, and not again to carry on the same, or to remove the said trade from the place where it is now carried on, or to appear, etc.;
I do hereby direct and require you within (state the time allowed) to put up a sufficient fence (state the kind of fence and the part to be fenced); or to appear, etc.;
I do hereby direct and require you, etc., etc. (as the case may be).
Dated, this day of , 19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 141)
To (name, description and address).
I HEREBY give you notice that it has been found that the order issued on the day of requiring you (state substantially the requisition in the order) is reasonable and proper. Such order has been made absolute, and I hereby direct and require you to obey the said order within (state the time allowed), on peril of the penalty provided by the Indian Penal Code for disobedience thereto.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 142)
To (name, description and address)
WHEREAS the inquiry into the conditional order issued by me on the day of ,19 , is pending, and it has been made to appear to me that the nuisance mentioned in the said order is attended with such imminent danger or injury of a serious kind to the public as to render necessary immediate measures to prevent such danger or injury, I do hereby, under the provisions of section 142 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, direct and enjoin you forthwith to (state plainly what is required to be done as a temporary safeguard), pending the result of the inquiry.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 143)
To (name, description and address).
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that, etc. (state the proper recital, guided by Form No. 20 or Form No. 24, as the case may be);
I do hereby strictly order and enjoin you not to repeat or continue, the said nuisance.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 144)
To (name, description and address).
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that you are in possession (or have the management) of (describe clearly the property), and that, in digging a drain on the said land, you are about to throw or place a portion of the earth and stones dug-up upon the adjoining public road, so as to occasion risk of obstruction to persons using the road;
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that you and a number of other persons (mention the class of persons) are about to meet and proceed in a procession along the public street, etc., (as the case may be) and that such procession is likely to lead to a riot or an affray;
WHEREAS, etc., etc., (as the case may be); I do hereby order you not to place or permit to be placed any of the earth or stones dug from land on any part of the said road;
I do hereby prohibit the procession passing along the said street, and strictly warn and enjoin you not to take any part in such procession (or as the case recited may require).
Dated, this day of , 19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 145)
It appears to me, on the grounds duly recorded, that a dispute, likely to induce a breach of the peace, existed between (describe the parties by name and residence or residence only if the dispute be between bodies of villagers) concerning certain (state concisely the subject of dispute), situate within my local jurisdiction, all the said parties were called upon to give in a written statement of their respective claims as to the fact of actual possession of the said (the subject of dispute), and being satisfied by due inquiry had thereupon, without reference to the merits of the claim of either of the said parties to the legal right of possession, that the claim of actual possession by the said (name or names or description) is true; I do decide and declare that he is (or they are) in possession of the said (the subject of dispute) and entitled to retain such possession until ousted by due course of law, and do strictly forbid any disturbance of his (or their) possession in the meantime.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 146)
To the officer in charge of the police station at
(or, To the Collector of ).
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that a dispute likely to induce a breach of the peace, existed between (describe the parties concerned by name and residence, or residence only if the dispute be between bodies of villagers) concerning certain (state concisely the subject of dispute) situate within the limits of my jurisdiction, and the said parties were thereupon duly called upon to state in writing their respective claims as to the fact of actual possession of the said (the subject of dispute), and whereas, upon due inquiry into the said claims, I have decided that neither of the said parties was in possession of the said (the subject of dispute) (or I am unable to satisfy myself as to which of the said parties was in possession as aforesaid);
This is to authorise and require you to attach the said (the subject of dispute) by taking and keeping possession thereof, and to hold the same under attachment until the decree or order of a competent Court determining the rights of the parties, or the claim to possession, shall have been obtained, and to return this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
A dispute having arisen concerning the right of use of (state concisely the subject of dispute) situate within my local jurisdiction, the possession of which land (or water) is claimed exclusively by (describe the person or persons), and it appears to me, on due inquiry into the same, that the said land (or water) has been open to the enjoyment of such use by the public (or if by an individual or a class of persons, describe him or them) and (if the use can be enjoyed throughout the year) that the said use has been enjoyed within three months of the institution of the said inquiry (or if the use is enjoyable only at a particular season, say, “during the last of the seasons at which the same is capable of being enjoyed”)
I do order that the said (the claimant or claimants of possession) or any one in their interest, shall not take (or retain) possession of the said land (or water) to the exclusion of the enjoyment of the right of use aforesaid, until he (or they) shall obtain the decree or order of a competent Court adjudging him (or them) to be entitled to exclusive possession
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(See section 169)
I, (name), of , being charged with the offence of , and after inquiry required to appear before the Magistrate of
and after inquiry called upon to enter into my own recognizance to appear when required, do hereby bind myself to appear at , in the Court of , on the day of next (or on such day as I may hereafter be required to attend) to answer further to the said charge, and in case of my making default herein. I bind myself to forfeit to Government, the sum of rupees
Dated, this day of ,19 .
I hereby declare myself (or we jointly and severally declare ourselves and each of us) surety (or sureties) for the above said (name) that he shall attend at in the Court of , on the day of next (or on such day as he may hereafter be required to attend), further to answer to the charge pending against him, and, in case of his making default therein, I hereby bind myself (or we hereby bind ourselves) to forfeit to Government the sum of rupees.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(See section 170)
I, (name) of (place), do hereby bind myself to attend at in the Court of at o’clock on the day of next and then and there to prosecute (or to prosecute and give evidence) (or to give evidence) in the matter of a charge of against one A.B., and, in case of making default herein, I bind myself to forfeit to Government the sum of rupees
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(See section 206)
(Name of the accused)
of    (address)
WHEREAS your attendance is necessary to answer a charge of a petty offence (state shortly the offence charged), you are hereby required to appear in person (or by pleader) before (Magistrate) of on the day of 19 , or if you desire to plead guilty to the charge without appearing before the Magistrate, to transmit before the aforesaid date the plea of guilty in writing and the sum of rupees as fine, or if you desire to appear by pleader and to plead guilty through such pleader, to authorise such pleader in writing to make such a plea of guilty on your behalf and to pay the fine through such pleader. Herein fail not.
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)
(Note.-The amount of fine specified in this summons shall not exceed on hundred rupees.)
(See section 209)
The Magistrate of hereby gives notice that he has committed one for trial at the next Sessions; and the Magistrate hereby instructs the Public Prosecutor to conduct the prosecution of the said case.
The charge against the accused is that, etc. (state the offence as in the charge)
Dated, this day of ,19 .
(Seal of the Court)     (Signature)

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